Stat him, Veeky Forums.
Stat him, Veeky Forums
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For 5e he's probably a rogue/custom patron warlock
>*teleports behind you*
>Nothing personal... citizen
>*Ruthlessly murders a thousand people to avenge one person*
Thats the canon ending... and also the one that makes the least sense
I don't want to. Given he can kill with a single sword swing and has the capacity to never miss (Since this is a video game character, after all) that would mean his swords skill would need to be in the 20's. Given his stealth abilities, his possible possession, patron (The Outsider) complete lack of empathy, ally (The queen, for christ sake), another ally (His inventors), a reputation... To put it simply, he'd rank hundreds, maybe even a thousand points in GURPs. I'll go through the task of trying to properly stat him later if no one else has gotten around to it.
Canon ending was low chaos actually
Yep, Low chaos is indeed the cannon ending
When stating video game characters, I usually don't try to represent them as good as they can be in the hands of a good player, or even a casual player on easy. Instead I try to think of them as they are described in lore.
That's because lore makes more sense than mechanics. You see, in many games you get shot 50 times in a single level and is fine as long as you drink a potion, use first aid or hide behind a wall for 4 seconds (Like, seriously.). But often during narrative moments like a cinematic, a shot fucks you up.
So in GURPS, you wouldn't need to stat Corvo as able to survive everything that 'player controlled' Corvo survives. Just the things that he's supposed to do, lorewise.
Still, easily a 400 points character, given all his powers. But not a 1000 points character.
Rogue/shadow monk for most of his abilities plus some purchases and a few levels in a Mage class if you absolutely must have the abilities no one ever uses.
He has no horse so...-10 horse points right there.
Wizard 20. Uses time stop, dimension door, etc. Uses a sword because he can.
and I honestly think its bullshit
I havent played 2 so maybe they changed it but in 1 they gave you so much lethal shit to play around with so basically you wanna use that cool rat swarm skill? lol nope you gotta knockout everyone if you actually want the good ending
Quads tells it true, the man has no horse points
Can do good ending with more than a dozen kills under your hat. No kills is just for the achievement.
Well maybe some people consider high chaos the good ending, okay!
No you don't. it is possible to kill up to 20% of the global population and get the low chaos ending. You absolutely can murder every target and use rat swarm, wind blast and more.
Just dont murder everyone like a psycho.
Stealthy murder is objectively the most fun way to play. I did a kill everyone, never get spotted run and it was just the best.
With a few new spells he could be a Warlock from 5E with a custom patron that's a mix of the Old One and the Fey patrons (for mindfuckery and teleportation) just pick up the "invisible while in shade and not doing anything" invocation, and the Skilled talent for Stealth, thieves' tools, and whatever third skill you wish. You could dip into rogue for that too if you want.
It has to be said though, Dishonourd 1 is a good example of how you could play an Old One warlock who isn't frothing Cthulhu'fthagn all the time.
I think all the magical powers are from some whale god in the dark abyss or something
>When beggars die there are no comets seen;
The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes.
> She was special
Nah, Pure Rogue, originally an Assassin Archetype, but then multiclassed into a Prestige class, something like Pactbound Assassin. Still gives him the Sneak Attack Die advancement, but gives him a couple of powerful tricks, Warlock style.
+4 edge
+2 stealth, outdated universe concepts, recycled fashions
Special Ability: Walmartify- members of this class can assume the appearance, voice, and talents of an already established and successful character, providing that the illusion appears to be slightly less interesting and cheaper than the original.
> wants the good ending
> also wants to people to forcibly eaten alive by rats
You're a prominent member of the city. Why are you killing your own people?
Of course you're going to get the bad end for doing that on anyone except gang members and other undesirables.
It makes perfect narrative sense, and the game is largely narrative driven.
If all you want is gameplay, then why does the ending matter to you? It's a bit of a hypocrisy, don't you think?
hey, so does anyone know what happens to people after they die in this universe? Like, the outsider exists but doesn't seem to represent any kind of afterlife. what is the belief and what is the actual supernatural thing that happens to the soul after death?
Do yourself a favor and read Neil Gaiman's Sandman sometime.
I don't know the setup in the Dishonored-verse, but there's a reasonable bet that the Outsider isn't the only cosmic figure of great power. He's merely the one who interacts with mortals in ways they can appreciate.
>Of course you're going to get the bad end for doing that on anyone except gang members and other undesirables.
