Confess to my your sins Veeky Forums so that you may be cleansed of them and enter The Emperor's good graces.
Confess to my your sins Veeky Forums so that you may be cleansed of them and enter The Emperor's good graces
I'm really bad with suddenly losing interest over my current character and wanting to try a new one. I've gone as far as to fudge rolls to kill my character off quicker so I can make a new one.
Why not just talk to your GM and ask him if you can retire your character and try a new one? Not every adventure has to end with death. Some people choose to hang up their hats after a while.
Just explain to your GM that you're not having fun with your current character, and ask if you can make a new one. It's not a big deal.
I farted at work and just walked away before anyone smelled it. My coworker got blamed for it.
I got my roomate into 40k but failed to prevent him from buying xenos scum.
I've done that before, but I don't want to do it to often and make it a known habit.
These days I'm trying my best to stick to a character until they die 'fairly' and not from dodgy rolling, but it's still a habit I've yet to kick.
W-what does he field?
I have been a magical realm titwizard more than once in my old gaming group.
First time i ever played pathfinder, perhaps tabletop, was me choosing to be the construct class for the custom races game, and having her as a viking, beer-dispensing breasted musclegirl.
Second time was where I played a 27 breasted, 18-limbed, 60ft insect broodmother monstergirl in mutants and masterminds campaign based in the DC universe.
I still indulge in my magical realm to this day, but only behind closed curtains with certain players that are into what I'm into and make sure never to make anyone uncomfortable as much as I can.
I lied once, Father confessor.
I took the transgender tag off of my Ok Cupid account so more guys would talk to me. It worked and that's somehow made me feel more depressed.
I cheated on my husbando with another husbando
I think the Tau are pretty cool.
You're not physically a woman. Do you wonder why people won't pay the same price for a replica as an actual muscle car? Probably not.
Don't get me wrong, I sympathize. Someone being trans wouldn't bother me personally if they weren't a spaz and looked the gender they claimed. But you can't blame people who don't want a replica, that's their right.
I sometimes alternative between wifi and mobile networks when posting in threads, and the start of a conversation or argument on a topic I want to discuss, then post a reasonable counterpoint or suggestion, which is usually enough to get the real conversation going with other people.
I never do this when I'm the OP though, and I never reply to myself more than twice, after which I let the conversation lie.
But hey, at least I don't try and create a discussion by shitposting on my favorite subject in the hopes that angry autists will come in and act all triggered defending the subject, creating a popular thread.
This. This right here is the moment the thread went to shit.
pretty big list
>cucked twink cousin cause he was an abuser
>married her
>ended up basically raping him when we got drunk to "get over it"
>let wife get a girlfriend, turns out she went after the girl that friendzoned me
>who is now dating my cousin unbeknownst to my wife
>end up cucking him again after we inform her of what he did to wife, instead of breaking up with him, put him into chasitiy and cd
>she has gone femdom on him and just recently started him on hrt to make him a trap
>moving into our guest house so they dont have to drive 20 minutes to join us.
I would do pic related, but /ws/tg/
in related news, i have a decent sized group for gaming now
Not really, no. It's just that was a completely needless statement that served only to be an asshole who's already struggling enough as it is. Worse, it was in the classic concerned sympathetic troll, where you act like you care while disparaging them at the same time. Fuck the sexuality or gender aspect SJW aspect, how about being a decent human being before anything else.
Jesus tittyfucking Christ, it's like I'm reading the synopsis for a Jerry Springer episode.
>Being a decent human being means approving of mental illness
Or how about you go fuck yourself instead?
I'm favoring character concepts that are sexually attractive to me simply because the suggestive art/minis are often more enticing than others that are just "cool", even with better personalty traits or representation of mechanics/gear
The idea that you're entitled to sex or romantic attention makes you the asshole. There's nothing wrong with wanting it, but if you're dishonest right out of the gate, chances are you're not going to get what you want out of the relationship. Or worse, you'll end up encountering someone who decides that they get to beat you to death for being dishonest with them sexually.
