What do you think about pursuing wealth/money before pursuing women ?
Is this the smart thing to do if you're not really handsome ?
What do you think about pursuing wealth/money before pursuing women ?
Is this the smart thing to do if you're not really handsome ?
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Yes, with money you can get the following
> braces if your teeth sucks
> double jaw surgery if you are a chinlet
That's about it though.
>no benis
Men don't pursue women its the opposite
You don't have to be super handsome to get women. Just be a little funny and pretend you care what she's talking about. Proceed to unlock access to wet pussy and blowjobs.
Pumping a shitcoing to the moon this saturday get in while you still can
>That's about it though.
What about buying a nice car, maybe buy really good or desinger clothes, having your own nice apartment/house ?
figure out things you love. get good at loving those things. get good at showing girls the things you love (like a 7 year old shows off a fort). figure out what the girls love. let them show you what they love. show them what you love. you are now a human being functioning normally in society
Get a vasectomy.
If you need someone to talk to, just talk to a Twitch girl.
If you need to get laid, just go to Thailand.
i want to rape her, cut her into pieces and leave her at the bottom of that lake
Now you're just overcompensating for your little penis user, but that definitely works too. I'm not sure if you'd really want to get with a materialistic women though. Hooking up, sure.
>be 7/10, very funny and can talk about everything with people
>make guy friends ridiculously easily
>first meet girls they like me, but I have 0 balls so I can't pursue it with sexual energy so I just become friends with them and never anything more
Fuck my life
Women are waste of time
Women are a waste of time and money.
If lack of female attention as you grew up fucked you up it might be hard to focus on making money before pursuing women. You might need to get the monkey off your back before you can really focus on making money.
If you have a good opportunity (crypto) to make money now go for that and then chase the pussy.
I think either way works and you need to really take an honest look at yourself and decide how you want to do it.
You can try both at the same time but I think it is harder this way and it is better to focus on one.
It was previously assumed that money was a fundamental unit of attraction to a woman. Further investigation has revealed a better understanding of this very important piece of the woman's rating system. The piece which was formerly labelled money has been replaced by a money/power paradigm. The two are almost always intertwined in a way that makes them hard to distinguish, so I don't think it productive to make a chart of how they breakdown exactly. One almost always follows the other in any case.
What is important to know about the money/power piece is that previously it was thought of as static. Now we know that the money/power piece of attraction displays time-variance. That is, the amount of money needed to get maximal "points" in the money category varies according to the age of the woman. When a woman is younger her perspective is different as to what makes a lot of money. As she gets older the amount of money neccessary for full points increases.
For a girl of 16 full points for money might be obtained by having access to a car and beer money. When she is in her early college years, a nicer car and enough money to join a fraternity is probably sufficient. As she advances into her twenties what we consider to be the normal money chart will begin to manifest itself -- that is, she'll want the richest man she can get.
At no point that we can discern does money ever not become a factor. Take any guy. Take a woman that has that guy. In no circumstance that is known would she not rather have a guy just like that, but with more money. Actually, maybe in one circumstance -- when the guy has enough money to buy her basically everything she wants. This is self-evident, I should think.
I almost titled this section disinterest. The two are closely related. We can only pursue what runs away from us. A man who is devoted to something else besides the woman is automatically more attractive. Any intellectual whore who has ever listened to a girl complain about how her boyfriend-ran-off-with-a-slut or how her boyfriend-is-really-not-dumb-he's-just-streetsmart-and-he- has-to-sell-weed-to-support-his-baby's-mama or he's-really-nice-even-though-he-ignores-me-and-hits-me-sometimes-but-you-don't- know-what-he's-like-when-we're-alone or he's-not-emotionally-available-that's-why-I-like-talk-to-you-until-it's-time-to-go-fuck-him while he himself is sitting right there and would like nothing better than to be with her but of course is sitting solidly on the friends ladder knows this intuitively. Ultimately, almost all guys learn this truth for themselves: The best way to never score with a woman is to show too much interest in her.
Women seem to especially like it if you are more devoted to your bad music, biker gang, forearm tattoo or marijuana. These all seem to work wonders. There are some interests you can show in a woman that will help you to fuck her: a healthy interest in destroying her self-esteem and in fucking her friends more than her seem to work wonders. Note that the following topics of disinterest have been field tested and shown conclusively not to work: Unix, literature, poetry, international politics, and sodomy.
Novelty - Let's face it, if you're like every other guy who works a normal job and tries to live a good life, you're probably like just about every other guy. Chicks don't dig this, and why would they? Who wants someone who is just like everyone else? Something different is more attractive. Like someone who does not have to work during the day like most people because they have lots of money from business or selling drugs. Or like someone who has stabbed a man and went to prison for it.
Nigga got graphs breaking this shit down to a science
>You are not a depreciating asset in comparison to women over time - whilst you focus on self-improvement and financial self-sufficiency you're an appreciating one.
>There's an endless supply of young women, the ideal ratio is half your age plus seven.
So yes, focus on improving your situation first - and listen to the whole series of the Black Phillip Show to ensure you have properly understood what these creatures are.
Or you will fuck this up.
To put it simply, you become more confident when you have wealth.
>There's an endless supply of young women, the ideal ratio is half your age plus seven
18 Is ideal
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