CYOA Thread

TAKE IT TO /POL/ edition.

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Got a doll, baby, I love her so
Nothing else like her anywhere you go
Man, she's anything but calm
A regular pint sized atom bomb


Priorities for this thread:
Ero-Hunters and Ero-Academy brainstorming.

Emphasis: Yandere-subbies who won't let senpai hunt anyone else.
Methods: You've got to get them addicted to you and your soft butt.
Notes: They can do anything they want, as long as it's to you.



For the sake of discussion:
Let's say that a genie/entity/whatever, offered to you for real the chance of a CYOA to actually apply to you: which one you'd choose? (considering also consequences and all?)

Can we include shit like this?

Traveler soon fellow anons.

This one, always this one.

My build .


Your misuse of the term "yandere" aside, that sounds pretty fun.

I'd write one and use that, obviously.

Does anyone have the more recent version of

Could you explain how they're misusing "yandere"?

Crazy love is crazy love.

I don't want the argument, I apologize for mentioning it at all and won't mention it again.

But user, I didn't misuse the term at all! It means crazy-love.
A yandere-sub craves submission to her owner to the isolating exclusion of everyone else. She will handle all his orders, and learn every suitable skill to do so. Well, at least the 'isolating' type of yandere.
There's also the powerbottom type that will make sure he has no sperm for anyone else.

As for the CYOA, I was considering the possible skill divisions:
First, we have the illusion/trickery powerbottom. Whatever you're hunting, she'll be taking the form of it. Bratty-subset, she only reveals it's her right as you orgasm so she can savor your horrific realization of being trapped again.
No harvested virginities for you this Culling.

Second, the "I accept my fate" honeypot tree. Everything's around being the most appealing public use there is.

Third, the reverse-hunter:
No, you really wanted to have me instead. No, you won't be able to enjoy anyone else when I'm done with you. Push my around all you want cutie, my butt will be the only thing in your head.

Then might want to do a 'dominant hunter' tree. Ideas, alterations?

>Waifish Orphan Witch
>The Horrors

When I first met my master, she was passed out in the ruins of the ritual that had granted her magical powers. She was lying in the centre of a ring of rune-covered standing stones that had recently been decorated by meaty chunks of exploded cultists. Taking the form of a four-eyed, five legged cat with two fox tails, I nudged her awake and set about guiding her to the nearest settlement.

The kid knew nothing about magic or how to wield it, so straight away we started asking around to see if we could find some magical books or scrolls. Which immediately got us stoned by angry villagers for being "a witch" and driven back into the wilderness. It was hard, but we eventually found our way to the city, where we could get food through theft and begging. It was hard, but we were surviving... until she met the "gang".

Not really a gang. A bunch of rich kids who referred to each other as "the gang", who wore fine clothes and learned magic through tuition and schooling instead of through experience and practice. Snobby and stuck up, they convinced my master to follow them with the promise of teaching her magical secrets. They never did - only drip-feeding her the most basic knowledge, stringing her along, while buttering her up. Lowering her defenses.

I like the idea of a Dominant Hunter. They know how to make you hurt so good, and have the kind of commanding presence where you have no choice but to bow down and serve. Oh, and bondage. Lots of magical and nonmagical bondage.

This one.

>Oh, and bondage. Lots of magical and nonmagical bondage.

So since it's effectively centered around The Culling, might we want to have the dominance hunters like that "Dead by Daylight" game? Except, you know, sexier. If that's even possible.

Maybe have dom and sub sides as columns on the Illusions/Fate/Control trees?

Felt motivated. Made

Is that a succubus brewmaster with a bottle of Perrier?

I tried to warn her, but she didn't listen. She was desperate for friends, for affection. After losing everything, they were the closest thing she had to humans who cared about her. Then came the dare.

The brats told her to go down into the sewers and defeat the ghoul hiding within. When she tried to refuse, they became monsters, shouting at her, abusing her. They said they wouldn't be friends anymore unless she did it. What girl could say no? So she went into the sewers. I followed of course, cursing the brats every step and worrying for my master.

