Time to sell.
Time to sell
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Fuck I just got in though
They keep saying this without explaining how
Why do we always force women into the picture? *cringe*
One woman just dominated Veeky Forums for a good 2 hours so...
Because girl power.. Duh
lol, sell just as nem money is coming into the market. if you think women are inferior, why would you flee the market just as they come in? isn't this an opportunity?
>99% of bitcoin is owned by men
sorry sweeties just a little too late
tits or gtfo of my crypto future REEEEEEEEEEEEE
Kek this reminds me of the WaBi telegram where some stupid cunt kept telling everyone she sold for 0.98c and wanted consolation but everyone was just laughing at her.
no idea what they meant by this and won't bother to give them a pageview
>SJW coin
>Feminist coin
>Fuck Drumpf coin
even now in 2017 whenever you see a most influential women list its still Marie Curie near the top and a parade of actresses, talk show hosts and "wife of"
What do you mean HOW. Bitcoin was the money of crimals, dealers, hackers and the undernet..
Of course the camwhores are gonna take that as currency. Jesus biz.
>camsluts get naked for fake currency
Sounds great 2 me
Htf is the media even making the cryptomarket look like a battle between men and women.
Why must women force themselves into everything and are completely unable to create their own tech?
>take coworker out for drinks
>somehow she brings up that her friend was telling her to buy eth
>show her my blockfolio
>i immediately become a viable sexual partner
fucking roasties
Stupid cunts late to the party as usual. Too busy fucking chad and shoe shopping to take notice of the free money train.
>why would you flee the market just as they come in?
Because women ruin everything they touch. Just look at the video game industry, nigger
> men make crypto relevant
> women get jelly
> women buy up dem coins
> men dump on women
Like pump n dumping irl, but this time, online.
What's the problem here?
care to explain to a curious non-gamer?
Because they are retarded. Have always been, will always be.
The one that always cracks me up the most is Rosie the Riveter paraded around when she only did that job for about a week.
just look at ancient greece history then
I sell and buy almost every day.
It's always fluctuating enough daily where you can be making great money
People always say you need more people spending bitcoin for it to be a viable currency. Spending is what women do best.
hell no women will buy and just hodl forever, reaffirming their belief they made the right choice with every fud post. cutting losses? nah nigga bitches don't do that because they KNOW they're always right. even if they get thoroughly JUSTD 80% they'll just say "well, i didn't get into it for the money, this is just something i really believe in".
bring on the women. i'm ready
>woman think shes in control of thirsty coiner
>buys up link because coiner said so
Thats a pretty old gross looking finger
>>show her my blockfolio
>show her my blockfolio
>>show her my blockfolio
>show her my blockfolio
How old are you, user? How long have you murked loar in Veeky Forums?
Video games have become absolute garbage but its blamed too much on it catering to women. Mainly because of how much retarded video game "journalists" hyped up people like Anita Sarkeesian who kept on going on about how sexist video games are. Zelda being a princess is problematic you see.
However the far larger issue with video games is that shit's been dumbed down for mass consumption. That's not just the fault of women now playing its that its so mainstream that its made to appeal to the lowest common denominator and they've removed nearly all complexity. This in addition to all the microtransaction shit and DLC that's important to the game's core storyline is a far larger cancer to the industry than a few cunts crying about how everything is sexist.
Nah they'll just blame loses on the patriarchy, and demand more coins be printed. More coins = more money right?
Idiot laggard normie
Plus you don't have to deal with the text messages after.
oh god more people are using bitcoin, this is terrible run away
yeah, gamergate has always been blow the fuck out of proportions. Besides it was mostly confined to stupid burgers anyways. The european market (traditionally huge in pc gaming) didn't give a shit about that.
>Be writer in 2017
>forced to sexualize money for shekels
Stop trying to blame shit on a gender you dumbfuck.
^this guy gets it, if you want better videogames, stop crying about
and support indies that don't go cashgrabbing. Fucking whiny pile of retards blaming shit on women.
