Congrats on this, seriously
Congrats on this, seriously
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i bought 200 req coins at a dime, should i buy more at a quarter??????????????????
If you have to ask this, you haven't DYOR
i'll take that as a YES, 200 more on the way
honestly cant believe i missed this
this thing looks like its going to FOMO just like omg
why does biz only shill coins after they moon?
>thinks he's gonna make it with 400 REQ
fuck off retard, this was shilled for WEEKS below ICO price
stay poor
the fuck biz shilled this heavily from 5 cents you cuckoo
I'm a newfag and saw this shilled at 0.11
U ain't missed shit hop one 2018 is going to be fun year
sorry im not on biz 24/7 unlike you
might pump req soon to boost it up a little bit so it can finally use its leg and RUN! Pump group.
fucking newfag
this was shilled pre-ico
bitch i'm broke i can't even afford $50 more worth of req it was all a ruse
Sell me on REQ. What's it good for? How's 2018 play out for it?
You forgot about YCombinator. YC business tactics are EXTREMELY aggressive. YC doesnt fuck around with their startups. They will push Request down the throats of the normies in Silicon Valley and they will use it like addicts. They made Airbnb, Dropbox, Twitch etc mainstream and they will make Request into Venmo/PayPal 2.0
2018 is the year of REQ. dont miss out.
Its a way to send/request payments on the Etherium network. Imagine paypal but for Ether.
if i hadn't already been JUSTd by chainlink i would've jumped on this with all the shilling. fuck
you should be sorry, because I bought over 200k at 5 cents dumbass
Its gonna dip again, r-right guys?
I sold at 1500, it's coming back down, right?
You literally sold at a bottom
I figured I fucked up, I really should stop trading while half asleep.
It just keeps going up
I'm done daytrading this, time to hold
It was also fudded to hell when we dipped below ICO. Those were dark times for REQ holders.
>why does biz only shill coins after they moon?
Are you dumb?
REQ was universally shat on throughout the month of November for being at below ICO price, and down to as low as 3-4 cents.
You had the opportunity to research it and invest, you decided to chase pajeet pump and dumps like IOTA and fly-by-night shitcoins.
You are given one more chance. REQ below $0.50 is your last opportunity at easy money.
.50 by the end of the year?????
Easily after Colossus, so any day now. We have volume and momentum now.
And this is BEFORE a Bittrex listing. Just imagine the potential once the normies see the interface running on Main net.
$6 sometime Q2 next year.
Can you niggers fuck off. I need this shit back down to 17
I bought ChainLink way back and lost like half my investment. Sold it all for REQ when biz started shilling it at 12 cents. Was nervous at first cause it was already at the current high, but now we’re here. Feels good.
it was so nice buying at those prices though
I'm still livid I didn't buy at 0.16 yesterday.
Dude, same. I lost half my stack the other day. Felt shitty, but felt determined to get my position back, so went all in on REQ. Video related.
Yep, this is the first time I took Veeky Forums advice (after doing a bit of research and reading their whitepaper/checking dev profiles). Bought at 0.11, feeling pretty comfy right now
guys i bought in at 4 cents but only bought 2k REQ. How do I cope with the fact that I wont make it now?
i sold at .10
at least i can afford a helium tank i guess
no worries, flip that shit and keep climbing user. we'll see you at the top.
shut up thats enough for one used lambo, r-right guys...
don't, you'll probably lose flipping, just hold, that can easily turn into $10k
where's it gonna go?
I'm so sorry user..
Lost 100k REQ trying to ride the eth pump yesterday. Cost me like 15k USD so far... Still happy with these gains but shouldn't have deviated from my plan.
nigger just hold till its $4-$6 not every coin is going to give you 6 figures just accept it. at $4 you would make $8k thats enough to put it back into other things and make more money
To 1$ EOY.
i-is this what a moon mission feels like?
So I've been in since 11 cents, but sold today at 23 cents since I figured it would dip and I could consolidate and accumulate more.
Now it's fucking 27 cents. Will there be a minor correcting, or did i just fuck myself out of 20% of my stack?
Last two pumps it corrected back down, but now it seems like this is gonna keep climbing, but I'm afraid to buy back in after selling at 23 cents wat do?
Soon, friend.
one salvage lot honda
This coin is heading to $4-6.
Imagine 1200%.
This was shilled for weeks before the oct 25th ICO. I bought 50k at ICO (around $.06), and forgot about it.
Sorry, but you're fucked. Buy back in and find more money to DCA if it lowers.
