Is this show worth watching? I have been sick the last few days and while I have been in bed I've seen two episodes of this show. It is pretty interesting so far and my question is does it get better and is it worth watching long term?
Is this show worth watching...
Not really.
So is Taliesin gay?
How is Matt cool with him literally constantly being all over Marisha, like all fucking over her
I'd say whether you're a GM or player you should watch a few episodes, around 5 is good. If by then you like Matt's GM style and would like to get a better understanding of it, watch another 5 or so. By then you understand how he does things, the things he is good at and in my experience it doesn't become too hard integrating that into your own GMing. Past that it's diminishing returns, I'd rather watch any other good GM (like Matt Colville, Perkins) than get a slightly better understanding of Mercer.
For pure entertainment, I think the show doesn't represent at all what D&D is and just feels like a sitcom at times, and the players aren't all that good and vary over time as well (Tiberius mostly). Beyond that, I don't like watching people just play D&D without having some purpose and would rather watch a system I haven't played yet or play, read, write etc., do other shit. If you really like just watching people play D&D and don't need anything beyond that it's probably one of the better shows but it does have some issues.
He has a girlfriend apparently, but he does seem really gay.
I'm 76 episodes in, so yes
Not OP, but this is good, fair advice. Thanks.
Can we get a general roleplaying show thread going?
What is the best show, and why is it Hardcore Heroes
"Tales from my D&D Campaign" was actually an amazing watch, I binged it all in two days.
I prefer the short condensed episodes with dense plot over people just doing slow progress over 3 hours.
Also i love the additional focus on worldbuilding, general GMing tips and making the best of 3.5's rules wirhout entering the realm of total cheese
It's pretty good, but it's not a great representation of a normal DnD game. It's really more an improvised stage show.
That said, watching other people just play DnD tends to be pretty boring anyway (to me at least).
Yes, it's worth watching. I'm the kind of person who can't sit still for more than an hour without going stir crazy, but I'll be able to watch an episode or two.
As says it can also be worthwhile to watch to glean some GMing advice.
Finally, yeah, it's really not representative of D&D because watching people actually play D&D would be boring as fuck
>see every show actually about people playing D&D
It's not a spectator friendly sport. A bunch of actors hamming it up with each other? Much more watchable.
>hamming it up
Christ the Percy resurrection shit was painful
Nobody and their third cousin never thought for a second he was going to die, 0 tension or stakes, but the waterworks were turned to max output
It was more annoying than anything
I watch episodes every now and then but when I heard Percy died I thought "Wow that's pretty cool. Wonder what Taelsin will roll up next." A few minutes after the fact I remembered wait a minute fucking Pike died before and came back. Find out next week they ressurrect Percy. It'd be nice if death could have some meaning in games.
Since pretty much everything that needs saying about Critical Role has been said, can we turn this into a recommendations thread?
I really want to find APs of weirder systems. I'd rather avoid DnD if possible.
>It'd be nice if death could have some meaning in games.
they will pull a death an return of superman once their subs stop subbing due to the nearly 2 month long audio issues
If i remember correctly, after the successful rolls for resurrection, it was actually up to taliesin whether percy came back
Guess he wanted to keep being percy
Note that Taliesin said that they (the rest of the party) had to convince Percy to come back to life, even if the ritual would have succeeded otherwise.
It was basically Vex confessing her love for Percy that made him come back. If the party didn't convince Percy then he'd have passed on.
And Taliesin does have a girlfriend. He's just a goth.
Scanlan, Grog, and Matt are the only reasons to watch.
You forgot the occasional pike appearance
this. everyone else ranges from pointless to painful. the balance is such that I've watched a bunch of episodes but feel completely ambivalent about watching more
What's the best D&D podcast to binge?
Note: a lot of the cast has a theatre background along with their voice actor experience, so they know how to act a bit and how to respect personal spaces outside of in-character scenes. Not to mention they're all good friends by now and know what each other is comfortable doing.
i want laura to sit on my face
The only reason to watch this show is to lose your last miniscule speck of faith in humanity before killing yourself. It is a gathering of hipster nu-males and screeching whores they plop at a table, add a ton of boring shit on the screen, and then proceed to laugh autistically over inane shit for 2.5 hours. It is basically a RoosterTeeth video, except with a D&D session attached. These people are the biggest faggots on the planet. Matt Mercer's homebrew is shit, he's passable at best as a DM, and the women can't do anything except make fart / period jokes because they are disgusting whores. The other fat-asses aren't much better and are likely just there for the free attention and a chance at scoring with used up voice actress cunts.
