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/CofD/ &/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
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No, but only because I've got pretty much everything already.
Is the storyteller Street Fighter game any good?
It's got surprisingly good combat for a White Wolf game, maybe the best combat out of all of them.
>Surprisingly good combat
Isn't it just a worst Exalted?
Well, this is going to either be entertaining as hell or a trainwreck. In the planning stages of a long running cWoD series of chronicles where I'm going to take my group through the metaplot, and allow them to avert the 'End', and then shift into OWoD and the new/continuing timeline from V20. Maybe even continue into World of Future Darkness, as our group loves its Cyberpunk.
My core team is a newly awakened Hunter, and his adoptive sibling (at this point in their char gen, they may redefine the relationship) who is a Gurahl just finding out what he is. Drop in/irregular players will be an Anarch Biker, a newbie Mage, and several [to be determined]s.
I'm starting them out at Christmas 1992 in Chicago, on a very basic adventure (minor Sabbat raid fucked up their neighborhood, and there are several shovelhead hobos dressed as Santa wandering the sewers. I may well introduce Gulfora. She doesn't seem to fit later Fallen mechanics, but she sounds fun to use, especially in a mostly male chronicle.)
Then, I can just adapt Ashes to Ashes story ideas, and then slowly play out the meta plot from the angle of none-vampires dealing with the fallout.
Wish me luck? Because I'm nervous as hell about getting this right.
An unambiguously good Vampire.
>running a canon chronicle
>with a mixed group of supers
Good luck, you'll need it.
Yeah, I'm already expecting there to be major power discrepancies. I'll also be keeping things in the material plane unless the entire group ends up elsewhere. Astral and other realm personal adventures will be done through online chat outside the main game.
>Maybe even continue into World of Future Darkness, as our group loves its Cyberpunk.
>Not just using the original World of Future Darkness with 2020's setting
Step up
Hmm, interesting, thanks. I'll store it away. After all, this is likely years away, and that's if the game lasts.
>The major problem is power discrepancy
>Not the total clusterfuck of purpose, theme, mood, and other nonsense that comes with playing monster mash super sentai
Sometimes I wish I could gather all of /codg/ into a room and execute a drone strike on it.
>This much salt.
Why is Obama playing Russian Roulette?
He's right, though. Power discrepancy isn't really that big a deal. The rest of it is. Monster Mash games are inherently going to involve ignoring or handwaving huge chunks of how the games are meant to go.
Ok. I'm planning a Demon/Mage story. A fight against the G-M and the Exarchs (I'm not telling who is the boss here in case my players are watching).
What would I need to have in Mind when mixing Demons and Mages?
>Power discrepancy
In owod yes, it is issue. Werewolfs are murdermachines every last one of them. Don't even have to try. Given enough time mages bend reality over the pool table
Cod, not so much. Not balanced persay but the powers/ resistances/ counter/ heavy hitter are more or less understandable in the same ballpark.
In owod yes, it is issue. As in, a lot of the powers and factions have history tied to it, that you must make a decision to part ways with. Looking at the Caine myth. Looking at the Wyrm vampires
Cod, not so much. game is modular enough. To complete ignore entire splats, and run rogue solo monsters. and with Cod move away from global conspiracies to interpersonal stories. It's not what you are its what you do.
Power discrepancy only matters if everyone is doing the same thing.
And while CofD is more modular, it's still hard to swallow "this Changeling, Vampire, Mage, and Lucifuge all know each other and hang out".
Crossover Games are best where it's almost entirely one splat, with just a dash of another.
It's pretty much the only situation in which I could see Beast as being even slightly acceptable.
>Monster Mash games are inherently going to involve ignoring or handwaving huge chunks of how the games are meant to go.
Such is the reality of my group, where some like [Monster] but not [Other monster]. Short of doing an all Hunter game, this is the only way to keep everyone interested. I'll just have to do my best to keep to an overall tone, rather than trying to amalgam them all. Everyone will be a bit of an outcast, so I can certainly keep a certain amount of tension, as even a were[thing] fears silver filled shotguns.