The battle with the ghoul was the most ghastly experience of my unlife. I have never known fear as I did when I saw my master's small frame silhouetted against the towering cannibal, cast into shadow by its' glowing eyes. She defeated it by a hair, and returned to the surface badly wounded, but bearing its' hand as proof.

She was so happy to see "the gang" again...

Not those guys, but I am very interested in your definition of this.

user, in three words you proved that you are the role model this board needs, if not the one it deserves.

Despite my eyes glazing over almost immediately, I read the whole first page with excruciatingly thoroughness and scanned the rest, paying attention to mechanics which was mostly rolling.

Nothing enticed me to play the thing. Never have I seen so much drab workup to nothing special.


Probably going with inspirer, and if we know already about them, going on a hunt to purge the world out of whisperers. They are too powerful to be let alive for long.

Trader. Time to engage in Jewish physics.

They betrayed her, of course. Pushed her into the mud. Mocked her. Sneered at her. Said they had only been friends with her because they had wanted the hand. They took it from her and left her, in the mud and the rain, at the park where she had first met them, dying.

I tried to get help. I ran to the constabulary. I ran to the healer. I exhorted people on the streets. But none would listen to a mutant cat. In the end I returned to her, defeated. She was lying in the mud. Curled up, shivering, blood flowing from the wounds in her stomach and neck, mixing with the mud. All I could do was curl up in her arms and be there... as she faded away.

Will this become the new CYOA thread derailer?!

Not him, but I always classed:
Yandere-Dom: Time to lock you in my basement cutie. Don't worry, I poured the concrete just for you, it has your favorite puppy pawprints in it. Make sure to thank me by filling me full of babies every day, okay?

Yandere-Sub: Nothing matters but master. And there is NOTHING I won't do for him. His every wish, need, desire... mmph. And if any sluts even twitch their eyebrow at him THEY'RE DEAD.

Wherein the Sub variety was suggested as a potential option for an Ero-Hunters CYOA.

Creator. Finally I will be able to focus.


This one has a bit more substance to it.


>spoiler state is persistent

It's the formatting. Both of those are eye-glaze formatted. I doubt most people will get through the first few seconds of reading.

Trader. I provide an essential service to humanity in general and the other classes specifically. As long as someone is willing to talk, ie. they don't just slit my throat before I can propose anything, I think I'm relatively safe from all other classes.

It will be fun brokering deals, forging alliances, and in this way keeping people sharp of mind and honest to their promises, both to themselves and to others.

>Deku Leaf is 70.
>Roc's Cape is only 30.
The fuck? The latter is significantly better than the former. Gusts of wind aren't worth 40 rupees.

To be honest, it's not just the formatting. I guess you can argue that at some point if you scope in enough presentation crosses over with content, but formatting is more basic than that.

I mean, if the formatting is fixed it becomes that much easier for people to look at it and home in on the non-formatting things so they can point them out to be fixed, so it's a good starting point. But there's more to fix then just formatting.


Radar. That secondary ability is goddamn amazing, considering the vast majority of people don't know their classes. Which means I'm now the guy who can help them find their special skill.

Oh, and it's also extremely useful for finding lost people, making money by finding lost treasures or fossils, and similar things. Plus it's excellent for making rush deliveries, and depending on whether it can sense obstacles, could be fantastic for illegal activities.

>Oh... it appears you're dead

Ya think? I took an 18-wheeler to the face. People don't survive that.

>Some fade slowly away

Oh, good, oblivion's an option.

>Magic circle

As is this. Let's see what's behind door number four.

>CLASS: Witch
Huh. Well, okay.

>NAME: Amelia
Cute enough name.

>AGE CATEGORY: Waifish Orphan
Ah, I see. Shackle me to a child and try to tug at my heartstrings. Well, it's working. You happy now?

