First for Traitor Legions being fucking great and much more than I had hoped for.
Jaxson White
The fact that I managed to find that one guy I met months ago in the previous thread has awakened me to the magic of Veeky Forums
Ayden White
Worst >Word bearers, very mediocre. >World Eater is kinda meh as well >Black Legion
Legit fun, potential for great >Night Lords Ld fuckery/Psychic Shriek for those who won't run >Alpha Legion
A bit too specialized but have some potential >Iron Warriors >Thousand Sons
Legit good >Emperor's Children
Leo James
For Weapons Destroyed, does a Powerfist with a built in Meltagun count as 1 or 2 weapons? Do smoke launchers count?
Jaxson Perry
also I just realized that Thousand Sons and Iron Warriors are essentially two sides of the same coin. They'd make great allies as they cover each others' glaring weaknesses.
Liam Williams
>Noise Marines as Troops
Carter Mitchell
Smoke Launcher are not a weapon. If a weapon is built-in, it makes sense that if the housing is destroyed, the additional weapon does not work. At least that's how my group does it.
Matthew Lee
>>Black Legion raptor talon >>Jump pack warlord with talons gets DIMENSIONAL KEY >>deep strike turn 1 for speartip with your catulan reaver bros and charge turn 1, killing some chump >>the entire rest of your army is justaerin terminators in the annihilation force and they are comin in hot and they do not scatter >>?!?!?!?!?!??
...if it's like angels of death with the old relics being usable too... does this work?
Brayden Price
DESU these Traitor Legion rules are makihe want to start an Iron Warriors, Thousand Suns, or Alpha Legion army.
Nolan Taylor
Cameron Wilson
>tfw you're a Thousand Sons player that started to assemble a Night Lord force. It might not be great, but it sure will be fun.
Thomas Allen
Swap World Eaters and Thousand Sons and you're about right.
Seriously, the huge amount of free buff stacking plus roll charge distance as a scout move that isn't scouting makes them an actually viable melee horde. Sure, Eldar will still beat them down, but otherwise they get a bit closer and are much better at pressing redundant threats to close and blend.
Adam Bell
They can attempt 1st turn charges can't they? Because there's no blanket restriction on charging in the first turn, just that normally it's impossible without abilities that specifically deny it (eg. scout, infiltrate)
Ryan Hernandez
What do you do, put them in rhinos for sure protection, however temporary, or you rely on the gamble of the legion tactics and 2d6 move berzerkers on foot?
You could fuck up and get snake eyes, move 2" and get shot to pieces slogging up the board
Elijah Cox
>>viable melee horde Craft a list and show it user, do it do it.
Owen Howard
Yes, it's basically chaos chapter tactics for anyone with VOTLW. The only thing you have to do is declare them black legion to get the rules, but the turn 1 reserves is decurion only I think.
Dominic James
>WB >Worst
Soes the book improve a Word Bearer army any or what? Like is it just bad compared to other things in the book but it still improves them a little or is it actually shit?
Jacob Lopez
>>Rhinos No. Fuck rhinos. Rhinos are the worst for world eaters. If it gets destroyed, which it ALWAYS will, they cannot charge.
IMO, mass smaller squads to divide up fire and maximize chances of getting a good pseudo scout move is probs best?
Nathan Turner
does the non-scout move extend to dedicated transports like scout does?
Josiah Reed
If you are trying to run World Eaters, looks like you are better off with KDK then?
James Murphy
Could you do a World Eater KDK list? Or is it CSM only?
Landon Russell
You roll separately for every unit. MSU will statistically guarantee a few of them get good rolls and they can tie down the shooting threats for a turn while everything else makes it the rest of the way of the board and brings the hammer.
Chase Bennett
They can. Berserker bikers can move 2d6 at game start, move 12" and then attempt a charge, rerolling any dice as needed.
Cheap marine squads on foot then bikers.
Ryder Baker
Good relics, good warlord traits, harness warp charges when summoning daemons on 3+, some free boons of mutation... it's an improvement for sure, just very, very overshadowed by the other Legions.