>Werewolfs are murdermachines every last one of them. Don't even have to try. Given enough time mages bend reality over the pool table
A good job I don't mind them getting scary powerful. A lone Werebear has to be careful when he goes full murdermode, as everyone wants him dead, and a Hunter partner doesn't offer the same protection as a pack. Our Mage I don't expect to be able to attend much, so fully expect him to be my NPCs the majority of the time, and also vital to my end goal of letting them counter (or at least delay by a millenia or two) the apocolypse. Our Brujah biker I don't expect to survive long, as his player is new to to the series, and is likely to shoot up Elysium at some point, or something like that.
Should be a lot of fun if everyone can get into it. The challenge for me will be having the metaplot progress in the background of whatever the team does. Having a scrying mage will help certain bits not escape their attentions.
>I'll just have to do my best to keep to an overall tone, rather than trying to amalgam them all.
As someone in a mixed game, this is the best choice I think. The GM tries to refine one or two themes per major arc rather than serve everyone. I think even people whose theme isn't a major one are still served better by clarity of focus.
>all of the elements of good storytelling are not nearly so important as whether PC power balancing is adequate or viable
Again, I wish I could hate you to death. Do you just skip over all of the ST sections the authors painstakingly put together to give you half a chance to make your chronicle better than some gonzo anime shit soup? Yes I'm salty, I am salty as fuck. There are so many other mechanically sound systems you could be using to play a game instead of storytelling and sadly you are the norm not the exception to the world of darkness playerbase for some bizarre reason completely unknown to me.
>and hang out
And thats the thing. The characters have to have a reason they work together. Changeling and Vamps are easy to blend. Changelings feed on emotion. Vamps can make people feel things with their powers.
A Nos (fear vampires/Nightmare) and Autumn court (fear emotion) can work together to get feed
A Deave (passionate vampires/Majesty) and Spring court (joyful/happy/love) can hit bars and get morals to fall over themselves to feed.
You can't get hung up on what the characters are and should be concentrating on what they can do. You have to work with coordinating themes they have in common. It hard to do well, but it can be done
The first chronicle will be as much about discovering themselves as the supernatural. The actual threat just some ghouls, a few shovelheads, and a low ranking Sabbat member who broke ranks and is trying to set himself up as a power player but the Prince deems beneath his notice for the moment. It's a mess that the vampire community would have resolved themselves in short order, if our heroes hadn't.
Adding in Gulfora didn't become an idea until reading a bit of Chicago by Night. I have a thing for Demon/Fallen elements, and she is an interesting enigma, and actually seems rather benign for World of Darkness on the whole. Does she have another source than a few mentions in By Night that I can read into?
>Not what user said
Get over yourself, if you want to run that game. No one is stopping you from running that game
Good god what's got your panties in a twist? You're not playing in the game. Don't be such a hateful little fuck about what other people do for recreation.
Very good advice actually, I think I will fuck off and try to get something together. At the very least these generals can serve as inspiration for how not to play the game.
Last I read of her she is the thing the Nos are afraid of in the underground. That being said she's more plot device they real mover or shaker. The way she written she has no reason to being injecting into any one plot. I mean you can, but you've got to construct the reason. She wants X, but Y and Z are blocking her. The book only gives you what she can do. not why she does it.
Good call, and at the very least this interaction with you can serve as inspiration for the kinds of people not to play the game with.
>Beast as being even slightly acceptable
I'm not sure if that's exuberant optimism or tragic denial.
Do you also believe that there are situations where mages will not always ruin crossover?
A-are you guys wizards? I've never seen this before. Someone was actually convinced to stop being a hateful killjoy. On 4fuckingchan.
...the paradox hit is gonna be nasty on this one.
Not that it bore saying out loud but that goes double for you, mongoloid.
