Orks should be removed from the setting, they are just punching bags like the IG both would be better as footnotes in the lore rather than actual armies.
Orks should be removed from the setting...
Other urls found in this thread:
Agreed, they literally can't win anything. Even when their whole race got together the Imperium still kicked their asses and sent them running.
Not to mention the head-a-splode-null trick means Orks aren't even dangerous. Just need a Wierdboy and a Culexus and you could literally kill all Orks on Armageddon in a second.
Orks should be relegated to background lore, like the Hrud, where it just notes when a Chapter killed 'this or that billions of Orks' one day when they were taking a break. At this point all that separates Orks from minor xenos anyway is that they have miniatures no-one wants to play with.
Despite their clearly biased tone off this post, how well do Orks actually sell by comparison to the other xenos?
Get a'load a dis git.
>remove literally the only good thing in 40k
Go fuck yourself with a nuclear jackhammer
What's biased about it? Everything there is canon.
Who cares how well Orks sell, I doubt its even half as a good as any Marine faction meaning its not even in the top 8 at least. Orks, like all Xenos, should be squatted. They don't have any role, their just background fodder, and their Miniatures are ugly and pointless. There's a reason no-one buys them.
Out of curiosity to see if there was any truth to OP's claims, I checked a few 40k tournament pages. Orks are still placing in a few top 8s, so they seem to be willfully ignorant and just disgruntled about something they personally don't like.
All that aside orks are hilarious and have some really fun models, but they certainly are not the "reason" most people play.
Their talking about fluff. Also who cares about the 'top 8'? That's a really wide margin you're setting.
But we're talking fluff anyway. Orks never win in fluff.
Orks win against guardsmen sometimes. I can think of at least one book where i know for sure that it happened, and it was bloody feral orks to boot.
Do the Orks win the actual war or just a skirmish? Do the Marine Boyz rock up to kill all the Orks afterwards with casual ease?
Also one time seems pretty lacklustre compared to their enormous defeats.
If Orks always lose then how come they carved out multiple short lived empires for their own? Hell Ghazgkull still has one.
When the post is specifically about them not needing to be a real army, I think all of that is relevant. If an army wins and has good models, they have a valid reason to be in the game. Fluff wise you almost have to make them lose from a narrative prospective, just like Tyradnids. Sure you can say Planet X, Y, Z was destroyed by *your choice of disaster* for hamfisted writing, but if they win every other army is now gone. Seems pretty straight forward to me.
Cause the Imperium doesn't need to bother with non-threats. Duh. Also Ghazghkull has literally beaten the Imperium once, at Golgotha, every other time he takes them on he loses.
Big-bad-Gazz hasn't even beaten a Space Marine Chapter once.
How do you almost have to make them lose? Giving the Orks major victories doesn't mean the setting ends. If Ghazghkull had won on Piscina and beaten the Dark Angels how would that have ruined anything? It would have made him actually looking competent for a change.
>Rynn's World
>Orks lose despite the enormous advantage of their enemy killing most of themselves before the Orks even land
Yep, that's another good example of how pathetic Orks are. Even when their enemies practically kill themselves they still lose
How dare you! Rynn's world was a glorious victory for the Crimson Fists where they showed how humankind can always triumph over filthy Xenos.
Also, really, a thread whining about Orks being the punching bag of the galaxy? Lol why did you choose to play Orks then xenosfags? Dying is literally your purpose.
>dat's a shoota.. dat git frew it directly in da wata..
>siege of castellax
That's my point
I'm not OP, just an observer to his 'stop liking what I don't like' paddy.
>Orks never beat Imperium
Chaos loses constantly, that doesn't prove anything. Seriously Orks are punching bags, just accept it already, Ghaz is probably gonna get run through by Ragnar at some point so that Ragnar gets to fight serious opponents like Lucius and co.
>moving goalposts
>Orks can't win
>Insert only war quote here
Wasn't that the one when like a billion Orks fought less than a hundred Iron Warriors and the Iron Warriors still only lost because of Treachary?
>Insert Beast Arises Series
>Orks literally so scarred by Emps that they copy Primarchs to try to be better
Orks are just PTSD kids trying to play Primarch! Xenos wimps
They do have a point though, when do the Orks win a War against the Imperium?
