What? I hate Magnus now!
What? I hate Magnus now!
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I suddenly find myself wondering if Kitten still loves Shadowsun.
god, the emperor looks so fucking sexy in that cover.
I want him to just slip his codpiece off and shove his whole meter long mega dick down my throat. it would feel so good, taking his holy cock all the way down my facecunt.
what made 40k book threads on Veeky Forums worse?
Horus Heresy or Beast Arises?
horus heresy
the specific turning point would probably be legion
So how would things have progressed had Magnus not accidentally humanity's future?
The Emperor wouldn't be forced to sit on the throne 24/7 and Malcador would still be alive.
impossible to tell, but for starters Malcador wouldn't have gotten fried
>open the book get met by this quote
>‘Hell is empty, and all the devils are here.’
-– from Tempestium, by the heretic Ariel Sycorax of Old Earth
40K humans are retarded.
Whenever I see a picture of the Emperor I just think about the fact that his armor almost definitely has a machine spirit inside of it that works so closely with him.
I really want to know what it thinks of him.
>I fucking love how his chest feels, it's so soft
>god damn it, he's getting a boner again
>why does he shave his asshole and dick but not his balls
>I wish I could tell the that qt techpreistess that repairs me that I want to raw her
>my feet hurt
Do you think they ever have casual conversations in the middle of conquest? The Emperor rarely cared for things on personal and intimate level, but the closeness and utility of the armor as well as his familiarity with it could have led to fond sentimentalism and then possible friendship.
It's a 38k years gap user, I wouldn't be surprised if they believed Superman and Mickey mouse were old deities.
Russ and the Space Wolves would have been ambushed on Istvaan V, probably. Magnus would basically have free reign to analyze the overall war situation and would have been able to intervene at key interventions like rescuing the loyalists on Istvaan V, stopping the Word Bearers on Calth and containing the Ruinstorm, or intervening in the naval engagement between the Imperial Fists and Iron Warriors and ending the IW as a Legion.
The real tragedy is that if Magnus practiced patience, obedience, and faith in the Emperor, then the Thousand Sons would have become the most important game changer for the Loyalists; and their success in stopping the Horus Heresy and preserving Terra from direct assault would have made them one of the most revered organizations ever assembled in human history. This surely would have benefited Magnus' personal advocacy for the expansion of psychic power usage throughout the Imperium to better improve and defend mankind.
And down the line in 40k, the Thousand Sons would have played a key role in stopping the Tyranids outright. (If their Loyalist successors managed to stop a Hive splinter fleet, you can only imagine the full power of the Thousand Sons unleashed upon a tendril.)
>hey random servant do you remember that opera back in Italy
>my Liege, what the hell are those things?
Imagine expending the rest of your life around millennials that won't even remember or know half of the stuff you know ever existed.
>child workers in the Emperor's imperium
>child servitors
And you guys said that the Emperor's Imperium was better!
What Magnus should have done was taking all his shit and move to Terra to get ready for the imminent siege, then the wolves would have being send after the word bearers to support Guilliman against them and the world eaters.
>humanity doesn't have to use the webway
>Malcy boy alive and well
>Horus forced to land on Terra, because Emperor is butfucking the ground forces with mind bullets
>gets rekt in 3v1 against Emps, best boy and Rogal
The Ruinstorm would have fucked with his navigation and he would have known it. If he had the psychic power necessary to foresee the Istvaan massacres, then he definitely had the power to foresee the most critical junctures of the heresy and cockblock the traitors in many key engagements.
>The Chaos Gods get pissed and send in Be'lakor to even the odds.
I'm about to finish book 2 of the Horus Heresy, False Gods and I want to take a quick 1 book break from it but I still want to read some warhammer stuff. What's the best book in your guys opinions? I've read all of the other works by Dan Abnett outside of the Horus Heresy and all of Ciaphus Cain's stuff.
pls respond
>best boy died because Magnus couldn't stop being a self centered ass
This I will never forgive, Sangüinius was just too pure for 40k
>he jobbs to Sigismund and some thousand angy marines
>Belakor accidentally Horus and back stab the traitors because LoL I'm the gods favourite
By god, Drach'nyen is SO METAL!
How old do you think his armor is? I imagine he'd had it for awhile.
Spoilers we finally have hints about the Emperor's ethnicity
>proto-Indo-Europan tongue that would come to be known as an early precursor to the Hyttite dialect.
We already knew that.
>Ancient Anatolians
He pre-dates Turkey though.
ITT: nothing new. Carry on Servitor G-3964
>‘Kadai made the same demand, as did Jasac and Helios before him. Each one of the Ten Thousand represents genetic lore acquired over many lifetimes. Each one of you is unique. A work of art never to be repeated. I am miserly with your lives, when I spend so many others without a thought. I would not order the Ten Thousand into the fire if there was another way.’
-Emperor on the Custodes
And yet these one-each-unique "supreme gene-warriors" had DOZENS of them cut down by two Eldar. Not even unique heroic one in a thousand years Eldar like the PLs.
