Let me ask you a question my fine fellow fa/tg/uys

Let me ask you a question my fine fellow fa/tg/uys.
Decided to run a paladin in the game my buddy's 5ed game that just started, never intended for him to be a drag on the whole party, he's not lawful stupid, not lawful at all infact he's Chaotic Good since that's what his deity is, but i want to play him as a legitimately good man who wants to model himself on a heroic ideal.

Yet in the same way as "all bards are man-sluts" as soon as i started one player, our that guy, started whining because "oh god man, fucking paladin won't let us have any fun, whole game is going to suck because moralfag!" when i suggested we tie up the three bandits our bard knocked out with a sleep spell rather than slit their throats while they're unconscious. Then on the way home when random highwaymen appear "oh watch out guys the paladin wants to tie them up, lulz, or do you want to hug them?"
Now my character has absolutely NO qualms about violence but Murderhobo Mcgee can't seem to understand the diffrence between a standup fight and murdering helpless prisoners.

I guess what i'm asking is does anyone have any advice on how to deal with trying to play a character, specifically a good aligned character, when you have at least fucker in the party who always wants to be viciously pragmatic? This is the same guy who when we DID have to escort a prisoner in another game suggested we smash the guy's knees with a mace every night so he couldn't run away then have the cleric cast heal in the morning.

Also any advice on good paladining in general would be appreciated, thanks

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see, the problem with playing paladins is that you need both the gm and other players to be on your side in this, real paladin has no reason to adventure with asshole murderhobos so it's obvious that you cant play one with that kind of player in your group without it becoming a shitshow for everyone else, the tried and true response is always the same: play a murderhobo or don't play with assholes.

Sounds like the other guy is a cunt. There's no cure for being a cunt.

Really? Cause it sounds like his problem is one of the other players a cunt.


"It's what my character would do" is not a valid excuse for that guy, or even you. Everyone should play their character to the best of their ability, but it's part of the game to not step on each other's fun.

>pic related
I TOTALLY agree!
yeah, Paladins! XDDD GG guys

okay but mcmurderhobo is stepping on paladina ability to have fun as well.

First talk it over with the gm. Make sure he's willing to give XP for incapacitating people. Also for smiting people who are unapologetically murderous.

>Murder hobo murders...
>First and only warning. "Knock that shit off."
>Murder hobo murders again
>Smitin teim!
>Get bonus XP for purging group of evil.

>when you have at least fucker in the party who always wants to be viciously pragmatic
Be a moderately pragmatic dude yourself.

Clerics wasting high level regenerative heal spells on a prisoner every day? That's pretty dumb.

Taking prisoners is useful for getting info, and showing mercy isn't going to lose you XP (unless your GM is a twat too).

But first thing, is this guy being a wanker in character or out? If he's doing it OOC like it seems, bring it up with the other players and GM because it's a player problem not an in game one and your character is going to wake up with a knife in his back if you don't have the party's support.

if the other players are willing to kick out the cunt it's all good if they don't want to then you are clearly in the wrong group to play a paladin

I like this guys advice

Of course, the only one who seems willing to compromise is OP (it is his point of view but that's all we have), if the other player can't compromise then he's the problem.

In general, I agree with the other people in the thread. The other player is being a dick by complaining OOC, and his character is being a dick by wanting to murder prisoners (you know what they call "ruthlessly pragmatic" where I come from? "Evil").

But just for funsies, let me offer an alternate perspective.
Assuming you can get the other player to stop being a cunt, the main problem is (as mentioned) why a paladin would be adventuring with assholes. The thing to remember is that while yes, paladins are all about ideals, you aren't lawful. You can be flexible with your ideals, especially when it comes to other people.
One of the virtues of good is mercy. One of the virtues of chaotic is forgiveness. Make it a personal goal of yours to try to make the other character see your point of view. Don't always insist on "having your way," thus confirming the stereotype. Instead, try to be a good influence. Notice when he does things "properly" (according to your philosophy) and compliment him. When a choice comes up that's his alone, nod sagely and reassure him that "you know he'll do the right thing." If sometimes he slits some throats, explain why you think it's wrong but don't press the issue until it becomes an every-time sort of thing.
The trick is not to lay it on too thick, because then you come across as preachy. It has to be subtle. But let me tell you, when you can pull it off it is a lot of fun. I have a NG character in a party with a CN - the character is an ass, but the player isn't. He's completely receptive to me trying to influence his actions - because if I fail to convince him of my point of view, it might shake mine, which would also be great from a roleplay point of view.