I mean...Rynn's Landing's actually kinda ridiculous. The Crimson Fist's are almost all wiped out but still defeat an Ork Waaagh from Charadon, one of the biggest Ork Empires in the galaxy.
>There's still war
This is the dumbest thread i have seen in awhile. Veeky Forums has so gone to shit.
Why not just remove all armies so we don't have shits like you playing the game. I would rather have 40k die then have it become just Chaos vs Marines.
12 years olds need to "fak off"
Yeah, Veeky Forums is sort of awful these days
Nah, OP just wanted to start an Ork thread, because he really loves Orks, but because we don't actually discuss anything anymore unless bait is involved, he had to create this shitty thread. Sad, isn't it?
The settings already pretty much just Chaos vs Marines, don't see why the fluff shouldn't follow it.
To be honest even saying its 'Chaos vs Marines' is a little bit of a stretch. The setting's probably best described as 'Space Marines kill stuff"
Just leave.
When you grow up and get bored of SM you will realize how stupid you were for making comments like this.
Even squigs got more brainz then yous meetbag...
You realize that most players only want Marines right? That's why fluff is always just Marines winning, Marines are half the armies on their own and the Marines have their own game which is just different coloured Marines killing each other?
"'Space Marines kill stuff"
Most accurate comment in this thread. Screw it, this whole board...
>You realize that most players only want Marines right?
Only the truly lost, un-savable, brainwashed man-children belief this.
>That's why fluff is always just Marines winning.
The fluff is marine based cause the writer for BL, HH, and all that are the worst pen smiths in the sci-fi writing community. It is like reading 400 page comic books staring the most flat, unoriginal characters.
>Marines are half the armies on their own
This number is not far off but to assume all those players only play SM is just ridiculous.
The reason SM's sell is not the number of people buying them but the volume in which individuals buy them. SM players spend the most on this hobby because the Emperor is the only one looking over the shoulder, laying a hand on their head, and saying good job.
I am done with this bait.
I wish 40k never existed.
>playing the game
I don't play tabletop to begin with I thought Veeky Forums is a Dawn of War board.
>I thought Veeky Forums is a Dawn of War board.
Hahahah. Funniest thing i have heard all day. Nice one git.
40k is a game for masochist. Sorry for the gretchin sized pic
>all these people replying to this shitty b8.
God dammit people.
They've already been effectively removed the setting. When was the last time the 40k setting had anything to do with something besides space marines?
>SM players spend the most on this hobby because
they're the only ones still playing it besides Eldar or faction of the week bandwagoners. When the game designers fuck over an army (like Orks), and make the game an unbalanced mess, people dedicated to that faction stop supporting it. See Squats, v2.0.
>Who cares how well Orks sell
It's literally the only thing GW cares about
Not gonna lie, I don't actually play Warhammer or anything (and I don't even really follow the lore besides the most basic stuff I can understand from cultural osmosis), but as a relative "normie", the Orks do not really interest me at all.
This is from a complete outsiders opinion with a growing interest for Warhammer related things, but Orks and Tyranids just seem to make the setting overly saturated without adding any meaningful content to the overall story (and apparently the actual game, for that matter).
The Imperium is fine, that represents us, then we have Chaos, which represents man's struggle with himself. Next we have Eldar, which are the foils to mankind and how we could have been/who we could become, and then the Necrons, who represent a Universal danger that all factions have reason to fear.
The Tau, representing the ideal vision of humanity that we once long abandoned, should make periodic footnotes in the lore of the game as a sort of reminder that peace among man and xeno kind can be possible without the use of exterminatus.
Anything else just seems like an excess of detail because "oh shit, we gotta include EVERYTHING in here", or it just comes off as a mad grab for quick cash because somebody got bored at work one day.
t. wank marines
>want to remove the army which in the WH 40k provides the eternal struggle between humans and insects
>Shiny exoskeletons
>Make buzzing noises
>Hard to kill
>Endlessly numerous
But user, Necrons ARE insects!
>hard to kill
So, orks serve a purpose from the perspective of GW selling shit.
Their slightly less serious tone gives them a pretty dedicated core of fans. I'm sure we all know somebody who played an ork army back when they were shit, because they were Veeky Forums army.
