People who think Sergey is some dumb scammer are very ignorant and are going to be in a rude awakening in the future. After doing some stalking, It's clear to me that Sergey is a highly diligent worker and really cares about transforming the world. He is also more based on actual product, then some stupid hype that a lot of other CEO's rely on. ChainLink is something Sergey wants to be perfect, and is working 14 hours a day with a small and dedicated team to change the crypto world as well as real life.
People who think Sergey is some dumb scammer are very ignorant and are going to be in a rude awakening in the future...
pls go sergay
He's not dumb
hes also fucking more eastern european bitches than biz
Stop shilling, need to accumulate much as i can. One day these dumbfucks will realise that what potential link has and then its too late.
Yes, he actually knows how to talk and articulate himself not like the spergs on here
He's a smart scammer.
>"special" places
what did she mean by this
His contracts match his cleverness.
Sergey is of high class and knows really good spots that plebs like you wouldn't be able to go.
He's the real deal.
Not to mention he now has over 70m USD in ETH in his wallet to buy the most God-tiered devs there are in that cess pool known only as San Francisco.
reaching back two years because sergey has, ridiculous post
He hasn't disapeared. He was on his chat room yesterday. He's hard at work.
I don't know where Link is headed but Sergey has been bizarrely prescient and his posts are so well thought out and relevant to the current situation they could have been written last week.
Go through his favorites on twitter. He likes a lot of post talking about changing the future and not waisting time, as well as tweets going against fake entrepreneurs
>He likes a lot of post talking about changing the future and not waisting time
sergey surely has been waisting his time with all these cheeseburgers. maybe he should stop wasting time too.
Hilarous meme. This dude is acutally doing something with his life while you waste it rehashing shitty memes.
>8 posts by this ID
Just stop it Sergey
Don't act as if you don't enjoy our shitposts.
Sergey is coming! He'll bring us girlfriends! And lambos!
And smite our enemies!
Nope. I just see Sergey being one of the biggest people of the 2020s
I do but same ones are getting boring.
Holy shit, owned.
He was active member on the NXT team and abandoned the project.
I’ll sit and watch I’m comfy with less risk then this.
Still Q2 2018 away
As far as I know he wasn't a team member. He created an exchange based on NXT and then NXT went bottom up.
Where is this from op
can i get a qrd on what nxt was exactly
find his hackernews handle
People know the truth sergey but, people also need hope. Without hope there can be no revolution.
i believe in this dude. i feel like i have a pretty good judge in character and Sergey doesnt strike me as a bullshitter, or someone who's avoiding his work.
to me, its obvious he is working on his project. his life's most important work to this date. anyone doubting LINK is a pure mong who hasnt done their research.
>but muh sats
project is ready yet, you fucks. he's not going to release some half ass shit. but keep up the shit post, i enjoy them
**project isnt ready yet
I dont think anyone thinks sergey is dumb or a scammer. I think we're all pissed off that a) we have no clue whether he's hired people b) we had no clue he needed to recode the whole software in another language c) he can't talk about anything, it's just "trust us" and d) the only things we have on the horizon from literally today until end of march is 1. eoy announcement 2. sergey at superblockchain conference 3. sergey at sxsw conference