Why can't women assimilate into anything well? They always throw fits like this and turn the focus of the topic into a discussion about gender equality. I think we would be better off if women were treated like property. They're too dumb to be taken seriously.
Duuh, BTC creator was not only a woman, but a black woman. Get with the times you racist, sexist, homophobe. .
tranny detected
this isn't about women buying bitcoin, it's about how women should be in charge of ICOs and be more represented. it's like what happens in every industry men pioneer... women come in and think they deserve a part of it and ruin it.
Women will be naturals at crypto. They already spend all day fudding each other
I don't need a cock and balls to be more ballsy than 80% of Veeky Forums. But thanks, I'll take it as a compliment you fuck.
Gamergate was mostly about the journalists and they had a valid point there, if you could strip the journalists trying to bash any dev that steps out of line while sucking off EA and Ubisoft then it would help things greatly. Journalists just used "muh harassment of women" as a shield.
>inb4 Gamergate wasn't REALLY about the journalists
Yes it was which was why things like deepfreeze.it
How long until a woman sends her btc to the wrong address and gets buzzfeed to write an article about how the exchange she's using is sexist because they won't give her a refund?
post face also i love you
> revealing you power level
you can bet this will be a feminist talking point that brings feminist groups to new coins etc.
it's almost as if our forefathers had maintained checks on female nature within their society's for a reason...
Who cares? Most will not be qualified, only retards will buy into it and they'll end up losing money. Maybe a few outliers will create something decent. There's no diversity quotas in crypto so they'll sink or swim on their own merits, no reason to freak out.
They can push this shite all they want, but it will never occur. Same thing in STEM fields, except unlike universities which will shill for woman and push for them regardless of their garbage performance, crypto will absolute annihilate women because there is nobody there to hold their dainty hands with their stupid emotional decisions. Sure there are a few, and statistically we should expect some that have at least a bit of common sense to try to make themselves some pretty princess points. Women won't do crypto, stop worry, unless you have a retarded wife/gf that has access to your finances and the gullibility of a goldfish.
Then we pump and dump their vagina coins
LOL the president of the US said he tries to grab pussy and he beat still beat a dumb chick in his race to the white house.
>it's about how women should be in charge of ICOs and be more represented.
Pic related is the shilling that happens for wyminkoinz that turn to shit.
Jewish strategy. Infiltrate with women. Promote Ether (which controllers can print)
No, let's be real gamergate didn't give a shit about journalism lmao. it was clearly a movement against women, for better or worse. At some point it became so fucking retarded though it managed to make feminists and SJWs look nice in comparison. That was one of the most embarrassing episode I have ever seen period.
You're an idiot, it was nothing of the sort.
>women come in and think they deserve a part of it
Yeah, this is what bothers me the most. Why do women act so entitled? What makes them think they DESERVE to be represented in industries like this despite not putting in even half the work the male pioneers put in?
>showing a woman your finances
You deserve to lose all your gains
Hey Anita! Still can't leave us eh?
Biology and Jews. The former causes certain behavior and the latter does everything they can to prevent you from reigning in the former.
>put in high bullshit numbers in
>open blockfolio
>drop the phone on the table and show her
>"check my portfolio"
>her pussy instantly gets wet
>Men invent something
>Women kicks the door in
Are these the same women that claim they are great entrepreneurs because they married a rich guy that hired people with his money to set up his new girl a clothing business?
Women will buy when it's trendy and panic sell at a loss before it rebounds and then ask the government for gibs.
Crypto won't be taxed like property for much longer and will get it's own tax category and it will be intense because of these people.
newb here
buying on coinbase in cad. Is it better to use debit or credit card?
>tax man goes too far
Cant wait for my monero memes skyrocket
Credit is faster, usually instant
Why do millenials act so entitled? Why do they think they deserve a raise or to live somewhat /comfy/ when they've only wageslaved for 5 years? Fucking millenial workforce
The reason this shit exists is because of these retards in the thread.