Benjamin Walker
Well I mean, if you want to see a Melee hode work with currently released rules, try building up two units of 20 flesh hounds and closing them from the flanks as some more threats slide up the middle to follow the vanguard.
I'll look into exact composition of a World Eaters list when I have the actual pages: At the moment I just see fearless, pseudo-scouting, rerollable charges and extra in-melee rules. Fearless alone is big, means you need to completely deplete units to stop them.
Jaxon Russell
Depends on what kind of tables you usually play on, but mine have plenty of LOS blocking/ruins terrain that you could deploy the WE in - roll your 2d6", if it's low just don't move, if it's high then go for a hail mary charge or move to new terrain in the middle of the board.
What's the average - 2d6" not-scout, 6" move, 2d6-with-reroll charge?
Bentley Torres
It looks like the Legions all get Fearless, which is pretty good. Just gotta remember about not being able to use OWOU to get out of combat.
Jeremiah Jenkins
They also still perils on any double on malefic, which WILL fuck you up more than it helps, harness on 3s or not. You're a lot better off just ignoring summoning and starting off with a shitload of daemons on the board, using them to summon instead. You won't benefit from half the WB rules but at the very least you'll be fluffy
Connor Perry
But money though
Anthony Nelson
Probably about 21-22. It'd be 20 without the reroll.
(7 average + 6 + 7 average)
Maybe turn one chargers will be rare, but you -will- cross the board effectively on your first turn and leave your opponent in a mad scramble to try to avoid turn 2 charges.
Thomas Adams
Would Raptor Talons be effective for WE?
Mason Wood
Well mine is just bezerkers, bikes and daemons. Its not technically WEs, I was just wondering what would work better.
Disordered charge robs them of the bonuses from MoK and Legion Tactics, so not really, no.
Alexander Thomas
So as far as I can tell, the only difference between a five man melee WE marine squad with no upgrades and a 5 man berzerker squad with no upgrades is one has WS5 and one is 20 points cheaper.
Joseph Torres
If they charged soft targets on the first turn, ones that don't need the extra attacks, they could stay in combat in the enemy's shooting phase and finish the unit off in the enemy's assault phase.
Then, they're balls-deep in the enemy's deployment zone and can charge whatever they like second turn, with full MoK and Legion Tactics benefits.
Bentley Brooks
Jesus, who did the art in the most recent Tau codex? It's definitely a bizarre change in aesthetic.
Eli Cooper
The only way to get a turn 1 deep strike is to run them in Black Legion.
Ryder Powell
And heck, that isn't even the weirdest piece.
Dylan Baker
You should see the picture of the IG and Tau battle lines coming together - there's stormsurges about 20m from baneblades.
Charles Lopez
So I am building a harlequin army with c Dark Eldar coven. I am using the grotesquerie with a subway portal in a raider. That with a shadowed and the mask that gives -2 ld makes for a large -3 ld bubble. My shadowed them know psychic shriek to dish out some wounds. Anyway I am wondering if I should put Liquifier guns on my grotesques letting them drop in a put down three flamers with s3 ap d6 for 45 points. Does that sound worth giving up close combat weapons?
Sebastian Lopez
I thought the plan was to have them on the board turn one - use the 2d6" not-scout and their own 12" movement to get some 1st turn charges off?
Gavin Williams
Well I mean, you try drawing a decent picture with a Stormsurge as your reference.
Brayden Price
I don't want to though. I want to start with all CSM units on the board.
Jeremiah Watson
Wrath of Magnus epub when?
Jayden Gomez
You know, in a way, I can really see this sell to a younger audience.... No really, I would never get one myself (fuck... who the hell am I lying to!).
Think about it, this could really be an investment on GW´s part. Something to put the 40k lore on the map, outside the hobby so to speak. They did it well in video games, why not LEGO? And it would make the "buhu, this hobby is so expensive" idiots shut the hell up for once, as LEGO definitely is more expensive than this hobby (trust me, I have a kid of age 6, I know!)
Kevin Watson
They're expensive for low strength and random ap, even so I like liquifier guns to melt chaff.
Owen Baker
is there any instruction on how to build something like that?
John Taylor
Then do so and hope you have fun.
