Is it good or bad for a kingdom to consist mostly of Plain?
Is it good or bad for a kingdom to consist mostly of Plain?
Good for agriculture provided that there are rivers nearby. Not good for much else.
It makes them tend toward conformity and law, and usually attracts angels. A good landscape has a good balance of plains, islands, swamps, mountains, and forests.
No, it's shit. No wood, no large scale construction.
If you dont mind importing stone and timber, you will have good agrarian so plenty to trade but your likely to become a client state.
If your on a coast it would help diversify your economy, but if you piss off your trade neighbors you won't get your metals and wood, but yeah youll survive.
is that why halflings live in holes?
I get that reference.
Does this kingodm have a lot of horses?
All these folks make good points. Let's assume there's a river because if there isn't, you're better off getting your warriors together and conquering something that doesn't suck.
-No wood. This is pretty major, it means you're working pretty hard just to stay warm and cook and shit. Gonna have to do buffalo chips or something.
-No stone. Which also means no walls or castles.
-Your land is super hard to defend for the most part.
-Agriculture. If you can figure out irrigation, you're fine.
-The terrain won't get in the way of overland trade, so you can transport stuff you get from the riverine trade across your kingdom relatively easily.
-Since it's all flat plain, you can probably figure out irrigation and trade canals without too much effort.
-Here's the big one: breeding. You can use a lot of land for ranching without cutting into agriculture, so you can have a lot of beasts of burden and a strong cavalry force with less effort than most. Which is good, because you'll need an offensively-oriented force mix. Without castles and city walls, your defense is shit.
Nigga it's MtG everyone on here gets it.
Depends on your opinion of horse archers
>everyone on Veeky Forums plays mtg
That's wrong.
I didn't say everyone plays MtG. I said everyone on Veeky Forums would get it.
It's good as long as there's some source of timber, and no horse-tribes in the near future.
> No Stone
This is false, technically. If you dig down far enough, you always get stone. That said, depending on just how deep your soil layer is, you might need to quarry down quite a ways for stone, such that it might actually be cheaper to import stone from afar.
That said, assuming you have worthwhile fertile plains with rivers and such, instead of shitty unfarmable steppe, you'll be able to make bricks, and that's just as good for large-scale construction (see: Egypt).
That said, if you only have steppe, disregard civilization and acquire horse archers. Then declare yourself Khan and start raiding and conquering your decadent civilized neighbors. This works great against everyone until gunpowder comes out. The only opponents you need to worry about are other steppe tribes; you can kite anyone else forever.
halflings live in the hills, which are easier to burrow under than plains are
How many times has Russia been invaded in depth, OP?
Now you have your answer.
It's terrible for defense and any settlements. Look for The Wild Fields, large fertile region of steppes and plains in Ukraine. Nobody could settle their because of nomadic slavers raiding it.
I've never played magic and I immediately understood the joke
>Is it good or bad for a kingdom to consist mostly of Plain?
It's just a bit plain, that's all.
But if no one could settle there, what were the nomadic slavers raiding?
Just get the fuck out, you imgur faggot.
>-No wood. This is pretty major, it means you're working pretty hard just to stay warm and cook and shit.
Depends on what's on the plains. Mongols did very well for themselves.
If you've got fast breeding animals, you've got bone work. Fast growing grass, you've got ropes and fires. Tubers like potatoes can potentially make pots/fires/food.
Dunno, ask the Dutch
Any foolish and brave people who tried. Additionally nomads moved through the Wild Fields to raid Lithuania and Muscovy.
Only if it often rains and your kingdom is located mainly in Spain.
holy thumbnail batman
Is it good or bad for a kingdom to consist mostly of Pain?
You basically get Denmark.
And Denmark did fine.
Russia is very diverse, environmentally. The area that made up the Russian principalities was mostly forest and some marshlands. The south is mostly steppe, which the Russians subjugated. A better comparison would be Ukraine.
>The south is mostly steppe, which the Russians subjugated
They weren't subjugated until well into 18th century
Irrelevant. They were still subjugated. The point here is that plains and steppe lands are always in state of flux, with various outside powers always moving in and out claiming the region. Natives to land solely of plains would have a very long history of being subjugated.
