Are Other Elves Even Trying edition
Discuss the lore and viability of Warcraft as a tabletop setting.
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Are Other Elves Even Trying edition
Discuss the lore and viability of Warcraft as a tabletop setting.
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So can dragons breed with dragons of different colors? I know Nefarian was trying to do some weird eugenics experiment back in vanilla but I don't know why he couldn't have just done it the old fashioned way.
Twilight dragons are red/black hybrids, IIRC. I don't think making them was a simple as just putting a red and a black together and playing some porn music, though. There's some sort of old god alchemy corruption stuff or something in the mix too.
I also think there's a bit in Day of Dragon where Deathwing is represented with a desire to have Alexstrasza and Ysera as mates,, but I think that's more just him wanting deluxe red and green holsters for his lava dick, not because he wants kids out of them.
I wouldn't put it past red dragons to be able to magically hybridize with others, though. Life magic and all that, you know.
>The Alliance will never retake Stromgarde
>That pencil-pusher is still holding up Danath's return
It hurts, bros.
Better Lore Y/N
>The Orcs aren't Dindus corrupted by demons. Instead they dig war and hunt for more war
>The Orcs' lethargy came from a conspiracy between Blackmoore, Blackhand's sons, and some Gnomes
>Alexstraza is meaner (complete with having a grudgs against the Orcs) and has Deathwing as her son
>Orc Shamans are Necromantic
>Gazlowe's a New York cabbie
>Deathwing has Troll slaves, lives at Blackrock Spire, is fat and lazy, and smokes a hookah pipe
>bearded Dorf women
>no Taretha
I dunno about this.
>alexstrasza has a basement dweller son who smokes weed all day
>Twilight dragons are red/black hybrids, IIRC. I don't think making them was a simple as just putting a red and a black together and playing some porn music, though. There's some sort of old god alchemy corruption stuff or something in the mix too.
the process to create Twilight dragons is, to quote Deathwing "extremely painful" (for Alextrzsa's whelps)
why's this thread so dead all of a sudden?
used to be much more popular
peopel are sleepy and shit.
the people who post in this thread have weird schedules I think. It dies in the middle of the day and becomes really active late at night
also god ging sgovald :DDDDD did nothing wrong. The ages belongs to a true vrykul king and not some filthy outsiders
Hallo Odeen you habe aygis for me?
>Orcs aren't Dindus
>Dig war, want more war
>Lethargy due to alcohol
>Alex is an actual dragon
>Deathwing her son
>Orc Shamans practice necromancy
>Deathwing actually being somewhere
>Bearded dorfgrills
Not sure
>No Taretha
>implying Alex's regular nature makes her any less 'real' a dragon than Neltharion
She can still kill when she needs to. Just ask Nekros.
what kind of magic did onyxia use to split varian into two?
what would happen if one of the varians died?e
how did he merge back into one?
why is varian able to switch between fury and arms?
whats the story behind his blade? how did he obtain it?
are varian copies related to mirror images of blademasters?
>Shamans commune with the spirits of the land and the deceased
>Make pacts and deals much like warlocks, but refuse to interact with malicious spirits (i.e. Demons) due to a code of conduct not to invoke the metaphysical equivalent of a nuke on other clans when in war, those who don't maintain code are cast out and branded warlocks and evil witches
>Fear mongering campaign against Draenei weakens reservations until radical Shamans turn to Warlocks en masse
>Nuking enemies with Demonspells radiates the land until inhospitable, makes orc clans fight against eachother for supplies, nuke eachother even more in despair
>Portal rift opens, small raiding parties bring in new resources from Azeroth and become influental as fuck
>Half-Orc babies with human captives
>Grow them and other babies into adolesence through warlock spells to replace losses in inter-clanwarfare
>Forge the Horde to conquer new world
Dont overthink retarded lore. Everything about varian from the gladiator championship, to hot blood elf sidekick to split personality, to 1v1mefgt-ing a dragon, to the cheesy oneliners to the wolf spirit bullshit reads like some shitty comicbook from the 70s,
pretty much this. The comics are completely fucked and do nothing but make Varian into a retarded mary sue god king. I'm so fucking glad they scrapped the idea of making the Warcraft movie about Varian
>in BC Blood Knights were ultra-right secular order who showed the whole philosophy of Sin'Dorei
>now they are Silver Hand cocksuckers
>TFW hearing the first comments from the production before Duncan Jones took over
>TFW the comment "Thrall of the Alliance" is made
>TFW reading the comics and it all clicks
>TFW wanting to read more comics trying to get a headstart and get to know more background about the film's narrative
>It's all just visiting major dungeons and tons of unwarranted magical chosen one plotlines
i trashed all those comics I owned even though I liked the weebish artstyle of the earlier issues. I'm glad they had the same guy draw the Ashbringer comics and the Worgen comic, although seriously the writing is extremely cringey in english. Somehow it's not as atrocious in German (as far as I remember, probably should re-read it).
