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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
>Previously on JumpChain!
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
>Previously on JumpChain!
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Posting for posterity.
You jumper opens their fridge. What's inside?
... I rolled Raildex as my second jump after Pokemon.
Someone lie to me and tell me how to live please.
Bread, Meat, Cheese, and lots of ingredients for baked goods.
I love baking.
Well first off don't take imagine breaker. Let's start with that.
Okay so here is the deal. You take clairvoyant, the stuff that goes well with it, hard science, and the perk that makes everything like slice of life. If you stay drop in you even get a complete series works of this bullshit so you know when to bug out. Choose drawbacks wisely. Avoid plot and death while training esper abilities.Possibly hoard supplies in the warehouse for when shit hits the fan.
It's probably the fridge full of blood I picked up in V:TM.
Rolled 6 (1d8)
12. Spice and Wolf
Age 21
To Pass The Time
A Friendly Face (800)
Silver Tongued Devil (500)
A Friendly Deity (Miranda, Bigby, and Alonne) (100)
Sturdy Cart (0)
Exceptional Wine (-200)
Barrel of Apples (-300)
The Peasant Way, Well Known (0)
This was basically a vacation, after the horrors of a 24-hour, 365 days a year convention and being forced into becoming a Henshin hero. I wheeled, I dealed, I did an ungodly amount of walking. SO MUCH walking.
Miranda's a cat, Bigby's a wolf (of course), and Sir Alonne is a bull.
1. Sonichu
2. Rust
3. Demon Souls
4. Undertale
5. Megaman Classic
6. CATastrophe
7. Dragon's Crown
I need a replacement, but I'll go ahead and roll anyways. Here's what I've done so far: pastebin.com
Thanksgiving leftovers.
Get the Media Collection. Have them spawn inside the warehouse and do not, for any reason, open it while inside Academy City. Crowley has nanomachines saturating the place, which gives him a direct feed to... basically everywhere there, and he'll probably be mighty interested in such an extradimensional space or interesting manga.
Get far away as soon as you can (without throwing up warning signs), THEN open the Warehouse to get your meta knowledge going.
Then... well, I hope you fanwank plot armor/inertia still being a thing.
As I recall, Reploid said that if you took Student and Slice of Life and didn’t look for the plot, you could basically treat the jump as a slice of life series.
Haven't gotten into the series, but what I've learn from previous threads.
>Don't Interrupt Crowley's kekaku.
>Accelerator is bullshit, don't bother with him.
>All the magicians are crazy and dangerous, stay far away from them.
...when did I get a fridge?
Mostly stuff that could be turned into sandwiches, thanks to that one option from Scooby-Doo. I've probably got some of my blood in there too, because thanks to Bloodborne we all basically use it like healing potions, and except in emergencies I don't want people to drink it from me.
Is there anyway to upgrade a sword or other such weapon that you already have/own?
Slime Rancher!
I'll throw Zerg/ Princess Bride in there as well.
Be good at enchanting? Other than doing it yourself there are a lot of import weapon options in the chain.
Bayonetta and God of War's stand out.
Enchantment from King Arthur is awesome...
Several, actually! There's a few jumps that let you import weapons and give them a bunch of nifty features and functions. A few of note are God of War, Akame Ga Kill, Bayonetta, and The Avengers. There's more I don't recall off the top of my head. For just upgrading a weapon, just do some personal modifications or toss it into the Item World in Disgaea.
There's a lot more ways I am probably forgetting. Experiment, and search!
Those work, thanks user, Gaunlet, and Heavens-
>Item world
What's that?
Use something like Legacy of Use from Smite, perhaps?
>that picture
I know it's Final Fantasy, but that is basically the biggest How Not To Sword since the gunblade. They really are lost in their own ego, aren't they?
The Item World is a feature of Disgaea. The short of it is that you actually enter an item's 'world' (hence the name) and defeat a bunch of monsters representing its impurities and imperfections. The short of it is that the deeper you go into an item's world, and the more monsters there you defeat, the stronger the item gets.
Thing is, this goes both ways. Stronger weapons have even stronger opponents in them. So tossing a sword you got at the dollar store is an easy dungeon crawl until you've upgraded it enough, while throwing in Excalibur The Supreme Blade of Crimson Justice will probably result in you fighting godlike monsters en masse.