I am dying right now. If this doesn't prove the superiority of the Eldar race than I don't know what will.
Aren't you a bit busy being extinct and doomed after the last Eldard's affair?
I liked Execution Hour (the Battlefleet Gothic novel; skip the sequel).
Within the Heresy but totally different, Tallarn: Executioner is great, though it's only a half-novel. I haven't read the other books in the Tallarn series; it's annoying how they're broken up and hard to find.
Yeah, that's not too big a surprise given we knew he was Anatolia. But it's good to see it confirmed.
Note, the Turks came into Turkey relatively late. Turkey wasn't Turkish until the 11th century AD.
What? The Sister of Silence mouth pieces are surgically attached to their jaws and cheekbones?
Then how we can kiss them? what the fuck, GW? Can you not into waifus?
>superiority of the Eldar race
>couldn't stop some 20 guys from soloing the whole eldar race
Now you're making an ass of yourself
>Central Asia
>Anatolians from north that fucked Babylon up
Find a single fucking similarity
They were sun-baked brown.
>The Emperor
>A Fucking Roach
Not Likely
>A pair of Imperial Fists sentries marched past Diocletian and Kaeria, bolters held at rest. They saluted the Custodian and the Oblivion Knight with the symbol of Unification, banging their fists to their breastplates. Kaeria returned the salute.
>Diocletian did not. He watched the two soldiers march on and felt discomfort at the sight of their pristine armour, the very same unease he’d felt upon first seeing the Palace’s horizon turned into an endless ocean of grey battlements.
>‘How proud they look,’ Diocletian said. The words came out as a murmur. His voice was still suffering from the blow that had almost severed his head the day before. ‘Our noble cousins.’
>Cousins. It was true, if one employed a generous licence with the truth. The warriors of the Space Marine Legions were raised through a similar process to the Ten Thousand, albeit in the coldest and crudest imitation. Diocletian had been reshaped at the fundamental level, with perfection threaded through his blood and bred into his bones. In contrast, his lesser cousins among the eighteen Legions were cut open by knives and implanted with false organs, relying on surgical ingenuity and genetic rituals to mimic the end result of better, more painstaking, more complete, work.
The difference between Custards and SPESS.
Grey Knights are still better though.
Grey knights are all psykers, and psykers wreck shit. That makes perfect sense.
Much is made of the alleged future psychic apotheosis of Mankind, after all.
Begs the question why the Custodes were not made into psykers as well.
Because the Emperor got rid of all Psykers with the Nikaea Edict. Imagine the Grey Knights if they had to abide by said edict. they'd be next to useless.
Let me guess, your Emperor is an orange potatoman?
The novel mentions something about a godlike race that created and lived in the Webway before the Eldar settled in it. Any idea who or what they are?
The Old Ones.
Old Ones?
Where did they go?
Crons at max power + intact C'tan (+ emerging daemons, + Enslavers, both of which were consequences of the way Old Ones fought) defeated them in the War in Heaven
This would explain all the weird shit that goes down there.
Please, the Horse Heasay has been a gigantic BL diarrhea since at least 8 years ago. Always topping itself with another pudding of pure lore-breaking, change-for-change's-sake chaos-circlejerking shit like Beast Arises on the other hand has come and gone, pissed off IF and Salamander players at most, maybe a few Imperials.
It's Florida. A weird place in general.
By the Ommissiah, NOOOOOO! ARUUUUUGH
>The Echo of the First Murder attacks
>Drach'nyen revealed itself and boy it's cute CUTE!
That happens when white males from beyond glorious Mare Nostrum usurp land that doesn't fit in their genotype. Their brains can handle the Sun.
Didn't you ready that one early HH book about the Mars rebellion in which the Emps literally walks up to a Mechanicus walker and just says "MACHINE, HEAL THYSELF" and it literally does, through Emps magic?
Machine-Spirits literally ALL kneel to him because they aren't real and he's just using (rerouting) the reality-warping technology-related powers of the Void Dragon.
They weren't kidding when they said that Custards cannot into emotions very well. It's like reading about literal autistic people. The SPESS and buld sisters seem human compared to them in the novel
so putting so much effort into making your soldiers that you'll never have enough of them to do anything but spawn-camp is better? at least the Marines actually go do shit.
Well they were made into the image of the Emperor.
>Didn't you ready that one early HH book about the Mars rebellion in which the Emps literally walks up to a Mechanicus walker and just says "MACHINE, HEAL THYSELF"
That sounds really cool, which book is that?
Mechanicum (2008)
>A crimson mantle flapped in the wind behind the giant warrior and he carried an eagle-topped sceptre clutched in one mighty gauntlet. The golden giant’s eyes scrutinised the blue-armoured form of Verticorda’s mount, from its conical glacis to the aventailed shoulder plates upon which the wheel and lightning bolt symbol of the Knights of Taranis was emblazoned.
