We should have WoM epub or pdf by now edition
>Previous thread
>Freshest Rules:
>Stale PDFs:
>Outdated FAQs and Errata:
>40K 7th Edition Quick Reference Sheets:
>Forge World Book Index:
>The Black Library (MAKE SURE TO TIP CLOWNS 10%):
Warhammer 40,000 general
Wrath of Magnus epub when?
Chaos shit, no one cares.
Imperial Agents when?
First post for share your army pics lads!!!
Probably 3 weeks. Traitor Legions preorder now, nothing, Imperial Agents preoders and Imperial Agents.
Are there any cool kits that would be good bits for Tzeentch Possessed?
>Don't get me wrong guys, I absolutely love Thousand Sons, I'm the biggest TS fan in the world and I play them for the fluff and Tzeentch is my favourite Chaos god ever but their new Legion rules kind of suck compared to the others. I'm thinking of selling my TS collection and buying Death Guard instead.
Nah, next saturday is pre order.
Imperial Agents preorders are the 10th release is the 17th.
I don't get who your rp'ing, who is that?
Reposting link to Traitor Legions, spoilers:
>who is that?
Thousand Sons fans since the Legion leak.
>mfw army has been in post for months now due to moving halfway around the world and I just want to paint something
I'd never sell my Sons
I do plan on Havocs with Heavy Bolters if the leaks are true though, that's just too much fun
Someone mind math-hammering out the number of dice you need to succeed a WC 3 spell when harnessing on 3+? How likely to perils are you?
I'm trying to figure out how efficient my Word Bears are gonna be at summoning.
Why? TS havocs? Have I missed something?
I am still going to run my TS. Of course that will literally be just Magnus, Tzanagors and horrors.
Word Bearers are now Worst Bearers.
>He doesn't understand basic math
Was this confirmed? Nice!
Raider Spam or venom spam? or healthy mix of both
>'I'm running Thousand Sons'
>Don't actually have any Thousand Sons
3+ roll has 66% chance to succeed.
So 5 dice will be 333% chance. And even without any math you can say thats almost guaranteed doubles and perils.
Enjoy your possessed troops
>That's so "chaos space marine army with one chaos space marine"
yeah but raiders just got that rule buff with the Jinking
Yes, in the December White Dwarf.
that works with all transports that can jink.
I thought venoms couldnt take splinter racks though
I was going to buy a Worst Bearers army; now I won't.
Maybe it would be easier to get into assault if someone didn't have BIG MEATY CLAWS
venoms dont get splinter racks for the twinlinked, however they get the option for 2 splinter cannons, which more than makes up for it
Except raiders do it at 3+ with night shields and hold more dudes not to mention splinter racks. You gotta put more points into it but you get more out of it.
Stay strong user. Stay strong.
Any solid rumors or leaks?
Part of me fears a nerf for the single SoB unit. Since well GW
I have regrets.
None at all really. 8 out of 9 factions involved spoiled. No idea whats 9th.
I'm boring and bet on Scions.
What are the known factions?
Inquisition, Assassins, Deathwatch, Grey Knights, Sisters of Battle, Sisters of Silence, Custodes. The rest no clue.
Astropaths were mentioned too weren't they?
If the Blood Mad! rule effects Bikers then I can easily see turn one charges with a lord carrying the Talisman of Burning Blood in a unit of Raptors or bikers. Thats pretty hype right there.
Also, lore wise, wasn't Gorefather destroyed with only GoreChild being salvaged? How do we have access to it again?
So much psyker and anti-psyker...
Well 8th is going to get a huge psyker nerf then. This is GW, make one type of model over power. Sales go up! Make those model crap for next edition!
someone probably dug it up and repaired it or due to khorne's influence it's become a daemon weapon of sorts
Demonic corn magicks
So do we have any reason to believe they are actually adding new content to these, or is it more likely it's just going to be the existing stuff in one hardback book?
Am I the only one who really wants a to have a rogue trader supplement?
are night shields really worth it? Do a lot of units have ignore cover weapons?
So I'm new to 40k tabletop, though I've been invested in the setting for some time and I figured now is the time to start an army. I settled for the Dark Angels mainly becasue I like their aestethic and if I run a deathwing army I don't need to paint mass ranks of models.