If you spend your free time watching D&D, it is because you are a fucking social reject. Because you clearly cannot find a game. Because if you could find a game you would not be watching 2 to 3 hour episodes of these fags' "banter". I cannot think of anything more boring than watching some other people I don't give a fuck about, playing D&D. I'd rather paint my toenails with my dick cheese. What a fucking waste of time. I seriously hope Critical Role charters a bus and the bus crashes and they all fucking die. I am not even memeing, I fucking hate these cocksuckers, they are more obxnoious than the Yogscast/Roosterteeth, and they are flooding our hobby with these autistic youtube gaming addicts who will fuck up your D&D campaign and whine that it should be more like Skyrim.
Somebody's triggered.
Her cheekbones are disgustingly plump and make it look like she is sneering, and her eyes are the color of the shit-stained frog I ran over with my bike when I was 8. Poor froggy. Honestly I don't blame you for wanting her to sit on your face because then you wouldn't have to look at her ugly one.
> vex and vax twins
Jesus Christ it's like a fucking Dr Seuss story.
> She was also the first player to roll a 1—while attempting to convince the tavern crowd that she should replace Balgus in a fight against Trinket.
I like Vax sometimes since he seems like he wants to move the plot along.
whoa man, no need to get triggered by a girl playing DnD
No fucking shit I'm triggered. I fucking hate these people. My gay-ass friend forced me to watch this shit for half an hour. Literally nothing happened in the game, they just made autistic jokes. He was really excited to show it to me so I couldn't be a fucking dick and say to turn it off. I spaced out after a good 5 minutes, and faded in and out after that. Such crap. If the girls had worn low cut shirts it might have been salvageable but they didn't and they aren't even that hot anyway. Then he put on some RoosterTeeth video where they play a video game where you are a baby shitting on passerby from an apartment window. Literally the most juvenile garbage I have ever seen. Then we went back to Critical Role until I lied to him that my mother had texted me saying she was in the hospital, left his house, blocked his number, and never went over to his place again.
I like the whole mini character arc he had that lead to him taking levels in paladin
Multiclassing for story reasons is so much better than doing it for mechamical reasons
holy shit, m8 calm down. No one is forcing you to watch it. What did they do to you ti get you so triggered user? Did Matt fuck your GF or something?
user you could have grown a pair and told this person you don't give a fuck about it. Instead of being a little bitch,leaving and blocking the faggot's number.
I think he's just jealous Matt's fucking Marisha, Traivs is fucking Laura and he can't get any.
> Did Matt fuck your GF or something?
I would rather watch that, than watch Critical Role. Honestly, it's such dumb shit, the plot is terrible and hardly moves, and honestly even if it was good I am not so sad and pathetic as to be reduced to fucking WATCHING other people play D&D, when I could be fucking playing it myself. Anyone on Veeky Forums who can't find a group, is their own damn fault. Unless you live in the middle of literal nowhere, you have no fucking excuse. You are no different than /r9k/ fags refusing to take a shower and whining about their lack of girlfriend. Take some goddamn initiative, no pun intended. Go to the local library and put up a flier. Ask your friends, maybe teach them the system. That's how people used to be into RPGs.
> b-but muh 70 hour a week job
> b-but muh chilluns
> b-but muh social anxiety.
Your own damn fault.
> b-but I can't find a group IRL
> b-but I don't have an FLGS nearby
> b-but small town
All fixable if you actually grow a pair of balls and put some effort into finding a group.
There you go! Now you can have fun adventures with your new RPG group instead of wasting countless hours watching hipsters you'll never talk to making shitty jokes, in your failed attempt to fill the void inside your heart.
I don't care about girls playing D&D. But this woman is a terrible roleplayer and isn't much to look at. I don't see much value she could have beyond that.
I find it weird too, but they just got engaged so i guess hes 100% ok with it.
Worth watching if you start around Ep. 26 or 27. The layout and sound quality are all tolerable by that point, and a new plot arc begins with little prior knowledge needed.
>5 British accents coming and going
>One confused old man voice
>One dumb brute voice
Jesus Christ this GIGA triggered user.
One of the Periscope(?) vids shows them the three of them hanging out in pajamas. they're comfortable with eachother I guess.
British accents coming and going
there only 3 of those
She'll always be sexual to me for playing Lust.
What's wrong with their faces?
>user you could have grown a pair and told this person you don't give a fuck about it.
I could have but he would have mewled on about "well but it's so entertaining" like he always does with this shit, he literally cannot comprehend why I don't want to watch these faggot RoosterTeeth people. So I just decided I'd had enough of his mewling guilt trips and left him.