Basically, dungeon crawl to make weapons and items even better.
Yeah I know. But some universes seem to run on pure ego rather than any kind of realistic physics.
Actually, more than a few. Enough that I keep a guitar/scythe/axe in my inventory.
Ah, here we are: archive.4plebs.org
>There's no 'take it easy, you're a student' kind of background like in the Magic side.
It’s a bit garbled, but if you read what else Reploid says in that thread:
>Not really. You can completely miss everything like Misaka Mikoto does. Generally, you won't interact with the Magic side much if you keep your head down on the Science side. With the Science side, you can lie low and just collect your level 4/5 at the end of the ten years. But you'll be in the thick of things with the Magic side jump.
>Wouldn't need to try much. Just eat your veggies, go to school, be a good boy/girl and wait for the MCs to bail you out if you get in trouble. And take some conveniently timed holidays too.
>Go join Judgment. You'll be pretty safe while getting your thrills. Unless you pull a Kuroko, that is.
It seems Students can stay out of danger.
I could use that as well.
Oh, okay, that's pretty cool. I can work with that.
A psyren jump would be hella cool
I'll take Slime Rancher and Princess Bride; thanks user!
13. CATastrophe
Age 16
High-Tech Settlement
Shiny Hunter (950)
Shinies Galore
Dog's Ear
Reflexive Instincts (550)
Biggest Boat (150)
Advanced Rebreather (-50)
Good Rod (-100)
1,000,000,000,000 Old Rods (FREE)
Drawbacks: Slightly Feral (0)
You might be wondering why I bought a trillion Old Rods. Mostly, it was because I wanted to see if the Benefactor would honor it, and how he would do it. But mostly I just wanted to see what would happen.
When I told him what I wanted, I could have sworn that, for a moment, a flicker of rage passed across his face, before being replaced by his usual calm expression. He chuckled, snapped his fingers, and I was in this oceanic world, with a new life time of memories as a dog boy in my head. I was on board my yacht, the S.S. Sprungkette, feeling slightly thirsty in the aftermath of a massive party that I had thrown the previous night. Heading down to the kitchen, I found an old bamboo fishing rod tucked away in the refrigerator. I threw it out a nearby window, not thinking that anything was wrong- that some party-goer had shoved it in there as a joke- and not seeing anything I liked, I closed the fridge door. I paced, gave it some thought, lowered my standards, and opened the fridge again.
Inside was another fishing rod.
You need to understand that if people were actually pragmatic and did things sensibly and made good use of their lives, jc wouldn't exist.
I concede the point. Then again if people were actually pragmatic and did things sensibly there's a lot of things that wouldn't exist.
Rolled 8 (1d8)
My sorrows were only just beginning; over the coming days, weeks, months, years I found more and more of these simple bamboo rods. I'd find them in cupboards and stacked on the shelves in my Warehouse; sitting in chairs and lying in beds; sometimes when I fished with nets I brought up nothing but rods. Once, I opened the door to the bathroom only to find that it was absolutely packed with rods, floor to ceiling, nothing but rods. My companions helped me get rid of them all, of course, but after a certain point we just gave up. Even Alonne, loyal as he is, lost the will to do the task when he awoke to find his armor standing over him, held up by fishing rods and lines. After a while, I stopped keeping track of how many there were, as the full weight of my hubris came over me. When the Jump finally ended, I asked the Benefactor if it was finally over.
He told me no, that there were still billions of rods left that I had "paid" for, and that it wouldn't be fair if he cheated me out of them.
He added that, after a while, he actually started to enjoy making them by hand.
1. Sonichu
2. Rust
3. Demon Souls
4. Undertale
5. Megaman Classic
6. Slime Rancher
7. Dragon's Crown
8. Princess Bride
Could dimensional travel let you flee a dangerous Item World in a hurry?
Anyway I'm going to be posting these for a final review.
Powers for Fullbringer are usable outside of you default self. As you can access that shit in and out of spirit form with no problems.
Also Hajime no Ippo Jump when? If we have it already I can't find it on the Drive.
And now for the Jump proper.
Now on to the big part. I really wanna thank you guys for all the feedback I got for this one!