As a TS player, I was happy for any update and I can play my Legion, even if its not amazingly good. I can finally rule the psychic phase and play on my own terms. I'm superhappy for my Legion brethren, even if some/most are straight up miles ahead of mine. At least we can all agree on one thing.
Noah Wilson
Oh well in that case then yes, they're solid, and you don't have to worry about the disordered charge unless you're trying to tie down multiple units. But then you're not using the main benefit of the Raptor Talon formation which is charging from deep strike... although I guess if it's the only way to take Raptors in the Decurion, then, go for it.
Luke King
I think you can take 1-3 units of raptors in the Warband, but people might want to save those slots for bikes.
Easton Long
Q: Do the new Pink Horrors get Malefic psychic powers? A: No, they do not get Daemonology (Malefic) Powers.
I know but it's always nice to see faggy rules-lawyers get officially shut the fuck down.
Bentley Flores
They're still a ridiculous tarpit and warp charge generator, but "wholly within" helps to the super abusive stuff. Now they're just really absurdly efficient rather than breaking the whole game.
John Martinez
>Take twenty pink horrors >Cast possession >Get 40 blue horrors and 20 LoC Fun fun fun.
Lucas Sanchez
3 points for Objective Secured troops, with a 5++ invul would already be really good. The fact that they're Fearless against shooting AND generate Warp Charges AND can cast shit of their own is insanely good.
The fact that you can generate multiple units of these insanely good units FOR FREE just by your opponent killing your shit is Wraithknight tier broken.
Kevin Brooks
So, what's the best way to kill them? I only play rarely and I haven't fought a chaos force in more than a decade.
Easton Parker
This isn't going to stop anyone vetoing games against this shit. GW needs to learn we don't want this shit in our games.
Daniel Harris
I am totally calm but I'm disappointed by their lack.
Ryan King
There is no best way to kill them, that's the point. The first two times you destroy their unit they get a new one for free, Tzeentch is the new WAAC army.
The new Tau.
Carter Cox
>not 80 blue horrors
gotta take the tzerald w/locus
David Sanders
What does WAAC stand for? Win at all costs or something?
Nicholas Thompson
yes. exactly that.
Bentley Nelson
That's exactly it. There's the other extreme, which is a lot rarer: HAAC, Hobby at all costs. These types of autists will shit on you for going even a toe out of line when it comes to fluff or minmaxing at all.
I remember one guy on here who used to call other anons children because they counts-as some weapons different to how they modeled it, claiming it was being a cheese faggot and they should quit the hobby.
Cooper Hall
As the FAQ mention it's Daemonic Instability tests. So assault. You want something that wont actually kill the whole unit with attacks, but will hit them hard enough to wipe it in a single phase from the instability test.
Landon Anderson
If you can get them to blow up from demonic instability in close combat then they don't split at all
Easier said then done.
Eli Clark
That doesn't sound particularly fun to play against. What kind of points is a typical daemon aids-army going to be at?
That guy sucks. I do plenty of conversion work on my guys, there's plenty of counts as and no one's ever had a problem. My favourite currently is a deathwatch captain with a tech harness, robo legs and skorge's chainsaw from GoW2 as a power weapon. Where's the fun in not being creative.
Hudson Hill
I've said it before, but I expect 8th to introduce AoS style Reinforcement points. This FAQ even hints at this. Once you have to pay for any Blue or Brimstone Horrors you want to get via split they'll merely be very good.
Ryder Ortiz
the creative aspect is great, but he was just saying that if you modelled a meltagun on your model, you're being a cheesy faggot if you count it as a flamer f.ex to get some form of advantage against the current army you're facing.
I modelled my Berzerker Champion with dual lightning claws because they looks fucking badass. He can't even take Dual LCs anymore (this was during 5th)
Benjamin Bailey
Well the random so is not that bad, they have a 50% chance to eat through meq 3+ saves. S3 really is not that bad when you consider the possibility of no armor save.
Julian Cruz
It's the basic Tzeentch troop choice so it can be any points. This is the kind of thing were after a a token game or so you just politely decline to play them.