You can still get a worse ending for even killing "undesirables."
Game doesn't give a shit who you're killing, just that your killing.
Not sure if that's true in setting, but reading sandman is never a bad thing.
Im not entirely sure what the limit is between a low and high chaos run, But my recent playthrough I murdered whenever someone caught me (about 20 people) and still got Low Chaos. You dont have to avoid murder, just dont be a psychopath about it.
I don't know the inner workings of the game, and what value is given to the life of a gang member and what value is given to a Captain of the Watch.
What I do know, is that in my playthrough I killed Slackjaw's gang, Daud's gang, every member of the Watch who was at the hideout, and a few specific Watchmen who had a voice line advocating for corruption or the like. And I got the low-chaos Good End.
Mind you, I didn't kill Slackjaw or Daud himself, but I killed all their men.
Things are not unreasonably balanced against getting the Good End.
Could things be improved? Yes. Is it worth complaining about four years later after the matter has been so thoroughly dissected and standing counter-arguments exist? No.
>talking with family about good examples of game narratives
>Someone makes the stock claim about Dishonored "punishing players for using their abilities"
>mfw he admitted to not even playing the game
true enough. I was telling a mate of mine a bit ago that doshonored takes place on an as of yet undiscovered human world in the 40k universe. The outsider strikes me as being a capricious daemon of tzeentch who dabbles in some of the lore of nurgle.
The Outsider seems to enjoy change, watching people shake up the order of things, he likes granting magical boons to mortals so they can cause upheaval, and he seems dead set on giving people plague related abilities as a means of breaking stagnation. And his heretical nature (from chaos's perspective) would explain why this seemingly very powerful demon is just hanging out on this isolated planet whilst fucking with the same family over and over again.
Also, the outsider is an emo twink power bottom.
Yeah, I'd put Corvo at 200pts without powers. My justification is that he was the Empress's bodyguard AND unofficial consort. This means he'd have to be pretty formidable a warrior and have a heap of social advantages/skills. Add in 200pts of powers including limited warp and you'd have a pretty fair approximation of Corvo.
As a sidenote, 400pts is the recommended pt level for a solo action campaign.
I dont get the feeling that he likes upheaval. More that he likes being entertained. If you played the Daud DLC he says he actually got bored of Daud. Once he finally starts fighting the Brigmore Witches and Delilah (another person carrying the outsiders mark) was the outsider actually interested in what they were doing again. I think its just the standard powerful being gets bored and grants small powers to be entertained.
So I havent really played 2 yet but how did Emily get powers?
hmmm, interesting. I mean, i'm not SUPER familiar with tzeentch, but that seems like a thing he'd do. also, I would argue that Outsider likes upheaval at least a little bit seeing as he has that speech about how corvo is going to go make a river of blood and throw the whole order out of whack at the beginning of 2. but maybe I'm misinterpreting it.
Havent touched 2 yet sadly, Steam reviews say its a shitty PC port so im waiting for it to get fixed. Im talking about the DLC for the first game. However Im going to assume she gets powers because the outsider is a dick and Emily is most likely Corvos kid.
Not him, nor have I played 2, but Emily had powers in the first game as well.
Final level in the Palace, there's a hidden room behind a fireplace that contains some belongings of Jessamine Kaldwin. Included is a note that directs Emily to hide her powers.
IIRC, it might have been added in in the DLC patches, but the point is that she had powers since the first game as a child.
Im mainly going on entertainment because Daud, the dude who murdered the empress lost the outsiders "interest" until he started fighting another person with the outsiders mark. If the outsider was solely interested in upheaval then Daud would have been the outsiders favorite the entire time. Besides isnt Corvo restoring the balance getting Emily into power?
you know what, fair enough. entertainment it is. Personally, i still want to find a way to head canon The Outsider as a chaos Daemon of some type, but i'm going to have to do some more serious reaching I suppose.
Dauds DLC was better from a gameplay and story standpoint than Corvos original story.
id like to know more about the witches though I heard 2 has alot of them
Well Tzeentch is the God of schemes. And giving mortals powers of any kind basically opens up all sorts of schemes and fuckery. You can do it user, I believe.
outsider pops in after Delilah launches her coup, like how the outsider popped in and gave corvo powers after escaping coldridge
Personally, the Outsider seems like a guy who is really jaded and believes humanity is wholly despicable. Which isn't an unreasonable viewpoint for a cosmic being like himself.