I've actually been working on one. Mainly want to finish up the jumps I've been working on before though. Finished my uni exams so I've finally got some free time.
Can we take the Fifth Step without going taking the perk? Also, would a human based hollow become an angel hollow or something?
Would you call this jumpable?
>Can we take the Fifth Step without going taking the perk?
Yeah if you can figure it out or learn it from Yata, he's the dude who's working on it.
>Also, would a human based hollow become an angel hollow or something?
I would but that's why I post on Thread, I want their opinion.
I'mma be a Carp! And get Fifth-Step!
We Eastern Dragon Now.
So if we just take Merging, we lose the powers of a host body if we take another host, but if we take it with Aspect Manifestation we consume them and gain their powers permanently?
Does the base level of your power/ability influence your growth rate? Asking mainly in regards to Physical Boost and A Guide Through the Inferno.
Jump 214: Xena/Hercules: The Legendary Journeys
>Three of Pentacles (Works): The constructive use of creative talents, and the expression of artistry in workmanship.
Well, sometimes the cards fit disturbingly well. Sometimes... not even related to the jump itself.
>Age: 21
>Location: Cheiron's Academy
>Identity: Demogid (-200)
>Drawbacks: To The Fairest (+600)
I intend to try and take a third option with these decisions as often as I can... because if I'm going to get dicked over by Greek gods, I may as well make sure that both parties are angry at me instead of just one.
>Historical Accuracy (1300)
At least now I'll be able to figure out what idiocy I can expect that ISN'T in mythology. Because there's plenty. Like some crazy black haired chick with a frisbee and lesbian subtext.
>Beneath Notice (1100)
...and next up for the 'perk immediately torpedoed by the drawback' award...
>Sidekick O' The Gods (700)
This seems kind of backward, since I would imagine I'd share THEIR things, but... let's be honest, I'm the lead actor here. At least it'll help with passive resistances with companions.
>Always Prepared (600)
Wow. This is an incredibly useful perk. Definitely keeping it.
>Epic Pecs (Free, Demigod)
Always an 8/10 minimum, hm? But does this apply to cryptid forms? Sounds dangerous. 'ooh, that slendy is so smexy i'mma stab my friends for him'.
Wait. Didn't that actually happen?
>In The Blood (500, Demigod)
Oh god I'm going to be that guy from alldaylong.swf just running around endlessly.
>Foot In The Door (300, Demigod)
Never hurts to be able to get people to at least take a moment to listen. Plenty of people will change their mind if they're given an option that they don't see. Not all, by far, but many.
>Worthy of Legend (0, Demigod)
My legend is going to be 'this was a guy running about and helping people, but even nice guys can get dicked over by the gods'. Because that's how the stories went sometimes. I'm sure it'll be blamed on my hubris.
I'm pretty sure on my last day of the jump I'm just going to start the slaughter. Greek gods are too stupid to live.
Fighting the urge to pod Not-Hercules. DISAPPOINTED!
You gain the ability to use them as an Aspect at will yes.
Only if you are talking about Unique Power. Otherwise you're just learning how to use the power you have better, as in it doesn't grow stronger. A Guide Through the Inferno can't be a choice for Unique Power, though I guess you could use Guide Through the Inferno as a jumping board if you get what I mean.
Sadly I'm having trouble thinking of a good Unique Power, but I'm considering just upgrading High-Speed Regeneration to Unique Power. Because that level of Regeneration becomes absolutely insane.
So if you somehow steel the metalminds used for a feruchemic-allomantic loop, does that render its user powerless, or will the Lord Ruler not be defeated so easily?
What perks would help with making an powerful conspiracy such as the Templar's from Assassin's Creed?
I'm pretty sure there's a set of perk in that very jump that can do that.
It renders them powerless. That's how they defeated the Lord Ruler in canon. Pulled the gold and atium piercings that he used to maintain his health and youth out of him, and he just withered away.
So A Guide Through the Inferno is just a bonus at the beginning, and doesn't necessarily make you any stronger as a vasto lorde, for instance?
Groovy. Thanks, user.
Yes, but are there other, better ones?
Ah, okay that's what you meant. Yeah that'll influence your baseline, I thought you were talking about attaching A Guide to Unique Power as if it were a power. No you're right that does increase your baseline higher.
