/kdg/ Kingdom Death General

When are we going to get the next announcement?

When Poots is back from the asylum

Well...all the stretch goals were blown away in the first day so there's not much else to say.

I'm really hoping that he isn't going to spread the stretch goals over the current 3.8 million dollars instead of spacing them out per 100-200 thousand that he had originally put up with.

But he pulled the same shit on the last kickstarter with I believe slenderman covering a much larger gap than the others.

It's a shame that we could have had more stretch goals if the same amount of people sent in money more spaced out.

Sorry man, no brakes on the hype train.

Last I looked thet still haven't announced what anything but the first stretch goal was.

Do we really need 3 threads to discuss this game?

The only thing better than watching you idiots waste money is watching you complain after you get scammed again for the 20th time

Yes! Shut up.

Yeah, I hate being scammed into getting a great game. Damn poots scamming me by delivering exactly what he promised.

He delivered on the first KS you faggot. Nice try

Technically speaking, he didn't - Lantern Festival got cancelled (and related payments refunded). But still better results than most kickstarters out there.


t. Kickstarter 2016

In for silver lantern tier. Poots better bring The King back soon. He was my favorite monster behind Dragon King.

Speaking off, does anyone have a wallpaper of the 'They Await The King' t-shirt art?

>Want more than one update for over 3 million dollars

We have broken the top 10 most funded within 24 hours.

This is just the second one, and just because the first has reached post limit.
Meanwhile we have 20+ threads about WH40k and D&D/PF.
So, shut up.

So the question is how far will the explosive momentum go? I think the majority of the current backers are old original backers. It'll probably plateau soon, if it already hasn't. Expansions could make a big difference too. I hope Poots doesn't overreach or feature creep like before. All we lost was Lantern Festival (temporarily), but overpromising is a bad habit to settle into.

It's a resounding overnight success no matter what, so that's nice.

No they weren't. The changes of where he would show the updates in the new version was blown away.

That said, it's pretty clear we will get every single stretch goal, no problem.

I was worrying about that too. Clearly the vast majority of the pledgers were people who were expecting this kickstarter and were ready to jump on it from the first minute. I really wish all the best luck to Poots and hope this hugely successful start will earn him more attention and more pledgers, anyway.

First one fell of the board after hitting autosage. Second one is a BGG that just put KDM in its first post. This is a continuation of the last KDM General.

So, yes.

That male pinup. Finally, the sun rises!

The shitty mspaint reveal made me kek

Dude. It's fucking thanksgiving and has only been up for 17 hours.

We have 3 updates in a 17 hour period, how is that not enough for you? Like, where the hell are your expectations at for them to not be being met right now?

That twist reveal was glorious.


You think they were being funny or didn't have time?

Hopefully the future male pin-ups are a bit twinkier. While I can appreciate some man-meat, I much prefer sweats.

I'm straight and this is relevant to me.
Being female and all.

Excuse you? Women can't be straight. The only possible orientations for women are Lesbian, Bisexual, and Breeder.

>implying poots can be funny
nice try bakcer.

Poots added more Satan level. Hopefully he adds more of the other black friday ones

KDM's a vapid, cash grab sex game that only tfwnogf virgin neckbeards play. Your post is clearly a lie.

It's probably going to slow down tremendously now that a lot of the limited-number tiers have been filled up, but there's probably going to be at least one more small surge around Christmas and/or the final few days of the campaign.

Haven't pledged yet because I'm trying to exercise some self control, so I'm waiting until all the higher tier stuff gets sold out. Really only wanted the core set anyway, so as long as Poots doesn't suddenly put a cap on how many of those he's making there's still some time left to pledge.

I think he just put that up early to get kotaku off his ass. There is or were undoubtedly going to be articles written telling people to contact kickstarter to get the thing cancelled.

I'm still mad about Tentacle Bento. I know that due to the Streisand effect they ended up making more money in the end, but still.

I'm really glad to see the new miniature being added to the Core Set. Looking forward to the other things in the Gamblers Chest as well.

Just upgraded : )

God help me.

Delivery date December 2020?


Stop fucking shilling it.

