/kdm/ - Kingdom Death General

All hail Satan edition.

Old Thread: >wtf is kingdom death
Kingdom Death is a body horror board game where you hunt monsters to craft gear and grow your settlement. The core game is getting a reprint. It is on kickstarter now. kickstarter.com/projects/poots/kingdom-death-monster-15/description

>how does shipping work
Game will ship out in waves, starting in 2017, and ending in 2020. Each wave will have its own pledge manager, and you will pay shipping for it once they are ready to ship that wave.

>how do addons work
Just increase the amount you are pledging by the cost of the add on. For example, if you are backing at the $50 level, and would like the First Hero expansion ($35), you would leave your pledge LEVEL the same, but change the pledge AMOUNT to $85.

>do I need both the core game and the update pack?
The Kickstarter is to fund a new edition of the game. If you get the game through the Kickstarter, it will have the update pack already included. If you already own the core game, you need to by the update pack to make everything compatible.

>do I need the update pack to use new expansions?
We don't know yet, but that may be the case. Either way, there are no levels you can back at that don't include either the update pack, or the updated core game, so any base pledge you get will be compatible with the new expansions either way.

>what is the gamblers chest
A box that is basically a grab-bag of minis and variant rules. Adds classes and a new mechanic tied to a 5th player character. There is one additional major mechanic it adds that we haven't seen yet. The contents of the box are already decided, Poots is just revealing a random item from it each day. The rolls are not tied to the amount of money raised in any way.

>FAQ from BGG

Other urls found in this thread:


>Look at the kickstarter.
>Over 6.75m already.

There was this image somewhere showing all the KD models ever that are not included in Satan pledge, does anyone have the link to it?

Rules question:

With the family innovation, new born survivors get weapon experience from a parent. Can they fain more points prior to hitting age 1 ? Can they swap to another weapon type and start gaining xp like an age 1 survivor normally would ?

I saw one person complain about it last thread, so I just want to nip this in the bud:

Unplanned additions should not cause delays.

I'm not saying the game won't have any delays, it likely will at some point. But additional items not planned for are all going into wave 4.

Wave 1 is already in production, so it should deliver fine, and the rest are already planned so it won't experience MAJOR delays unless we have another shipping freight LITERALLY explode like last time.

Poor pepedog

Since this won't change until monday

Gambler's Chest Contents (so far)
>Advanced Rulebook
>1 Survivor (TK Lion) [1xMiniature]
>1 Survivor (Aya) [1xMiniature, +2 Promo cards, +1 Art card]
>1 Survivor (JoJo Adam) [1xMiniature, +1 FA card, +1 Philosophy
>1 Survivor (Last Man Standing) [1xMiniature, +1 Mighty Axe Rare Gear ]
>1 Survivor (Scout of Death) [1xMiniature, +Pages to Advanced Rulebook, + "A bunch of cards"]
>1 Survivor (Murderer) [1xMiniature, +1 Philosophy, +1 Settlement Event, +1 Secret Fighting Art, +2 Gear Cards]
>1 Survivor (Bow Master) [1xMiniature, +1 Rare Gear Card]
>1 Survivor (Deadrock Fighter) [1xMiniature, +1 Fighting Art]
1xAdvanced Rulebook (Includes Philosophy of Death)
2xPromo Gear Cards
2xRare Gear Card
2xGear Cards
1xArt Card
1xSecret Fighting Art
2xFighting Art
2xPhilosophy Cards
1xSettlement Event

>to be continued

And it has slowed down considerably since the first few days. There will hopefully be a big rush at the end, pushing in another million.

>shipping freight LITERALLY explode like last time
Really? I must've missed that news article.

source on image?

Kill yourself.

So this basically fetish fuel the miniature war game yes?

Seriously? There are things that aren't going to be delivered for 4 years?

This is what I was talking about.


Yes. Reality is a bitch, huh?

No, all the pieces you can actually play with are very de-sexed, all the fetish shit are minis with no rules attached, basically statuettes.
That is, until the wet nurse and forge god get expacs

I updated it. I'll keep it updated, my completionist spirit demands it.

Reality? There is no reason for them to need that long you moron.

No, the game isn't chesecake. KD sells cheesecake to fund one off and concept shit like frogdog, manhunter, wet nurse, etc.

The company is literally four people and the most important shit you'll have by summer

>four people
And? Do you think they aren't out sourcing the manufacturing? Also, with the amount of money they are getting there is no reason for them to not hire more people, especially when it's going to take them multiple years to fulfill orders.

Oh right, you are a buisness owner I take it? With just you, like two or three other people, and contracting freelancers for the rest of the work? And you have to desing and playtest every monster, gear, and rules mechanics? And contract sculptors to do the models, and contract chinamen to cut hard plastic molds for those models? And ship everything by freight that takes several months to arrive? And then send all that shit all over the globe? You are right, that shit doesn't take any time at all.