Infernals should have something for that once it comes out.
It's demon flavored, but you could probably spin it in a different direction in each jump.
Yeah my bad I worded that question strangely. I'm probably taking sixty-six million, so I was wondering whether that initial boost would help out in the long run.
What perks would I need to start making a weapon or set of armor that sunders nearly anything that hits it?
It would indeed.
Do you want it to be powerless against someone not wielding a weapon?
Oh, so by baseline you mean 'level of growth' or how much your stats grow by x amount of training.
100 Pointers are free for their Origin right? Not just discounted?
Baseline is basically what you start out that and improve.
Yep, sorry I didn't note that did I?
Jump #120 Megaman Classic
Stage Select: Protomen
Age: 37
Background: Doctor (100)
*Basic Robotics (0)
*Enhanced I.C. Chips (100, Discount)
*Weaponisation (200, Discount)
*Elemental Affinity – Sonic (400)
*Robot Master Builder (300, Discount)
*Civilian Mode (100)
*Light capsule (0)
*Metall (200)
*Sniper Joe (200)
*Sons of Fate (+600)
I had my work cut out for me here. Not only did I have to inspire a revolt against Wily but I had to restore my sister’s confidence after being kidnapped and used as a weapon against us last jump.
Thankfully she is very good at inspiring others due to the bardic abilities she got from me.
I made sure to give her big roles as I began to ferment unrest. We told stories often based on my travels of people rising up to overthrow tyranny. We also worked to do a little sabotage of the services Wily provided. He had managed to get people comfortable and so they gave their freedom to him for protection and comfort. When his comforts failed and his robots started attacking each other people became less comfortable.
Fear slowly started to turn to anger. Wily could sense it and started cracking down hard but he was just a bit too late. He had beaten people down so much they stopped being afraid and got angry.
I wasn’t the one who threw the first rock or set the first building on fire but I created the atmosphere for it… and maybe sabotaged a few robots so that the protesters actually had a chance to act.
My sister regained her confidence and I was able to give humanity back its will to fight.
Did you redeem Protoman? I imagine mankind fighting for itself on its' own would give him hope again, and Dr. Light would definitely give permission for Mega to go out and kick Wily's ass. Combine Megaman, Protoman, and the people, plus maybe you and your companions and Wily would be kissing his ass goodbye.
German Hollow Quest-
Rolled for 23
Improved Death Aspect(Rage)
Improved Animal Physiology(Carp)
A Guide Through the Inferno
Free A Wretched State
Discount Crutches are made for those who need them- Training!
Discount Blitzkrieg- You have no idea how many 'super modes' I have. I'm pretty sure I have most of them availible in the chain already.
The Fifth Step- As the Carp climbed the Waterfall he fell and fell many times, but pushed onwards until success. And when he jumped over the crest into the river above he changed, and where once was a mere Carp, a Dragon swam.
Discount Vanaheimr
Hogyoku Treatmentx2
Sixrt-Six Million+200
And I Love the Looks on your faces when I tell you that...+600- Sixty-Six million years, dear god I'm old now.
Hollow Powers Supplement-
Free Unique Power- When my Rage is channeled into a Righteous Fury it acts as a Super Mode against those who are 'evil'
Free Physical Boost, Boost it twice
Discount High Speed Regeneration
Customized Look
This look good to you Gaunlet? I had a hard time coming up with a GOOD Unique Power, but I think mine fits both my personal themes, my Death Aspect, and the whole Wisdom thing that Eastern Dragons are connected to.
OH! I almost forgot.
I used a Blue Flower to waifu a second Harribel.
This is good.
>Blue Flower
Pic Related
Laugh all you want, I have TWO Harribels now.
It was just pointed out to me it's Blue Feather not Blue Flower.
Close enough.
Another piece of game bagged and tagged eh? I'll bet it'll look great on that wall of empty trophies. Or is it just a list?
I was able to retrieve Protoman and rebuild him. (It actually required magic because Megaman did a good job of killing him.) He was very skeptical about helping, It was only at the very end he started to help.
Megaman also did come back eventually but it was at the end. I didn't even get to meet him until after the revolution had taken it's course.
