Hey, how would you like to play your favorite wargame with other members of Veeky Forums, Absolutely free, and with very little in the way of hassle? No? Well, how would you like a huge repository of 3d printable models to use as you please?
This is BattleBox3d, a free 3D Tabletop Simulator that's about as good as you can get for the price. It supports Direct Client-to-Client games, LAN Games, and Custom Model Support, as well as all of the necessary features to play tabletop Wargames.
What this means is that if we can compile enough 3D Models, playing 40k online will not only be plausible, but also cheap, and ma
But Wait, it gets better:
Meshmixer is another free program, one that was designed with miniatures in mind. The goal is to make it easy to combine model meshes together, then simplify and fill them to be as concise as possible, with the goal of 3D printing them. In other words, it lets you customize your models with virtual kits, then export a finished product. From there you can print them out and use them IRL, or you could open them up in a model painting program like Blender or Sculptris, and paint them for use in BattleBox3d.
So, Here's what I propose: We create a massive archive of 3D models, including various weapons and accessories to act as kits, as well as digital maps, and start our own virtual wargame community. Most of the work is already done for us: yeggi.com
Even if you're not interested in virtual gaming, there's still the fact that this will be a huge resource for real wargaming, letting you customize your armies with your own 3D printable models.
So, what do you say?