Listen technology is something countries CANNOT control. Especially technology thats goal is to decentralize and subvert central authority. One day someone is going to develop an full internet that governments cannot touch/shutdown or throttle and no im not talking about TOR. I dunno what form that will come in, wifi mesh or satellite? who knows. But technologies like crypto are a game changer.
Just as society lived for centuries under monarch rule and now under "false democracy"..the next stage will be something different.
Why is everyone worried about bans on crypto?
sauce on the hentai pls
>one day
once decentralized exchanges are the norm, it's over (it's already over)
if they make it illegal, this shit is going to fucking explode (it hasn't exploded yet)
sauce on the hentai pls
I thought I was immune to cartoon porn and couldn't find it attractive
this is the first weeb porn i've seen on Veeky Forums in years that has actually turned me on
well done mate
Maybe you just like big tits
my nigga
Also now that I actually read your message, IPFS already exists and it will have coin tied to it.
na this does nothing for me
i honestly believe the best thing for crypto are governments trying to ban the shit out of it. The best thing for the internet is government trying to censor the shit out of it. They wont win.
Maybe it's the thighs, zettai ryōiki or the onepiece then?
it would be, which is why they're not banning it
hence all the FUD in MSM; they know a lot of people are going to get filthy fucking rich....they just don't want everyone to get rich
they're not so much afraid of losing money or power, they're afraid for their lives
post more anime tits
Sauce for the love of god
Thats fucking retarded. If regulations succeed they not get changed until decades later. And we'll have to live with that shit
Uh isn't net neutrality being fucked like right now?
the governments are all run by boomer fags who don't understand shit when it comes to tech. Their first reaction to anything new is always "lol I dont get this WELP LETS BAN IT"
regulations always lag...
which is a good thing.
Once a work around is found to regulations it take another couple decades before new regulations are established...its a cat and mouse game for governments.
Except the government is always 100 steps behind