Strategically, they (along with 'nids) cover the 'lightly armoured hordes of combat troops' strategy pretty nicely, in ways that marines can't really cover what with being marines.
On top of that, the ramshackle aesthetic means that orks are the go-to army for people who want to convert or scratch-build wacky vehicles.
So they have a few niches they occupy. Getting rid of them would pretty much loose GW the customers who are mostly in it for those niches, which would be a dumb-ass decision.
Think of it like this. Remember the Ford Ranger? Tiny truck, useful thing, great for people who live in cities.
Well one day, Ford decided to stop manufacturing these things, and people got angry. "Why, Ford!? Why!? Why can't I have my tiny trucks!?" The answer was, the Ford Ranger just wasn't selling enough models to enough people in enough cities. The need for a city-sized truck was obsolete in the presence of a city-sized truck that could have been made by Toyota or Honda or much cheaper and much better.
The Ford F150 is what made Ford the most dosh, so thinking wisely, Ford cut the Ford Ranger line and began to upgrade their pre-existing line of trucks and cars and now they're doing pretty well for themselves.
Now Toyota makes all the city-sized trucks, which is fine, because Ford dominates the full-bodied truck market, as well as completely overhauling their mid-sized sedans to be able to finally compete with companies like Honda and Mazda.
In other words, sometimes a business has gotta weigh their options, and Orks are not an option GW can afford. The big sellers are the IG and the Marines. THAT'S what makes them the most money. It's time to cut the Ork and 'Nid line and start pumping some extra cash into the models that actually sell. It's called "cutting your losses", and buddy, losses gotta be a cut.
Also, is anyone else miffed at how over inflated the prices are for just a handful of models? Fuck you, GW. Those models are worth, like 20 bucks. 30 bucks MAX.
Space Marines are the setting, the end and the beginning. That's why the only people allowed to win are Ultrasmurfs, Yiffers, Bangles and Dangles. Everyone else is just chaff.
Except Deathwatch. They're unstoppable.
If they're punching bags lower their point cost then damit.
Then players can choose to have even more cannon fodder, or have more effective units of orks/IG on the battlefield to even things up.
GW has many failings, but does many good things too. One of them is the blending of many concept to create a new one. Each 40k army is very peculiar because of this.
Orks have the appeal of the funny, weird green alien, mixed with a fantasy ork, mixed with mad max. Since this is a game with an hobbist part, this could be enough and I could ask you to go back. Because you have to go back. But there is more about orks.
They are a cominc relief, but on a greater sense. They are the irony.
All the other races need a reason to fight, they fight just because. This shits all over the other races and their motivations, their drama. They are a cruel irony because they are a momentary relief, but make then each other race struggle sadder.
[Citation Needed]: The Post
You know what? I agree. I agree completely. It's one of the things GW needs to do, now, is admit the game is imperiumhammer and be done with it.
>Axe Eldar and Orks. Elves and Orcs in space are a stupid concept, and feel vestigial from their 80s days, like the squats. They've been saying the eldar will die off for ages now, maybe they finally did? dark eldar have never been popular, so maybe it was a war between them and the eldar that ends this shit. As for orks, they can just be background fluff to get whooped on by the marines. Honestly tau can probably go too, their anime style has never fit well with the game and they're selling like shit because of it.
>Axe nids and 'crons. Maybe make them into some kind of terrain hazard or something, for a special mission type. Maybe a terrain feature, like a horde of bugs separating a piece of the board from the rest. Keep genestealer hybrids in necromunda and leave them there.
>Fold up Admech, Inquisition and SoB into an Imperial faction with marines or guard, or just fold them into marines/guard lists. There is no reason they should have their own armies. Same with chaos daemons and greater chaos.
>Basically, you'd have two factions with a load of options: imperium & chaos. Maybe they could include a generic 'xenos' faction if people really want all that old shit back, but you'd be surprised how few would.
they could just pop a ship over to exterminatud the fuck out of every ork planet they find: why the fuck wouldn't you if you had that kind of firepower and ships?
Would you care to post that thing that proves your point?
Look how much removing quests improved this board.
>removing 50% of the faggots didn't improve the board because I still have to experience the other 50%
At least this faggotry is board relevant.
This thread is dumb, but it's hitting on a reason why the fluff for anything other than the imperium in 40k is rubbish.