The hobo-santa shovelheads will have disturbed her, and she will likely try and feed off someone in the group, get scared off, and bug them until she gets bored on and off.
It seems an odd choice to have her written as living in the sewer, as she is a succubi.
Yes to both.
It means they got pissed off at the thought of continuing the argument. It's happened before.
Awwww, look at you stooping to slurs! Enjoy your bitter little life! Off you pop!
Well He's a Mind Mage. I'm just Princess of Clubs. I've been running Bodyguard for him for the past year or so. He pays for Lunch, and I just kind of keep him from following the changelings into Dream Troggs
I don't understand how "God, I hate when people argue in favour of dumb crossover" is so poorly received.
Mostly because it doesn't really affect anyone. I've played in crossover games I've thoroughly enjoyed. It really CAN be done well. Not every time, but there's no reason to be as vitriolic about it as witnessed above.
Don't even bother asking. This is /wodg/ for you.
I do. Though it requires just as much effort on the part of the player, as it does the GM.
I've played in fun crossover games.
I think you mean the Krampus good sir
She sleeps under Hype Park, so its not sewage from what I gather. I think her being under ground is suppose to be playing off the DnD dungeon feel. And I believe they were trying to contrast the ugly nos with the beautiful Siren bit
Hah! Yes, I'll be stealing that, thank you, good sir.
Hm, actually now you mention it I was basically just going to handwave the Nos as hiding and letting the superf(r)iends think the baby vamps out before clearing their tunnels, but do you think seeing an Anarch Brujah workign with what is clearly a hunter team (and maybe an overt werecreature, if he bears out) is grounds for a Blood Hunt? Or something they would file away for later blackmail?
That user didn't seem to be *against* the idea of crossover, just the notion that "Monster Mash" games are perfectly fine and not difficult.
It's possible, yeah, but you lose out on many of the themes and most of the setting of the gamelines in question.
Remember to steal children and hang them by lamp posts
Blackmail Always
A Blood Hunt gets you nothing. And then you have to prove that the vampire is clearly violating some law or endangering everyone with their actions. A werebear looks like a bear gangrle on first sight. A Hunter could just be mortal human. If anthing its a place for questions and investigation
Let them try to do a favors for favors. Carrot and stick style. Help us out with X and we'll do Y for you, while not letting A and B know about C. And that is how the corruption political system gets shit done. If the arrangement goes south the Nos have the option to drop the relationship and more, if these guys prove a problem
>I wish I could hate you to death
I think he was a little bit more than just *against*
Thanks. I think you just gave me my 'in' to how the team will tackle the vampire-aimed pre-written adventures with minimal tweaks.
You are good at this stuff. Much appreciated.
Not a problem sir, and Good Luck with your game
If you're on the discord Trent#6675
I know this thread has trouble with figurative language, but come on...
The theming in CoD and WoD are all shitty anyway, so you're not missing anything.
Maybe he just wants a decently fleshed out monster system, but his group isn't interested in discussing the moral trappings of whether or not a vampire can menstruate out their penis or whether a Werewolf fucking a dog is a breaking point or not.
Its a fucking Penny Arcade reference, Jesus people. The original user was miffed but not that mad.
Penny Arcade didn't invent the term
This may surprise you, but not everyone in the thread hates the system.
And there are so many better monster mash systems. Create-your-own monster systems, even.
Alright Veeky Forums, I need some advice here
In my Vampire game we've come face to face with this Elder Vampire that probably wants to kill us considering we fucked up his soon-to-be-elysium. I'm not sure what his blood potency is but the GM mentioned that he's just shy of being forced to feed on only vampires, and was healing damage about as fast as we could deal it.
So, since fire is out of the question, with us also being vampires, I had the idea of resorting to snake venom to drain his blood pool. Is there anything I could use to get it into him that isn't some single-shot zookeeper tranq rifle?