Thomas Nelson
After reading the traitor legion rule leaks, despite some of the stuff looking really cool none of it comes close to the like of skyhammer or 300 points of free transports.
finally an option for CSM null deploy! several years late, but better than never... And terminators as troops! Now if only terminators were good...
Charles Ramirez
Anyone got a rip/scan of Wrath of Magnus yet?
Josiah Collins
Legions now have some really amazing combos and some of the stuff is outright fucking top-tier, like Death Guard.
A Chaos Marine with T5, FnP 6+, Fearless, Relentless, a cover save beyond 18", that reduces WS and I by 1 within 7" for 16 points. That is insane. They literally overshadow Plague Marines now.
Now stick this statline on havocs with 4 autocannons. A moving wall of bullets.
Dylan Edwards
What would a 40k Blood Bowl look like?
Cameron Torres
Oh I think we will see more similarities to AoS than that friend. You and me both knows that AoS was a try-out for maximizing sales ("buy what ever you want man" style of play), 40k is sure to follow.
And in a way, I don't even mind at this stage. Sure, I think 40k is fun, when you play the right people. But can also be horribly boring when facing the wrong people. With less rule-lawyering, and more gameplay to hit the game nights, there is (while simplified) more fun overall. And with a "you go figure it out" attitude from GW, the guys bringing the WAAC fag lists simply wont have anyone to play against. That was the main issue of hatred I think regarding AoS to begin with. The lack of rules made it so everyone brought just about all they owned to the table, only to find no one wanting to play them (surprise, surprise...).
Joseph Morgan
Lack of points would be fun in my meta. I can field all my TS without giving a fuck if I'm fielding like 20 models due to absurd points cost. Of course I can imagine people refusing to play against any of the top cheese on the basis of "you're already strong as fuck and you're probably bringing 3K points to a 1,5K game".
Ayden Clark
>("buy what ever you want man" style of play) 40k basically already has that with allies and Unbound armies. AoS'izing wouldn't change things unless they absolutely delete the rules in the manner of original AoS rather than doing something General's Handbook-like.
Jeremiah Bennett
>Lack of points would be fun in my meta. Won't happen. What actually started giving AoS life was ADDING in points with the GHB. Expect all manner of rules simplifications though.
Nolan Davis
FNP 5+! They just get regular FNP.
Also they re-roll FNP rolls of 1.
Luis Watson
wtf, you people told me Dark Eldar were shit! Deldar fast troops are killing the shit out of most Maelstrom missions.
Does anyone here even play 40k?
Caleb Campbell
I legit wouldn't mind that. 40k is a clusterfuck of rules. It needs some serious reformatting.
Well, actually, I do - I have done for 12 years now, but I think most people on here just feedback loop what they've heard.
Joseph Kelly
My bad, thanks bro. Point stands eh, Death Guard players are now borderline Eldar-tier.
Ayden Cox
And everyone is killing the shit out of Deldar troops since basic bolters are more than enough to wipe out the whole army.
Jordan Martin
I think they learned their lesson with the Generals Handbook; players do want to have access to points. So I'd expect them to include the same for 40K.
Frankly at this point it's starting to look like they'd be stupid not to go down an Age of Sigmar style rules path for 40K. AoS is surging in popularity, and the rules are what's holding back 40K right now. There needs to be a rules crunch; not necessarily as extreme as AoS did, but certainly breaking things down a lot. The game is bloated and daunting to newcomers, and that's not a good thing.
Dylan Ross
>that reduces WS and I by 1 within 7" for 16 points. That's only the plague zombie formation.
Jordan Gutierrez
where the fuck are these traitor legions rules leaks I just got off work and my chaosboner needs to know more
Ayden Thompson
>Death Guard players are now borderline Eldar-tier
Oh man, please don't say that. I've been waiting 6 years to get DG legion rules, now I might not get to use them because they're too good?
Asher Jones
So are Orks confirmed worst army in 40k now?
Justin Edwards
>tfw you play Black Templars and really want formations that utilize Crusader squads but don't want to say anything lest you get shit on for complaining as a Space Marines player
Tyler Gomez
Bolter and Chainsword, there's a thread in the News and Rumours section called 'Traitor Legions', leak starts on page 34