Unlike Fantasy (R.I.P) where a lot of the fluff is based around conflicts between races, nearly the entirety of 40k fluff revolves around threats to the imperium of man.
They literally can't introduce a faction without mentioning space marines and the entire stopping point of the year 40k is that everything could come crashing down on Terra.
imo to make the setting better they need to develop xenos plots more. Maybe introduce a campaign that isn't just space marines?
>but no one would buy it user, people only want space marines!
Most people who play 40k aren't dogmatic as shit about collecting solely one army, and new players are a lot more open about what they might like.
Making factions more relevant would make them more popular in and of itself.
The Tyranid's purpose is to show that no matter how bad things are, they can always get worse.
where do you find good tournament pages?
Torrent of Fire used to be good before they went premium and then defunct, as they had charts and all sorts of data to show how each army was performing.
Right now the best site IMO is Blood of Kittens, if only because he posts actual top lists from major tournaments.
There isn't really a good competitive site anymore other than keeping up with the meta, theorycrafting discussions about new releases, and listening to competitive podcasts.
get rid of da orkz?
>in case you haven't noticed, all my statements are in fact ex ano
>You realize that most players only want Marines right?
that's nice that you speak for most players
how about a source on that.
btw i'm not a ork player i play tau, necrons and blood angels.
this would kill the game.
also please provide a source on your baseless claims.
i'm still baffled by this statement.
I'm relatively new to 40k I have 3 armies and my first 2 where xenos because i found sm to be bland and over played.
>just got Genestealer Cults and now Thousand Sons and Traitor legions
The game is Imperium vs. Chaos vs. Xenos.
>Super cool future setting
>Relegate it to humans vs. humans and maybe some daemons
Yeah, no this is boring. Xenos provide some much needed variety.
The Tyranids represent the conflict between Humankind and Nature. The Tyranids don't care whose side anyone is on. They're not after money or glory or power. They just want to devour worlds, reproduce and repeat. Because that's what they have evolved to do. They're a space faring natural disaster; a mobile planetary extinction event. They should be a pants-shittingly terrifying threat to all the races.
>The Ford F150 is what made Ford the most dosh, so thinking wisely, Ford cut the Ford Ranger line and began to upgrade their pre-existing line of trucks and cars and now they're doing pretty well for themselves.
Cutting the orks or any major faction isnt like revamping one truck for another, its more like cutting out a feature. Starting to sell trucks without power windows for example, 40k is the product orks like any race or add on are just another feature within that product.
Also most make back more money the longer theyre in use, cutting orks isnt going to save them anything.
Your analogy is flawed.
>How to kill warhammer 40k in under a quarter, the post.
>folding marines when they're literally printing money by expanding marines vis a vis 30k, Deathwatch, etc
This is why Veeky Forums's armchair financing and "you are suddenly the CEO of GW" threads are fucking retarded.
If you don't even know what overhead is, never talk about retail economics again.
>30k is a specialty game only made popular by the more robust 40k/Rogue Trader IP that came before it.
Yah and you know fuck all about marketing dumbass.
You can always make the logistics work, and clearly from the most recent numbers GW is doing so WITH ORKS and NIDS so your point is moot and youre fucking retarded.
BTW here is what orks 'Add' to the game, now get mad and type a bunch of shit and be wrong some more.
i think he was more talking that a large part of the community would up and leave. i have a 10 man group that provide 35% of our stores sales (the store owner told us that all the new people saved his store) guess what was selling?
the new thousand sun
dark eldar
3 of the 10 player are sm and one IG
2 only play because new people are playing.
If they didnt at least make their money back on the other races they would cut them.
even if just making there money was all they got they will keep the other races because it enhances the game play for SM players.
You can't even spell "yeah", nor do you have the reading comprehension to realize that my post was agreeing that removing factions and rolling marines is asinine.
t. someone who works in business.
Just because a reply links to a post doesn't mean it's automatically someone disagreeing or arguing with them. Sometimes they are just adding more to the statement, or piggybacking off the post. How long have you morons been on Veeky Forums without realizing this.
>You can't even spell "yeah",
They literally have 30k for that already. Autist gotta autist tho.
It's pretty salient if someone is going to call people dumbasses but don't even know the proper spelling of a word, because I can guarantee you it wasn't a typo.