>just shy of being forced to feed on only vampires
So like, 5.
Also that means he's got a Blood Pool of max 15.
Either there's some plot bullshit going on, your GM doesn't know the system, or you just haven't hit hard enough yet.
In our GMs defense, our combat dots are a bit shit and we've been known to misinterpret things
Or they are leaning on the side of storytelling over crunch to keep their npc alive and threatening, and you just killed it for them, and turned a scary situation into 'his storyteller is a cheating asshole'. You could have just answered the question.
Fair enough, Blood Potency 5 is still nothing to sniff at, and odds are he's got the skills to back it up.
Especially as many Vampires avoid letting their Blood Potency get above 5 due to the difficulties in feeting, meaning that he's unlikely to follow the irritating PC mentality of "boost power stat hard, fuck everything else".
Hit him with a car
Veeky Forums, I've been thinking of running one of those new fangled second edition games for a bunch of my college buddies for old times' sake. I'd probably go for something like a couple of sessions of Requiem or Awakening because those are the ones I'm most familiar with. The problem is I'm shit at making up plot. Are there any cool ready-made adventures for those games? I'd be even happy to get interesting plot hooks.
Did anyone buy the Mage 2e pdf with errata?
>Hit him with a truck
Fixed that for you, user.
You could always take a Pathfinder AP like Carrion Crown and reskin it for dark urban fantasy.
There is the adbeju cipher or some shit like that. Its a One shot sdventure, its fine.
Reign of the exarchs is a campaign boolk, its.....usable, i didnt like some of the chapters and you will have to tweak it for your group.
Requiem? I dunno, not even a Requiem player, *urp* but let's give it a fucken crack ey.
Pick the nearest major city to you, one you know well. Your players are characters from "out of town" (meaning they can be from anywhere if you're feeling generous) and all head into the city after communications from the dominant Invictus group abruptly ceases with a single word, "Quarantine."
A wasting illness has spread quickly amongst the vampires of the city, causing them to quickly and quietly wither away as they slept. Most humans are unaware that anything has happened; they continue on their way as normal. To the players, though, given a list of contacts - every haven, a rotting corpse and a red X on the door. The paranoia, of what killed them, and how. The opportunity of a blank slate and to loot plague havens, forge new connections and insinuate themselves, claim a corner for themselves.
But disease has a way of returning....
It took me some time to assemble a party to play with. Being the first experience of rpg ever for two of them, I described the splats in a few or more lines.
The problem is that some of the players want to play Beasts. How do i convince them that it's not worth it?
Why'd you offer them the chance in the first place?
If you didn't, say you're not comfortable having Beasts in the group.
>The theming is all shit anyway
Firstly: wrong. Second, why are you even here then?
What do you guys think about second edition's new fangled "doors" social system? I've been trying to wrap my head around and it seems like just an extended action with a weird "how many times you can make the roll" first impression thing attached to it. Still, it might be a better to play a social persuasive character than the GM going "eh, give me a Manipulation + Persuasion roll".
It's a social roll with a penalty based on circumstances (doors). Each roll, reduces the penalty until you can make the roll unimpeded.
You don't NEED to open doors, but that represents trying to social someone who either doesn't know, like or trust you, which is why it's called "forcing doors".
Use the social chase rules instead anyway
Requiem seem like a harder game to make plots for. For other lines you just go "some asshole wizard/ghost/spirit/whatever stumbled onto mysterious doodad/ritual/whothe/fuckcares and now shit's bannanas, yo". Requiem seems to favor vampire court intrigue more than investigation of weird shit.
The court intrigue can be the only thing you need to make the game fun.
How many splats can there be in a party and being covered into a plot before it becomes Power Rangers: the game?
2, 1 if that 1 is Mages
What is a good vampire intrigue plot to start off a VtR campaign?
where are the 20th anniversary downloads?
