Did anything come of the homebrew armies in a setting collaboration, edition?
>General's Handbook pdf is up
>OP image album
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Did anything come of the homebrew armies in a setting collaboration, edition?
>General's Handbook pdf is up
>OP image album
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>Did anything come of the homebrew armies in a setting collaboration, edition?
We have more than the dude doing Roman Khornates?
Not an AoS player but the new Twitch coverage is pretty good.
is it? havent checked it out. The subscription fee is chasing me away, that's money that could be going toward buying shit
It's alright to use the oldest Archaon with the old Archaon rules because they both have the same mount, unlike the newest Archaon. None of the three Nagashes has a mount.
Hey anons, can I get some help with my Bretonnians? I have a game tomorrow against some Clan Pestilens that I've been having trouble beating. Here is my list:
2000 Points
King Louey: 400 (Leader)
Damsel: 100 (Leader, Horse)
Paladin Standard Bearer(Leader, Phoenix Stone)
Knights of the Realm: 440 (16 models, Battleline, Banner, Musician)
Knights Errant: 200 (8 models, Battleline, Banner, Musician)
Men-at-arms: 120 (16 models, Battleline, Banner, Musician, Relic)
Grail Knights: 180 (5 models, Banner, Musician)
Peasant Bowmen: 400 (32 models, Banner, Musician, Braziers, Stakes)
What do you think of these battle traits for the armies that had battletomes before the GHB came out
Lightning Strike
Instead of setting up a unit from your army on the battlefield, you can place it to one side and say that it is set up in the Celestial Realm. In any of your movement phases you can transport the unit to the battlefield. When you do so, set it up on the battlefield more than 12" from enemy models. This is its move for that movement phase.
Celestial Insight
In your hero phase roll 6 dice. If you have a Slann you can re-roll these results. For each roll of 4 or higher, gain an Insight into the future. Each Insight can be used to re-roll any single dice before your next hero phase.
Khorne Bloodbound: Bloodlust
All units in this army must charge if there is an enemy unit within 12", even if they ran in the previous movement phase.
Tomb Kings: Hierophant
One Liche Priest in your army can be upgraded to a Hierophant. A Hierophant can cast 1 more spell per turn and adds 1 to their casting and unbinding rolls.
Go for either formation. This list is ok, just remember that the charge is the most important part of playing Bretonnians. Consider a trebuchet as well. There is nothing wrong with 48 inch range, auto hitting anything with more than 6 models.
I'm doing kinda celtic skellybones.
I have my beastmen and Rotbringers dudes. I can post a link to the document with my fluff in a moment
We also have a guy doing sigmar ogres.
Here is the link, enjoy
I see some issues with these but i like your thinking, i really cant wait for GW to update allt he battletomes.
A lot of the battalions grant Lightning strike, sso this seems like a bit of a waste. I see where this would be useful but I dont think its really enough. How about units that lightning strike within 3" of a friendly SC hero are imbued with Azyric Lightning. Those units may reroll hit and wounds of 1 the turn they strike?
I like it because I like seraphon, but i feel like that might be a bit strong. Im not sure what I would change it for however, I always thought the slann giving orders like 40k's Imperial guard would be cool.
Awesome, i really like this one
>Tomb Kings
Havent played any tomb kings but this sounds quite powerful.
I really want skaven to get their update
Skaven: Kill-Kill EVERYTHINGS!
All skaven units can re-roll 1 dice per turn, however if the re-roll result is the same as the original roll, that unit suffers d3 mortal wounds.
Of course the first Advent story is Khorne
Im guessing after the initial poor release AoS is picking up? Seems ok after seeing a few threads.
Are night goblins and fanatics/squigs still in and do they play any part in fluff or is it all about Orruks now?
I feel like SC *really* need that general deepstrike, since the batallions that commonly have it are fairly limiting.
If I had a say, I'd replace the deepstrike of the formations with some other buff, like "reroll 3d6, discard lowest to charge", and make the regular Lighning Strike the first allegiance ability.
Also, Extremis allegiance makes Dracothian Guard Battleline.
Night goblins are still around (and quite nasty); they're called Moonclan now, but are otherwise the same as they've always been. No real focus on them yet, but it's bound to happen eventually.
>subscription fee
Nice! Glad they kept them around, I am not really liking the new Orruk armour look, looks too warcrafty.