It's not trolling, just ugly truth. Better to accept it than to pretend it's not there.
wew lad
I've never actually played a tabletop game. I just come here for the fantasy discussion and art dumps.
I'm a murderhobo edgelord dark mercernary type of player.
I try really hard to suppress it, but sometimes I just have to make a character that would make you think I'm That Guy. Remember Guts in the black swordsman and lost children arcs? Not the Guts that has friends, or a semblance of hope for the future, or any sense of kindness. I'm talking about the Guts that just goes from village to village killing monsters with a "huh, nothing personal kid" attitude. The "Crawling in my skin" Guts that stays away from most people and stays quiet, except for when he's telling people to fuck off or sending a threat up the chain of command of a bandit organization. The dark, brooding, grim fighter with a giant sword and a black cloak to cover up his beaten up armour. The type of warrior that is well versed in combat tactics, dirty tricks, and a bit of monster-knowledge. The type of guy who has no time for interrogations, puzzles, or politics. He's not good, but he only kills monsters and bandits, so he's not really that bad either.
That's the type of character I love to play. Deep down inside, that is all I want.
There are games inline, you know. You should try.
Being a decent human being means not kicking someone when they're down.
I've seen this argument before. Same board, exact same arguments, same sympathetic trolling, you love finding trans talk on Veeky Forums don't you? Get to pull out that same argument every time for guaranteed (You)'s I'm half tempted to call you virt for the sheer one-notedness of it.
Now this, this is a good point. Treating it as a moral act, them lying, instead of jumping right on the whole Trans thing like an asshole.
>tfw got turned down for maury in favor of another niglet with two fathers
but on a serious note, it was completely by chance. neither of us have parents anymore and no siblings. plus his doctor had him do a mandatory psych test to allow him access to hrt and he was found to be stable enough to start the process. between the three of us, we keep him under watch to make sure he doesnt go off the deep end and its not like we dont treat him like a lover and friend. he made a mistake with my wife and while we never truly forgave him, we got even with him. the hrt thing is between him and his gf, but we just get to indulge.
Any suggestions for online games?
Too busy to actually play right now, but something for future reference would be great.
Check out the /fvgt/, Friendly Virtual Gaming Thread. We try to be a sort of FLGS for Veeky Forums, gathering virtual gaming resources and discussing various amounts of Get Shit Done. We're currently gathering models for 3d wargaming, working out the details for a dedicated Xmage Server, and also hosting projects like a Veeky Forums MUD Guild.
Thread is currently archived in the catalog. New thread will pop up monday.
Besides what says, there's also the lfg thread, suptg irc, roll20, and if you're an absolute madman seeking laughs, f-list (an erp site, so don't go looking that one up at work).
Personally I run my own game out of irc, by text, supplementing the theatre of the mind with the occasional image or YouTube link as necessary. Some GMs prefer to use things like Skype or roll20's utilities.
The irony here is that your supposed good point is just me again, the guy you initially replied to.
I'm not sympathy trolling, take it or leave it. I'm just trying to draw a metaphor that might help one to understand why some guys will not be with a transwoman. A repro Mustang may look the same, drive the same, be physically identical...but not identical enough for some people. That's not anyone's fault, that's taste. It's best to just not get hung up on such people, difficult as it is. Lying, from what I've seen, is not helpful.
SO is this a Veeky Forums related sins only thing or are more general confessions alright?
Because I may use Adblock on my PC, but on my phone not so much. The adds for J-list called to me. I bought a $20 Japanese import pocket pussy. And what's supposed to be a giant bottle of lube. I even jerked it like 4 times before I finally committed.
>making choices while horny
Worse than making them while srunk. Jlist have had Veeky Forums's back for forever, though, so I won't hold it against you.
But I specifically jerked it so many times so I WOULDN'T be! I jerk it before any major decision.
There's a used Tenga behind my bed. It's been there for at least 11 months. There's a cloudy yellow fluid building up, and the cum has turned chunky and brown.
I used it again anyway when I got really horny a few days ago.