Why the fuck do you feel the need to evaluate the performance of a person based on their gender or ethnicity?
If both perform at the same rate, but one is recognized for their effort as being "appropriate" and gets a promotion while the other is seen as "inappropriate for this position coz woman"
Then yeah, there is gonna be an uproar.
Is the extremist side of feminism right?
Fuck NO.
Does that mean you should base your entire opinion about feminism on how you perceive and interact with the extreme side?
go figure.
Or maybe you could snap out of your sexist delusion and accomplish SO MUCH MORE with a DOUBLING of individual perspective and experience.
Also, I do the flipping while working in IT.
Inb4 searching/guessing for random attributes that disqualify my opinion.
I'm not a fucking special snowflake, there are a lot of women out there who are like minded.
Seriously go try to find some of those instead of hanging out with stacy and ranting about women coz she didn't give your smegma covered cock a lick.
fack off
Bank transfers take like two weeks, but usually have lower fees.
But Coinbase fees are exorbitant in any case.
ty bro.
what is the deposit limit for someone who just opened their account?
trying to put $1000 cad in to mess around with
I read on coinbase that for cad you can only use debit and credit tho
>Why do millenials act so entitled? Why do they think they deserve a raise or to live somewhat /comfy/ when they've only wageslaved for 5 years? Fucking millenial workforce
This is idiotic because when adjusting for inflation boomers made far more in entry jobs than millenials do.
>women and currency
Cool they can pay me.
it's not about who did what. I mean you probably didn't add any code to any project either. the problem with women is they get forced into the industry despite not being the most competent choice. (if a female person is, I'm fine. but usually they're not, because they get chosen for their gender, not their abilities.)
you sound stupid.
Kek, this guy gets it.
>I mean you probably didn't add any code to any project either.
And I also don't demand to be let into every fucking industry without putting any work in. Way to miss the point.
By the way, if anyone wants to benefit off of this. Create "femcoin" or "feministcoin", shill it on trumblr, then exit scam.
just a radical centrist
That's the point. It's sarcasm.
>despite not putting in even half the work the male pioneers put in?
you see that? that's you making it some gender/tribe issue, where it is a competence issue on individual level. you're just as stupid as those idiots pushing women. that's what I was trying to say.
told you
Larp for pussy what a time to be alive
Can I find this? What do I search?
Article link? Need luls right now
Seemed like you were trying to compare the male/female crypto situation to boomers/millenials. Which is nonsense. Women had every possibility to be just as involved in early days of crypto as men. Some likely were and have profited off of doing so. Ideally latecomers would receive no media promotion over males just because of what they've got between their legs.
found the roastie
How long until we head about the crypto gap?
Isnt it something like 95% men 5% women? Someone post the graph
A TRANS black woman. You fucking transphobe
I was highlighting the hypocrisy of making general statements as in "all women". the same way boomers refer to "all millenials". Both statements are incorrect, pushing that agenda isn't going to help anyone. In the end you're just looking for a scapegoat and justification that you do deserve what you have and other's don't.
I agree that women had every chance and should at no point be given any extra attention whatsoever.
What pisses me off is that this thread is a big root part of the reason why these people think it's a good idea to come up with these promotions for women. Having a gendercap on positions and hiring women just for the fact they are women.. is just as stupid. However most people tend to only see the consequence of something and get mad about it, instead of actually looking at why tf it's happening in the first place.
If trying to find root causes in order to fix them is centrist then fuck it. I just see a bunch of faggots crying about shit and instead of trying to get behind the why and how come's, they just take the easy way of blaming a party for everything that's wrong.
That's how you guys ended up with a race between fucking trump and hilary instead of an actual competent leader.
Instead people could actually just /try/ to find ways to work together and be more efficient at literally everything.
Anyway im out you fucks
Now I can finally compensate all the women and coloreds around me for the microagressions I cause by existing
microtransactions for micro aggressions. sounds good.
>What pisses me off is that this thread is a big root part of the reason why these people think it's a good idea to come up with these promotions for women.
mean words?