Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

Would you play a bimbo kitsune paladin addicted to harlot sweets as a PC, or take one as a cohort or waifu?

If you want build advice make sure to say what 3pp you can use, if any.

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1st for Buildposter please go and stay go

Can we actually stop with the retarded OP topics for real though

Every day, we move further from God's light.

Silly you, Paladins can't become addicted to harlot sweets!

I'm working on converting Paladin archetypes to the Antipaladin, mostly for shits and giggles, and in case anyone wants a cleaner Paladin-Antipaladin transition.

Currently, the Infernal Servant (Sacred Servant conversion) is done and I'm working on the Black-iron Knight (Knight Disciple conversion). Any other ideas?

>The fact that you're still arguing that clear mind, which is a shit rage power, is a better choice than reckless abandon.

>THe litch casts a spell at you, roll a will save
>The sorcerer yells at you that it is dominate person
>d20 -> 2
>uhh..CLEAR MIND ok got an 9
>TPK averted

Do you really think that the ability to re-roll a shit roll, that with your offensive power could easily result in a TPK, is a bad feat to take?

It's mathematically equivalent to a +5 to a skill check per day.

Kill yourself.

>Would you play a bimbo kitsune paladin addicted to harlot sweets as a PC, or take one as a cohort or waifu?
No, I don't play stupid characters.
No, I never take paladins as cohorts.
No, I don't take stupid paladins for wives since my character would be the same sex and therefore the druggie paladin would be agaisnt same sex couplings because she doesn't have enough brains or wits to realize it might be okay.

>A barbarian may reroll a failed Will save.
>It's mathematically equivalent to a +5 to a skill check per day.
...jesus christ

Why not a pretend bimbo who's just shape-shifted to try and get some attention?

On a related note. What's the best class for a Magical-Tail focused Kitsune?

There's some hot sports opinions you got there, kiddo.

Except this barbarian in particular is going to be in mythos games. Clear mind might just save his, and his parties life. We have this knowledge from the player.

It's Jason Bourne!

But seriously, getting rerolls on saves is always a good thing. I'd take it to be honest.

They asked for opinion, I gave them some.

Unchained Rogue.

Are you legit dumb?

I'd say Oracle desu, if only because you're a 9/9 caster so you can't fuck up too much.

Taking the higher of 2d20 increases the mean by 3.33 taking it to 13.83 from 10.5

Except no, you aren't just rolling twice on one of your saves randomly.

You are re-rolling a shit roll that will cause a TPK.

>When your Katana costs more than 300k GP.

How does that change the math?

Ugh, statisticians. Fucking idiots.

The dice gods do not care about your mathematics.

I'm going to have to go with shitposter on this one, re-rolling a will save is a big fucking deal. Barbarians can pump their saves pretty high, but a natural 1 on a saving throw is an auto-fail, and that WILL fuck your day up.

Reminder that Boar is beautiful!
and needs a name

>Statisticians are idiots
What is this meme?

The math is right. If you just rolled 2d20 and took the higher you are right.

But: you are rolling 1d20, waiting to fail, and then re-rolling it.

So it isn't higher of (1d20,1d20), its higher of (1d20 that results in a fail, 1d20)


Hmm, my starting idea was an arcane bloodline, primalisr or id rager bloodrager. Do the extra powers make that big of a difference?

That is actually cool, but I was thinking a more facebashing and gutripping gnome. Definitely saving that for later tho.

Also, Paizo, y u no have risky striker for gnomes, goblins and all other batshit crazy small races?

Then buy a cyclops helm instead. No need to spend class options on that.

Clear Mind (Ex)

Prerequisite: Barbarian 8

Benefit: A barbarian may reroll a failed Will save. This power is used as an immediate action after the first save is attempted, but before the results are revealed by the GM. The barbarian must take the second result, even if it is worse.

Special: This power can only be used once per rage.



You fail a roll. You now have the option of attempting to succeed at the roll. If the failed roll is inconsequential, you can seave the reroll. If the failed roll is a dominate or death spell, you get the opportunity to not kill your party or not die.

There is no statistical success value on a reroll that isn't random. It's pass/fail and cope, or fail/reroll if something horrible may happen. you get to choose the fail if it's not going to fuck you, or try again if it will.

Math isn't as important as being able to chose the option to potentially survive an untenable situation that you are definitely in. The slightly better attack rolls are not nearly as vital as SAVING YOUR ASS.

...If your dm lets you buy that item then the correct choice is to buy 20 of them.

>roll a will save
Gee I wonder if I will make this will save against he spell the enemy spellcaster threw at the barbarian in the first round of combat?

>once per rage
>per rage
I thought it was once per day, holy shit that's so much better, especially considering you're one level away from rage cycling.

