>not recognizing a double top when you see it
Not recognizing a double top when you see it
what if i dont see it? is it ok to not recognize it then?
>*prints 50m tether*
Yes you faggot? Do you even realize what you said. If you're not even looking at the graph I don't expect you to recognize a double top. Fuck you're retarded.
Also this how you tell that we're crashing. When it's about to go sub 16k again but this time no one even notices. As if it's completely normal. It's only downtrending from here.
>*problem solved*
There have been countless double tops and triple tops and whatever and the shitcoin has always gone back up so who the fuck knows when the final double top will be
I do. Because I know everything.
double top or cup and handle?
How many times have I fapped today?
Because the way its increasing is based on increased exposure, which can't increase forever. The normie boom already happened? What's next, ultra normies? No. It goes down from here. People are realizing this is the top and it's time to get out
is TA effective when it comes to crypto? It just seems so unpredictable.
I agree with this but then again I was convinced BTC would crash for good when we were at 3k then 5k then 9k then 12k yet here we are
Only a full tard would assume BTC is crashing for good. Its goodbye for now, not forever.
We'll see faggot
It will be a slow bleed into the rest of crypto as the weaknesses are exposed and people will see other coins gaining and btc not. It got the ball rolling.
We are not even close to top. Top will be around $100-200K BTC most likely by 2019. This is based on adoption curves of new tech and estimated market cap saturation and comparison to Forex
this is what's gonna happen
from a technical (Computer Science/Engineering) perspective, BTC is a bad currency. There are way better blockchain algos circulating, much more effective ways to do the same things as BTC, even more features etc etc
It's too spikey to be a cup and handle
you idiot its not a double top, its a triangle impregnated with an upsidedown head and shoulders, 2 bullish signals
>made up ta
>muh adoption curve
NOBODY IS ACTUALLY ADOPTING THE FUCKING TECH. This is not radio/TV/Internet. Nobody is actually using this shit for any reason other than to buy it to try to sell it back at a higher price, and they're not adopting because there is NO INCENTIVE TO. Existing solutions are superior in every way except abstract lolbertarian idealism.
PayPal is fucking 10 years ahead of crypto for speed, stability, reliability, convenience, user-friendliness and safety.
"Huhhuh, crypto moves waaaaay faster than other markets grandpa. Duh, except for the decline of this iteration of the market, which is still soooooo many months and years away, that part will be slow, hur."
>not recognising the KING when you see it
>muh "nobody uses gold bars to buy coffee so gold bars aint worth Jack" strawman
Arms long, user? Bags heavy?
Not a doubletop til we cross the neckline