So I recently got into magic, and after some kitchen magic with some friends, I am browsing the forums and whatnot for any information about the game. After looking at all that I am starting to realize how expensive this game is. I really just want to play causally until I get into a much better financial situation (aka get out of college)
Is there anywhere I can acquire cards (like bulk commons) for very cheap or even free? I continuously find people on the forums who say they have so many bulk commons/uncommons that some people end up throwing them away or just let them collect dust. Should I ask around my local card shop or would that be looked down upon? Is there websites where people give useless cards to newer players?
Magic the Gathering Noob Here
Other urls found in this thread:
Only play Commander, pauper and draft. Everything else will eat your money and end your will to live. Buy the commander precons. They're efficient.
Buy stuff from your local shop if it's TCG player prices +- 20%. Don't buy if they're overcharging you by more than 20%. I'd recommend MTGcardmarket, above, for singles. Bulk commons and uncommons cost pennies online anyway, you can literally order hundreds for less than €10
Always be mindful of the power level of your playgroup, this is why multiplayer formats are useful. If you become too powerful and curbstomp your opponents every game in duels, they'll get frustrated and stop playing if they're fairly new. In multiplayer games this isn't as much an issue, but it still can be if you fill your commander deck with infinite combos and the like. Focus on having fun, not winning. People who focus on winning will always either spend too much on the game or ragequit because they can't afford to spend too much on the game.
Draft (cube notwithstanding) is arguably the most expensive format.
I agree, though bear in mind as a newbie it's boosting your cardpool while you do it.
for someone who doesn't have any cards this is way to build his card pool, play on a relatively even playing field with other players, and without prohibitive cost to enter, even if the cost over time could eclipse what you would have spent on a legacy deck up front
Thanks for the suggestions, I will consider these sites. Should I invest in a pre-built commander deck released by wizards to get into the commander format?
I have a doubt. Can I tap an already tapped permanent? Is it possible to tap a permanent with pic related and in my next turn, to tap it again even when is already tapped?
no, it has to be untapped to tap it
Another doubt. Sorry for bad English. If my oponent and I control pic related. Which tidal triggers it's ability first?
You have the wrong word, by the way. Instead of "Doubt" you should be using "Question"
Oh, thank you for the information
the person who is the active player (whoever's turn it is) puts their trigger on the stack first, then the other player puts their trigger on the stack afterwards (on top of the active player's trigger)
since the stack resolves from top to bottom, the non-active player's trigger resolves first, then the active player's trigger
Oh, so that's how it is resolved
This is not right. The only thing Frost Titan requires is it has to see a "target permanant". You can target an already tapped permanent and it won't untap next turn.
If you have any more questions, I recommend this thread
It's run by an official judge so you can get very trustworthy rulings there.
Your local card shop should have stuff in bulk. Also, the Deckbuilder's Toolkit. It contains a ton of basic lands, a bunch of ok cards, and 4 packs. You can get them for 15-25 dollars depending on the set, if I remember correctly.
the Planeswalker decks are coherent decks, but with a very low power level. Which may even be what you want.
I agree about the commander precons if you want to get into that. They're even great with no modifications.
Yes you can tap a tap'd thing
This was probably dumb luck but I had the cashier at my local game shop give me a couple hundred Commons and uncommons when I bought a few packs when I told him I was trying to get back into the game. I'm sure most were garbage but you might get some free shit from a nice player if they're inspired by your enthusiasm. It helps that I can talk to people.
Also I wasn't fishing for this, it was genuinely a surprise for me and my friend.
Villa Zheng on YouTube has an email in his descriptions that allows you to buy cheap 'magical cards'
they're fake, just double sleeve and use all fakes or all reals and don't sweat it. Play dumb if anyone says anything and ask whoever tells you they're fake if they can help you replace the fakes you bought
By all fake or all real I mean don't use 3 fake thoughtseize and 1 real one. Use 4 fakes or 4 reals. You can use fake thoughtseizes and real inquisition of kozileks and be fine
I wasn't paying attention, I thought he was talking about as a cost for some reason