I didn't know about it until today when you started spamming it everywhere.
Now you HAVE, I have heard of it.
And I'm going to fucking ignore it.
And hide the threads.
And filter this thread.
And do everything I can to discourage them from getting money.
Even though it's a kickstarter and thus not going to materialise.

That is for "Everything", the core game comes out next summer.


I've only found out about this game today and I'm fairly new to board games in general. Is this game really worth dropping $350+ on just to get into it? Not to mention the supplies and time needed to put the figures together. I'm really tempted because people say this game is fantastic, but I'm kind of a casual to this all. I'm also Canadian so this game will likely eat my life savings with how weak our dollar is.

I am really retarded for asking this, but what is the minimum I need to pledge to get a playable version? The kickstarters says I need to pledge Lantern level but all of the pledge levels are lantern, and I can't imagine getting the game for only 50 dollars.

>kind of a casual
Don't buy it.
If you have an extremely dedicated three or four friends who can guarantee an evening a fortnight to wade through it all, then sure, but it's not an "eh, why not" purchase.
Even if it was half that price, the size of the game would make it a not-great choice for you.

Yes. assuming you're willing to put in the time. If you plan to get it and play a couple times it's not really worth it, but it has huge replay value and you can easily play it over and over.

The level that just says "Lantern" so $250 is the minimum. Look for the levels that say "Kingdom Death: Monster Core Game 1.5" and not "Kingdom Death Monster 1.5 Update Pack"

>Even though it's a kickstarter and thus not going to materialise.

Joke's on you, it's a reprint.

How... needed do you guys assume the extra expansions will be? I know KD is supposedly amazing, but 250$ is probably all I'm willing to spend on this.

You just here to bitch about the game senpai?

Anons, should I buy my shit from the store now, or wait to see if he adds more older models?

This took me 10 seconds in MS Paint.

And this just hit 4million dollarydoos, wonder what Adam is thinking about it reaching this much in under 24 hours

I hope the update packs get finished ahead of schedule. That's not an unreasonable expectation..right?

So much turbo salt in this thread. Holy shit. Are the 40k threads slow right now or something?

They're taking a break from sucking Magnus's £80 pricetag.

Get the gamblers chest. They have only shown 5% of it and it ALREADY adds more than any expansion. It genuinely looks like all he ideas from Lantern Festival are getting put into it.

The new expansion (first hero or whatever it's called) is also gonna improve replay ability by a massive amount.

Other than that, the other expansions are just gravy.

For some reason this get's pixelated as fuck when I use it.

There are many complex levels of grief with 40kids. Many of them to do with the players being poor and unable/unwilling to look at other games due to their "investment".
>More Anger
Such are the many varied moods of a Hamsfag.

Thank you! So if I pledge the Lantern pledge, do I have to pay the shipping later on?


Yes, shipping details/prices are near the bottom of the KS page

>mfw I buy KD recasts and nobody can stop me

Thank you guys. One last question; Is it worth it to go above the Lantern pledge for gameplay alone? Not really an avid hobbyist.

I don't doubt it. But you asked for a wallpaper, not a high-res scan wallpaper.

Knowing China its proably from the original molds

>Buying low quality knockoffs that aren't even the right scale.
Why do you think anyone would care that you're a poorfag?

Gambler's Box seems to be pretty much what Lantern Festival was going to be. A big huge ass expansion.

I don't play this game and I'll probably never play this game but I have to say his monster design is fucking insane. It's on the perfect boundary of bizarre without being overdesigned or random.

$777 backer here. Nothing left but to play the waiting game.

And the core game. Plus expansions. Fuck you, Gorm! You're not my real father.

How does Gambler's already add more? The Philosophy of Death is great and all, but doesn't compare to the Dragon or Sunstalker.

WiP shot of my Sunstalker with color shift paints (That don't show up well in a still photo)

It doesn't show up well in the fucking darkness of your cave
Open a curtain you nerd

I haven't looked at Veeky Forums in a few years, I have no idea what Kingdom Death is. I could google it, but I'd rather ask here because I'm less likely to read bullshit press releases or articles written by people who's job is to make hype.

