I have 5000 Yurop Dollars. Should I invest it in..
- Bitcoins ?
- Other Cryptocurrency?
- Nintendo/Apple Stock?
Please help me out here, Veeky Forums
I have 5000 Yurop Dollars. Should I invest it in..
- Bitcoins ?
- Other Cryptocurrency?
- Nintendo/Apple Stock?
Please help me out here, Veeky Forums
Im just here for the octopussi
who is this trap?
Pornstars name plz
I found her best video!
Please guys help me I really don't know what to do please please
Want to be spoonfed? Take half and divide it between Eth, btc and ltc, keep that pile equalized in fiat value. The other half is your gambling money, that stack should be relatively fluid, pick a combination of long term moonshots and short term flips. Pick a good entry point and don't be afraid to bail if you think a coin will bleed out for months.
Daizha Morgann
Put it in a pile and burn it.
Lol I went to highschool with this girl.
Daizha Morgann for the porn name
Maybe I'm doing too much coke, but I would actually pay .1 BTC to pound that ass. She looks fucking wild
they call her the octosphinchter
For some reason, my favorite video of hers is the one where she's just rolling around on the shower floor, all wet and shiny.
That fucking body is 10/10.
No kidding! I would fuck it
50% XMR 50% BTC
It's actually her asshole.
Is dailystocktraders.com a scam website? I got a "hot tip" for a stock that looks like an obvious pumpndump.
*slight pause
how much would pay to stick your dick in a dumpster? It would be pretty similar