>before the results are shown
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out when you need a clutch roll.

Is Powerless Prophesy (Oracle Curse) worth taking?
I'm trying to stack my Initiative really high and the +4 at level 5 seems tasty. Being staggered for the first round shouldn't matter since I'll spend the turn casting a spell as a Standard anyway, right?

A low roll is a low roll, user. If you're sixth level and you roll an 8, chances are good you're fucked.

Being staggered the first round can get you killed, especially since if the first round is a surprise round, you may not get any action at all.

Is there a handbook for Pathfinder in PDF form?

Are there any premade campaigns you'd suggest for first time players?

>first round
>ally barbarian is a moron without clear mind and fails a will save against dominate person
>you are 15 feet away, with a protection from evil spell available

If you are staggered, you are fucked.

Wouldn't going the route of beast totem (lesser and standard), reckless abandon and taking superstition is likely a better bet, seeing as superstition would give +3 to all saves vs spells, SLA, or Su effects

Please see:
The idiocy started here:

Same thing if you're not staggered and he's 35 feet away.
An incredibly specific situation where you wish you hadn't picked something doesn't make it a bad option in general.

Which enthicity has the most motherly features?

But you are a hack if you aren't taking reckless abandon.

just blow a hero point for a move action if it's truly that dire of a situation


How about you leave, then masturbate before you come back? Get it out of your system?

Superstition has the side effect of including ally spells and effects, user, and you cannot drop it while raging without yet another rage power.. Be very, very careful about that shit.

>The barbarian doesn't have a clear spindle+wayfinder

He's a retard

But I did, and this isn't my fetish anyway

Oh that's kinda shit isn't it?

What kind of GM mind controls PCs in combat?
Are you people playing a meat grinder campaign or what?

Fun as that sounds, I was actually considering something else; I had a vague idea, maybe, of a girl who was acutally a former kuthonite--not really raised in the church, but got swept along with a former boyfriend realized how, ah, dim she was. She didn't last long in the church there when the more dreadful things came to light, but it left it's mark on her and her libido; after seeing that I imagine she would have moved on to think while that whole thing's, kinda like neat and all, it's not really like, good to force it on people, so she's more going for the 'morally righteous bondage crusader' deal, because I think that's hilarious. Safe, Sane, Consensual and all that.

Is there a particular reason Kineticist is tier 5 and not 4 or 3? It seems like they have decent utility abilities as well as many different combat options. Is there something I'm not seeing? Am I just an idiot? Or is the tier list just wrong?

Define motherly.

>isn't his fetish
>fetishposts anyway
What did he mean by this?

Halflings, duh. Try fucking harder you dipshit.

Presumes hero points are available.

It takes a fuckton of work to squeeze tier 3 out of it, since the class is riddled with traps.

What do you mean by handbook, a simplified guide to the mechanics?

As for premade campaigns, hmmm, I have heard good things of running Rise of the Runelords (anniversary) or Dragon's Demand. They are not perfect, but could be alright

Keep reading. There isn't room. It's a great rage power, it just doesn't make the cut.

>clear spindle+wayfinder
If your DM allows that go for it.


It's a competent tier 4, and if built to be shit at combat it could maybe possibly theoretically hit the bottom of tier 3 maybe for a little bit once in a while for rounds/day at most.

It's fucking amazing, if you plan around it. In Strange Aeons? You might need it just to survive, which makes Clear Mind even more valuable to a Superstitious barbarian.

Imagine if the Bard had to hit himself over the head at full force with a club to use bardic performance

Also the class is just designed poorly and really only has a few options that are genuinely good

What RotJR characters do you like, but are underwritten? What would you tell them to improve their character and backstory?

>Presumes hero points are available.
people play games without hero points?
that sounds absolutely horrible

Protip for playing kinestist:

Pump CON, Don't take more burn than elemental overflow requires, Be air or earth

Because it has some good things but the rest of the class actively drags it down.

It's not actually good at what it's supposed to be good at.
Also damn it don't mention kineticist while buildposter is on or he'll post his one incredibly specfic build example of a workable kineticist that doesn't even come online pre level 11

These threads always pains me.

I personally rate it as a 4. I am not quite impressed by it as a pure damage dealer, but it can be handy.

"of, resembling, or characteristic of a mother, especially in being caring, protective, and kind." So features that would make you trust her to guard the camp all night, or features that belong on a woman who'd cook dinner for the whole party badly of course
Of course she could have a savage look instead.
Really I just need any ethnicity to both fully define her features and to draw a name from.
It means I get no sexual satisfaction or pleasure from this
Halfling is a race, not an ethnicity.

The builds Veeky Forums comes up with tend to assume total GM permissiveness. We're a little more circumspect in /pfg/ because GMs (and not just PF ones) are idiots sometimes.


