Are police officers the paladins of real life?
Are police officers the paladins of real life?
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Unfortunately, no.
>Looks nervously at Standing Rock
I'm afraid not.
Paladins have to be lawful and good. In my experiences with the police (as an attorney) they tend to be neither.
What did people tell you the last time you made this thread
>nobody cares about my state until it's on tv
Well I'd said at least some of them,paladin's are almost always rare but I'd say their equivalent would be found in higher numbers with the "armed/armoured enforcers of justice and law." Granted it would still be a minority not due to the low quality of the officer but simply due to the high standards of the paladin ideal.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't paladin be also part of the clergy? Or at least layman part of religious organisation?
You live in one of the Dakotas, man, there's nothing there TO care about.
>all the anarchists ITT
cancer, all of you
Yes, they are in general. Some fall though, and some just can't live up to the ideal, but the ideal and their code is what counts.
>suppressing actual pagans and savages
That's pretty much what paladins are there for.
Well, at least we aren't egoists.
Just kidding, I am an egoist, and you, everything you own, and your spook-filled police state are all my property.
No it isn't.
Paladins protect the weak and smite evil.
Cops are just meatheads who do whatever they're told. They're also prone to corruption and abuses of power.
aren't they just the town/city/palace/state guard of real life
Methinks the police are less "Deus Vult, Heretics!" and more "hired thugs sent to raid the barbarian village" in this scenario.
No, they're the town guard sent to protect a village against a barbarian raid. That isn't the barbarians' land and they have no right to invade it.
No. Paladins fall when they do wrong.
a palidan is not not by default a paladin of a certain god and i am really not sure where Veeky Forums keeps getting the idea that they do
Cops have a code and if they break it they are stripped of their powers. Sounds like a paladin to me.
The Water Protectors own land that is being poisoned, and much of the land that is being used for the pipeline directly was seized from them illegally. Their rights are being trampled on, and they are protecting themselves.
But you know, got to pay them merchants, private citizens be damned!
>and if they break it they are stripped of their powers
cops don't have divinely ordained powers that go away when they break the law
They just lose their jobs.
>implying anything short of actually promoting justice will get a cop fired
Lel, okay, bootlicker.
The point is that cops don't act in the name of good, they act in the name of the law (or the arbitrary whims of whoever is in power). Two very different things user.
Nope. No fucking way.
I'm sure that there is a fraction of cops that take the badge because they feel the urge to stand for law and order. Most cops are jocks that couldn't make it as pro athletes and want a secure government pension. It's just a bonus that they get handed a position of authority that transcends most social boundaries.
I'm not saying all cops are thugs or bad people but I don't think that there's one in a thousand that joined the force driven by a spiritual need to serve order and true justice.
An oath is only as strong as the person that swears it.
Nope. Most police are going to be fighters. Detectives and federal agents might be rangers. Paladin would be reserved for elite or specialized members of the military. Even a SWAT officer wouldn't be a paladin.
They're the murderhobos of real life.
>The point is that cops don't act in the name of good, they act in the name of the law
This, so fucking much this.
There are good cops, hell most of them are actually good people trying to do the right thing, but their job is not the upholding of Good. They are there to enforce order and ensure that society as a whole is protected.
You should never confuse the two.
Is it possible to be a Lawful Good Paladin-style person who is a police officer?
Sure, and that is good, but the institution of the police as a whole is more Lawful Neutral/Lawful Evil depending on where you live.
>Ctrl+F "Sikh"
Seriously, guys?
They're the Town Guard. Both as well meaning and corrupt as you might expect.
Paladins are sworn to serve a king and kill Brits and black people. Police don't have a king, they prefer to be communists instead.
No, they're LN town guards at best
stop replying to him idiot
its always the same guy asking this question
Truth, the fucking cop who ran my concealed carry class took pains to remind us of this. Cops aren't there to save people, they're meant to uphold the law. Saving people is just an occasional freaking byproduct of the job.
Besides Paladins even at their shittiest usually start off as good people, you can't say the same about cops.
Cops are basically assholes due to the nature of their job. Most of the time law enforcement is about bothering people over trivial bullshit unless you live in one of the urban warzones like detroit or some shit.
The most serious crime the average cop will deal with is arson and it is actually kinda difficult to catch arsonists.
I love how just about everyone ITT is such an expert on the police, despite having no information on them aside from what they hear from the corrupt media, no legal/CJS education, and extremely little firsthand experience.
The closest individual I can imagine as a paladin, and as 'murican, is a frontline Sgt. in the armed forces. It's a full time commitment and they are in service of their country, their families at home, and most importantly their battle brothers.
It's truly a kindness is its only reward job.
A police official takes the job as a way to make income, and enforcing unjust laws is well.. Unjust.
At their best though I love cops. It's always more of they are never there when you need them, only when you don't...