>MY NAME: 'Skitters'
She is really not very creative yet. We're gettin' there, though!

>SPECIES: Mammal (rat)
Ya get it?

>FOCUS: The Body
>POWER: Humanize
She just wants a friend. Ain't that cute? Why I oughta...

>PERKS: Charming, Detector, Digger, Telepathic
And of course this direct line to her mind /totally/ isn't going to influence my personality at /all/.

>JOB: Mascot
See? It's starting already! If I were still the same as I was before, I'd have gone Layabout and kept myself alive as long as possible. Rats don't even live that long!

>EVENTS: A Forbidden Love
Oh, and now I have to help her find love! Well, that's just great. Maybe if this keeps up I'll learn how to spontaneously generate musical numbers. I mean, come on, the boy's a Necromancer!

>a Whisperer's whispers are initially weak and obviously an intrusion
>if a target realizes they are being whispered to, they gain total immunity from all Whisperers
>Whisperers are nearly useless, and incredibly vulnerable to the incompetence of every other Whisperer as well as powers like those of Radars
I'm thinking this needs to be tweaked a bit.

Neat. Let's go with Creator.

There are no other Whisperers. One at most.

>I'm thinking this needs to be tweaked a bit.

Speaking of, it seems a bit like the Trader has some implicit whispering powers. With the 'deals hard to resist'.

And couldn't the Trader actually trade for other people's abilities?

It's also no clarified under what conditions someone could agree to the 'nickle for house' trade. Like, can you just go to a bar, and bank some real estate off drunk people?

>Silver Gauntlets 455
>Ball and Chain 395
>Soup Bottle 320

>Bunny Hood 280
>Giant's Mask 230

>Fairy 226
>King Harkinian 210
>Great Fairy 0

Using the mysterious and legendary power to wear two different things on my head at once, I wreck shit with my magical giantess waifu.

>Waifish Orphan
>Mammal (Raccoon)
>The Alleys, Urban Whispers
>Freedom, Vanish, Wand User, Charming(ugh)

For fuck's sake, they told me a raccoon would have proper hands! These look like opposable thumbs to you?!

A few days ago, I remember seeing an interactive webapp thingie for slutlife. Anybody got that link by chance?

Gilded sword
Mirror Shield
Gold Gauntlets
Long shot
Zora Mask
King Harkinian

Then why bother specifying ALL whipserers?

I'm thinking the trick to Trader will be natural language deals that people accept without thinking. "Just don't hurt me and we can talk if we want." "I'll buy you a drink and then you'll be my friend, ok?" Things like lover's oaths, fealty, ritualized promises that are common in society... the possibilities are endless.

I read through the whole thing, it wasn't bad (though the point buy system got confusing at times).

Quick question; can I inspire myself with Inspirer?

>the possibilities are endless
I am considering however that a Learner with a stack of dictionaries could potentially trick a Trader.

Maybe even into getting the Trader ability.

A leftover from before the "It is rare for two people to have the same class" clause was added?

>Oi cunt fuck off with that tricky shit
Congratulations, you accomplished fuckall.

Obviously if you're going to trick him, he wouldn't KNOW you're doing it.

Or you could just kidnap his family or some shit. You know.

But the lore text thingy says all humans get a class; who knows what classes they have and how dangerous they will be?

If I'm in RL, Creator can be godlike.
Definitively picking it.

And how are you going to trick him?
Any half-decent Trader won't agree to any deal he doesn't understand, especially if you just resort to using long words or hidden meanings.

Radar does.

>Io, The Grand Architect and Father of Time
>not Io, divine priestess/princess seduced by the king of the gods and scourged by a queen's jealousy curses all the way to Egypt where she is worshiped as the goddess Isis
This kills my suspension of disbelief.

Rare is not nonexistent. Gold is "rare"; not counting the gold left undisturbed in the earth, there are about 160,000 tonnes of gold available to humanity.