But I'm a bit confused. What's with all this formation stuff ? Does it modify the force org chart ? I aim for a force of terminators as core, supported by land raiders and dreads, but that doesn't seem possible.
If not Scion or Arbiters, maybe RT.
I already run a Forces of the Imperium army so any new Imperial shit is fine for me. My only restriction is no Marines. Fuck those mutant un human fuckers.
T3 is where pure and superior humans exist.
Hey guy, go read the fucking rule book before asking to be spoon fed.
The rulebook explains formations, and your codex contains them for your army.
Coming back from a long absence, I happened to finally look at the new dark eldar codex. --- What happened?
Are DE even playable now?
I'll take that over having to buy mostly unrelated sourcebooks and print outs.
The old "Force Org Chart" is one type of detachment, the "Combined Arms Detachment". An army is composed of one or more detachments built according to their requirements. That can be a CAD, or it can be something else.
low mid tier, they just changed the Jinking rules so passengers dont snap shot on JINKS
Appreciate it, user
Venoms are great, no denying that. 65 points for 12 poisoned bs4 shots just cant go wrong. You don't even need to transport shit in it to be good. But personally I enjoy a healthy mix of both. I use the Dark Lance option on my raiders, and every once in a while you get lucky with that son of a bitch (last I remember I took down a Stormraven with a small elite unit and a dreadnought. Wont happen every day, but as I said, every once in a while.
>Came up with a cool backstory and core planet of my Necrons
>Don't know if paint scheme is tacky or not
Is there such a thing as female Commissars?
I'm hoping for 8th Edition Guard. But at the same time I'm terrified that 8E will somehow ruin the guard. Like,
>No tank commanders
>Limited vehicle options
or worst of all
>Remove different AV/Toughness values for different armor facings.
I do not want my tanks to be boxy infantry, dammit! I want them to be tanks! With vulnerable sides and tough sides and a need for careful positioning and infantry screens.
Ok, you got formations, detachments, and unbound.
A Detachment requires a certain number of a certain type of unit, like "1 HQ and 2 Troops". The Codex tells you what each unit type is so don't worry. In addition to the minimum requirements, you have maximum requirements. So you can't take a formation with, say, 20 tanks, 2 infantry squads, and a commander. Because the limit is only 3 tank units or sumsuch. Finally, the detachment will give you bonuses when you meet their requirements.
The default formation is the Combined Arms Detachment. It has a minimum of 1 HQ and 2 Troops. It can hold a maximum of 2 HQs, 6 troops, 3 elites, 3 Fast attack, and 3 heavy support units. Its benefits are "reroll warlord trait" and "All troops can secure objectives even if an enemy unit is contesting it"
Formations are Detachments but stricter. Now you must take certain units and give them certain gear. So whereas a detachment has 3 heavy support slots in which you can take artillery, a tank, or a gunship, in a formation it says "You must take 3 tanks, and one of them must be a tank commander". No gunships or artillery for you! Otherwise, they are the same as a detachment. Example:
>Emperor's Fist Armored Company
Must take 1 leman russ tank commander
Must take 3 leman russ tank squadrons
Must take 1 or at most 2 techpriests
All tanks near the commander have a better shooting skill
All tanks near the techpriest reroll damage
If one or more tanks ram an enemy they take -1 leadership.
Unbound is where you ignore all that shit and just take what you want.
Post it
Where are you located?
I had a two-month wait once and it turned out they thought I had received it. Got it within a week after I told them I hadn't.
Still haven't painted it though. :^)
So, how is it that Dark Angels have jetbikes but not Stormravens?
I only came up with it today at work, since i prefer to get fluff of my armies sorted before anything else.
Was thinking
>Copper/Screaming Bell metal
>Red armour
>Yellow Gauss
>Crimson trinkets/Regalia
Yes. There is even this old official model.
Needs a bit more contrast. The yellow helps, at least.
Unique is good even if tackey
Any leaks for the new Battleforces, specifically the Eradication Cohort?
I'll have to root around for any spare models and give it a go tomorrow
What colour would you recommend to add in to that group?
Neat, thanks. I was going to have two Commies in my army and I really didn't want two of the same model.
So are blasters better to take over Dark Lances for DE?