In china
Vampire noble, shut out from the innermost halls of politics, is pissed, and has drawn in vampire hunters from outside to show that the current leaders aren't up to the task of handling the crisis.
So Jim Profit applied to my game... what do?
Explain to him who the fuck Jim Profit is.
user needs to source old memes
No, it's the actual Jim Profit.
I highly doubt that
piggy profit - meme
jim profit - tv show
fake profit - meming wantabe
stop being obscure and choose one user then story time or drop it
Jim Profit is a very old troll from the days of yore who avatared with images of that shadow guy from Naruto. He was sort of like a prototype virtualoptim. One of those people who wears a name and trip not so much to have an identity or know which posts are his, but to piss people off and derail every thread.
But I can't even remember what his personality was, other than self-righteous wankery. I thought he hated WoD.
What do you guys think about Kult? Is it worth? I want to hear from someone who's used to WoD or CofD if they have ever played the game and, if so, what they liked about it. Try not to focus on the ruleset it offers, I've heard the old rules are shit **even tho people like it**. I'm thinking about running a game for a few people (3 to 4 players) but I since everyone is used to WoD, I don't know if they'll like it.
>How many splats can there be in a party and being covered into a plot before it becomes Power Rangers: the game?
2 or 3, I'd say. Depends on the characters themselves as well, on how they interact and whatnot.
Anyone got the V20 Dark Ages, Tome of Secrets stuff that was sent out to backers? I'd love to give it a look over.
I'm not gonna upload it though. It's on sale right now, if you want it so badly then pay the $15 or whatever.
What would you guy say is the best book to understand the sabbat?
>Paying for RPGs
You'll never get anywhere with that attitude, user.
The Aristocrats
Actually buying books for that gameline is the best way to get more books made for that gameline.
A Ghouled professional baseball player that dopes via Vitae.
Professional athletes who dope via Crimson, a type of cocaine made with vitae mentioned in Tales from the Thirteenth Precinct.
Jokes on you, I haven't ever played an RPG written past 2005
The Brujah have united the city's gangs into a single, cohesive alliance. What they are doing with them remains to be seen.
>Mages can go no further than the shores of Oroboros. Even touching it is tantamount to entering the Abyss, and destroys the fool who does it. Mages sometimes cast things they don’t want into Oroboros. This includes memories, souls they wish to damn, and even material items they’ve converted into ephemera for the journey. One need merely imagine the act of throwing something in your (Astral) possession away and it vanishes forever.
>Touching the Ocean Ouroborous obliterates you now
>You can't bathe in it and come back missing the thing you wanted to divest yourself of forever.
Huh. I didn't notice (and strongly dislike) this change. I liked the Astral representation of the Abyss being the most "safe" version, where the danger was significantly more insidious. Now it's just "touch it and you die".
Hell, even touching the ACTUAL Abyss doesn't instantly annihilate you, unless that's changed too.
Go back and read the 2nd edition Players Guide to the Sabbat. Try to remember they embody the inherent contradictions of religious fundementalism. That gets lost in Revised, which was more like a love letter to action movies than anything else. All 20th Anniversary stuff is occasional diamonds buried in shit and currently too expensive to pay for with a straight face.
>You can't bathe in it and come back missing the thing you wanted to divest yourself of forever
This is the Astral.
The thing you want to divest yourself of can be presented as a separate entity.
Just throw it in.
Sure, but that imagery is way less creepy and neat than having to wade in and baptise yourself in the Ocean Oroboros like it was the River Jordan if you want to divest yourself of some metaphysical trait. The imagery and implications there were way more interesting than "touch it and die instantly". The idea that there was a version of the Abyss you could enter "safely" at ALL (and that in that version you're bathing your actual SOUL in it) was fucking creepy, unexpected, and disturbing.
Thing is, that's so antithetical to the nature of the Abyss usually, and so against player expectations I can't see any of my players actually wanting to do that, when they could otherwise just grab the Goetia of their fear of Dogs and throw it in.