From here, try not to post duplicates.
Post Knights: Electric Boogaloo Edition
>turning everything into a general
Why do you niggers feel the need to do this?
Why are you being a retard? Generals have been in every case, make looking for threads easy, and often distribute content. Not to mention that the RPG and TT generals and VG are full of free downloads of great stuff.
tl;dr, stop being a salty bitch, nobody cares about you. Old tg is dead.
Thank you to the guy who told me the head roll thingy is called a torse.
What if 13th-14th century knights went to Japan? Would weeaboos be better respected today?
Tobias Capwell is living the dream.
>Knights such as he don't believe in Greek love
I cri evrytiem ;-;
For reference, this is the face that goes with that armor.
Be still my heart.
Are knights becoming less common in fantasy?
Well the most popular fantasy series right now is asoiaf and It is chalk full of knights.
I don't really think knights were really ever a common thing. I mean, LOTR, DnD, TES, Dragon Age, and Warcraft never focused much on them. I guess that depends on what you mean by knight though.
Hell, even in Warhammer, Bretonnia gets shat on and the orders of the Empire are secondary to the State Troops and their cray cray war engines of doom.
>That pic
I was looking at the thumbnail and I didn't notice the teeny goat girl on the knight. Sorry, brothers.
Italo-Norman helmets are the shit.
Sicily is the best faction in MTW2.
Norman-Sicily is the sexiest.
OP here, I have pics of people far more fabulous than Capwell.
And Norway too!
I honestly never think of Scandinavia as having knights. I thought they were vikings until Sweden modernized and started their own little empire.
Pretty much every European country had knights.
The Norwegians participated in the first crusade
Not sure why you're apologizing, the tiny goat-girl is definantly a bonus to the image as a whole, the knight probably rescued her from the bandits that sacked her village and killed her parents or something. And is stuff like that not the very essence of knighthood?
at least post the video
There does seem to be something very particular about Ser Oliver...
anyone have any pictures of knights that look like theyre made of stone
>Old tg is dead.
Long Live Veeky Forums!
>The face of a man who gives zero fucks
>The face of a man who is well aware that his dick is twice the length and girth of every Tyrone in America
>Knight thread
>People aren't calling for the death of the goat girl because muh Deus Vult
Thank God.
Are samurai pretty much just Japanese knights, nuance aside?
In my experience samurai tend to be portrayed as far more self-absorbed and dickish than the western/european knights.
Seriously though, muh crusades and deus vult is great and all but like, im still 100% convinced that one of the main tenents of knighthood atleast in fantasy is "PROTECT THE INNOCENT" and as far as i can see, that goat-girl is a child, which are like y'know as innocent as they get so im confused as to why you you're so worried that people would be calling for her blood.
I love culture shock and I love knights. I wish there was more content that brought Samurai and Knights together. If only a boat lost its way...oh well, here's to For Honor.
That tiny hilt is killing me!
Viking age ended about 12th century. The Swedish modernization I think you're referring to started in the beginning of the 16th century. Something was going down in between. Although I know fuckall about it. History classes mostly glossed over vikings and then skipped right to 16th century
>Viking age ended about 12th century. The Swedish modernization I think you're referring to started in the beginning of the 16th century.
They were vikings until the 16th century is what I was saying jokingly
Was Scandinavia interesting after the Age of Vikings? How and when did they convert to Christianity?
A setting I'm working on occasionally involves Not-Japanese subjects of an Ogre empire fighting knights of Not-Mordor and Not-HRE.
And Not-Russia, porcs, minotaurs, zombies, and dwarven rebels. Especially dwarves.
Missionaries started showing up towards the end of the viking age. IIRC, the first Swedish church was burned to the ground only a few years after it's construction, making it a very old Scandinavian tradition. Not sure exactly why or how Christianity started to stick, but i'm fairly certain it happened form the top in most cases, IE kings converted and made it law.
the centuries after that was mostly just a bunch of politicing and wars between Sweden, Norway and Denmark. Norway became Swedish, then Sweden was briefly conquered by Denmark before liberating itself, then it was the 16th century.
>then it was the 16th century.
And then Gustav Adolph the great happened.
Then WWII?
>Then WWII?
No, then Russia happened.
There was a bunch of dicking around, running out of kings and importing a new one from France, then some more dicking around.
Sure, something like that.
Sweden wasn't really conquered by Denmark, per se. The Kalmar Union was a political play which the nobility of Sweden initially agreed with. It was meant to strengthen the nordic peoples against the eternal hansa but the danish king Christian II aka Christian the Tyrant blew it.
The centuries between the viking age and the Kalmar Union were filled with conflicts between the two clans that would become the modern swedish population; the geats and the swedes. It makes for good reading.
This is some GoT tier shit;
Only a few of these guys are actually knights... but they are the Nine Worthies so it totally counts.
Very knights.
>Damon you cock, come back here!
Doubtful no matter what society you live in. If you look towards a different culture with reverence you will be seen as strange by your neighbors. Either gently pushed to follow your culturs beliefs, ie taunting making fun of, ect, or being killed off due to your divergent ideas.
Cool pic btw, I love seeing samurai knighs
This is a bit of a specific request, but does anyone have any images of knights with a moon theme or motif? Preferably with the face covered. My players are going to be meeting and probably fighting a group of them, but I have no idea what they're going to look like yet.
>Gustav Adolph
best king