Fuck off retard. These two Veeky Forums-unrelated faggot blogposts are the moments the thread went to shit
Whereas this guy
is just an expected response
>used Tenga
Aren't those things supposed to be easily cleaned out?
Get out of here, Nurgle.
You should be ashamed!
Real man would not buy $20 Japanese import pocket pussy, Real Man would buy the premium one with both ass and pyssy! Real Man might even go for one with sounds, like every time you "deposit" your tool it tells how good brother you are
>Disclaimer I don't work for J-list
>Or receive revenue from promoting talking pussy over base model
No, the REAL man would buy a fucking Autoblow, 20lb of ass and pussy!
People tell me how good my DMing is, but if they actually knew how I did it, they'd probably never play with me again.
I have no idea what I'm doing and just do whatever I think makes the most sense at the time. My villains are caricatures of my own flaws or evil versions of classic character archetypes.
I've never understood why people consider edgy stuff cool and people who actively do evil are mentally off, think they're in the right, or are giant manchildren just like in real life.
There should be a colon in that last sentence.
>I've never understood why people consider edgy stuff cool: people in my games who actively do evil are mentally off...
Honestly, that sounds fine to me. 's long as its fun? Shine on, crazy diamond.
Some times I don't use coasters at friends places.
My sin is compounded by hypocrisy because I artistically remind people to use them in my own place.
I hate my GM with a passion.
Granted, it's because he always traces Destiny shit and passes it off as original content.
Are you me?
My games are so full of cheese and caricatures that I can't understand how my players can just eat it all up AND thank me for it
>Named bbeg on the fly based on cereal box on my kitchen counter
>Shamelessly steal plot from kids morning cartoon (about monstertrucks and life lessons)
I am That Guy.
I realised it when my roommate sat me down and talked to me about what I was doing wrong. Sweet Emperor forgive me, I want to can I expunge this taint from my soul?
I shitpost elves, confessor.
I lewd elfs.
I think and believe elves are good and all and our races should get along.
I once mocked the Ecclesiarch for his stupid hat.
I mean, buddy, even the Lord Commander Militant did it, that guy Decius is just begging for having his hat getting joked at!
I always play with a GMPC when I GM, my PCs say they like it
On a related note I once made a DMPC that was so heavily min/maxed into stealth and assassination style combat that I could just have him roll a stealth check and then literally forget until he was needed, because if anything wanted to detect him they would pretty much have to roll a twenty if it would even be possible. The fact that he was a Kenku and could throw his voice to whisper to the PCs without breaking stealth was icing on the cake. I guess you could say he was just so stealthy that not even I could find him half the time.
I have trouble with railroading campaigns sometimes, though I'm trying to get better in all my future endeavors and I'm getting there bit by bit. Sometimes I still run railroaded shit, but if I do then I make sure that the PCs are cool with it first and I don't try to pretend they're not.
I once gave one of my players an orc fetish by making it so that orcs and half orcs were the only ones who would accept his sexual advances because I thought it was funny.
I made a rule at my table where if you're going to roll some sort of charisma that sounds stupid then you have to roleplay it. Because of this I ended up making a party's male bard to roleplay seducing a bald male halfling shopkeeper while I described in graphic detail, he thought I was bluffing about making him go through everything and very much so regretted trying to call it.
I once rolled a character in someone else's game who had a gimmick where he would sit down and make himself some tea whenever the party had some downtime, but I never bought any sort of tea set to signify this at character creation. When the DM found out about this they told me to just dock 5sp from my character sheet to buy the stuff, and I said I would. I never did to be fair though he WAS an Artificer Alchemist and he should be able to make his own goddamn tea...
I consider people who actually play traditional games regularly like myself superior to the Veeky Forums posters who do not.
Just join Chaos. If you cant be a hero give the real heros someone to fight.
I think tieflings are cool and not edgy
I've never used a coaster
and every now and again I make overly lewd and suggestive comments when role playing to try and be funny even when serious moments are happening
i still like memes from six years ago
I constantly want to run new campaigns. I've managed to stave off my instinct to cancel but now I think if I kill all the PCs it wouldn't be so bad.