>Natives to land solely of plains would have a very long history of being subjugated
There would be no natives here as they would be killed, enslaved or moved to safer places long time ago as history and migration shows.
Exactly. Plains a shit.
The best place for a kingdom would be a hilly/rocky coastal area with many major river valleys and a warm, temperate climate.
Wood isn't important for small nitty gritty stuff, it's important for big stuff. Bridges, mills, and walls. Without wood all of that is impossible because you can't even build the scaffolding you need to build it out of stone.
I mean, tell that to all the plains people across the central Asian steppe. They have a long history of being basically impossible to subjugate.
>I mean, tell that to all the plains people across the central Asian steppe
Now tell me what culture and civilization Kazakhs had
>They have a long history of being basically impossible to subjugate.
That's wrong though. The nomads of central Asia were constantly being driven from their homelands or exterminated by rival nomads, and often were subjugated by foreign empires. See Russia and China
Soft lands breed soft peoples.
Depends. Does the King have a lot of White cards?
>Without castles and city walls, your defense is shit.
Well you could substitute giant ditches... they aren't as good as stone walls, but they will give you a tactical advantage for defense, especially if you have kiln tech to make bricks that can substitute for stone.
Britain and France owned between them 3/4 of the land surface of the Earth in their prime. Soft people with adequate training and good weapons can ruin the day of any savage.
Plant Gorse in the ditches. Well done, you just went Full Chaotic Evil.
>Plant Gorse in the ditches.
That's devious... I like it.
When expecting trouble or you want to make extra sure nobody survives the ditch throw a bit of shit, animal or human, onto the Gorse.
Enjoy your fucking tetanus.
that will probably be lethal on a long enough timeline... but it doesn't really have any immediate stopping power.
It whittles down an invading force and makes them slow down to help the sick or force them to abandon the dying. Either way their morale is going to suffer and the wisdom of invading gets questioned.
In the long term it helps cement the notion that for whatever reason nobody should try to invade the flat land.
But mostly it's a huge FUCK YOU!!!!! Mongols dipped their arrows in horse shit for this reason.
>what are swamps
*queues that Rohan theme*
Spain has a donut of mountains ranges pretty close to the coast with another mountain range cutting the center, though. The center may look plain-ish on a map, but it´s actually quite above sea level and cut by mountains into different areas.
>not getting the borderlands 2 reference
Depends if you're in spain or not - might have flooding issues from all the rain.
You mean like Poland?
Because that's what it's name actually means - Land of the Plains.
>referencing garbage
Bad. There's be plenty of presumably arable land, but with no rivers it's a bitch to transport things. Forests are also important for wood, both as a material and as a fuel source. Stone and metal are also important, which don't happen in great quantities on the open plain.
> not knowing the swamps were turned into plains centuries ago.
If it is mostly Plain because the kingdom has been established for a while there and cleared out the wilderness, used the forests with the exception of areas kept for forestry and hunting, mined the mountains and quarries for stone and metals, and there are enough rivers around then its fine. Plains make for good agricultural and horticultural land, and swift safe trade routes. For not Not-Europe kingdoms I prefer the landscape like this. Also Plains are comfy.
user, plains are terrible for civilization. They are anything but safe.
Depends on the setting
>thinking that's a reference to borderlands 2
Jesus Christ
From the military strategy, it's terrible. If everything is an open field, there's no hills, or places where you can defend. The only way to defend any given area is with blood. If the terrain is too big, then the only defence left is getting so much plains that the long distances distances themselves are your defence.
You can trade sheep for pretty much anything, bud.
I don't, what is it?
Where is Spain does the rain fall, mainly?
You're the worst kind of disgusting.
Against the mountains close to the coast. Most Spaniards think our ability to predict the weather is worse than it actually is because it doesn´t rain most of the time the weather program says it´ll rain. It´s because the fucking clouds go over the coastal cities where 90% of the population lives and drop the rain against the mountains instead,
There´s one big opening in one area (in Portugal) which lets the rain flow into the Northern side of the elevated terrain, too, so it´s all more or less fertile land.
That's a reference to My Fair Lady, you fucking cuntnugget.
Have a disgusted (You), and never come back.