>The warrior reached out towards him. ‘Your machine is damaged, Taymon Verticorda,’ he said, his voice heavy and yet musical, like the most perfect sound imaginable. ‘May I?’
>Verticorda found himself unable to form a reply, knowing that anything he might say would be trite in the face of such perfection. It didn’t occur to him to wonder how the sublime warrior knew his name. Without waiting for a reply, the warrior reached out, and Verticorda felt his touch upon the joints of Ares Lictor’s knee.
>‘Machine, heal thyself,’ said the warrior, the purpose and self-belief in his voice passing into Verticorda as though infusing every molecule of his hybrid existence of flesh and steel with new-found purpose and vitality.
>He felt the warmth of the warrior’s touch through the shell of his mount, and gasped as trembling vibrations spread through its armoured frame of plasteel and ceramite. He took an involuntary step back, feeling the movements of his mount flow as smoothly as ever they had. With one step, he could feel Ares Lictor move as though it had just come off the assembly lines, its stubborn knee joint flexing like new.
>‘Who are you?’ he gasped, his voice sounding grating and pathetic next to the mighty timbre of the golden warrior’s voice.
>‘I am the Emperor,’ said the warrior.
> Florida man unearths giant eye of an unknown totally not lovecraftian horror on beach.
Oh shit, it changes a LOT of things. Magnus singlehandedly did more damage to the future of Humanity than Horus ever did.
...On a side note, it occurs to me that Horus ordering Russ to kill Magnus was him trying to scupper the plan. Remember, the Emperor was like "Ayyyy Russ, get Magnus and drag him back to Terra." Obviously the Emperor wanted to shove Magnus onto the Golden Throne to seal the leak.
Horus really fucked that part of the plan up, too.
Interestingly enough, the Thousand Sons are ridiculously powerful in 30K. It's implied that Magnus is taking all the Perils of the Warp checks for them, and he never fails: When he's out of commission, they begin mutating almost instantly.
But then, Arvida (a survivor) is still insanely badass and can perform feats of sorcery like guiding the entire White Scars Legion through the Webway.
user, the machine spirits are real. It's just that they're incredibly vaguely defined and are mos likely AI of some variant.
Some books after that were great though.
The first heretic is the best HH series book.
Space Marines at least start as people, as the description earlier said custards are what they are from the dna up
So I'll ask....
Anyone got a copy of this up for download yet? I've been waiting for this for awhile now but don't know when I am gonna make it out to the store for a physical copy. Figured I would ask to save me the trouble.
>He’d argued with several scholars – Terran, Martian and out-system alike – regarding the veracity of those archives. It seemed everyone had their own viewpoint, backed up by their own research, on just what monkeys had actually been. A particularly misguided rival of Arkhan’s had insisted the creatures could hang from trees by their tails, which was patently nonsense. Any serious scholar could see the beast’s tail was designed as a lash and a puncturing weapon to deliver venom.
I repeat myself.
40K people are utterly retarded.
I might upload it when I am done with it. Goddamn the book is so long and it's full of NEW LORE and TWISTS. It's a treasure trove for anyone who wants to know more about Chaos and the Emprah.
You would be my hero if you did so.
Hope you end up enjoying it!
Don't be a cunt bro. Just share it senpai.
Sandy Mitchell's Dark Heresy series is actually pretty good though I'm not sure it ever got finished. Once you're finished with that and are about to go back to the HH series don't. Just don't.
also some Ork fans who are annoyed that the biggest strengths of Orks are apparently completely different to what they've always been told and that arbitrarily Orks just happen to be a complete shadow of what they actually could be if only they tried.
>It's a treasure trove for anyone who wants to know more about Chaos and the Emprah.
You mean.. its full of made up and retconned shit
The Night Lord books by Bowen-Demski are pretty great
No, reading time.
I just got to the part where it shows a memory of the Emperor having Angron strapped to surgical table and examining his Burcher Nails to see if he can remove them or not. Also Arkan Land is based.
FFS...You're killing me with that spoiler.
I'm heading to bed soon. I was hoping to have it before that, but hopefully you'll upload it tomorrow.
Here is a link:
Thank you user!
Anyone got the audiobook?
>change-for-change's-sake chaos-circlejerking
>making the BBEG of the setting look good is bad
Why do you do this, user?
Np, just copied the link from my regular warez forum
Haven't seen it so far.
If you do see ti be sure to post a link, I have trouble with reading so need audiobooks.
Yes, I can confirmed that the SoS character has a sweet voice.
upload it laddo
He's obviously joking.
This is Arkan Land. He is a respected visionary of the Mechanicum.
Anyone got a pdf or mobi of this?
Didn't the Emperor order the creation of the Grey Knights?
Yes, as he was wounded and being enthroned. They were his "Last Gift" to a race he failed.
I frakin love the Dredd vibe and straight to the point atitude. Calpurina is great.
That monkey has seen some shit in arkan's lab
what 20 guys? eldar empire fall before mankind went in to stars if I recal corectly.
He is referring to Death Masque.