Of Slaanesh and Khorne - edition
>General's Handbook pdf is up
>OP image album
Old Thread
Of Slaanesh and Khorne - edition
>General's Handbook pdf is up
>OP image album
Old Thread
>I fucking forgot the title
And this is why you don't make a thread at 3 AM.
To the gitmob player converting wolf riders using fenrisian wolves in the last thread: those first five look sick my dude, keep it up.
What armies do you want to see more of /AoS/?
I'd love to see something for gutbuster guys come out. Give them a real hero and maybe some of them sweet synergies that other armies keep punishing me with
So I have an user to appologize to. Apparently the 40k tzaangors sprues are just the exact same sprues in the WHQ box with an additional sprue added in.
I argued that it would be a different set of sprues and not include things like the shields. So here's to hoping they update the warscroll and give us some proper points for them, instead of using them as counts-as gors lame bullcrap (pun intended).
forgot pic
Barbarian user here who likes shields too much. I posted the backstory for my dudes last nigiht and then went to sleep, so I didn't get to reply to anyone before the thread died.
Here is the lore for my general (counts as wulfrik the wanderer, will be modeled with the same sword, shield, and other details)
>Thrice Blessed Leof, Son of Easnock and Adelyn
>Wulfrik the Wanderer
I saw it happen three years ago! That monstrosity sliced Leof’s arm clean off! I rushed to help, but he continued to fight, like the gods themselves lent him their strength. When the battle finished the medicine men did what they could. In a weeks time, they removed the bandages to find a new arm in place of the old. This arm was not the ones you are I have I’ll tell you that much. He lifted his longsword in a single hand and the way he swung it you would think it made from reeds. It was a gift from the four! It had to have been…
Aftert the Battle of Cairns the corpse collectors found his body. A dozen arrows had pierced his skin. The witches cleaned the corpse and prepared it for a funeral, only to see him wake and rise the next day. Some believe it was the magic of his grieving wife Runa, but I think the gods had plans for him yet.
I dare not ask the man what his third blessing was.
He leads the charge himself into the heart of the enemy forces. Not a single man in the clan disrespects him.
FUCK, I had that EXACT IDEA. Doesn't really count though, I just made the wolves into wolf rats using spare rat ogre heads.
Cool user, i am looking forward to watching your army come to fruition
Oh fuck you sure showed us user. Such epic maymays cannot be disputed. Woe to all who inhabit this thread for we have been layed low.
Should I ever not take spear on my moonclan grots? I love the look of the stabbas but they just don't seem to perform as well as I would like in practice. In theory I should be hitting more but it never seems to work out. Am I doing something wrong? Am I missing something?
No. Other than bow grots, I would only take spear grots for melee. Having weapons with reach is essential for big units, and big units are essential for grots.
Yeah, agreed. I need to find a set of legs for my blood reavers and do the same.
Is the fluff worth exploring if I liked The Old World?
It's a complete tonal shift and different, but it has elements of the old world fluff that are treated more like dedications and acknowledgements. I love the old world fluff.
I also love AoS fluff. It being a complete tonal shift is refreshing and welcome. The things about the old world are neat to read about. They're like fun cameos of your favorites put into other movies, but they feel part of the story and there for more than just pandering.
I can't recommend you any of the novels because I haven't read any (I never read any of the old novels either). If you are wanting to look into the fluff, I say it's good to pick a faction, then read their fluff. The main campaign books are also giving you the bigger picture of what's going on.
One of the things that attracts me to it, is it is completely different from the old world, but it still feels like warhammer fantasy. I can't explain it. There are a few weird things that I am still adjusting to, like the weird name changes and some of the other words and names. I also like it's an actual progressing story where things are changing and the factions are shifting.
It also gives you plenty of room for your own army, your own dudes. Pick a mortal realm and build your own planet that your guard regiment comes from (as an example using 40k).
Anyway that's my opinion on it all.
God I hope arcaniites get released soon.
Got a whole scheme cooked up for em' too. Gonna do the standard tzeentch colors with a block cracked rock base above a spray on the base of purple, pink, and blue to pull off a magic lava look.
Fucking sweet. Tzeentch and slaanesh are my favorite gods.
You can at least get tzaangors now without having to buy WHQ. see
I've got a long road ahead of me to build and paint the whole army, but I am hoping I can manage to stay motivated.
Still waiting on forty bloodreavers and some shields to arrive in the mail, but I've started doing bases and cleaning/assembling what models I can
looks like they come with enough shields for all of them
They need a buff, badly. As if they're not even good stall units to be honest. Let them do magic or even some boost for being close to wizard units. Bonus points if they give boosts back.
What stat line are you talking about?
I assume he is talking about these
except that in matched play they turn into bestigors using that warscroll instead, which is a bummer to say the least
Holy God that doesn't seem worth it at all. Do you know their point value?
in matched play they are converted to bestigors at the usual bestigor price (140pts for 10) and using the bestigor warscroll instead
>Is the fluff worth exploring if I liked The Old World?
>, but it still feels like warhammer fantasy
>I can't explain it.
Top kek
Pic related
I'd like more and better Daughters of Khaine
>So here's to hoping they update the warscroll and give us some proper points for them
Well the Warscrolls system is set up to give us new rules immediately and they've already provided at least one pdf with new pitched battle points, so I expect it will happen.
>if I liked The Old World
It almost completely different and still very new. It may fill out in the end, but right now there isn't a whole lot that's been developed aside from the Stormcast Eternals.
These are lit