Is it a vehicle? Dark Lances
For all else, Blaster
Haywire is pretty good too if your AT is covered
>supported by land raiders and dreads
Yeah, I don't believe there's a way to do pure Mechanized Deathwing currently without going Unbound.
Those are just the two that come to mind. Never bought from either, though.
>Yellow Gauss
Call me skeptical but I don't think this will work.
You'd have to gloss it, and probably painting it to look like it's glowing or varied in hue as if it's liquid would be hell.
Do you have an airbrush?
They're up for pre-order y'dingus.
>Is it a vehicle? Dark Lances
What vehicles can take blasters? Anyway, dark lances are better on ravagers, but for raiders you're paying 5 points for a gun you'll probably be snapshooting. Might as well stick with the disintegrator cannon.
>Do you have an airbrush?
I will be investing in one within the next month - i do have a love of the classic green though
Yeah that's what I was looking at too. I think they look great but
Could be a clusterfuck.
Yeah but their rules havent been leaked out at all.
A quick skim of the FAQ and google hasn't helped so I'll ask here:
If the Defiler replaces its autocannon with another power fist, does it get an extra +1 attack? Given that it already has two power fists, bumping its base 3 attacks to 4 in close combat, would the extra power fist just be for redundancy if a limb gets blown off, or would it boost the defiler to five attacks?
I'm tempted by the Deathwatch watchblade taskforce but to convert them into "fancy" marines and sternguard veterans and was wondering if any of you guys had any idea/experience if it's a good idea.
One trick I heard about, just to make those green staves pop just a little bit more than usual; Paint the tips you glue in white paint. This will enhance the natural light that will hit the otherwise dark model (regular necrons painted in dark metal), and look much more... well "glowy". Easy and no need for an airbrush to make over the top OSL, embarrassing yourself when posting "finished" (metal and osl all sprayed with airbrush) cron models on wip only to get yelled at.
A quick skim of the rulebook might tell you that yes, you get another attack.
You'd have to file off all the Inquisitorial symbols and get new shoulderpads. It might be worth it though.
walkers gain extra attacks for all of their extra CCWs not just one like infantry. So yes.
Every CCW after the first one on a walker gives you +1 attack. So you can get up to 3+3 attacks on the defiler.
That's actually a really cool trick
I'll have to give the scheme, sans airbrushing the yellow, a go tomorrow and see how it looks
>Only in a game such as 40k, the players demand FaQ on regular shit already on black and white straight in the rule book.
Page 91 my uneducated friend.
>Leaving your God because of Rules
You bring shame to CSM players.
We followed our Gods through years of lame rules, neglects and hands down inequity toward us, because we love our armies.
And you leave yours because the one time, the single one time we have been waiting for so long, we got cool stuff, it isn't cool enough for you?
Go play Tau.
You disgust me.
>I'm the biggest TS fan in the world
WoM is up
>Could be a clusterfuck.
GW is English though. :p
As a Europoor I can say that there's enough regulations and the like that a company can't just go and do shitty things like that. IIRC the company's French, so they're not affected with that lingering negative reputation that hits the likes of Romania further to the east of the Iron Curtain. It might cost a bit in shipping though.
The other company "Wargame Exclusive" I am leery of, however.
I'd have to say it's not a great idea.
Besides the prevalence of Inquisition symbols over the armour, the armour is all Mark 8 with the neck brace thing. I think the Sternguard kits are better, though if you are on a budget, you could get some Sternguard/Vanguard bits (the chest above all), and make them look less "Inquisition" and more "Space Marine". It's hard to tell what you mean by "fancy" marines though; if you like the aesthetic, go for it, though I'd find filing off the Inquisitorial symbols too much of a chore for it to be worth it.
Oh yeah!
Where, WHERE ?! Tell me ! The local GW store was sold out on all versions of WoM before I got there, was barely in time to snatch up the last Ahriman they had.
>Feeling a heavy dislike for all the fresh bandwagoning TS players right now, being an pure TS son player. Why is this happening to me ?
So according the rules I have the Dark Fury Assault squad has all lightning claws while the Chooser of the Slain (Sergeant) has the Raven's Talons, according to 1d4chan tactics they all have Raven's Talons.
Do I have outdated rules (completely possible) or did the writer of that particular paragraph fucking derp out hard?