I told a lot of the day traders it would work until it didn't. When it won't work they can't predict and they'll be forced to buy back in higher.
It takes one accumulating whale to move the needle out of reach.
What's so fucking funny to me is that there are people on this fucking board, on this exact post who said the price was too high and it was a pump when it hit .16c, then .22c, now .28c
You guys are literally so fucking moronic man. Look at the sub reddit growth, the search engine metrics, read the fucking whitepaper. If you don't see how this is the BIGGEST chance to get out of wage slavery then you deserve to stay a slave for the rest of your life.
For those who see the vision, congratulations, I hope you're literally doing whatever you can to accumulate more. This is your one shot. This is the moon mission everyone talks about. Its unfolding right before your eyes, don't doubt what you're seeing.
You cucked up my dude
>only $4-6
think 100x that m8erino :^)
Seriously vizard is gonna pump this shit. Fuck sell now we all know what happens to vizard. Fucking shit user you fucks need to disolve your ponzi scheme, hopefully the sec is in your future. Maybe we should nickname vizard madoff 2.0
we have a whale helping us right now. nigga keeps poppin up.
i only have 11.5k... am i going to make it?
meh at least I still have 210k REQ and 30 ETH. Could be worse.
You forgot about YCombinator. YC business tactics are EXTREMELY aggressive. YC doesnt fuck around with their startups. They will push Request down the throats of the normies in Silicon Valley and they will use it like addicts. They made Airbnb, Dropbox, Twitch etc mainstream and they will make Request into Venmo/PayPal 2.0
YC business tactics are EXTREMELY aggressive.
is 1,5k enough of investment for a long run?
your question is too general
meh, i have above 4000 and i still don't think i'll be able to pull out more than max 16000 dollars
Yep, did the same earlier.
You get greedy and start meme trading, you basically reduce your stack.
where to buy req easiest if not in america?
>YC business tactics are EXTREMELY aggressive.
>one shot
But are your knees weak and arms heavy
Slowly siphoning my profits from this like milk from the teet that keeps on giving.
>not holding until $1
You like losing money, don't you?
>not holding until 500$
I've only gained my friend. Veeky Forums always seems to forget the part where you actually take the profits.
You weren't here when this was at ICO don't kid yourself.
This has to be bait, we talked constantly about it every day of week for a month.
if this thing reaches IOTA mcap how much will it be worth?
Yeah, you're going to have a nice come up. You've gotta be smart man, when this shit hits a dollar go take a walk and consider how you're going to 10x your shit again. Really put some objective thought into it and try and flip your perspective around and challenge yourself. That's how I found REQ and went hard (100k). I should have trusted my gut and went all in, but I have a decent stack now.
You made it this far man. You're not a moron. YOu're going to make it, as long as this REQ mission teaches you lessons and principles.
how fucking dumb are you?
I'm waiting for it to get a little closer to OMG to do that. Coin has infinitely more potential than that garbage too.
>telling him to sell at a dollar
The depth chart looks pretty bearish and it's pumped so hard today I think I'm gonna take my chances and wait for a minor correction to buy back in instead of now.
I moved most to the REQ I sold today into SALT since I was hoping they would launch their platform before REQ launches Colossus.
I feel silly REQ and LINK have been my two biggest positions for over a month, and I jumped off the REQ rocket at 23 cents today foolishly assuming it would dip back down. I got tired of seeing my friends sell and consolidate gains and increase their stacks 10-20% each pump while my stack stayed the same size, so the one time I try doing it, it just keeps going up.
k I'll get the wojacks ready
sell your req and move into neo pump, then move back into req - advice from the crypto gods
isn't it up in the air though since if it gets mass adopting the supply will go down?
I honestly think this coin is different. That's probably gonna fuck me in the end but w/e I'm an ICO holder.
yeah it'll be worth more lol
REQ isn't gonna stop pumping. There is too much at stake here with test net on the way at an undisclosed time (but we do know before the next update)
I rode the IOTA train from $1 to $4.80 and honestly think REQ will go to at least $10 in Q1.
what if it doesn't come out though?
is this coin automatically gonna drop like Confido?
Holy shit, looks like we're gonna hit 2,000 SATs just tonight...
What the fuck is going on here?
It was the dream promised to linkies, but got eaten by the T-REQ
i only have 1777 req but holy jesus if it went to $10 thats enough to be comfy and debt free
ikik im a poorfag but fuck thats all i could afford. i have tronix and iota as well as mana so not all bad.