You fucking torture him in your basement.

But seriously, there's a whole massive field of contract lawyers and legislators around this very problem in society.

Trader might not be as 'easy' as people believe with all the double meanings involved.

One of the best defenses as a trader are not to be a shitty parasite. I would make deals that benefit both parties whenever possible, and serve an irreplaceable function in this hypothetical economy.

Basically, if I do my job well, why fuck me over and take my powers? Would you "steal" your lawyer's ability to be a lawyer so you could do all the work yourself instead of paying them to do it? Do you think people will be cool if you just depower one of their allies?

Top Tier: Trader, Radar
High Tier: Creator, Visualist
Mid Tier: Learner, Mixologist
Low Tier: Burglar, Explorer
Bottom Tier: Whisperer, Inspirer

This is why I think it's more important to provide a transparently mutually beneficial arrangement between various different class types. Eventually people are going to opt in, or copy you; since Trader can broker agreements that can't be cheated, peace and operational trust is exponentially easier to achieve and factions that essentially believe in the same ideals can integrate seamlessly and without incident. And if a few people benefit disproportionately because of the disproportionate utility they provide, then so be it...

One issue with Trader in that regard might be the possibility of imbalanced abstract trades:

People might inherently fear the Trader's power, given that if he siphons enough abstract trades (ex. Loyalty), he could grow very dominant indeed.

While it may look appealing from a power acquisition standpoint, you should also look at it from "how will other people react": there might well be Radars and Learner-Lawyers out there gunning for Traders in an arms-race.

1. Fairy x 25 (100 rupees)
Yeah, man 25 extra lives? What's not to love
2. Wisdom triforce (400 rupees)
Infinite wisdom fills my mind, and the folly of my first choice is revealed to me an instant before I suffer the consequences

>Hay! Hay! Listen! Hay, listen! Hay! Hay! Listen! Listen! Hay!

All a Trader has to do is create trust by giving in kind: I won't lie to you and you won't lie to me, etc. Also, the CYOA states that your reputation as a trader does not hurt your ability to trade; people might be wary at first but this quickly evaporates.

In fact, a Trader would be an excellent mechanism for a kind of unassailable journalism that is actually forced to obey its precepts.

I suppose that people who don't ever deal with the Trader or anyone who does, the Trader could be raised as a spectre of fear that people can focus their insecurities on and if they never come to the table with the Trader can maintain their irrational and unproductive mix fear and distrust.

>And couldn't the Trader actually trade for other people's abilities?
I don't think so, Satan. The abstract things they can sell for are promises to do things, not skills, memories, or the like. They can just hold you to any agreements you make, rather than being able to warp reality with a trade.

If you are the author, I'll accept that.

I'm interested enough in this that I've already started formulating a sort of "Rules of Robotics" for Trading. A set of conditions that all sides have to agree to in order to enter into a Trade, so that people are protected enough to actually bother making Trades in the first place.

>so that people are protected enough to actually bother making Trades in the first place

It looks like it's inspired by No Game No Life. That had the provision that pledges had to be considered of equal value by both parties.

>All a Trader has to do is create trust by giving in kind

I'm not sure that's particularly reliable. Many people see that as being more dubious and suspicious. Since there's always the power he's concealing his development of bound-loyalty assassins. People fear hidden power.

>Waifish Orphan
Something went wrong- this is no simple spirit.
It looks almost human, but that's impossible.
>Body: Cleanse
It's so precise it can pluck a parasite away from a vital place.
>Detector, Vanish, Speedy, Sturdy
No one else can see, at least no one besides... Other users.
>Secrets Below
I shall call it... STAR PLATINUM

I feel like the learner is poorly names. Going strictly by the text of the abilities given, their power is just reading and memorizing text, not learning. A real learner would be able to learn skills rapidly by doing them, you would see their doodles turn into portraits in days or weeks rather than years.
tl;dr: learners should have enhanced learning rate, otherwise rename them to "bookworm" or "reader"

I'm not, I'm just using logical reasoning. The abstract trades are for "an honest option, a vote, or a promise", which are things people are capable of actually giving to you. It's not for "skills, youth, your appearance," or other things they can't give. So until the author says otherwise, I'd assume a Trader can hold you to your promises, but can't make you capable of trading something you're not capable of actually providing to someone.