How about you enlighten us about this lack of information then? So far as I can tell, what I posted is factual enough.
>So far as I can tell, what I posted is factual enough.
Have you totally missed the point of my post?
Because this made you sound really, really stupid.
Yes I know you had an out when you said just about everyone instead of everyone. I still would like to see you actually contribute something else to this thread other then a snide shitpost though.
>Favored enemy: Coloured Folks
>all those "police brutality and corruption" memesters
>Implying Sergeants don't "enforce" unjust wars
Not who you're replying to, but are you familiar with the Chinese Robber fallacy? There are a billion people in China. If 1/1000 is a robber, then you have a million Chinese robbers. Although 1/1000 is in fact a low rate, you have literally 1 million anecdotes to saturate the media with at any given time. Thus, you can fill air time with endless stories of Chinese brutality, even though the rate is actually pretty low.
Police brutality is subject to this fallacy. It is more interesting when cops are criminal than ordinary people, even if they are criminals at exactly the same rate. Thus there's an incentive to generate an unending stream of horrible anecdotes, which gives off the impression that police are assholes.
This isn't a media conspiracy by the way. Honest news companies went out of business years ago because we didn't watch them. Clickbait journalism is the only thing that can survive. The problem is the consumer, not the producer. But the consumer isn't a convenient or satisfying target for blame. Which ironically prompts plenty of clickbait journalists to blame the media.
Surprisingly, the only significant racism present in the criminal justice system is at the sentencing and judicial discretion level. I can pull up the Department of Justice meta-analysis if you like. It incorrectly states in the abstract there is no racial bias, when in fact there is- just only in the courts, rather than in law enforcement.*
*Not counting 1960's dixie police, in which of course there was blatant racism. These facts are contemporary claims only, not historical.
Truthfully personal experiences colors my view on cops. The single most corrupt person I've ever met is an ex-cop. And that's saying as a construction worker/handyman. Shit my job and being a cook is one of the few jobs where you can be an ex felon scumbag.
Eh... More like it was land that the town's mayor said rightfully belonged to the barbarians (after the mayor got his ass handed to him and had to sue for peace) and no one but the barbarians could live on it. Shortly after a bunch of townsfolk decided to ignore this new rule put in place and started trampling over the barbarian land in search of gold, to which the barbarians responded with righteous killing. The mayor being the reasonable person he was and knowing full well that the barbarians were pretty much in their legal right to do what they did, sent in the town guard to take the land away from the barbarians.
>implying they don't just switch county in burgerland
Some are.
I don't have the data to back this, but somehow I have the intuition that a person is more likely to personally know a criminal than a cop. Criminals generally don't have positive experiences with cops, and their reports likely color the opinions of their friends.
My mom was arrested for a DWI when I was a child. Even though she was a raging alcoholic, for some reason I still believed her when she swore up and down in detail how the cop who picked her up was corrupt and had forged the evidence. I wonder why it took me several years to look back and view this account with suspicion?
>>Implying Sergeants don't "enforce" unjust wars
>This isn't a media conspiracy by the way. Honest news companies went out of business years ago because we didn't watch them. Clickbait journalism is the only thing that can survive. The problem is the consumer, not the producer. But the consumer isn't a convenient or satisfying target for blame. Which ironically prompts plenty of clickbait journalists to blame the media.
The MSM's outrage is selective, and you're kidding yourself if you don't think it's driven by an agenda (i.e. defending the status quo). Police are denigrated because they're local authorities.
Consumer outrage over unimportant wedge issues (such as police brutality) has been cultivated because it distracts from real economic issues. Note how the current MSM mantra has been to associate rural economic anxiety with "white nationalism."
Define criminal though, most of the time people have very good reasons to not like the people who slam them into the ground for smoking weed or paying for sex. Namely those things should not be illegal in the first place and the people who enforce the laws against such things are basically being assholes for the sake of collecting a paycheck.
Adding citations for good measure:
Charlemenge called, he said your mother was a whore you're the son of an inbred hick for not knowing what a Paladin is and what they do
>it's not justice if I don't like it
Ok, criminal scum
Yes, but that's political more than it is police and you know it. The alternative is that each cop picks and chooses which laws to enforce. And honestly? I bet a lot of them do exactly that. It's a Chaotic Good/Lawful Good/Neutral problem. It's not surprising a Libertarian such as yourself would categorize all "lawful" personalities as assholes, and frankly, you might not even be wrong about that in some sense.
If it was driven by an agenda, it would behave in a coordinated and effective manner. For example, if the black lives matter narrative were constructed by an agenda, then instead of frontlining the incredibly flawed Michael Brown case, they'd have taken the uncontroversial Eric Garner case that appeared 2 months earlier and just force fed that to the public by repeating the story over and over again.