>but don't even know the proper spelling of a word
Just stop its embarrassing.
I realize this entire thread is bait, but still;
>Orks never win in fluff
>Only non-Traitor force to actually make it to Terra
Okay, fella.
Even Horus turned half the legions traitor and ambushed a large part of the other half. The Beast just kinda rolled up after the Imperium had been at relative peace and rebuilding.
Notice how the very first definition isn't the one you're using. Whereas here: dictionary.com
>Just stop, it's embarrassing.
Fixed. Also try using Webster's instead, pleb. merriam-webster.com
Point being? I presume you're implying that The Beast had a softer target to invade, which is only half right.
Its the same definition, exactly word for word.
Whats its like to be so obviously wrong and so obviously mad?
Hard to say a case could be made the Beast had at least an equally hard target as Horus, at that point new founding had been made and the imperium had been restocked.
At the time of the heresy the imperial army had been crusading hard then losing half the legions to Chaos plus Istvaan, and other loyal legions being out of the fight Horus probably had more to work with overall than The Beast.
Orks need a massive expansion instead, with also loads of additional GW and FW love to create a lot of Old One created xenos and synthetic races of all sorts.
So their hordes of special Imperial factions can have more to shoot at.
Exactly my point; for where they started and how underestimated they are, the Beast has been the only truly outside force to ever invade Terran space.
>remove orkz because not a real threat
>remove tau because not in tone with the setting
>remove tyranids because we already have chaos and necrons
>remove necrons because we already have chaos and eldar
>remove dark eldar because we have craftworld eldar anyway
>remove eldar because everything they would do would be sticking relatively irrelevant sticks in between the fights among chaos and the imperium
>remove the imperial guard because we have space marines
>setting is now marines vs chaos marines
>remove chaos because it can't win or the setting dies so it's never a real threat
>setting is now space marines civil wars
>retroactively introduce relevant amd succesful threats having been posed by the orkz
>slightly change the tone in the tau to fit in
>not remove stuff based on similarities but expand on the differences and keep for the variety
>make the eldar play more often in their own affairs
>make the imperial guard more relevant in the armies of the imperium
>the setting is now full of actual threats on the brink of initialising their win-conditions
>don't move the setting further and expand laterally or retroactively
Thank you for the contribution Mr. Matt Wilson
Exterminius is a last resort.
Its a planet that could have been made part of the imperium ruined.
I'd probs play WH40K if it was literally ONLY about an Imperium-wide civil war. Like, if NO other races even existed and it was literally JUST the Imperium of man fighting each other because, like, their empire is getting too big and half of them wants to start their own empire; I'd totally play the frick out of that, 2bh.
To be fair, do you actually know anyone who'd even buy that crap?
Shit looks so garish. Jeeze, I bet it costs an arm and a leg too.
>tau aren't tonally appropriate for the setting because they're a realistic alien race instead of regular grimdark bullshit stacked eight foot high
Please tell me no-one actually thinks this.
From what I can gather, 40K is taking a turn for the serious; meaning they're trying to capitalize on an image that provokes drama and thematic conflict...Orks do not fit that image.
Seems like the people who'd miss them the most are beginners (who want a casual segue into an intimidatingly large player pool), and hardcore fans from the late 80's/early 90's.
We don't "cut" the Ork faction, it's more like we slowly transition them out for newer, better, cheaper Imperium, Chaos, and Eldar models until enough people lose interest in them over time that we can justify finally cutting them from the floorboard.
Does WH40K ever just reboot itself? I feel like it HAS to at some point. Look at all this needless crap in here. Kroots? Not!Dwarves? Rat People? Wtf is this bullshit? Might as well throw the whole kitchen sink in there if that's what you're going for. I feel like Gordon Ramsey looking at a failed restaraunt's menu and being overwhelmed by the option to order gyros, pasta, kimchi, and sushi.
Variety is NOT a sure sign of quality. Boil down what your setting wants to convey most and perfect that setting until you've got something you can look back on and be proud of. You want your little "joke" miniatures? Then don't make it a whole freaking race! Just make them like a small faction of IG with a tiny cult following, or a tiny footnote in the official lore book that fans can autistically draw bad fanart of until GW finally releases one or two miniatures of them for an April fools joke.
Literally what the fuck are these guys doing?