Which posits a question:

That leaves 'eternal slavery' as an option. Can you jokingly say "I'll give you this nickel for your undying fealty?" What if they agree as a joke?

Can you literally buy slaves, except now there's never any escape for them?

>No Game No Life
Trader-like concepts have existed long before that show. The whole idea of promises that can't be broken is ancient.

>giving in kind is dubious and suspicious
How? Mutual loyalty is much different then assassin slaves; it's how regular organizations work anyway. Besides, if you deal for mutual honesty you can ask him and find out the truth yourself. Or he can make a deal that everything he's said in a particular session or speech to be true.

The real question is, how are deals sealed? Can you just agree mentally and the deal magic will slide into place, or do you have to say it aloud in a language you both understand so that everyone in the deal can hear it?

>undying fealty
>on death, become a wight
I think Traders only being able to hold you to your promises rather than the conditions of the deal being axiomatically true makes sense.

This, however, opens up things like "you promised you wouldn't X!" "I set things in motion before I made my deal; there's nothing I can do now" sort of stuff.

Again, not the author, but I don't see why not. But the Trader has to be careful; they might be immune to the law, but they're not immune to vigilante justice.

Yeah, a lot of things you can promise in a deal become worthless based on circumstance, since every promise is subject to an unspoken "to the best of my ability since I am not in fact an infallible or all powerful force of reality".

Will Trades be binding if one party is operating under a false/shared identity? Can a position or title make a deal, with the restrictions being passed on to the next person to take on the title or position?

If you say, "in return, I will take off my shirt at midnight tonight". Are you allowed to weasel your way out of this by having yourself locked in a room without any shirts, or are you forced to plan your best between now and then so that when midnight tolls you will be wearing a shirt so that you can take it off? If you are a shitty planner, can this plan fail? Or are you made a perfect planner by this power, at least where your promise is fullfulled, until the conditions are met?

It would be hilarious if you promised to assassinate the king as a part of a deal and then later you were like "I kind of procrastinated and then it was the day of and I was in the wrong city" or "I forgot".

The Trader's abilities are like having super strength or speed as a super power; for it to make sense when examined closely and still work as intended, you have to consider all sorts of complimentary and supporting effects and powers.

reposting this CYOA I saw a couple threads back because I think it was nice.

>I kind of procrastinated
Presumably the magic will completely remove that idea from your mind. You'd probably do it and not even realize you could have done anything else.

I think people are overlooking the more mundane uses of Trades. Things like New Year's resolutions can become binding, if you want them to; you can even put in a clause that a certain set of people can agree to release you from your promise. Lose weight, get fit, quit smoking, don't spend more than you can afford, stop falling for guys who are clearly bad for you, etc.

It's basically the convention of law as represented by symbols like the point of Gugnir, except made real instead of figurative.

Also, mystery box.

So the magic can change reality to an extent, then. Remove things that were there before, add things that weren't, etc.

If Trades can force someone not to forget, can it be used to improve memory? Does this cure mental diseases like memory loss or senility?

The issue is, if it can force you to give an honest opinion, for example, it can force you to be nondeceptive.

That implies that it will make you do whatever you would believe is best to accomplish your promise, as if you had intended to do it faithfully in the first place.

But I mean, it's magic, of course it can change reality.

I'm more interested in things like making Trades that contradict each other because of factors that you aren't aware of yet.

Imagine that you make a Trade where you will marry X's son instead of Y's son on June 1st of this year. Then it is revealed that X and Y are married and have only one son.