So, he gives people powers, they fill a chasm with blood, and he feels like he's been proven correct. And so he does it again and again, always seeking to let loose some scourge upon the world because he's disgusted by it.
Then a fellow like Corvo comes along, the Outsider expects him to leave a river of blood, but instead Corvo is selective and only punishes the guilty. And the Outsider is interested because he hadn't believed mankind was capable of this.
Making a guy in all black who can use his great powers for evil turn out to actually be a decent human being is an old writer's trick.
The Comedian from Watchmen, or the aforementioned Sandman are both examples of this trick.
There's probably a more general way to phrase it (and a matching tvtropes page with the usual fanfiction name), but I can't be bothered to go digging through wikipedia for it.
Moreover, he sent the plague to punish the Spymaster. A plague of rats to punish the rats at the peak of society. There's a bit of irony in there. That's my little proof of this theory.
The outsider became a god from some weird sacrifice for some whale god
Once Emily is deposed and escapes Dunwall she gets a visit from the outsider the same way Corvo did. The outsider pretty much gives her powers because he likes the whole narrative of seeing how far a deposed ruler will go to get her throne back.
is this from the second game, or a theory?
I'm not interested in reading the wiki with the second game out and a bad PC port being my only access to it.
best you leave the topic, lad.
I was under the impression from the lore that it came from an outside nation. Dr. Galvani's house has a couple notes about different generations of the rat plague which he thinks suggest it cames from an outside source. And didnt the spy master use the rats to get rid of the poor? I think thats in his personal confessions you can play for the non lethal.
You probably could in IKRPG.
It might be in the second. The outsiders runes and bone charms are made from whale bones so its heavily implied that the whales and the outsider are bros.
Basically, he showed some interest in Emily from the get go, her mentioning she's been having dreams with him prominently in it. Some lorefags for Dishonored believe it actually has to do with how, in both long term endings, Emily enacts policies that lead to people not hunting down and extincting the whales for their oil. This is relevant as the Outsider and the whales are pretty much said to be very closely linked together.
As for the second game, well Delilah was banished to the Void after the Brigamore Witches DLC however she found a place of power in the Void and basically used it and symbolically became a part of the Outsider. The reason why he gives Emily his Mark, why he's so forward and engaged, almost outright helpful? He is legitimately in trouble; if Delilah wins, she becomes the new Outsider.
Yeah the rat plague came from Pandyssia, like all scary animal gubbins like the carnivorous river fish, river krusts and bloodflies.
Thing is? The Spymaster brought in the first batches of infected rats to 'cleanse the city of vermin' aka the poor.
The Outsider just....pushed things along a little harder.
Galvani's notes state that "the oldest strains of the disease exist in the city's slums and other impoverished districts, rather than the docks, the most likely location for invasive foreign pests to have entered the city."
The wiki however, does indicate the plague was the Spymaster's doing, so I'm also wrong.
Which is odd, because I remember a horde of rats pouring out of Granny Rag's Outsider shrine once. Given the rat-related powers he offers Corvo, there's a second piece of possible evidence the Outsider was involved.
Forgive me if I'm not inclined to place too much trust in a wiki. For lack of evidence however, I'll retract my thoughts on the Outsider until I have time to give the game a replay.
havnt heard about the outsider portion, but it seems very much like something he'd do. Hell there is probably a rat out there with an outsiders mark.
>one day, the Outsider was bored...
I remember a confession the spymaster has on the mission where you end him. If you take the non lethal approach I think he admits to it.
If dishonored 3 lets my play as a rat with blink im preordering that game.
shit thank you user, I actually havnt seen these before.
There;s three of them. Legit lore from the makers. First one is whale oil guy, second is this, third is Piero.
It was stated by the devs. And reading the wiki page for the Outsider won't kill you.
Veeky Forums really is the best board. Learned something new about my favorite vidya today.
So, I'm thinking of adding this guy to my game setting. I ahve an idea of how to do it but I'm curious what you anons would do in my place.
Canonically The Outsider used to be human.
from a mechanics perspective im afraid im not much help. From the gameplay perspective I think we have gone pretty much indepth in the thread. He likes being entertained and will give powers to even the odds and to tell good stories.
Thanks user. You made my day in Germany a funny one
He's one of the weakest characters I've seen, honestly. He doesn't even have a horse. Why has nobody given him a horse?