That's only one subfaction, basically Black Orcs expanded out to be an entire army. For exmaple Savage Orcs, Bonesplitterz Orruks now, look the same.
Normal Orcs (Orruks) are still playable, and more balanced than Ironjawz. While not as strong in melee or as 'ard, they are cheaper and have more versatility (ie, they actually have ranged options).
If you play with the big TK battallion, you get a hierophant though.
What subscription fee?
So what goes into a decent seraphon list? I was thinking a solid core of guard, how many would I need in 2k?
I've not been following AoS for the last month or so due to excessive overtime and hype over beautiful new Thousand Sons models
Is there any indication that the four new Battle Force boxes will have matched play ready warscroll battalions with points values? Otherwise it's going to be tough to find a place for the Gargant in an Ironjawz list without adding another faction for battle line units.
If not maybe Generals Handbook V2 will include points values for the start collecting and battle force battalions.
Maybe, but matched play is not everything, and I think GW is using box battallions to remind people of that.
I'm actually really hoping its a formation with the points cost listed on it. It is really weird tthat there is a gargant in there, becuase its an awesome box otherwise.
Remember we're like at least a year or more off GBH V2.
Yeah I still enjoy pickup games with Freeplay, and I would love to do a narrative campaign, but the GH bonuses for matched play are so helpful for my Iron jaws who knows maybe the Thunderfist will make up for the loss of Rampaging Destroyer.
I'll probably still tell my wife to get one for me for Christmas. The value is too good to pass on. And I think it would be fun to nail some dented up scraps of armor to a Gargant to bring him more in line with the rest of the range.
What's happened with Hashut after End of Times?
Nobody knows, there is no mention in lore.
FW lore is essentially forgotton desu, even the chaos dwarves got a halfassed deal.
You can do a narrative campaign using the GH points, i can't relaly think of a reason not to use the pointts and bonuses in any situation.
Nothing. Hasut made it to AoS, though. He is mentioned in the latest campaign book.
Damn. What's about The Great Maw?
Thanx, what is the name of this book?
Well, it's fair.
Most Khornefags can't read, it's important they have all the support they need.
Anny info about rules of Darkroot Wargrove?
Asking again, are the rules for Silver Tower up anywhere? I'm looking to do eitther a small warband style game or a dungeon crawler.
Alright Veeky Forums, lets get some talk about the army tier lists. Whos the best faction and why is it not Ironjaws?
Pics when?
The only pic I have right now is my Lord of Plagues.
Just FYI, this pic is a few days old so the LoP is finished, base and all. I just don't have any more pictures saved
Also, have a pic of him from the back, just saw that I had it saved
>tfw theres no Mega Death Bundle
>tfw theres no new death models
>tfw you'll never become a Mortarch
>tfw you'll never finally live up to your ancestors expecrations
>tfw you'll never kill those backstabbing Stormcast
>tfw they gave the smelly ghouls a book before the true vampires
>tfw Lord Nagash will never bring you to the bonezone
Why even unlive?
Christ, it gives them almost unparalleled mobility- thank God it is LIMITED to fucking battalions, and not handed out like fucking candy
It's ONE ranged option.
Arrow boys. And they aren't that good.
There better be fucking points attached to the battalions. Or why even bother (ebay what you need is still cheaper than GW)
Let's not pretend that the upswing in AoS is due to anything but the addition of points
Yeh, it is due to points, because it was the only thing holding people back from actually trying the game.
will Slaanesh ever come back?
>You will never rescue Slaneesh like a damsel in distress
Why live
Will Liberators and Retributors fit on 32mm base or should I buy 40mm for all of them?
AoS is specifically targeted at children, so no.
Liberators yes, retributors no. Their feet overhang.
However because most events and people are about measuring base2base, you may want to keep them all on the 40mm they come with or it would be considered modeling for advantage
But slaanesh units not banned.
I had my liberators on 32mm, but since I plan on attending the LVO, I had to switch them to 40mm just in case it would become an issue.
>AoS is specifically targeted at children
Huh, I just realized that AoS is 12+ and 40k is 17+. Strange, with all those butchery and carnage in AoS
They won't disallow models that have already been issued so, say, a quarter of your army is useless. He/she will still be languishing in obscurity from now on.