Are you forced to marry? Forced not to marry? Does the deal just fizzle (and does it fizzle immediately, upon the reveal, or on June 1)? What logic is used to determine this? If on June 1st you are presented with someone who you are told is the son of X and not of Y, are you able to marry them if it isn't true? If X indeed has a son that is not the son of Y, can you marry them despite believing that they are the offspring of both?

You know, as much as people are talking about exploiting Trader, I wonder how high the exploitation potential of Radar is. Could you find abstract like "the nearest buried treasure," "some lost money," or "my soulmate"? What about specific classes? I know you can see what class someone is, so could I find the Trader, Whisper, or Mixologist?

How about something that requires future information, like "a convenience store where the next random lottery ticket will be the winner"? Could you write a bunch of predictions on pieces of paper, scatter them, and find "the paper that describes what's going to happen"? Or failing that, could you try to find things like "El Dorado," "God," or "extraterrestrial life," and either prove the existence of such things when your power pinged, or disprove it when it didn't?

Additionally, does it pierce through self-deception as well. Even if it cannot make the impossible possible ("I promise to grow wings and fly to the moon"), can it make you admit things that you know on some subconscious level?

Actually that grow wings promise is kind of interesting. Are promises like that not allowed? Then you can use it to determine what is possible and impossible. Will the Trade take place, but when the appointed hour comes the geas will realize it is impossible and disappear? Will you go mad with the unwavering dedication to do the impossible, and try with all your might to do the impossible until you die there in the field of starvation? Or will it force you to keep yourself alive at any cost, avoiding everything in life that does not keep you alive or exposes you to danger? Does the geas force you to take dangerous courses of action with low chances of success, or does it prefer you bide your time until you are reasonably sure you can succeed?

It actually does not specify 'abstract', and seems to only give 'object' examples, potentially only ones you know exist to look for. It might not be as powerful as people believe.

One interesting use of it though is that the footprints path and time change based on external factors, meaning the Radar might be great at remote scouting or tracking.

I would say it can probably change whatever decisions you would make as per an alteration of your base desires.

It might instill a desire for you to master genetic engineering to in fact grow wings and fly. However, such a deal might require the wording of "I will try to find a way to do this".
It might be able to make you perform certain actions as if you willingly wanted to.

Whisperer of course, it allows to get everything, earn money(with different levels of moral/immoral ways available), solve problems and get laid.

Creator and Trader are good choices too.

Do people have to know they are making a Trade to be bound by a Trade, or can they just be making a deal in good faith? If only one party knows that it is a Trade, is one side bound but the other not? Can a Trader jump out of the shadows or from behind a curtain where he was listening to a deal being made and shout "So shall it be done!" and suddenly both parties are bound in a Trade?

If someone is tied up and unable to go to the village square on the promised day, does he sit comfortably, waiting for a chance to escape, or is he in existential agony because he can't fulfill his geas?

>or is he in existential agony because he can't fulfill his geas
For a lot of these, it's most likely taken as "you now have the desire to willingly do what you said". I don't believe it will enact a torture upon you for failing, but you will still try every way to do it.

It also probably has to be done with the knowledge of a trade being made, potentially with the Trader personally.

But might it open up contracts drawn up by the Trader and handed out?

So you're saying the power will make the target formulate possible ways to achieve the goal according to the targets capabilities and understanding, and then enforce the option most amenable to the target regardless of likelihood of success? I assume that a change in circumstances will force the reevaluation of everything and might result in a new enforced plan.

>However, such a deal might require the wording of "I will try to find a way to do this".
If in some cases special wording is required to cover special cases, what determines what is covered by normal everyday wording? How special is too special to be enforced without special wording?

This ties back to someone who normally desires to plan ahead, but just can't stick to it. How does Trading deal with phrases like "I'll try my best"?

Can you make promises you know will likely end up out of your hands anyway, and essentially get what the other person promised for free at a high rate of success? Or will the power force you to expend all your resources in a futile effort to ensure perfect control?