I really don't understand the popularity of these things. One of my other friends is into one of these D&D podcasts, but fortunately he's just been sending links to me and I've been pretending I watched it by skimming the episode summaries on their website and nodding along when he asks me about specific parts. He's a dumb fucker too so he believes anything I say. I guess dumb sheep like watching shows like this because it means they can avoid being creative like an actual roleplaying game requires of them. Pretty fucking sad in my opinion. Mostly because they could probably develop that creativity if they stopped watching a shitty show with shitty people about playing a shitty game, and actually got into a real RPG and learned to play it themselves.
But no, they would rather sit in their rooms and cackle every time the fat bald faggot rolls a natural 20 and that means he farts on the mighty ogre and kills it instantly with a poisonous fart of doom.
Fuck Critical Role.
> projecting
Also this Marisha bitch looks stuck up as fuck, she probably doesn't even do anal.
>every single arguments includes the looks of the women on the show
dude i will literally buy you a whore to lose your virginity to if you can objectively tell me why you dont like this show without referring to the looks of the women
kerosene yourself for me
>One of the Periscope(?) vids shows them the three of them hanging out in pajamas. they're comfortable with eachother I guess.
Yeah of course they are given the kind of autistic RPG shit they do in front of each other. It really isn't funny, nor is it real roleplaying. It's scripted bullshit meant solely to make the audience laugh. That's not roleplaying, that's comedy, and you know what? I have a fucking problem with that. It is training newcomers to the hobby to make jokes at the expense of the story, and to place their own individual fun above all else. The result is five or six retards all competing for the spotlight at each others' expense. Yeah they might collaborate to build character backstories but they are for cheap lulz. This is not deep storytelling. This is not even storytelling, it's some cunt running his unpublishable fantasy novel in the background to these morons running around haphazardly and taking 20 minutes just to get through a campsite scene because they are so thoroughly absorbed in their infantile banter.
I'd rather watch RoosterTeeth while threading barbed wire through my ass and urethra.
Yeah she might be sexual in that I could like to cut off her head and fuck her vagina meat so long as I don't have to look at her ugly face. I knew a girl like that in high school and every time I saw her I fantasized about her being crushed under the school bleachers when they collapsed. The gym teacher was killed instead. I consider this proof that god does not exist.
If you want to listen to two guys talk about old out of print RPGs for an hour, go look up System Mastery. It's hilarious and has introduced me to quite a few games I'd never have heard of otherwise. Most of the games suck but a few end up getting recommended and they always finish up by talking about their favourite and least favourite parts of the game. They have 82 reviews out so far, tons of listener mail answer segments, and new episodes come out every two weeks. If you want something to listen to while jogging or working out they're fabulous.
I literally could not get through the first episode.
>she probably doesn't even give head
are you ok?
I know a lot of people here shit on Adam Koebel for dungeon world or something, but I really dig his way of prompt-heavy DMing. Just finished Balance of Power (Dark Side) and enjoyed the fuck out of it.
>Mostly because they could probably develop that creativity if they stopped watching a shitty show with shitty people about playing a shitty game, and actually got into a real RPG and learned to play it themselves. I think people watch it for the same reason people watch any other sport. They find some sort of entertainment out of it. I usually watch people play RPGs to try to better understand the system or see different group dynamics.
>Yeah of course they are given the kind of autistic RPG shit they do in front of each other. It really isn't funny, nor is it real roleplaying.
So you're saying you've never been apart of a group who fucked around with each other instead of being solely focused on the game ? D&D's a social gathering, people joke around or whatever.
>t's some cunt running his unpublishable fantasy novel in the background to these morons running around haphazardly and taking 20 minutes just to get through a campsite scene because they are so thoroughly absorbed in their infantile banter.
So literally every other gamer group.
>Yeah she might be sexual in that I could like to cut off her head and fuck her vagina meat so long as I don't have to look at her ugly face. I knew a girl like that in high school and every time I saw her I fantasized about her being crushed under the school bleachers when they collapsed. The gym teacher was killed instead. I consider this proof that god does not exist
is that way
>20 minutes just to get through a campsite scene
>mfw I've had entire sessions spent on camp shenanigans
holy shit
>>mfw I've had entire sessions spent on camp shenanigans
>tfw I wish I had more camp shenanigans
bad tg is mad about people have fun playing game
I find it hilarious you have spent 20 minutes bitching about this one time you watched an episode for 30 minutes.
On a side note, I have a friend who wanted me to watch Heroes & Halfwits with him. I half payed attention for 3 episodes over the course of a few weeks before we just stopped watching it. He mentioned to me wanting to watch again, but we haven't actually. I find just find it really boring.