So glad they came back to Warcraft 1 and picked bits from the Last Guardian and Rise of the Horde to add.
> Thrall of the Alliance
What a bad premise. No wonder Varian has been so badly written.
Blizzard's half-assed attempt at making a 'Blue Warchief' undermines the sovereignty of member nations.
They could just hire a writer that doesn't limit themself to Lawful Stupid when it comes to the alliance.
so? warcraft lore = retarded. canonically every stormwind city guard is now running around with a machine gun preventing the yearly apocalypse on azeroth.
> warcraft lore = retarded
But it didn't turn retarded until TFT. Vanilla was at least alright.
>warcraft lore = retarded
Blame it on WoW.
>forsaken in horde
alright lore :)))
warcraft is as serious of a setting as the simpsons / family guy and so on
>replying to blatantly obvious shitposters
Honestly, even the actual Warchief title is pretty stupid. Not the name, of course, but the notion that the position is inherently the sovereign leader of ALL the Horde, rather than just the orcs. It sure as hell wasn't the case before Garrosh/Kosak happened.
So why was Kael'thas in love with Jaina? I don't understand why a centuries-old elven prince was hung up on a human girl. It's not like he could even marry her, realistically. The idea of him crushing on her is just silly.
It made sense at least with Thrall since the Nu Horde was his baby. He united the Orc clans, he brought the Darkspear Trolls into the fold and forged an alliance with Baine Bloodhoof and his Tauren.
After Thrall, none of it makes any logical sense.
After Garrosh, even less so that the Horde is sticking together rather than going their own way.
Kael is the elf equivalent of a pedophile.
Same with Kalecgos. I think she's just supposed to be loved by everyone.
even better a dragon is now banging jaina
How "old" is Kael'thas supposed to be by elf standards? Is he young, middle-aged, or what?
Logically, the horde should have been dismantled if not outright destroyed at the end of MoP. Even before that some dissent between the core horde and the undead/elf edgy tagalongs should have been shown.
It was already a thing in WotLK. When you induct the taunka in the horde you force them to recite an islamic fanatic tier oath, how their sole purpose of existence is to serve the warchiefs will and be his tool or whatever.
Er. Meant to say Cairne. But whatever.
>The idea of him crushing on her is just silly.
Why? She is attractive, intelligent, good at magic etc. Why is it so strange he'd be drawn to her?
Mean Streets of Gadgetzan is the most interested I've been in Warcraft lore in years.
What's the deal with Kazakus? Why is Kun the Forgotten King cool with Aya siphoning his soul to power her golems? Where does Don Han'Cho get all of his specifically tailored outfits?
The mysteries are abound!
Petty elf prince competing with a human rival.
Arthas was in Quel'Thelas when he was a kid according to himself, so it wouldn't surprise me if he managed to piss the elves off and they pissed him off at the same time. It would explain Kael trying to get with Jainia to annoy Arthas and why Arthas was so zealous in wrecking the High Elves.
On a related note, Jaina had awful taste for choosing Arthas over Kael.
She wasn't exactly spoiled for good choices.
>Petty human prince
>Petty elf prince
>An Orc she had no interest in
>A dragon who thought she looked like the Sunwell
It's slim pickings for Ms. Proudmoore.
So Kael'thas' interest in Jaina was a failed attempt to cuck Arthas? Somehow, that's even sadder...
Not so much, more the initial interest was started because she was something Arthas was interested in, there might have been more to it, but I wouldn't be surprised if Kael's original interest was in seeing the woman that that irritating human pleb was sweet on.
Still this is just me guessing based on what amounts to 3 lines of dialogue from WC3.
>forsaken in Lore
I'll be the first to admit that the Forsaken going Horde is one of other mistakes that were pushed by the Faction System (others including the Blood Elves going Horde). The Forsaken really should have been members of neither Alliance or Horde.
But putting faction faggotry away, you had the Alliance's members doing their own thing instead of just being goons of the Wrynns. You had the Horde trying to find its place in the world of pushing a faction conflict that should have ended in WC3. Sure, Vanilla had its iffy parts but all considered the Lore in WoW hasn't gotten better than what we had in it and got worse from TBC onward.
