Been a couple weeks and it's time for another check in!
Post those parties, people! Lets see what everyone is playing and hopefully we get some updates!
>Bizzaro Party Edition
Been a couple weeks and it's time for another check in!
Post those parties, people! Lets see what everyone is playing and hopefully we get some updates!
>Bizzaro Party Edition
Can I get a template OP?
I just got a new group that isn't a bunch of fuckwits and maybe I can illustrate them.
Not the OP, but here you go.
can we change that into
>describe your party
Tiny human who believes that he's a dwarf. Runs couple bakeries in Łegas. Or rather, runs bakeries which are located in illegal fight-clubs and has a powerstruggle with The LAW and currently plans to kidnap senator's daughter to weaken them.
He also is patriarch of a nation by complete accident which involved killing the previous patriarch and twisting his words a lot.
Did I mention that he's double married to a guy and a girl?
Well-built human something i don't know, which is a total autistic jerkass, fumbling every social interaction roll possible.
Powerful Priest of Jewish descent. He met rest of the murderhobos on his way to Łegas. Why? Pilgrimage, because god Zuckerberg told him to go. Currently he runs fightclubs and fights in them, he's fucking HUGE and able to supplex an ogre.
I gm this wreck, i love it.
Whatever happened to this group?
Does the user who made this one still lurk?
Posted my party last time before thread closed, dunno how many saw it.
Haven't seen anything from that group for some time user. I think that one's a legacy piece now.
My character is the wizard flipping people off with Bigby's. Disclaimer: Party member drew it, not me.
To elaborate, left to right:
Tiefling sorceress kind-of-party-face that focused on some homebrewed melee-combat abilities like growing claws etc, whose class advancements included becoming more of a fiend.
Elf Death cleric (of a neutral goddess of death) that went around scything people who had lived too long.
Elf Abjurer wizard who either blocked people with force conjurations/evocations or counterspelled, his claim to fame being that he countered 5 of the BBEG's spells in a row.
Changeling (later quasi-human, since she was ashamed of the race IC-ly) Paladin secondary-quasi-party-face (we usually tried to keep her from giving speeches since we were too busy trying to save people) who dual-wielded two-handed weapons and was a bit of a GM's pet, although that got less so the longer the campaign went on.
All in all a fun campaign, even if the GM did a complete dickmove later on and deleted the group on Discord the night before we were supposed to start the next campaign without a warning, all because of some disagreements with the Tiefling's player.
>That picture
What the actual fuck.
I need to coax one of my two party draw-fags to do some drawing, but for now some copy-writing
The game is Shadow of the Demon lord (highly recommend it)
Revenant Priest
Grave digger and dark cult member
Hits things with a shovel, practices the dark arts, and refuses to stay dead. He has a family he loves dearly, and tragically lost his eldest daughter when people started turning into beastmen, and had to decapitate her himself. Not much for healing, he spends most of his time in melee
Also he's the Undertaker. And if he ever tries to get a squire named Paul Bearer I'm killing him
Changeling Mage
Apothecary and Party Healer
Was disguised as a dead woman but lost her stolen form recently when she forgot that Fae+iron=bad things. Her old boss and mentor turned beastmen so she had to stab them in self defense. She has more recently become a shonin protagonist, who needs to acquire a bow
Goblin Rogue
Sharp shooter, hunter, tinkerer
He's Danny Devito with a clown fetish. Has the most acute sense of self preservation, and has stuck around with Marcus out of self preservation and familiarity
Orc Warrior
Front line Sociopath
One of his professions is murderer, the other is Squire. His personality is "KILL!". He kills knights in their sleep, then leaves in the night. The de facto leader of their town/fort has not-so-subtly asked him to do some murdering on a certain local cult leader. Sho's only reaction was to smile
>Ted (NPC)
Human Rogue
PTSD Veteran, swordsmen, and petitioner of the demon lord.
The Party found him along with other survivors in a fort made of animated corpses in the midst of a vast battle field. He later revealed him and the survivors were going to betray the party when the words of Marcus convinced him to be a hero. Ted then stabbed the other survivors to death. In battle he makes blood sacrifice to the demon lord to gain power.
Here's 5e party from a month ago, I'll update it in a few minutes
We're running Fire Mountain Games' Way of the Wicked ported to 5e btw
That's some really cool art!