Someone sell me on this. What the fuck is Kingdom Death and why should I care?

Imagine a cross between Dark Souls and Monster Hunter except it's a TT game with some very impressive models.

>Back first KS to get beautiful models and motivate my paint game
>Practice on other models for a bit
>Build and prime KDM models when they arrive
>Lose nerve
>Now more are coming

Fuck me, and my procrastination.

I do this not because I am too cheap, but because the shrinkage of the recasts lets me use the models in heroic scale games like D&D and Warhammer.

Otherwise I just buy the actual models.

This, although it's more Berserk than Dark Souls. The Dark Souls comparison is mostly because Dark Souls draws a lot of inspiration from Berserk as well.

There's also a bit of Animal Crossing in there, too, in that you maintain and build a settlement of survivors who try to scrabble together a life in the horrifying hellscape that is Kingdom Death. Just like you do in Animal Crossing.

Lol, I just got the LAST Black Friday silver lantern reward.

Satan's pledge puts you far beyond God's reach. Embrace damnation.

Everything about this model....

Not the only one, chump.
And they are actually pretty good, for record's sake.

>right scale
Only autists care about few mm difference.

I'll post some better pictures when I get home from work.

You're a few years and several million dollars too late for that, pal.

The game is great, but it's a justified purchase only if you're really into this kind of thing and really love super-detailed top-quality miniatures of weird, morbid creatures and bizarre adventurers. Or if you're wealthy enough to not care about the prices at all, but this doesn't seem to be your situation.

My personal suggestion is to think well about it. You've got 42 days after all. The juicy pledges are already all gone anyway. COnsider that for that price you can buy 5+ "big box" boardgames which may prove just as entertaining and have the same or greater longevity, each.
If you just want to get into a good board game, I'd suggest you not to start with this super-niche 250 bucks box of nightmares.
If you're really sure you want *exactly this* game, and you can afford it, then go for it I guess.

I don't care for it myself.

Akakakkakakactually the bootleg chinese KD minis are sized incorrectly. The Flower Witch is supposed to be on a big base, equal size to the Watcher. The Chinese version is the same size as a staandard survivor.


That depends on which recaster you are looking at. Miranda does it right in my experience, while others don't.

Dude, how would you know that unless... based chinamen endorser, amirite?

I think it depends on which models they recast. I beleive the first version of Flower witch was smaller than the newer versions.

People post pictures in the threads.

I would call you stupid, but that's an insult to stupid people.

Seriously, nothing better to insult me with? Git good, the competition here is worse than your asshole can handle if that's the best you got.

You're not worth the effort kiddo.

Suuuure, the "kiddo" insult. You are really scraping the bottom here.

Don't you have anything better to do than antagonize some user on Veeky Forums

Probably not, he's forced to buy recasts so he probably doesn't even have a job.

On an unrelated note, how many more expansions do you think this campaign will have, and is anyone here crazy enough to play an extended Settlement that utilizes every single expansion (new and old), and as many of the Gambler's Chest options as possible?

What can I say, practice makes perfect.
And why recasts? Becuase the shipping Poots has on his models is usually higher than the cost of the model itself. It's called inteligent choice. Bit less quality in exchange for free shipping.
You are probably a scalper anyways, so why the hell do I explain myself? Off to bed with me.

Possible xpacs during this KS, basically stuff he's previewed and teased.
>Screaming God
>Ringtail Fox Settlement
>Pariah/Mountain Man
>Nightmare Ram

Also I played a campaign with every xpac. It went alright. I would move the watcher down a few years so you have more chances to hunt for that sweet Green Armour.

That pose... is it a Pokémon reference?

Personally, I would LOVE an expansion that gives us a couple new sets of armor, designed to make it viable to play with all expansions.

For example, one set of armor which is crafted from Basic Resources. As in, specifically requires Monster Bone to be crafted, not just any old one from a monsters loot deck.

Another could be the exact opposite, requiring Bone that comes specifically from non-basic resources, and some endgame gear that is just crafted out of Strange Resources.

That, and like a dozen more hybrid sets, should be enough to make a "Every Monster" campaign viable.

I don't see it but trips have spoken