The media doesn't run on controversy as a distraction. The media runs on controversy because everyone feels like they need to weigh in with their opinion on the controversial. Almost everyone agrees Eric Garner was murdered. The story was aired, there was some outrage, but a week later nobody had anything new to say on it. Interestingly, everyone (including cops) felt that mandatory police bodycams were a great idea even before the BLM movement. The point is controversy necessarily exists for its own sake. Not as a fabricated distraction. If the answer to something is obvious, nobody has anything to say.
That said, I agree that the "white nationalism" hype is largely bogus. Ironically falling prey to the Chinese Robber fallacy itself- supporting its narrative with an endless but nonetheless rare supply of neonazi shenanigans. Nevermind you could fit the entire KKK in a rural Days Inn, or the entire Alt-Right movement into Disney World. These factions just don't have the numbers to be statistically important to anything besides being noisy and visible strawmen for the left.
They're fucking city guards, retards
I'd say police officers are pretty much city guards. Being a paladin means going above and beyond the call of duty, often in a religious context. We don't have such an equivalent, especially not after the gigantic pussy dictate called Vatican II.
>Favored enemy: Criminals
A lot of them just happen to be colored folks, and I say this as a black guy myself. If you theoretically remove all black people from the United States, America's crime and incarceration rates would be on par with those of many European countries. Which coincidentilly lack a pretty significant demographic (Even in France they're only 3% of the population, with half of them not even living in France proper but its overseas territories).
What you want is not for cops to be colorblind, you inherrently want cops to be racist. To be equally agressive towards whites and blacks regardless of who commits the actual crimes. Even I would rather deal with an American police force that will single me out for a "random" search on an almost daily basis than a British police force that refuses to arrest those who rape children because it'd be "racist".
The way paladin are depicted in the Matter of France is like evil smiting, Muslim wrecking champions of good though.
Well, the OP was "are cops synonymous with a character archetype that is fundamentally lawful good". So analyzing whether cops are good is relevant. And unavoidably, opinions about this are politically charged. All the same, I think discussion has been kept respectful and of reasonably high quality, which is par for Veeky Forums. If anything, complaining about it in caps lock is closer to a shitpost. But I could be wrong.
I would like to add context to your picture, which although true and well sourced, I will note that all of those sources are completely on board with the assertion, "and pretty much all of this is caused by blacks being disproportionately likely to suffer from poverty".
Further literature would indicate that because of how our education tax is structured, your personal poverty means you live in a poor neighborhood, which also means poverty in school district. Reduced education restrict employment (which further enforces poverty) and also independently increases criminal behavior (criminals are often dumb as hell. Just ask Florida man).
You're not wrong. But you could be a lot more right and convincing by including some reasonable analysis and context that accompanies those facts, rather than dropping the context and allowing the opposition to paint the null hypothesis as scientific racism, thereby dismissing it to most readers.
Poverty doesn't cause stupidity (criminality).
It's the other way around.
Pic related.
Frankly, even giving a shit about the racial bias at this point is counter-productive. Fix the gender bias, and you'll save way more innocent black men than if you fix the race bias.
>Fix the gender bias, and you'll save way more innocent black men than if you fix the race bias.
Care to elaborate on this apparent non sequitur?
To summarize:
Blacks are punished more often and more severely than whites.
Men are punished far, far more often and more severely than women, to the point where evening out the judicial system's gender bias, while retaining the same ratio between black and white punishment, would result in fewer black men sent to prison than simply evening out the racial bias and keeping the male-female ratio the same.
Of course, they shoot niggers after all
>be indian
>company wants the right to build on our land
>offer a lot of money
>tell them no
>they build around our land
>get mad anyway
I actually like this better than the original. Especially when you imagine the transition between the second and third image takes about as long as the one between the first and second.
There are more black offenders than white offenders proportionate to their respective demographic sizes, and their crimes are on average more violent (or at least more visible).
Because of human psychological heuristic devices, we naturally lump 'like' groups together. They 'share' that group's deeds. Doesn't matter if the cops and judges are white, black, asian, women, men - the psychological tendency to take members of a group as a superorganism will incline them to punish the individual from worse-behaved group more harshly due to 'previous actions.'
It's sacred ground though, Shitting Dog and Dances-with-Whiskey-Bottles said so.
That's called being conquered. The best way to avoid it is to not lose.
That really doesn't counter anything I said.
Not really. I don't think that we could actually have paladins in real life. They exist on a standard that is untenable to civilization as it exists in its current form. That's why most people considered "paladins" or the equivalent by their religion or social group are usually considered terrorists or outright evil by the rest of civilization. There's too many factors that you have to let roll off your back to exist these days that strict adherence to righteous policies and violence when others do not comply is simply impossible.
The closest thing we have in real life to paladins are firefighters.
Welp, next time I'm doing a setting with paladins, I'm going to play them like ISIS.
>corrupt construction worker
It checks out, unions were a mistake