i think the general consensus here is that bitcoin price is a bubble. but when does it burst, conceptually? is it when everyone realizes they're holding a bunch of useless shit and they sell it? is it when everyone need fiat currency to actually buy stuff? when does that happen?
I think the general consensus here is that bitcoin price is a bubble. but when does it burst, conceptually...
when a financial crisis happens, it will affect crypto as well
it's going to millions within the next five years
probably a billion in our lifetimes
imo, it's a bubble. but not as big of a bubble as bubblers think. or rather, it will recover quickly.
billion is too much, in 10 years bitcoin will be already hackable by quantum computers
Ok. Now think what if it’s not in a bubble?
Yes, by making it go up when the banks fall apart
i'm sorry OP i didn't answer your question.
over the next 2 months, things will probably decline slowly.
>not one gorillion
but why? what's going to cause the price to go down?
It will. Ill be able to vuy broke college coeds for 100satoshi an hour until my dick falls off. AND still have money to fuck their moms in my lambo
That’s not how it works buddy.
It is the natural order of the world.
not an issue, if the bitcoin is still around for quantum computers it somehow remained king a solution will undoubtedly be implemented, it has to fall before quantum for quantum to kill it.
>the gains go away when the gains go away
well thought out answer you fucking bird.
Bitcoin cash can survive, but bitcoin is unregulated af
when the gains go away, it clears up room for more gains.
greed and crypto never go away.
"Paper money? it will never replace good old gold coins!"
quantum computers already exist
Why should it matter if you set up your stop loss sells properly and conservatively? I will just buy more after the crash and hodl even more.
> He doesn't know about the bail-in laws.
they're not able to hack bitcoin yet
that's why i said 'conceptually'. i'm interested in how bubbles burst. i want to know why people think it's going to burst. like what's going to cause people to sell low
google dotcom bubble and how it happened
from what i understand those companies weren't making a profit, right? if that's right, i don't see how something like that is going to happen. people are going to realize bitcoin isn't performing in some way?
The only legs I can fathom that any bitcoin has right now is brand, robustness of network / security, and size, BTC is the leader and bcash can't offer anything above many alts.
For actual use cases I don't even know if any exist right now, maybe acceptance for large sums of certain types, but I know poorfags can't use them and I don't see why organized crime wouldn't move to something better suited, they don't give a fuck about any memes.
If we made it to quantum then fees and speed were taken care of, the network remained the most robust and secure and retained the brand value.
well if people dont make profit from bitcoin they will sell..
It has 'burst' multiple times. The next burst may see price drop from $40,000 to $10,000, or maybe 100,000 to $30,000, or maybe it'll only 'crash' 40-50%.
The endgame is that one time the bubble will burst never to recover, because maximum speculation potential has already been breached by maximum amount of advancement and adoption. It's your call where this point is. A good point of reference is utility vs total market cap of human use of said utility. BTC is a worthess bubble and will at one point crash never to recover, because it literally has no use. Other cryptos medium term have uses, so their market cap could extend to the value of all transactions, or the GDP of countries, or the value of global asses such as gold.
fake news
>because it literally has no use
of course it has a use, how will you buy shit if the bank tells you tomorrow that you can't have any money?
>record a change in a single bit
quantum computers don't use bits dumbass
In the $40k range if it makes it that far
Check out the delusion ITT >btc $1,000,000,000
>18 quadrillion dollar market cap
ok can mods please b& this nignog for spreading false FUD!
>what if something that will never happen, happens?
>in our lifetimes
60 years ago there were like 2 billionaires in the world, now there are 2000.
In 60 years from now we will have AI, a mars base, asteroid mining, the world population will be like 15bn people. The market cap of human civilisation will be like 100 quadrillion, and bitcoins will be the dominant asset.
It’s going to be like the movie elysium on steroids. It’s actually amazing how we can all imagine chance conceptually in a long time, but are blind to it as it happens. You realise most people didn’t realise they were in the industrial revolution when they were in it? Only in hindsight are the trends clear. Bitcoin has problems now but each and every one of them will be solved over the next 50 years.
How many shekels
there will always be large dips but an outright crash is a race between regulations/bans and adoption rate.
once the shitty millennials start making money and dumping it in, it will slowly saturate to a point where the price fluctuations slowly stabilizes. thats when merchants start adopting crypto. things like the future market help with this too since it gives a way to estimate the perceived price.
however if governments start banning crypto like the backwards chinks did instead of regulating, adopting and fostering it, thats when you should start to worry. hopefully the gooks wont follow.
the WHOLE ENTIRE thing is a bubble unless you can use the bitcoin to easily buy food, gas, property with it. 99% of bitcoin is just traded for cash or other coins, no actual use. im getting out of this when it hits 100k, by then the banks will probably bring it down through regulation anyways
It resembles a Ponzi scheme much more than anything else right now. It's all over the news and new people are buying in all the time. It's just a matter of time before there is nobody else left. It will probably crash then but people might be very reluctant to sell because we have seen so many people sell at the peak before only for there to be a much bigger peak years later, so people have adopted the hodl approach.
lol thinking governments have more money to spend on hacking than the entire world has to defend btc. kek at u poorfags all day.
Its not a bubble. Still very few people have bitcoin even if lots of people talk about it.
BTC no longer has the fundamentals that originally gave it value. Its price is no longer going up due to adoption, but from speculation alone. Except a big, hard, merciless crash as the rightful Bitcoin, BCH, takes its place.
It's a user experience nightmare and no one will use it, it will have next to no effect on clearing network congestion. Screencap this.