This is the current pic of my group. They haven't gotten much further since this rendition.
A few minor updates are due, mostly related to how many the Bloodrager has killed in a blind rage.
And how the wizard finally found his son.
I like your art, and your group actually looks fun.
Thanks man. I put a lot of effort into making sure that every player had a tie to the city in some way, with family, friends and occupation.
I feel like it has made these characters have a lot more personality, and a lot more at stake compared to some of the previous games I've run.
Being part of the character creation is almost as fun for me as running the game itself. In terms of making their characters fit, at least. I wouldn't dare try to tell them what they "Should" play. But drawing them has proven surprisingly entertaining, for me and them.
Cheers to your players man, you sound like one of the good GMs everyone hopes for.
>A trip through the Eon pit aged him about ten years
Accelerated Aging...?
> The good PCs got to reroll characters just for the express purpose of fucking with the traitor Clerics
Absolutely fantastic. Bravo OP
>spot the minmaxer
I just made the connection.
Damn I need a group like that.
Eh what the hell I'll contribute too. Be warned. We all are a bunch of min-maxing twats including the former DM, not so much the current DM. We're going through the Expedition to the Demonweb Pits (3.5) and I think Lord of the Iron Tower is the one we're running next.
>Gethik Ekka - Party Old Man
Feral Gargun Fighter with a weird crit-fisher build and uses a Large Great Xbow
Continually tired of this bullshittery
Second longest lasting character
Mercenary that travels the land raising money for his tribe but continually becomes less and less his original self to survive the crazy shit he gets himself into.
He accepted grafts and a symbiont from the Silithar after doing some work for them. And has aberration blood feats so you know he's fucking weird looking.
Has a white rabbit pet that used to be a displacer beast before the wizard polymorphed it and the giant ripped its foot off.
>Bjorn the Fell-Handed - Party Angry Drunk
Only original party member remaining.
Prefers to be perpetually drunk. At least that's how we roleplay his player's continual shitty rolls.
Was just a duergar barbarian at the beginning of the campaign, but because he's so damn stubborn he possessed a demon that tried to possess him becoming some Huge half fiend Frenzied Berserker thing with ridiculous stats.
Still pretty bad at doing anything besides not dying. DM even made a special feat for him called "Too Stubborn to Die", when he gets to -10hp he has a chance of not dying from it.
>Damrios - Party Jester
11 year old wispling wizard that is usually in the form of a halfling
Enjoys juggling and setting things on fire
The "lol so randumb xD" character but he's usually a bit more tasteful about it and sometimes gets a laugh out of us.
Finally was able to use polymorph on something succesfully.
>Tiny - Party Meatshield
Sand Giant Fighter and best friend of Damrios
Doesn't say much but can take a LOT of damage and usually hits pretty hard
Honestly that's pretty much it for him
>Dedko Gospodarchek - Party Face
Has so many traits and templates not even the player can keep them straight but his base race is domovoi
Battledancer/Swordsage for his classes I think
50 Charisma and he gets to add the modifier to his saves, AC, attack rolls, and damage rolls
Once convinced a night hag to sell herself her own soul.
>Hall of Passed Characters
Jabez Bloodborn, Half Vampire Gnoll Barbarian, Party Psychopath, Killed by Frost Giant
Chandelen, Skulk Ninja, Party Backstabber, Killed by Dread Wraith
Aeolmar/Korth, Dragonkin Paladin/Frenzied Berserker, Party Pacifist/Murderhobo, Killed by Hunter that rode a giant moose
Krakem Nerwehar, Aasimar Cleric of Pelor, Party Healbot, Killed by Succubus PC
Coral Treetum, Satyr Druid, Party Stoner, Killed by party because we all thought he was dying from giant spider venom. Turns out he was immune. He forgot.
Douchey McFarley, Air Goblin Ranger, Party Moron, Killed by Tiny on accident
Fuck yeah been waiting for this thread and made this in preparation
>8 players
Bump, because I'm updating mine.
That hobgoblin is now my favorite character in this thread.
Drew my Cyberpunk 2020 party on a whim. We've only had 2 sessions so far so everyone's still alive.
Back row, from left: Fixer, Robot Idol (modified Rockerboy), Netrunner
Front Row: Cop and Solo
Middle: Explosives Tech gremlin.