To be fair to both of them while the revolution took a while to set up once it started things escalated quickly.
Wily underestimated the strength of humanity when properly motivated. Also my companions and I sabotaged him at every turn so several of his defenses just failed. So they were both there, they both helped but it was humanity that won the day.
Raven, you come in before Act 1. The best hope for mankind listed in the drawback is Protoman, not Megaman.
Mein Kampf should probably give more points. You are literally Hitler and EVERYONE knows it. That's dangerous as hell.
typo in the items section
also, no outro?
Personally, I feel the fact that it's a way to lift the points limit makes up for that.
Darn it.
Thought I got everything.
Here we go, now with a thorough spell check scrub.
I don't really do long drawn out outros. I do stuff like this:
>Stay Here, Homeward, or To the Next World
>I don't really do long drawn out outros. I do stuff like this:
>>Stay Here, Homeward, or To the Next World
it's ok, it's just to appease my ocd
It's been there for a while.
Huh My mistake. Well my plans are still the same but yeah once the fighting starts we might approach him for assistance (he isn't going to back Wily when humans start fighting.)
It took years after Protoman died to build megaman so I should have enough time to start the revolution before his death becomes an issue.
It would be nice to restore his faith in humanity and maybe get him to go back home to his family after the revolution. I think both him and Light deserve that second chance.
okay, first thing to understand is my Fridge is bigger on the inside so this is gonna seem like a lot. a infinite liquid generator of Seven Thousand, four hundred and seventeen Year Old Tenkau-Shen Ice Wine,four and a quarter whole slow cooked Crystal Maple glazed Jewel meats,a half-empty bottle of conceptually intoxicating whiskey,a half Pint of water of life,20 gallons of Blood, a live milkgiver zurg:think a fusion of several dozen cows With a generous helping of aphid. 50 sticks of rock candy,five loaves of challah bread,Several robots Tending the milkgiver and making fresh butter. a secure enclosure with a modified wild boar: incapable of pain and with Omega level regeneration from X-Men so that I always have fresh bacon. Several robots Tending the milkgiver and the pig,7&1/2 whole roast Pelagornis sandersi with lucky Charms stuffing,22 pounds of organic teriyaki fried Crickets,15 gallons of chocolate peanut butter protein shake,a infinite liquid generator of liquid Elemental Life energy, I could go on I don't have the text length.
EX item crafter from Fate
So, looking at the Parasyte jump, and I'm wondering, how do the age rolls work?
that's got to be awkward in the bedroom
Pretty much the same as age rolls elsewhere? Each background has a different age range.
Drop in and Task force roll the appropriate amount for their age in years: 14+1d4 or 20+1d8 years respectively.
Human Host, Body Parasyte and Cranial Parasyte are all Parasyte/Human pairings, so the parasyte is always between 25 and 32 hours old, and the human host/body is whatever the age roll is: 15+1d8 or 14+2d8.
So if you went Body Parasyte, you might be a 24+(rolled 2)= 26 hour old parasyte attached to a 15+(rolled 3)=18 year old human.
Alright, thanks for explaining it to me user.
If you go as a Servant in Fate/ Jumpchain then buy a Servant for 600CP, do you and your Servant both get 1000SP to make your Servant forms?
>Not Yoruichi
Do you even waifu?
You can't be a Servant and buy a Servant
i find your tastes lacking good sir!
From the Servitude drawback in the Fate/Jumpchain:
>However, you cannot take the free Command Seals. If you wish for a set of your own to mimic what Medea did in the Fifth Grail War, you must pay 600cp.
Tell me about that time when your buffing skills surpassed your planning skills
Do not waifu the cat.
She will bring you murderpresents.
They will usually be upset about it.
my plan is usually to lie my ass off until I think of something better.
In the lack of contradicting information I will take this as truth and a Companion and I will both become Servants.
Sounds hot
Your opinion means literally nothing.
>Implying that doesn't just make it hotter
The title on the first page is Supllement rather than Supplement.
I'll fix it before I put it up for the Drive.
What are some of the worthwhile "magical disciplines and traditions" that you can pick up in JLD as a part of 'Magical Blood'?
I already know of backwards magic, and I'm guessing Atlantean magic would be a valid pick, but are there any other interesting or particularly useful ones?