If you wanted to play a tabletop game with large ships and maybe some smaller fleet ships what's the best system or game to use?
Best tabletop for large space ships?
Stars Without Number
Define what you mean by tabletop. Miniature game? PnP RPG? Boardgame? Card game?
Miniatures, sorry
Came to say this.
I mean, you could try Battlefleet Gothic or Star Wars Armada. Some folks around here are kinda peeved at Armada for whatever reason but I think it's pretty fun.
Thanks pal
Hard to say atm. Dropfleet commander is the hot new shit, but it has barely launched yet, many of the kickstart backers still lacking their stuff. FFG has the official Star Wars fleet game in the vein of X-Wing (prepainted). Even BFG might make a comeback in couple of years if Blood Bowl is succesful enough product for GW to continue the revival of Specialist Games.
Then you have the old classics, like Full thrust, but I don't know much about those. And Firestorm armada.
It all depends whether you prefer mechanics or models and what you personally like in those.
BFG is OOP atm, isn't it?
You want a star wars game? Star wars armada. Dropfleet commander. BFG is probably gonna come back soon anyway.
Want a videogame of it? Homeworld 1 and 2, the new BFG game.
>Some folks around here are kinda peeved at Armada for whatever reason but I think it's pretty fun.
Seeing as it has been brought up, the reason a lot of people don't like Armada (myself included) is because of just how clunky so much of it is. The movement and shooting is strange, fighters place in the game isn't that defined, the game's miniatures are too big for its own good as what you can field isn't that grand, a ton of the mechanics in the game are super dicey.
Have something smoother then?
Pretty sure it's discontinued
>The movement and shooting is strange,
That's to force you to think ahead and strategize. This isn't just pushing things around and hoping for the best. The movement is supposed to be slow and clunky because you're moving big things with lots of inertia.
If you're not planning ahead and just reacting as the game goes, you're going to lose because you're stupid.
>fighters place in the game isn't that defined
You have bombers that can do damage to capital ships and fighters to kill bombers and defend the capital ships since big ships have relatively poor defenses against fighters. They're mostly a support role that most players are really too dumb to utilize.
>the game's miniatures are too big for its own good
No, not really. You just need more space but anyone with a proper-sized dinner table can accommodate them.
>what you can field isn't that grand,
Are you talking number of minis you can have? You can always field larger-point games if you want. Or if you mean number of minis available, that's not much an excuse anymore since it has more waves out with more units finally starting to get a variety. It hasn't been around near as long as X-Wing and hasn't had near as many waves released for it. Of course it's going to be limited early in its life.
> a ton of the mechanics in the game are super dicey
You sound like you can't read the manual.
My problem with Armada will always be that they went with the Rebels vs Empire instead of an era when both sides of the war had awesome ship designs. Empire's fine as always, but the Rebel ships looks like grey turds.
Star Wars armada
Yah, cause the donut hole ships were soooo memorable...
Better than lumpy grey-red splotch space turds.
>Firestorm armada
If you do not care overly much for support from the company, then this.
The bucket of dice mechanics, gradually accumulating damage and movement rules give it a good "massive space dreadnoughts" feel.
The different weapons, hyperspace escapes, and such help to underline the sci-fi aspect of it.
Although, as far as support goes, it is pretty much dead.
Speaking of dead games, I am also still very fond of Renegade Legion Leviathan, although that is hexbased with paper boxes for minis.
Battlefleet Gothic is pretty neat.
the rules are still around online and miniatures still floating around ebay. i hear theres a recaster or 2who do a limited selectionof BFG stuff.
otherwise most factions can actually be made form their 40k kits or just go 3rd party. The rules only interact with the base so getting the mini right isn't a requirement.
Dropfleet Commander is legit for capital ships, objective gameplay is needed, when your ships can't dogfight like in X-wing things get boring without the game degenerating into a dice-rolling slugfest.
Star Wars Armada if you go all in.