As far as your comment on watching other people play a game; I can appreciate that a session that I am in will not be the same storyline as a session that someone else is in, or if they are playing a module that I have played or will play that there will be a different flavor than a game I am in. It's no different from watching an episode of something on TV. Sometimes you feel like playing, other times you feel like watching.
As for your comment of, that the only reason you shouldn't be in a game is for living in the middle of nowhere. That's a load of crap, places like roll20 exist for people who live in the middle of nowhere. Although, I find it absolutely amazing the number of people who will put up with people they don't like, or a game that they aren't enjoying, for the sake of being in a game. There are plenty of games out there.
>not wanting to watch ugly bitches make unfunny jokes for 3 hours per episode, makes me a virgin
Well anyway you could just read the other parts of my post where I mention that simply watching a D&D podcast in the first place is incredibly fucking boring and not engaging at all. The jokes are not funny to anyone but them, they are mostly shit- and piss-related jokes that aren't funny to anyone over 14. Fart jokes, too.
They autistically worship "le ebin natural twenty" to the point where I want to load a metal d20 into a musket and fire it through their fucking skulls. It's not even funny when it happens, either.
They attack an illithid with a bucket of shit, they talk about shitting in random parts of the dungeon, they randomly mention shitting their own pants. Is this how Redditor hipster fucks talk? with this weird obsession with defecation? Honestly just stupid and disgusting and cringeworthy. inb4 you try to act all cool and laidback because you laughed at their shit jokes, and make me out to be pretentious. I'm not. I just don't enjoy adults making fecal humor, it's just childish and shows a lack of creativity.
Mercer is also fucking terrible at running combat, and is at best passable at narration. In real life this would make him a decent DM; on the show, it makes him fucking awful. Because honestly when you are engaged in the game it is far, far better. When you are sitting there watching some other autistics roleplay on a screen and getting none of the core benefits of an RPG out of it.... why? Just fucking why? Some one tracked the damage these fuckers have taken and apparently "friendly fire" is second only to fire itself as the damage they have taken most. Fuck these people, fuck them raw in their asses, with a splintering old broom. They are engraining newcomers to this hobby with their stupid chaotic randumb bullshit, giving us a horde of babbling retards to deal with who will think these antics are acceptable in a real game
>inb4 I get corrected with it's paid not payed
>I know a lot of people here shit on Adam Koebel for dungeon world or something, but I really dig his way of prompt-heavy DMing.
Pretty much any decent DM does this and has been doing this since long before Dungeon World was invented. Stop acting like Adam Koebel invented anything. His DMing style is nothing special, he's just actually competent at it. He's also a lazy fuck who makes the players worldbuild for him then acts like it's a genius game design idea. Nice job Adam.
Why would I not be okay?
Fuck off.
> user thinks saying "ITT" makes your post a wise and cutting observation when in reality it is way off mark.
Good try though.
so, are you actually autistic?
do you read novels?
Have you ever been to the theatre? watched or read a stage play?
Have you had many tabletop role playing experiences that were not centered around yourself (or, your character even?)
The problem is you. It's OK to not like a thing. But what you post here, what you choose to pick out, it all indicates a serious empathy/sympathy issue.
Well, see, that would be fine, except at least when you are doing this it is with your own group and is actually enjoyable. Critical Role is like watching videos of a roller coaster instead of building your own roller coaster with a couple hours of a work that you can ride for free as much as you want.
oh wait, this is just virt, isn't it
fuck. I was having fun, too
Find cover before he explodes.
Yeah I read novels, which are actually entertaining and competently written. Same with plays.
Similarly, I have been in roleplaying experiences not centered around myself. But see I was actually invested in those because i was part of them. I am not part of critical role. No one is. I have no say in what happens, which is half the fucking point of sitting around a table playing pretend like a 10 year old except with dice.
> It's OK to not like a thing.
Holy shit go back to reddt...
> ut what you post here, what you choose to pick out, it all indicates a serious empathy/sympathy issue.
Literal bullshit, you don't have a psychology degree so you cannot make these kinds of judgments. So basically you are wrong about anything you might say on the subject.
>D&D is a social gathering
Yeah it's a social gathering of means to an end, the end being enjoying the game and creating a fun story. See the two are intertwined for most people, otherwise you might as well play a fucking board game.
> So literally every other gamer group.
You've never played in a gaming group that wasn't run by a railroading GM and six morons who spend the entire time talking about anime and fecal matter? Sad.
