You're seriously not buying this right now?
*moons quietly*
finally!!! its time $150 by tomorrow
not at its (almost) all time high
no, i bought over the last few months. sitting pretty generating my 1 gas per day.
Easily the coin I'm most excited for in 2018. I wouldn't want to wait to get in much longer.
Only in terms of $ value. In Sats it’s still way down from its ATH.
Already all in
I’m too busy looking at Req and Pot.
Get in now before next year baby!
Gotta get ready for a green year!
I fucked myself over on ETH gains because I sold a couple days too early. I won't make the same mistake with NEO.
If you bought under $50, then you are set.
This is easily going to reach 75 before the year ends.
is 100 enough to make it?
i was a pajeet and panic sold half my stack at the bottom, and i refuse to buy high now
75$ by end f this pump
Look at the graph, went from 38 to 53 immediately, and consolidating in 50s, to get more passengers on
Goys this is the highest my portfolio has ever been
ME TOO! What everyone putting their sell order in at? or are we hodling?
Although you may be right about the price.
Newfag or Normie detected.
If you watched the Japan Meetup, you would know its not a pump.
congrats user, and take care. Don't lose focus a single second. Because pride comes before the fall. It's when ur at the peak when you make 'the mistakes'
I'm at my lowest portfolio currently. Just holding 1.5 neo.
Missed all these crazy pumps, with coins i held a few weeks ago. But Bitcoin rallies & bitmex were the end of that portfolio..
>tfw 0 to 100 to 0 to 100 to 0
>*moons in chinese*
Brutal consolidation in 50s. Here comes another leg up.
>What everyone putting their sell order in at?
$2000 ?
i sold 75 at .003239
almost bought back in at .003069 but held off. Watching XRP as well
Tfw I bought ANS at less than $1
But i only bought $20 worth
100 is 1 in a million, dude. you're gonna make it
Please tell me 52 is enough as well.
nope you need at least 53
kill yourself
MFW I’m earning 12 GAS a month from my comfy NEO holdings
Being this new to think this is a pump.
This guy gets it.
will neo ever reach ETH levels? as in $500+
senpai has a good point about 1 in a million. like the 21 club in bitcoin
if neo actually does deliver, and become the "smart economy" of china, theres no doubt it will reach bitcoins current market cap in a few years.
so in a few years 50 neo could be like holding 10 of today's bitcoin
will ? dunno
has potential to ? way more than that
100%. it's faster, has more language support, chinese gov compliance + chinese nationalism. has a gas utility token that you can also accumulate while staking. it's honestly superior to ethereum outside of first mover advantage.
Neo is going up because every other decent platform coin has gone. Rising tide and shit.
If crypto continues this normie invasion, China will be forced to endorse their home grown product or get left in the dust.
I'm unironically not selling a single Neo of my stack before $2000. I'm sitting on it until 2019.
just bought 90 NEO at .00322
certain telegram groups are projecting .0038-.0040 for the 24 HR high
Antshares was my first moon mission in crypto. Glorious times. Happy to see NEO pumping after a long rest.
I bought 35 2 weeks ago. Lost a load of satoshis and sold it three days ago and bought req. I am more than up what I would have been even with neos moon. Ill buy more (I have 5 left) NEO once REQ hits $3+