But Kael is a hot fabulous blood elf. (Having read the Arthas novel, I agree with you that they both had some, uh, personality issues.)
>I'll be the first to admit that the Forsaken going Horde is one of other mistakes that were pushed by the Faction System (others including the Blood Elves going Horde). The Forsaken really should have been members of neither Alliance or Horde.
Honestly, I blame Gnomes. There wouldn't have been a need for Horde to get Forsaken to balance the factions if Gnomes weren't a playable race.
Funny enough, Arthas becoming a Death Knight actually improved him.
>Gets indignant at Uther or Jaina trying to tell how to do stuff
>Gets his men stranded
>Acts like he has too much to prove
>Death Knight
>Actually hears out Kel'thuzad's advice
>Tells a Crypt Fiend he wouldn't let his subjects be killed by rebels
> Acts like he can better handle war or other dangerous situations
How much of that is Ner'zhul's spell and how much is Arthas' own shift?
If WoW 2 ever happens, my greatest desire is that the Forsaken aren't a playable race. Then watch their stranglehold on Lordaeron just vanish.
Well having their entire race saved by the very entity they were torturing to get their power and finding out that he'd done it willingly to save them tends to change people.
Besides Lady Liadrin is cool
More as a Death Knight he probably felt he had less to prove. It didn't matter that he wasn't Uther or his father, seeing as he'd killed both of them, thus he likely felt less pressured to be the prefect prince and apprentice to Uther.
Am I bad for wanting to be a Death Knight who gets to accompany Arthas and KT in Naxx as they go on wacky adventures and banter other characters.
He was supposed to be young, maturity wise he was at the same level as Arthas and Jaina. So like early 20-something.
Yeah, Arthas was much less of a pissbaby after his soul got gobbled by a sword. Ignoring the clammy hands, penchant for genocidal rampage, and flowers dying and dogs snarling in his wake, he came out of that ordeal a more attractive guy.
Death Knight Arthas was the best character in WC3 and TFT. It's a shame he went full 80s cartoon villain in Wotlk. I liked the snarky Arthas better.
>Uther: "I hope there's a special place in Hell waiting for you Arthas"
>Arthas: "We may never know, I intend to live forever."
people complain about Bolvar and Thrall kill stealing, but LK was just as bad, and it was even worse cause they were his own guys
I kind of figured dragons were at least semi-capable of reproducing asexually. I mean Alexstrasza obviously bangs everything that moves but Grim Batol is fucked up enough without TVTropesing it up with lots of rape.
I wish the official book detailed more of that stupid love triangle because it had so much potential to touch on that rivalry. I would read arthas vs. kael in their younger years.
I am of the belief that they should've done a three faction system, with Forsaken being their own thing, but allow them be the dead-zombified version of every other race. To make it lore viable just say they are all fucking mind controlled by whoever is in charge (wasn't it pretty much stated in Cata that they have no free will anyway?)
Just have a playable Scourge then, the Forsaken can be just another faction to grind rep with and the faction conflict would be slightly more justified than it is otherwise.
There's also a chance Antonides tried playing match maker I suppose.
The relationship between Arthas and Varian is something that would have been interesting to see as well.
>but Grim Batol is fucked up enough without TVTropesing it up with lots of rape.
I'm pretty sure they took already laid Red eggs and pumped them full of shadow energy, then tortured the hatched whelps to drive them insane
antonidas matchmaking kael and jaina together? lol... meddlesome old people...
agreed. the book was rather disapointing because none of these interesting relationships were fleshed out very much.
> Kel'Thurzard wanted to make everyone equal and eternal in death.
>His best friend tried to establish the Dalaran Eugenics programme.
Agreed, I think that's been a failure on the part of wow as well, simply by virtue of the fact that at its core the game is about the PC's it in turn means a lot of the character development for the Lore characters is lost. When it does happen, people complain that Thrall et al is hogging the lime light, at least that's my opinion.
>instead of bring Kael'thas back to lead the blood elves after he realizes Illidan is going to cheat him they make him a raidboss who got lolcorrupted
Still kind of mad about this. Hell I'm mad that Illidan's forces were made the bad guys, they had a fun as fuck campaign back in WC3 and could have solved a lot of this 'UNDEAD AND BLOOD ELVES SHOULDNT BE HORDE' crap by just taking both of them in.
Sure that is more or less what I was aiming for, but I personally wouldn't have a Forsaken rep faction. The Scourge are a bunch of anti-living assholes (and realistically the Forsaken are as well), so I'd find it hard that they would want to associate with the other factions. I guess I could see backstabbing and infighting going on, with some dude using us to usurp the current boss man all the while our characters are saying "Well the enemy of my enemy is my friend!"