I have, and it's a fun experience. Why would I watch the lowest kind of group, the kind that Veeky Forums bitches about in That Guy threads, go on for 3 hours? It's not even good cringe. I'd watch a D&D podcast of serious that guy's creating massive social awkwardness. That would actually be fun. This is just bland, boring juvenile bullshit on the tune of Rick and Morty and that RoosterTeeth youtube channel.
How's The Adventure Zone?
what you just did there, that's called breaking.
you just made the case against everything you previously claimed
ps, i can make these judgements.
pps that whole shit about ' no one being a part of critical role' yeah that's that pervasive lack of empathy again
>Yeah it's a social gathering of means to an end
seek help
You're not supposed to take the red pill as a suppository buddy.
>You've never played in a gaming group that wasn't run by a railroading GM and six morons who spend the entire time talking about anime and fecal matter? Sad.
What I meant by every other group is DM works hard to build a world and players sometimes get sidetracked by other shit.
Critical Roll is bland and inoffensive, I find it interesting how you have this much of an autistic rage over it,
> i don't want to watch some boring faggots play a shitty RPG
> therefore I lack empathy
So because you don't want to watch some 5 year old african child pick his nose, means you lack empathy as well?
>ps, i can make these judgements.
No you can't, fuckwit, not until you post your psychology degree with a timestamp. Until then, any and all judgments you make as to my mental health, are bullshit. That's just pure fact. In fact I believe if this were in a real life conversation I could have you sued and/or arrested for attempting to practice medicine without a license. So you best back off buddy. You are saying some pretty damn dangerous things right now.
See above. Also how the fuck is wanting to enjoy ACtuAlly PlAYING D&D instead of just autistic laughter over stupid shit, mean i should seek help? At least I actually seek to get something out of my social interaction. If I wanted autistic faggotry I'd watch Critical Role.
>If I wanted autistic faggotry I'd watch Critical Role
Please never watch the show, Not even Veeky Forums could withstand the levels of autistic faggotry you'd ascend to if you acquired any more.
>complains about autistic faggotry
>without a hint of irony
Hey, Veeky Forums, do you prefer your podcasts edited or uncut?
I think there are benefits to both, but more often than not, I tend to go for edited streams because there's a lot of dull, random bits of ttrpg podcasts (and actual tabletop games) that aren't engaging enough to keep me focused on whats going on.
The only unedited stuff I usually watch is RPPR (Role Playing Public Radio) and sometimes live streams. I managed to watch a full stream of some people playing Tomb of Horrors, for example, but that's probably because of the entertainment of watching people trudge through Tomb of Horror's.
> i don't want to watch some boring faggots play a shitty RPG
> therefore I lack empathy
>So because you don't want to watch some 5 year old african child pick his nose, means you lack empathy as well?
You seem to be conflating /desire/ with /understanding/
just because you watched a kid pick his nose doesnt meant you want to, but it it might mean you can understand picking your nose as a child. or maybe. /if/ you were a child, might you pick your nose, in africa?
you're a fucking joke, and a sad one. honestly, just kill yourself and donate the money, dont even bother getting help.
I'd say edited is better if the dm and players can't keep things engaging
If i have to listen to monotone droning for hours i'm gonna fall asleep, no question
Was D&diesel any good?
it suffered from getting cut short. literally an hour+ game got cut down to 20 minutes for some reason i dont remember.
Vin Diesel is just as awful at playing a character in a tabletop game as anything else
He's been playing D&D most of his life, moron
he has his fucking highschool characters name tattooed on his chest you little shit
his father ran a theatre company, he's been acting since he could talk.
As somebody who does like Crit Role, I couldn't make it more than 5 mins in before the cringe overwhelmed me. The whole setup felt too masturbatory for him.
Has he ever played anything other than Himself But More Badass?
How long ago did he stop?
Iron Giant and Groot
most of his movies tend to be Melkor movies so, chicken or egg.
still plays, and WoW last i heard.
jesus christ, how do you fucks now know he even wrote introductions for MULTIPLE D&D books, even the 30th? Anniversary bullshit book.
No. It really isn't.
The DM sucks, the players suck, the setting is generic, and EVERYTHING is derivative as all hell.
Normies and millennials love it, but it's NOT GOOD.
What a coincidence those my two favourite roles played by Vin Diesel.
What would you recommend?
>run a D&D show
>make it not generic D&D
man i dont even like this show but, fuck me
I was making a joke about " he's been acting since he could talk", but forces me to retract that
I can't insult the man behind the iron giant
he's literally been involved with stage acting and roleplaying his entire life.
Did you... Did you not get user's joke?
probably not, is he a native english speaker?
I found some saltines. I think this episode Scanlan does something lewd at Pike.
Didn't Pike reject Scanlan or something?