Game over deluded linkies
Game over deluded linkies
Oh shit it really was just an exit scam.
Quick, sell this scamcoin before there's no buyers left.
>focusing our energy on making the next generation of bagholders
subtle kek
Lol @ anyone who believes this...
>$32m raised in ICO with ETH
>"resource problem"
lmao, if they would have just held the ETH too...they'd have $72m right now.
Man have you seen their McDonalds bills?
Sergey actually bought local Mcdonalds with 32m.
Fake faggot, where did you find this
He's now a McDonald's manager.
Yup Spain strikes again
>he has to ask because he thinks there's a chance it could be real
top fucking kek you brainlet
it was emailed to people on the mailing list. Announcement in Slack will come any minute now, I sold right when I saw it.
>there's people ITT RIGHT NOW that think this is real
>t. token holders who didn't even sign up for the mailing list
I'm on email list and didn't get this
I'm on the mailing list faggot
Why do you want brainlets to sell? did you sell last night and can't get back in?
can you imagine mcdonalds run by the power of blockchain?
it would be revolutionary
what the fuck
I'm on the mailing list and you're a retard.
they use btw
Dude can you tell me if this is real or not, I'm sure it's not but don't know what to believe anymore
wtf its real.
say no more
quality FUD
it is. i didn't believe it either but just checked my inbox.
it was all just an exit scam. Sergey isn't even a real person, just some random Russian Rory has been photoshopping into pictures.
OK I just read the last line, fucking fake. Read the whole thing people
It’s real look at the charts retard. Get out now
How many OMGs for a happy meal on Thailand?
Fuck off idiot, so who was I watching give all those talks on chainlink
>he doesn’t know about Omise Go
Volume is down but up 10%
His name is Dimitri Bagholdsky and he works in the dish pit at Denny's.
it's not...
you people didnt even read the whole thing??
I just got the email...holy shit. the war is over link marines...I’m sorry it had to end this way
Guaranteed signs its dying.
I read it all but that last night about the bag holder, when I read it again I was like oh what bullshit
fud, they sell bags at top, fud it bring back price, rinse repeat
sweet retribution for chasing memecoins
Holy shit i just got this in my inbox too holy fuck i just fucking sold that shit for a 40% loss holy shit thank you OP
thailand doesn't have happy meals, only sad meals.
>omise-chan is brown
Stop being mouthbreathers.
Grow the fuck up or go back to /b/
Stop fucking lying, screen shot email in inbox then faggot because I don't have anything
Anons please help this FUD has me fucked, this ain't real I'm sure of it but please assure me it this PLEASE
Newsletters generally get batch processed so they don't get caught up in spam. Some of us have the email already. Yours I'm sure is on the way soon.
it's real buddy, it's the eoy news rory was so excited about.
did you even read the whole thing?
that's not even he mail chainlink uses...
some faggots sold low thinking they could get in lower and dun goofed
Yup. Every PoC test failed and all partners have backed off. Swift is announcing their partnership with Ripple soon which is why XRP is rallying.
LINK is dead. Long live Ripple!
> this FUD has me fucked
>literally says "bagholders" in the "official" document
I don't care what anyone says, there is a new tier of retard on this board that wasn't here even a month ago.
Yeah I was sure it was bullshit when you read it, was just worried some many anons saying they got it and the volume has gone down a fair bit
Fuck, i just got it and it was really real, check your trashbin or something.
it has gone down 10 BTC, that is NOTHING
I'm sorry you are right I it totally bullshit, was just fucking worried because I'm at work and can't even transfer my shit if was true
dude if you believe it's your loss, you can sell once the news hits and the price reacts. I've already sold at a 40% loss i dont give a fuck, i'm already in REQ with that money. will be better than a 90% loss in the next couple of hours. Do you remember how fast confido tanked?
stinky linkies on the brinky :)
the brink of extinction. noose sales are going to spike so hard tomorrow.
If that has you worried you shouldn't even be in this market. You are going to get fucked over. You need to read and research enough that even if the price of your project is tanking and everyone is FUDding, you are confident in your understanding that you are invested in the right thing.
You guys think this is FUD, OP shopped “bagholders” over “blockchain-based technologies” to throw you off. The announcement itself is very much real. I’m looking at the email right now.
>focus our energy on making the next generation of bagholders
>what is inspect element
also I thought you had alreay checked it, how's that "just got it"?
stop messin with my linkies, they have already suffered enough
that's the best part of OP's post. now everyone has convinced themselves its fake because one word was changed.
I'd feel bad for the linkies if this wasn't the funniest meme ever made.
>there's people ITT RIGHT NOW that think this isn't real
Show the fucking email then because I don't have it faggot
Just look at the price then. Everyone who has got it is selling.
LINK is pumping, I sold to try to flip into ETH then back into LINK but it decided to go up 30% immediately, (literally one minute) after I sold. So I wouldn't be worried, it will probably hit $1 soon. I have really bad luck and the market knows when I want to do something so it fucks me as hard as possible. Count yourselves lucky.
Fuck off, if just show me a screen shot of it in your fucking inbox if it's reall
if this was real the price would already be 0 man, there's people with shitloads of Link
>11 posts by this id
oh shit is real!
20min later
just checked my inbox
someone posted a pic of it in their inbox earlier in the thread but deleted it. probably so people like you keep holding LOL
Is this fake & gay or genuine & heterosexual?
this is that same dickhead who keeps making threads about LINK being listed to Bittrex
Thanks man, I know I seem dumb asking if it real but out of all the FUD this is the only one that has got me thinking it could be real, thanks dude
Yup. Look at that dump. Jesus linkies never learn. Deluded bagholding their scamcoin.
So this was the eoy announcement?! SELL SELL SELL
Yup. It was all just a bait and switch.
>the next generation of bagholders
Actually laughed. How did anyone if you think this was real?
OP, how does it feel to know that all this FUD couldnt bring the price down 1 fucking cent?
try harder faggots
How can tey delete it faggot, I may have only been on biz for a month and a half but have been on Veeky Forums for year faggot
OP just changed "blockchain-based technologies" to "bagholders". The email is real.
>13 posts by the same guy
Man, how obsessed are you?
you can delete posts man...
he mwans this one: which is fake and gay
Show fucking screen shot you lying cunt
You'll never find out. I've seen posts deleted and only been called a new fag for asking how.
click on the check next to you post, then click delete on the bottom right of the screen
fucking newfags
Shit I didn't even know and I have been on Veeky Forums for years
He probably made it himself you complete and utter retard.
The fact that theres more paid shitposters here now about link than there were in pol during the election makes me think link is the new eth
Fuck I feel like a retard now, thanks man
I like the fact that he waited until the TA indicators showed this was supposed to go down to make the thread so he could say "see! people are selling!"
lmao, what's the discord group?
Again, that's not even the mail that the cahinlink team uses.
anyone stupid enough to believe this shit doesnt deserve $LINK bags and a free ticket to Lambo Land anyways
wow, cant believe it man
Do you really think an official statement would include the word “bag holder” in it, you stupid double digit iq normie piece of garbage?
Dude read what I said, didn't see that. Also people were saying op change that part to make it look fake. Don't worry I was sure it was fake, just having a shit day at work and I panicked when I seen it, that's all