The must brutal tales of missed profits always begin with a "It's dumb to buy now, but if it goes down I'll reconsider"
The must brutal tales of missed profits always begin with a "It's dumb to buy now, but if it goes down I'll reconsider"
My brain just doesn't fucking work right I guess because this is exactly how I feel.
I wish someone could use logic to tell me why I'm wrong but nobody has any answers
I fucking sperg out into paralysis on this board because everyone said opposing things
And yet I keep coming back and just sitting here waiting for legitimate information to appear somewhere deep in a thread of wojacks and idiocy
Its like the worst, most counter-productive drug addiction of my life
What aspects do you need assistance with? I'm a pretty experienced trader.
Literally me for ETH and LTC. Still refusing to buy LTC though, bought some ETH.
Don't come here for answers, you won't find them. Honestly there are a few smart people on this board (very few), but a shit ton of legitimately retarded people as well.
Heres a questiion, when the hell are you supposed to sell the coin?
unironically trying to buy right now lol
I've got 32k sitting in Edward Jones.
I'm thinking about pulling 5k of it out and starting to play.
However I don't know if I actually want to become a trader or just a hodl.
Anyway, that's neither here nor there. My misunderstanding is that an investment portfolio usually has a combination of high risk/reward and low risk/reward, with an emphasis on low-risk.
But nobody knows which is which in blockchain tech. Bitcoin LOOKS like the safe Amazon-like play, yet I wonder that its basically like Robin Williams in the movie Jack in that its essentially near the end of its life cycle ready to crash.
And shitcoins like XLM, Link, Ark, seem like SAFER plays since they're trading at such a low level.
Yet I know "low" and "high" is all psychological. But what isn't psychological is I feel like nobody has the answers and anyone that says they do is someone to be wary of. That's my issue.
I just want someone to start a sentence with "think of bitcoin/eth as a..." and its placement in the marketplace I guess
In a general sense, how much money do you need to invest in crypto to make big bucks?
I'm still a student and not yet a wage slave, so I don't have large amounts to throw down. Is it still worth buying on a site like Coinbase? I'm obviously going to hodl for a while.
Guarantee of big money if you have >$100,000 starting capital. $10,000 might net you a million in the future if you get lucky/play it right.
Assuming this whole thing doesn't crash to zero.
>you're guaranteed to make a lot of money or you're going to lose it all
fuck me sideways man I hate everything
Sell the coin the moment you question yourself if it will go down more
Crypto is a beast of its own. The best piece of advice I can give you is to completely erase the concept of TA from your mind. The most successful cryptos are ALWAYS ones with novel world-changing technology. There are a few alts that come to mind that fit this bill but I will not turn this into a shill thread.
Just hit 110k today. C-can I make it to a million?
Lol? Easily. If you invested in the right ICO you could 20x your 110k in less than 6 months. You just have to actually pick the right ICO. I'm not going to tell you which or how because I don't know, but of course.
I would not heed this user's advice. This is an irresponsible strategy.
thats why I always buy high sell low
I didn't say to actually do that. I'm just answering his question. Yes he abso-fucking-lutely can make it to a million. Randomly picking an ICO and going all in is obviously retarded.
If he played it smart, diversified, had patience, he'd probably make it to a million quite easily though.
You are trying to use rationale to "invest" (this is not investing) in a market that is literally insane.
Everyone contradicts everyone else, and nothing that happens makes sense, because nobody actually knows what the fuck is going on with these magical air tokens that nobody actually uses except to trade for other magical air tokens.
This very well may be the stupidest market in the history of human civilization.
As someone that has no experience or trading background, that's what intrigues me.
Too bad I don't have any capital to blow anyways.
get some kneepads
Sound advice. Short term is an immense crapshoot but long term the coins with solid underlying technology always win.
This looks like the right thread to ask,
Is holding coins for long term even an option if I can only put in 10$ worth a week at most?
I started 3 weeks ago and got into XPR and XEM since they looked promising but I barely have any coins at all
t poorfag college student
Bitch plaaas. Learn market psychology, RSI, ichimoku, elliot wave and fibbonachi.
Crypto has yet to successfully implement a single real-world wide scale essential use case.
90% of the money that has come into this has come about a half a decade too early. It's just basically swirling around randomly.
Yes but with that type of money just pour it into new coins that you think might have potential. If you manage to slowly put $500 into BTC and it goes up to $150,000 some how you're not going to care that much about scoring $5,000.
I mean, I'd gamble on big gains anyway, maybe to you $5,000 in a few years would be worth it.
I was kind of afraid that it would be like that, so many coins get shilled her per day that it gets hard to keep track and look them all up especially since I have next to no idea what I'm doing.
Frankly I've just been looking up coins that have any links to Japan since I'm hoping that the focus Japan would get by 2020 would make them ride up somehow
shill me, plox
All I can think of is KNC, 0x mayeb
>cant even spell fibonacci
profit: TA is astrology tier and it has zero (fucking 0) empirical evidence outlining its effectiveness
Whales moot TA..
Hodl without day trading atm
Portfolios vs all in