Any US fags here play on Moon Guard?
There's a battle ground there I guess with the Horde and Alliance propping up "their" candidate for control of the Forsaken.
As for the playable Scourge, to begin with I imagine the quests would be more along the lines of gather these ingredients so the Noth can make a new batch of plague that does X, or raid this troll barrow to steal some of their own necromancer rituals so we can improve ours.
Eventually once the Lich King wakes up then it would be a simple enough task to have the Scourge shift their focus to the Old Gods justifying it as getting rid of the competition or a pissing contest over control of Northrend with a few quests dealing with extracting cultists from Stormwind or Orgrimmar or whatever to give them some contact with the other factions.
I remember this being discussed a few threads back though.
I used to, but WoD and Legion has killed my interest. I still have an active sub for a couple months, but I haven't logged on in weeks.
The game I might could handle, but the RP community is just so shitty now.
yes, they can
remember that cute red dragon you quested for near coldara in the borean tundra? you got rid of one of malygos's girls?
he steals her and forced not so sexy times on her
I do, actually, why?
Mostly curious, ever since I hit 110 I've been bored and noticed I lacked a guild and none of the guilds that advertise in trade chat seem appealing.
Any specific reasons as to why it's shitty?
what are you interested in doing?
role playing?
making gold?
All three seem nice.
pick one because that's how boredom sets in, you do everything and burnout and don't feel like playing anymore
Maybe it's just comparative, but you basically just have two options as far as organized RP these days.
>Slice of life with randoms and a batshit scale between garbage and greatness
>Military guilds and the Clergy.
Used to, A-side has so much in terms of options. There were explorer guilds, an incredibly vibrant organized crime scene in Stormwind, mercs + heroes for hire, and more in addition to the Military + Clergy. And the server was fairly cohesive as far as these bodies interacting with one another realistically. It felt really vibrant and you have a wide wealth of options, with a good number of options to pick from. And even as far back as Mists, you could find people in the whole city. Now, A-side RP is basically either a handful of military guilds, the Clergy, and what you find in Cathedral Square and the Mage Quarter.
I've always heard Horde is kinda slow and isolated, but there are a number of really, really good guilds if you can get into them.
As much as I hated the expansions themselves, Cata and Mists were the last time that Moon Guard's A-side RP community was really strong and healthy. I had hoped that Legion would pick back up, but it seems like it hasn't. More stuff to do than back in WoD, but that's saying very little.
Basically, hope to fuck you find a guild that you look and that isn't just a sophomoric clique, because otherwise you're gonna get fucked. I'm just glad that my 3 old mains all managed to achieve genuine character arcs before things went so far to shit.
I like the Lord of the Clans orcs. They're a good balance between the older "always chaotic evil" and the later "dindu nothing" ones. They're a martial people who value strength in arms and military prowess, but they're still people. They can be assholes or ok guys, and from their point of view the attack on human lands made sense, as it was a simple resource question. Draenor was a shithole, on the other side of the portal there's good land, but somebody else is living there. So you get an army and roll in yo claim their land by right of conquest. Pretty much every culture ever has done that.
It's more about night elves. They wanted all the factions in WC3 (Alliance, Horde, the Scourge and the Sentinels) to be represented as playable race, but didn't want to make 4 different factions, so they just rolled the night elves and the undead (Forsake instead of the Scourge because it wouldn't make nay sense to have the Scourge join another faction) into Alliance and Horde. Choosing which faction got which race probably just boiled down to wanting both factions have one race based on the continent that otherwise is largely populated by the other faction. If NE had gone Horde and Forsake Alliance, you'd end up with Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms being de-facto Horde- and Alliance-land, respectively.
Gnomes were just something they dug up to give Alliance troll-equivalents ("minor" race that shares capital with one of the other races). They seemed to have retconned them out in WC3, where there's no mention of gnomes and all the technological stuff that in previous games was attributed to gnomes was now attributed to dwarves, but when they needed one more Alliance race in WoW, they brought them back.
Out of curiosity what is a good way to make gold other than playing the AH. I usually made a good bit just running old raids for transmog purposes, but most of my money comes from the bag and cloth market.