Physical violence is a-okay, but a boob? Now that means you have to be a parent and talk to little Jimmy about the birds and the bees, and that's too much work.
>Hurt durr babies first warhammer
>Despite the abundant depiction of violence and slaughter and grim dark themes present, and existence of slaanesh minis, it's definitely for babies
Minor chaos power apparently. The ogres can use maw-gates to teleport, although they are destruction faction, not chaos. Maybe it'll be retconned later.
Best I have atm. Mostly metal celt shields from brigade models.
>Skeleton warriors!
Love it!
I don't know the series, but I should really play this every time I activate my skellybones.
I would be disappointed if you didn't
and why is it OK to show extreme violence to children, but mearly HINTING at some kind of sexuality is a big nono?
Moonclan grots is best faction
Because violence is easier to explain than sexuality, and parents are lazy.
Beastmen is best faction.
I don't really get this. I mean, I tought that Amerifags and progressive Europe love girls with dicks and want to show them everywhere
You don't realize then that video games get the mature rating on sexuality alone. Plenty of games are rated M without a hint of boobs. Same for R movies.
beastmen are pretty cool too
Cooler than Skaven
And yet you'll see parents buying said games/movies for their kids. Ask any parent and they'll say that violence in movies and games is fine because it isn't real. Most parents will try to put off talking about sex for as long as possible as it's very uncomfortable to discuss with their kids. I don't agree with it, but it's just an unfortunate reality.
I guess Moonclan is kidna neat as well.
Cooler than Dwarfs
You guys are WAAAAAAAGH
>Diazmenettes and Diaz Seekers on Made To Order a week or two ago
>New art from the campaign books of a Slaanesh Lord on Boob Snake
>Lord of Undeath has naked Neferatta, and a Slaanesh Lord raping beastmen
Fuck off
No user you don't understand. Specifically because the art is not showing murder rape scenes, this game is a babies game now.
But user, you are the baby
Thats besides the point. You're arguing that because the sexual themes are turned down, then this game is for kids. We argue it's still an adult game, because the other things make it adult. Things are not adult for sexuality alone
And yet the story is set on a cliffhanger for the slaanesh story and frequently hinted at and mentioned in the fluff. Slaanesh is not getting squatted. The story just hasn't gotten to her yet
>why even unlive
No, there is no info about rules for a box of models that have only been up for pre-order for a day.
>Raping a beastman to death
Fixed that for you.
what kind of a name is "BLOODSECRATOR"?
progress on these guys has been slower than I should have liked. Coming up with ways to make all 30 marauders distinct is going to be a real challenge, and perhaps even more so when it comes to the bloodreavers. Maybe at some point I will take a break and work on the horses.
I've been waffling over color schemes. Which seems better?
>Blue armor, beige fur and pants. Silver trim. Some kind of bright vibrant color on the shield, perhaps varying every ten models or so.
>Ivory armor, dark grey fur and black pants. Bronze trim. White shields.
>Weathered metallic armor, but otherwise same as first option.
>anything cooler than skaven
Horned rat is best god, remove yourself man-thing.
The name of a man that consecrates things with blood but who is not very original.
>Reddit rats
>implying that rats that want to fuck fat, drugged, breasts covered rats are Rddit
The Lightning Strike battle trait limits deep striking to 12" away while battalions allow a closer teleport. This keeps the old battalions relevant.
You mean like the Sylvaneth?
The Lightning Strike is strictly worse than Sylvaneth teleportation.
What are you working on /aosg/?
Age of Sigmar starter box came with a Prosecutor broken on the sprue. The middle part of the support scroll broke off near the base and both bent and broke near the leg.
How fix?
I'd hit that
>Slaanesh is still MIA so i can't even build a fluffy army
A-At least i have 40k
Contact customer support, they will probably send you a replacement sprue
Just make sure you have a receipt or box serial number
That is a pretty kickass conversion! I love it!
Get bent, your awful chaos gods cannot compare with true innovation.
Best tech, best lore, best god, supreme victors of the end times. Other races can't btfo
I just finished building a bunch of Fulminators, but I now hesitate painting them, since I don't really like the purple hide on the one dracoth I have.
Maybe I really should just repaint the damn thing. But how? Red would be too much, charcoal is a pain to paint, jade is boring...
Any recommendations?
>Any recommendations?
Round bases