Anyone here /comfy/?
Anyone here /comfy/?
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Sold at 525
praise vitalik
Enjoying the ride.
What I love most is that this growth is very measured and stable. I legit think it's going to breach 1k before stopping for a while.
super comfy
Extremely comfy. We're headed to $1000 this week.
Even more EOY, thanks normies.
My portfolio just passed 10k today thanks to ETH and NEO so sitting /comfy/ as a poorfag
im up 40k usd. and it feels good
i know a crash is coming tho
I have 1.5 eth @ 281
The urge to cash out at least some of the gains are strong
Super Comfy
Am trying to get some cheap REQ but faggots been pumping it too hard.
My first and worst investment last June, good to see it's finally paying off though
Waiting for ETH to hit the moon then cash out
Got out at 0.13 BTC, so really fuckin comfy
I want to put $24 down to take udemy courses in Solinity and machine learning. Do you think this will take me into the future?
will it ever reach 0.1 again
i only have $280 in it :(
if you truly "knew" or even strongly believed that, you'd cash out and buy back into the crash
Bought 2.7 at $300 and been hodling for a while
Wish I would have bought more
ETH/REQ seems like the big two to pump for the next 24 hrs
Everyone get fuel up for the big day trade pump later
You can learn how to code an eth zombie game for free here. Haven't tried it out yet but heard that it's pretty good. Coding smart contracts is pretty easy, mainly just if/else statements
Not me sold at 477
Of all the coins that should moon ethreum makes the least amount of sense.
Its a great project but an expensive coin makes it counter intuitive
veeery comfy
good ride
will Ether still be profitable in July? Right now I can only afford about $100 / month. In may I'll receive an inheritance of $40,000 and in July I'll start work with an $80k salary. But right now I am poorfag
will it hit 1000$ before Dec 31st?
I don't think it will. Once we get some of the current issues with the tech resolved then yes.