TL;DR: you're in the right, but there are alternate solutions to trying to get the player or his character kicked out or leaving yourself.

There's a slight possibility that OP is playing with a group that doesn't enjoy PVP in a cooperative game. I know, shocking.

Shotgun to the face is the perfect cure from being an asshole

Punch him.
Not with the sword, with fist or hilt.

Why your post has not be detected as spam will always befuddle me

>"It's what my character would do"

I came up with a stock response for that one a long time ago. "Okay, but your character does not fit in with the tone of the game/rest of the party. For our purposes that makes him a shitty character, and you're the one that made him and brought him to a game. So that makes you the asshole in this situation."

"Why are you being an asshole and running a shitty character, Steve?" Because for fuck's sake, it's always Steve...but anyway, my point is you can't let them deflect it to the character like they're autonomous from the player, you bring the focus back to the player's behavior. Possibly with less profanity and insults, if your That Guy can't handle the bantz.

That's a solid one, thank you. I'll have that earmarked for the next time I run into that fuckery.

Have a cat in spandex.



Zoom in. Enhance.

Why does her vagina have a snaggletooth?

Lady boner.

I think it's a shaded dip between some extremely puffy labia majora.

As a both a DM and player, it seems that any good-aligned character gets shit on becasue the majority of players want to play >le morally grey murderhobo all the fucking time and it pisses me off.

>hi, I'm a warforged barbarian who likes inflicting his own pain on others and murdering people
>hi, I'm a wood elf ranger who just wants to support my habit of fucking whores and doing drugs by murdering people
>hi, I'm a human wizard who takes up assassination as a job becasue I want to get fithy rich from my hobby of murdering people
>hi, I'm a dwarven cleric who serves his god, I only murder people when I have no choice

Guess which one I was?

>Murderhobo murders me!
>Murderhobo murders a girl!

>>Taking prisoners is useful for getting info, and showing mercy isn't going to lose you XP

damn, my group never understood that and when they where in a situation they could not get out to cause they killed everyone they blamed me saying i was guiding them....

Fucking this
Every fucking time there is at least one murderhobo in the party
I cannot understand where is the fun palying one

Alright, hear me out.
You're a twin wood elf ranger with problems.
You couldn't possibly be a well adjusted individual that doesn't want to fuck, murder or murder while fucking everything you come across.
Nobody does that.

>>hi, I'm a warforged barbarian who likes inflicting his own pain on others and murdering people
Funny, I was considering doing the exact opposite of that. Some sort of "oath of the common man" warforged paladin who thought himself unable to truly live a "real" life and so would dedicate himself to other people lives. Maximising overall happiness.
Even in death, I still serve.

I'd do it by being better than him.
full on mister rogers

also this

I'm currently doing this.
I wholeheartedly recommend it
"an Impure mind, is a greater threat, then any the battle field holds. Take this from one who knows"

>full on mister rogers

>I wholeheartedly recommend it
>"an Impure mind, is a greater threat, then any the battle field holds. Take this from one who knows"
fix your goddamn comma use, for fuck's sake.
-t Sperglord von Grammarnazi


There ARE other solutions, but they take time and effort the cunt in no way, shape or form deserves.

That's fucking retarded. That's not how Falling works at all.

There's no "Give it all up" to stop this one. Falling is when you STOP DOING GOOD, you shitsucking son of a bitch. When you stop being a paladin. And yes, that means doing evil shit in the name of good.

You never fall for stopping evil unless you sink to their levels, in which case you were a fucking shitty paladin, and that's no fucking threat anyway.