I purchased a tony dumper cc dump the other day and I don’t know what to do with this. I’m afraid to use any of the cards and I’m afraid I’m gonna get v&
Do I just resell it? Do I throw away my laptop?
I purchased a tony dumper cc dump the other day and I don’t know what to do with this. I’m afraid to use any of the cards and I’m afraid I’m gonna get v&
Do I just resell it? Do I throw away my laptop?
NOBODY investigates cc leaks anymore
You’re fine, OP
you’re a nigger
post it dumbass
Are you a theiving faggot?
Why are you such a piece of shit?
I didn’t buy the 12/11 one but there’s a new one up
Looks tempting. I could make so much coin kek
Buy bitcoin with it or kill yourself
oh shit kek
so what's the endgame buy e-giftcards and trade em for crypto.? what could go wrong i guess,
is this why btc is rising so much?
what is life
this is unironically genius
What the fuck
Stop worrying.
I got one of them from last week and used them to buy more crypto. Just use a VPN and you’re fine.
Hotels have awful security and these cards leak all the time
Only a retard would stay at a hotel in fucking 2017
what did you buy?
I would normally call you an evil piece of shit but this is Robin Hood-tier if they’re corporate cards
user probably bought gift codes and traded them for btc like all the other millionaire scammers do
I only used 1 of these dumps in 2015 and made like 4 btc
I’m afraid to try it again
you could always post them here
yes please get raped by a muslim
You are all evil
Fucking ridiculous
How did you use it to purchase crypto?
and this is why I hate hotels now
Send it to me
Someone leak it.
I’m literally a nocoiner
>tony dumper cc dump
I'm sorry, what?
tony dumper is some guy who leaks hacked hotel credit cards. He was responsible for a ton of leaks in 2014/2015 which were sold on agora and Silk Road.
Choice hotels is badda book badda boom right?
Should I be worried?
Just don’t stay at comfort inn lol
you’re probably fucked if you stayed at one of their hotels
I remember this being in the news with screenshots of silkroad. It was when I discovered bitcoin kek
Is this the one you bought, OP?
How can crypto with credit card sir
Read the thread you nigger
How can call me that?
How to use that have downloaded credit card
Who wants to leak some cards for me?
I’m a single grandmother with 18 dogs
you guys are going to get btc banned in the states if you keep this carding bullshit up
>I stayed at a comfort in recently.
This fucking guy....
I had to catch a flight so I stayed for like 4 hours. The sheets smelled like B.O.
Paid with debit. Am I fucked?
Just wish for the best at this point.
Carding tactics are blowing buttcoin up
An inconvenient truth.
>10 posts on the account
so what proof is there that this is actually the same guy and not just someone trying to make quick profit
I might throw 0.01 at this and see if the info is legit. It’s nothing to me.
I’ll let you all know if this is anything special
Transaction is going through.
Fucking shit takes forever to confirm
Still waiting
Only 1 confirmation is needed so it should be soon
this is so fucked
have fun with the feds
Got a confirmation
File is downloading and it’s like 7mb.
Let’s see what we have here...
for your own sake i highly recommend that you dont do this
So there are 9 pdf files
How does this even work?
You have to try each CC on CoinBase under a VPN, new encrypted email and then send to exchange for XMR?
Aren't those transactions visible? Like with the NH hack, can't we follow these funds until they cash out?
Wow ok that's a lot
Is there a script you can run to use them?
and I’m officially spooked
I’m going to be deleting this now
just wanted to see if it was legit which it is
Each pdf file has a bunch of card authorization forms that were scanned. All in png format I believe
Here’s what each image basically looks like
I’m deleting this now
This shit sent shivers down my spine
and here’s another
Fucking idiot OP. Go turn yourself in to the cops. Thieving innocent people is immoral
kek enjoy prison
awww why did you censor it faggot
What the hell is with stupid cunts on this board who can't seem to read shit in front of their fucking eyes. Goddamn
just post a few
just buy it its cheap compared to what you can make
i cant believe these carding threads stay up
Fake link
mixtape.moe you faggot
what’s the actual fuck.
This is like /b/ from 2005 when dumps were posted daily
You guys know the Feds can read the deep web right? If your dumb ass found it it's probably a honeypot.
lol guys 2014 is over
enjoy getting v&
i bet you miss when CP was posted daily too, right? Sicko!
>cc dump
feds have much bigger fish to fry