>I live for my kids
>work a job you love and you never work a day in your life
>everyone should go to college and get their paper keys
ITT things poor people say
This is the funniest pepe i have ever laid eyes upon idk why this image is so hilarious to me
>take out your initial investment
>free healthcare
>socialism is good
>money doesnt make you happy
>your home is an investment
Things poor people do:
>Make threads about poor people habits
>Mock poor people to feel better
>Call university and education a scam they can succeed without
Shameless /thread
Spot the poorfag
>I live for my kids
>work a job you love and you never work a day in your life
nothing wrong here
>reproducing when you're poor or working class
>nothing wrong
Kill yourself
>>everyone should go to college and get their paper keys
desu I feel sorry for people who never experienced this, best years of my life
>being this dead on the inside
This is a great pepe
And take out ini invest is a great one
I'm just a realist fampai
Don't kys btw
>being NEET is doing it right
>spare any change?
>bought my condo in 2003 for $122k
>zillow says its worth the exact amount today
>stupid wageslaves
>crypto is my only way out of poverty
>i'll use my student loans on a trip to Europe
>you saved $1000? wow you're rich now you're buying drinks this weekend, mr. grinch
>I love my new iPhone, just $40 per month with financing
It's fine to lose your crypto wallet keys
fucking millenials I hate my generation so much
>everyone should go to college and get their paper keys
Never heard that one before, where are you from OP?
From a social environment in which he did not get educated enough to understand the power of cultural capital in the social reproduction of the elites.
My bet is that OP is 17, from Vermont USA, or Minesota, has 0.2 BTC and 300 Link, and his single mom tells him to stop spending so much time on his computer and go look for a job because high school is almost over for him.
>You know, there's no such thing as a get rich quick scheme, user.
>don't forget to interest for retirement in a 401k
Not until the next and expected market crash when I buy up some cheap property off the next idiot that didn't see this coming for the 500th time.
> hey guys, have I showed you my LINK collection
IF you can buy it cash without taking out a mortgage, it can be a good investment.
Taking your cost of living down to just utilities and property tax is a huge savings that you can then put towards other investments.
poorfag confirmed
>Wagecucks slave all day, all week, all month, all year, all their life
>Boss shits on them
>Earn maybe ~5K a month on average
>Have to pay a big piece of it to the government overlords
Why don't they fucking revolt holy shit can you imagine an existence like that
How old are you?
What's the alternative besides buying Bitcoin or ETH at $1?
I've been in crypto since June and only made about 5k and feel the bubble is going to pop any single day.
>rich friend buys an apartment downtown
>in 2 years it's worth almost 30% more
Post your wallet/account balance with timestamp or shut up forever
>buying an apartment
Lol 5 grand per month? Try 2 grand tops.
What wrong with that? My parents brought a apt for 300k that is now worth over 1.5 million.
Depends on location. 5k per month is the minimum needed to live in my city
>unironically posting screenshot of 31K euro as proof he's not a poorfag
literal poorfag
>not paying cash, renting it out and getting based free income for life
>not doing this serially
>implying my entire net worth is in ETH
>implying I have the will to log into my bank account to take a screenshot instead of my already open metamask
>implying 31000€ is not more than the average annual income in western europe
>implying you provided any proof to be richer