Is it feasible to invest in crypto and literally not watch it for months? I feel like everyone here is constantly checking the prices. Not just the day-traders. Even the hodlfags. I want to just buy some shit, put it in cold storage, and forget about it until Spring. Would that be foolish? I honestly can't deal with the constant stress of daily price-checking.
Is it feasible to invest in crypto and literally not watch it for months...
i just don't give a fuck about these kinds of pictures anymore
like what am I supposed to do, sit here and jerk off thinking of some bitcoin chad taking a picture of a qt girl before taking her clothes off and fucking her all night?
that's basically cuckoldry
Great. No one cares
Then why are you in this newfag tier thread?
Id fucking eat that ass like a cheesecake
answer me
am I supposed to jerk off to the though of this girl being stripped down and made into some sort of sex toy?
Reported post. This is a BLUE BOARD dumb fuck.
you literally wont be able to resist looking at it
I didn't post the photo so you could pleasure yourself to it. If I had, then yes, that would be an appropriate thought to have while jerking off to the picture. Now answer my stupid question about hodling
>painted nails
Whore/10, would not touch with a ten-foot pole.
She's not naked, you retard. It's allowed. What is it like your second day on Veeky Forums or something? Fuck off
That’s probably literally the smartest thing you could do, but we’re a bunch of fucking idiots
how about 2-3 hours
finally figured out why porn is bad huh?
nice freakishly long torso, wtf? fuck off with that mutant shit
what's his name?
Yes. I'm too afraid of missing pumps so I don't sell at peaks, and I am loss averse so I don't buy at dips. Yet I still check the price constantly, even though it doesn't change my decisions. So just don't check it, it won't affect anything.
Why are you overcomplicating this? Its a picture of a hot girl you fag.
>check the price constantly
>not bother getting gains from forks
>not bother with airdrops
>not bother getting gains when arbitrage opportunities come up
I'm like you and rarely change my actual portfolio but even without that there's plenty of chances for gains if you're NEETing it up and checking constantly anyways.
are you guys making good gains at least?
>making good gains?
I started the year with $5k in crypt and have $170k now so sort of, I know there's people that have done a lot better here though.
nah thats great dude. Sometimes i get so tempted to sell. Like this morning I bought OMG at the top like a retard and now I have the opportunity to sell it back cause it finally went over the price i bought it for earlier. Now that its here though, im worried that it will keep going up. Shiet ngGa
speak for yourself fucking idiot
I'd do that, but the thing is, that the crypto market is probably going to crash.
I really hope it won't be too bad so i'll still hold, but honestly, I think it's very possible that we will all lose our money in 2018
It used to be but now it could crash or moon any minute so you need to be ready to move up your stop losses