You guys don't have buildposter filtered yet?
I didn't even know that shitheel was in here.
Ignorance is bliss, remember.

>you aren't just rolling twice on one of your saves randomly
If you're only going to reroll on saves you think will fail, that's the equivalent of a rough +5 bonus because you'll only roll it again when you roll low. If you roll high then the power isn't used anyway.

My bad. You're even more of an idiot then.

>a simplified guide to the mechanics

Yeah, exactly that. I'm going to be playing with some friends who are fairly new to the game and internet at their apartment is... spotty at best. I'd much rather just have a PDF or something available on my phone rather than printing something out or hoping their wifi is working.

>Rise of the Runelords (anniversary) or Dragon's Demand

I'll check them out, thanks a ton.

Huh, I guess I'll take a closer look, then. I'm currently playing one and having a lot of fun, but maybe because my table is filled with terribly incompetent players, I was just kind of assuming it was because the Kineticist was a decent class.

I mean, I knew several of the most terrible options right off the bat, and Burn and related abilities are really counter- intuitive. I guess I'll take a deeper look into my character.

I agree.

I may be an idiot, but what does that have to so with this?
Everyone here is an idiot no offense guys [/spoiler ] anyway, Pathfinder is a horrible system

There's no fucking comparison between the two. Skill checks don't generally end in potential death for everyone around you unless you're disarming traps.

A wizard, aboleth, or intellect devourer mind controlling your barbarian can end up killing everyone.

Oh, it's definitely capable of being fun to play.
It's got cool flavor available, too.
It just doesn't get to do much in a party with, like, an Investigator, Barbarian and a Sorcerer or something like that.

Because ethnicities aren't motherly, people are.

Alright, Black-iron Knight is finished. Time to work on the Enlightened Paladin counterpart and then I have to go do something else.

That was supposed to be double spoiler'd, whoops.
Could it in a [spoiler 25pb gestalt game starting at level three [/spoiler]?
But features are, and features are based off of ethnicity. I think I'll just make her have no clear ethnicity though.

Fucking Christ I hate my phone.

i hate OP

The math doesn't quite work out that way; the +5 stuff in 5e was worked out based on the percentage of passing a certain DC with or without advantage assuming you roll two dice at the same time.

If you roll a 2, the decision to reroll it is effectively a +8.

That kinda sounds like an ex-kuthonite that embraced Arshea or Shelyn and utilizes bondage in her expressions of deific obedience, Zon-Kuthon isn't the sort to have Paladins!

Also isn't bondage a little dangerous for a sweetly dim, fairly impulsive young woman?

Even with how much I love you?

Well, we've got a Barbarian (new player), Unchained Monk (who took 6 rounds to beat up a pirate using full attacks each round) and a Cleric (who actually prepared healing spells)

And I feel like I'm carrying the entire party. I just wanted to know if it was the class, or my group.


You seem to be having a lot of fun, and that what really matters.

Hmm, I'd suggest Osirion if you want a chesty brown-girl that fiercely protects her brood, or perhaps a tall Ulfen lass that knows all the ways to keep her young men warm at night.

This is a wildcard, but another is Varisian; she's a motherly gypsy woman with a really large extended family, and naturally connects with anyone she meets! Plus you'll have all those family members expecting her to either have kids or take care of the kids, further adding to her motherliness.

That's half the fun! And yeah, she wasn't going to *still* be a Kuthonite; she has a strong moral center, but she thought all the bondage and piercings and stuff was just so cool and cute when done right! It's when it's done wrong when things are terrible and bad and as a paladin it's, like, her job to fight things that are terrible and bad! With, like, justice and love!

... Yeah, probably Arshea, I think. But what to put on the other side of the gestalt, hmm... Rubato Bard, maybe?

that only makes me hate you more.

Does she have 4 ears?

What the hell does her skull look like?

"she" is a guy isn't she?

>Cleric (who actually prepared healing spells)
Did you at least try to show him on his class descriptor that he doesn't need to prepare them since he can cast them spont.?

>I'd suggest Osirion if you want a chesty brown-girl that fiercely protects her brood

Like a catgirl!

This girl sounds like a real sweetie, even if she's got such a sinfully pierced body! Bard would be perfect for a woman like this, it gives her all those Perform skills that will let anyone around her know she might not know her algebra, but she sure can keep a beat or move her feet!

What you gonna do about it? Make another thread and get people to keep bitching about /pfg/ always having too many generals up?

I may go with Osirion, although something about Egyptian wereboar doesn't sit right with me

no i'm going to wait for this thread to hit bump limit and make the next thread before him.

I'm super sad to hear that...
All the better to hear your heart go doki doki!