I'll start.
Sold 100ETH when its $300
Sold 20BTC when it was $800
Recently, sold 400NEO at $36 to buy BTC at $17k, only for NEO to moon to $52 tonight.
If it's not for my dog, I'd neck myself already.
I'll start.
Sold 100ETH when its $300
Sold 20BTC when it was $800
Recently, sold 400NEO at $36 to buy BTC at $17k, only for NEO to moon to $52 tonight.
If it's not for my dog, I'd neck myself already.
Maybe find something else to do.
maybe you shouldn't have the patience of a 5 yearold and hold something longer than a month
you really want me to start listing all the fuckups?
okay let's start
the first ever shitocin i bought, unit, universal currency, on novaexchange. 400 sat. I sold it for 97 sat on coinexchange a few months later as it was delisted from everything, 0 volume, no developer activity, etc.
now UNIT is 10k sat.
Why would you buy btc at 17k? this is a joke right?
theres people who become disabled from one moment to the other cause some 'expert' surgeon at a hospital you went to to get well in the frist place made a wrong move.
They hang in there in their wheelchairs for years and years still and dont pussy around like you do. No compensation either cause shit country.
That being said, I quadrupled my initial investment from around may. Its still few, but I will be able to at least help my mom buy a wheel chair compatible car so she can at least get around.
tl;dr: fuck you, pussy
>sold 60 Ethereum at $15
Chaicoin. Lost 80% of all my investments.
Good luck user, seriously.
Jesus wept, I've only been doing this a week and that fucking stings to read. Were you drunk?
Dude you're alright
If you're not losing money, there are no grounds for self-necking
Besides, it seems you're pretty rich already
>bought link
protip: even your dog thinks ur a loser
lol still alive cuz of your dog. I feel ya bro same here kek.
making too many trades early on.
Now that I hold a few good alts and btc I'm making gains.
Held on to Metaverse, Modum, Chainlink, and Request throughout the massive BTC surge. I had 5 BTC and it crashed down to 1.9 BTC in less than a week.
I'm back up to 2.6 BTC but fucking hell.
bought digibyte...
I put $300ish into PotCoin earlier today, and didn't dump before colbert, I went to see a movie.
Come back and it's 4 cents less than I bought it at. Didn't lose much but still sucks
I'm new. But I bought 5 litecoin at 100....and the put 1500 in a 380...and it went down an hour later.
Sell der news mein Freund, sell der news
Bought ETH @ $12 .... sold it to buy shitcoins
Bought ETC @ 1.40 ....sold at $1.19
Bought LTC @ $7 .....sold @11
Should've just Hodled
I panicked FOMO because I thought its going to hit $100k.
And considering I went from 20BTC to none, I don't want t miss out or else I will never stop whining to everyone around me.
Mah nigga..
always read into how the token system works is what this one taught me. their lottery system is pretty stupid for token value.
tfw hodled all my eth from beginning of year to now and am now mining it.
my biggest mistake was not looking at energy costs per kwh and realizing Washington state is the greatest state in the union.
otherwise Nemesis.
I bought link
tiredly bought into an offer 10x the price cause i couldnt read 0s anymore
germany: mining at 0.3$ per kwh. still profitable
At this point I've made more money for other people than I have for me because I don't follow my own fucking advice.
I tell everyone to buy low and hold for a year and they did.
Meanwhile I get tempted by an opportunity to sell before a dip and buy back low to increase my stack
but of course it just blasts off immediately after selling and never sees those levels ever again
dude what the fuck, I'd kill myself if energy cost that much here. How's that (((renewable))) power coming along?
Bought 412 Ether early January of 2016 around ~$1.50. Really believed in it.
While Eth was stabilized around $12 for ~6 months, I sold it for BTC to make a quick buck over a few days time, before the SEC's decision for Bitcoin ETF's, which worked out exactly like I had planned.
Eth then pumped to $20, and I was too stubborn to move my money back into it until it "went back down to $12". The rest is history.
OP you should start a consulting business where someone converts your advice to the exact opposite, you'll be a middleman to lambo land
These are only mistakes given your current perspecive. Once the bubble pops and everything goes to ~ 0 you will have been a visionary who predicted the crash and got out in time.
You fucking people spend way too much time obsessing over your stupid 100 USD investments. Get a real job.
I like people like you, because It reminds me that if I got in bitcoin early I would prob sell at 800 too.
I know this guy Kristian Koch that bought 5000 btc for 20 USD. Sold 4800 of them for an appartment for 1000 USD. Most expensive appartment in norway.
bought $1000 worth of Bitcoin at 5,783, sold all of it at 65, then 84