Alextraza is supposed to have been forced by the orcs to repeatedly mate with her consort (who they had also captured) to produce dragon eggs for the Horde. IIRC, her consort was the dragon who'se skull is displayed in the museum in Ironforge.
about 1-2 months before the expac I made enough to get my transmog mount, 120k
I leveled a priest, a hunter, a warrior, and a rogue from 1 to 70ish and made sure to keep an eye out from slutty transmog
old world trasnmog can go for quite a bit, sometimes several thousand so I always made sure to kill every single rare spawn that was near me
slutmog sells
was it tyrant something? I know he was a super old red dragon
Yeah I sold a lot of slutmog back in WoD when the Salvage Crates weren't a pile of shit. The occasional epic was also a nice chunk of change
Fuck that sounds great, do you have links to those threads?
Not off the top of my head no.
That said, we spent more time talking about what races would make up the scourge to fill it out. And what the mounts would be than anything else.
Also could someone tell me if Proto-drakes are as intelligent as dragons? can they hold conversations ect or are they simply clever animals?
Clever animals. Higher intelligence isn't impossible though, as proven by the Aspects when they were still proto-dragons.
Cool, I thought as much, but figured i'd better make sure considering that the aspects and Glactron or whatever its name was were around and I haven't read that book.
Aya's voice and mannerisms are so similar to Lili's, I've been wondering if maybe Aya and White Eyes are actually Lili and Chen under, like, memory alteration or mind control or something. Maybe Kun is cool with it because he's actually the one behind it all? Like once there's this army of jade golems around, he'll take direct control of all of them.
Scourge races? Hmm going by Vanilla's four races per faction I'd say.
Undead: The current undead race only on Scourge side.
Damned: Living cult of the damned member. Look like other races only with the Death Knight skin tone. Could choose from any other race but it would be cosmetic only and wouldn't effect racials.
Nerubian: The smaller human sized kinds, not crypt lords.
Darkfallen: Elf vampires.
Undead would have their regular mounts, Damned would have a shade beast that would look like the shadow priest minions only a mount, Nerubians would have giant bug mounts, and Darkfallen would have bloody hounds of Tindalos looking things.
From memory we had ghouls, nerubians, darkfallen and abominations for vanilla, a suggestion for a troll tribe for BC, but that was more a case of struggling to think of anything else.
Gargoyles were floated as the flying mounts. not sure about the shade beasts, plague horses might work better than something so old gody. Darkfallen had nothing, but hounds/ black beasts are a good idea. The abominations were going to have chariots and the Nerubians were going to have planes running or web running in this case.
Cultists is a really good idea though. Vykrul would be the one joining in Cata seeing as by that point the Scourge would be running at full operational levels again instead of Kel'Thurzard's A team that you were during the first three expansions.
Thinking about it though, having the starting zones be in Northrend would work well with Anub'arak sending you to aid KT while he holds down the fort and waits for Arthas and Ner'Zul to awaken.
Its an interesting thought experiment in any case.
>I don't understand why a centuries-old elven prince was hung up on a human girl.
The same reason the Windrunner sisters were cray cray about human D.
>Elven nobility are all obsessed with fucking humans
it's like elite pedo cults but it's actually real
Adding an extra faction to vanilla would mean you could cut the capital cities per side down from 3 to 2. So they could have Azjol-Nerub and Stratholme as their capitals. Horde would have Orgrimmar and Thunder Bluff, and Alliance would have Stormwind and Ironforge.
Was thinking Naxx would have to be one simply because Kel'Thurzard would be the faction leader and at least thematically, having the Scourge operate out of a Necropolis is something I think would need to happen considering their role as the capitol buildings in WC3.
Stratholme could remain a dungeon, it would make more sense to have Balthazar as the final boss there who has seized it with the undead he controls and a few Scourge members who sided with the Legion and some survivors of Archimonde's fuck up.
Rivendere could be the Scourge version of the Argents and be the one leading the Scourge efforts to take the city back.
Hearthstone in general seems to have so much more creative energy invested in it than WoW.
Would Night Elves be a faction as well?
Night Elves should be neutral.
Didn't really think about it. The original question was come up with a way for the Scourge to be a playable faction.
I think in this case that would make the most sense. In a lot of ways I imagine time and budget dictated a lot of these decisions and considering we don't need to worry about cost, why not. There is pelnty to work with there, Saytrs and Naga invading, the Highborne in Diremaul, so you cold do quite a few quest chains with that material.
Would mean the Alliance gets Paladins, Horde Shamans, Scourge Death Knights and Kaldori Druids as well.
Better have the face paint.
Of course they do, that face paint is awesome
>ywn join the Cult of the Damned to hit on edgy corpsepainted chicks
Where the fuck is Kel'thuzad and why isn't he doing anything since the whole world has gone to shit.
>I remember you evil prince. You're the one who killed poor Muradin.
>Get over it already