Don't say we didn't try to warn you. Tomorrow Ripple announces a Swift partnership, and Chainlink announces they're pivoting and will need a year to restart from scratch.
Its over. Chainlink has lost every battle and tomorrow will lose the war.
Don't say we didn't try to warn you. Tomorrow Ripple announces a Swift partnership, and Chainlink announces they're pivoting and will need a year to restart from scratch.
Its over. Chainlink has lost every battle and tomorrow will lose the war.
Glad I dumped this shit and put it in EOS instead
Much better choice.
Maybe its optimism bias, but I am incredibly confident in chain link. I own 29,000 shares and am planning on selling 10,000 USD of my other coins in order to buy more.
Maybe its the memes, maybe its me telling myself that this is the way out of the struggle, maybe im just niave.
But this is the future, and I have never been prouder to be a part of it
I was kekking at that FUD thread about the Chainlink Network Availability email until it appeared in my inbox
They are losing because their market is out of control. I sold after a day, so sketchy.
Fucking better not, I picked link over ripple for fuck sakes
But how will swift use its legacy infrastructure to communicate with ripple?
Yup. Watch volume rise and price slowly bleed.
Its all over. Was a fun ride, but its all pink wojaks from here.
top kek if true
that'd literally be better than Christmas
Show then
Fuck off
stinky linkies will never make vice president
Shit would go straight to $5
Rumours have it...
Nope, can't handle the FUD today, giving me fucking weak hands, see you tomorrow biz
Nolinks are simply obsessed with link. Even more so than the linkmarines.
0/10 FUD. Not even trying. Go neck yourself, pajeet.
I sold about 10% of my stack so I hope it does crash to around 5 to 10 cents.
Xrp is top market cap coin
for the linkers out there, something like this would be devastating no?
I sold my ripple at 2,700 satoshis. Bought some ADA with it.
Worthless xrp, the max you'll ever see ripple is at $1 in 2020
No partnership with SWIFT is already priced in
for ripple or for chainlink? Why the fuck is link just not moving. its so astounding.
Anyone seem to notice the INSANE amount of FUD today?
>he hasn't looked at the manipulation on Binance
whales accumulating. Not even memeing.
More like bagholders dumping at every sign of a spike.
Its dying a slow painful death. The longer you hold the shorter you'll want your noose.
Eh, if I lose my $10k invested, I work another few weeks of my life.
If it pans out the way it could, that is, SWIFT uses ChainLink, my working life is shortened by 20 years. I'll take that risk/reward.
I put $20 into link because there's potential but I'm not a true believer.
I wouldn't toss piss at ripple after having that little turd for a year.
It's especially peculiar given the record week we've had for LTC and ETH
what's happening senpai what do you know
No, you own 29,000 TOKENS.
I own their tokens too but jebus.
No. Smart contracts can and will be used for much more than bank transfers.
Reveal it to us, user
It's very bizarre. Never seen a coin so aggressively and maliciously fudded. Even DGB fud was mostly lighthearted.
Same boat honestly. I genuinely have faith in the project. Once I'm able to pull out all comfy like of my other coins (except SALT), I'm dumping everything into LINK. I've mostly already done that, only have 20k though.
assumptions assumptions
Wished I never bought this coin but sold a few days ago. Feels so good already making real gains