What system are you thinking of?
Apparently, The Outsider was a human who was sacrificed to the abyss. He became its representative, but there have been others. So he represents the vast nothingness that is the end of everything. It's decently close, I suppose.
Canon was Low Chaos but high death toll, the Outsider talks about rivers of blood.
The powers are somewhat related to the person, I believe. Emily gets powers that Corvo doesn't, and Delilah's powers are also quite different. The rats may just be something he felt was suited to the city as a power. But the Spymaster brought the rats in to release on the poor, but then it spread like crazy.
>powers related to people
I wonder what part of Emily's personality translates into turning into a shadow monster and tearing people apart.
No problem germanon! |Db
According to the devs? Her being an empress.
I want your kind to be eaten alive by rats.
If they had unfinished business, they drift around in the Void until they can find peace within themselves. Otherwise they just go on to oblivion.
>getting triggered by popular traditional games on the traditional games board
Don't get me wrong, cross-board shitposters who invoke 40k are genuinely awful. But consider where you are.
dishonored good
I know you're making a joke, but
>attempting to apply alignment outside of the D&D universe where the cosmic force is applied and limits characters
>attempting to apply alignment to a character who is player controlled and has different endings depending on the player
On the other hand, shitposting over which alignment Commander Shepard represents is hilarious.
Mediocre at best, over rated as fuck. Generic vanilla linear gameplay that got way too much praise for being the only original IP to come out in a year full of sequels and three-quels and completely undeserving of a sequel
This is gonna be hard to explain but I like since it had that original Deus Ex feel of how you can do missions.
but I think I fucked up explaining it
Maybe this is the nostalgia talking but I think Deus Ex had way more options. There were really only two ways you could go about doing the levels and character development was extremely limited if you didn't want to just kill everyone no questions asked.
This shit again.
> [Setting] just takes place in a undiscovered 40k planet. That's because [Character] reminds me of any of the several archetypes that are present in a thousands sources, including 40k. Another evidence is that [Setting] takes place in a planet/planets. Just like exist in 40k. It also contains humans, just like 40k. Furthermore [Setting] contains [anything supernatural/psionic/magic similar] which is pretty much warp magic!
Very few things ARENT a 40k undiscovered planet by your definition. Why 40kids have to make everything about their shitty setting is a mystery to me.
I know that this gets thrown about a lot but it's literally autism
whoa shit
and its actual autism not an insult
kinda makes me sad since I still enjoy 40k
This. It's like those guys that write Sonic fanfics. people would call them weirdos and other stuff but I always assume they were like everyone else, just with a given taste. Then I met one. It's weird someone care so much for a fandom that shouldn't even be a thing.
40k happens to attract autists because the amount of lore and the magnitude of the setting allows them to immerse themselves really deep in learning, reading and later producing content about it.
I'm not sure what's the draw with sonic, but it's like...Some fandom attract actual, honest autistic people.
that's pretty fucking cuhrayzee
His channel is full of that sort of stuff. Within a week of Dishonored 2 being released he had a video for it and it had him slingshotting over a building to perforate an Overseers skull.
Since this is Dishonored general, what would be the best way to quantify the setting? Industrial Occultism is normally how I lay it out, but that doesn't account for the Abbey of the Everyman, and the fact that on the whole Karnaca seems to be a lot less steeped in Mysticism than Dunwall, none of the Whaling business means there's a lot less need for Bonecharms and such. And we know so little about places like Fraeport and such, has anything been uncovered about them?
Its like how they show the game off in CG trailers
+10 hasn't played the game
>Kill hundreds of guards
>Let Daud go
For fuck's sake Corvo
Who could kill this handsome motherfucker?
Agreed. Wouldn't mind running into him in a dark alley winkwinknudgenudge
I've never played a campaign with more than 100 (+30) points... How is it like?
>Stat him, Veeky Forums.
Dark Messiah 2 status: WHEN?
While there are certain things that are 'hard' canon to Dishonored 2 (for example, Corvo canonically killed Granny Rags, and the Boyle sister was canonically shipped away with her admirer) it's worth noting that the first conversation you have with the outsider changes based on your chaos level at the end of the first mission. The game assumes a net low chaos as the ending of Dishonored if the first Dishonored 2 mission was played low chaos, and it assumes high chaos if you killed people in the starter mission.
doesn't know how to hold a knife/10 would not play.
Promotion art fukface