It sure as hell doesn't take multiple year. There are numerous companies that do all of that in significantly less time. And are you honestly expecting me to believe that a company bringing the amount of money they are bringing in can't hire more people?

Have you even taken the most basic Production Economics 101 or Logistics For Dummies class?

They already have the models designed they have picture of them. If they are so far behind in playtesting that they still need multiple years then maybe they shouldn't be hitting kickstarter yet.

More people doesn't mean anything without the skill to organize them, and people with that skill are too expensive for their budget to support
With massive quantities and qualities we're being promised these guys are probably still barely making pocket money for themselves

So you have no idea what you are talking about and are resorting to basic insults now?

>More people doesn't mean anything without the skill to organize them, and people with that skill are too expensive for their budget to support
So they people running this company can't handle managing more than 4 people? Sounds like they aren't fit to be running the business.

>these guys are probably still barely making pocket money for themselves

>With massive quantities and qualities we're being promised these guys are probably still barely making pocket money for themselves

I hope that, with the absurd success of this kickstarter, Poots at least ends up with a cool million to sit on. Its be a shame if he got all this success and still ended up financially about where he started.

I'm indirectly insulting you, yes (something you will have to get used to on Veeky Forums), but I am also asking you if you have any kind of experience or if you have even taken a class related to running a company, or being a production or design manager.

You're indirectly insulting me because you had no actual argument that you could make and you're a passive aggressive bitch. Make an actually argument. I know you can't.

You are avoiding my question which is relevant. Do you or do you not have any idea how to run a company or have studied anything related to running a company, including but limited to: design, production, and logistics?

>You are right, that shit doesn't take any time at all

Not that user, but stop being a massive defensive faggot. He has made arguments and you have just went "no lol". You don't know shit about how game development works, and it takes a long, long time to get one game working. If we're adding the fact that they need to manufacture all the components by outsourcing themselves instead of relying on a big game producer, yeah, them taking this long is more than reasonable. That you are extremely butthurt about not getting your game in a few months (guess what, so are we all), doesn't change the fact this is a process that takes time.

Yes I have but I don't need to make an appeal to authority because I can refute actual arguments seeing as how I actually know about manufacturing unlike you.

I see you are continuing to avoid making an actual argument. It's a safe assumption that you have no idea what you are talking about.

>>You are right, that shit doesn't take any time at all
No, that's not what I said. I said it takes take multiple years of lead time to manufacture the products. I never said it doesn't take that long to develop the game I said they shouldn't be bring it onto kick starter if they still need years left to design it. I also said they should hire more employees if they need more to test it.

Now you are just pulling things out of your ass.

>He has made arguments
The only arguments he has made, to use your own style of arguing is. "It just takes a long time" "did you take a community college class in entry level products like I did."

Then again those are the same ones you made.

They card also says they get the Weapon Type of one parent, so yes, I would say they could gain experience from the get go.
I would say, however, that they can not swap to another weapon, since this comes only with the first Age token into play.

From the thumbnail I thought she had shoved her fore-arm straight down the urethra of a massive cock

That's what you are doing, Satan. Why can't you keep up with your own fashion sense?

>bitching about user insulting him
>a question is an insult
>meanwhile you are the first to throw an insult
It's like you really are an idiot. Congratulations, you can't even reach your own standards.

>Then again those are the same ones you made.

Zero reading comprehension then, I have not claimed to take any community college. And yes, he has made those pretty shitty arguments, but he also has explained why it takes so fucking long to. Keep the strawman going.

I'm pretty damn sure the expansions are not yet done, and those are only a thing because the kickstarter was so successful, otherwise, they wouldn't have the resources to even design it on the first place. This is the reason the core game is shipping in around 6 months and the expansions are going to take so long. The Gambler's chest we can obviously see it's a barebones, as some models look so premature. Once again that you want the game fast doesn't mean that they can make it faster.

So it is meant to look like it and I'm not going cockeyed?

One of the models has a skirt made of cocks. Both of them are covered in tounges.

>Still avoiding making an actual argument
I guess it's a safe to assume that you have no. You tried to use an insult as an entire argument. I made an argument and then insulted you.

>I'm pretty damn sure the expansions are not yet done
Yes, when did I say they are? You are making my argument. They aren't anywhere close to done. With the amount of money they are getting they are more than capable

>This is the reason the core game is shipping in around 6 months and the expansions are going to take so long.
When did I say anything contrary to this?

>Once again that you want the game fast doesn't mean that they can make it faster.
I never once said this either. Sounds like you are the one with no reading comprehension. 6 months is a reasonable lead time for the base game. 2 years for the expansions is not. Again you still twist the argument I made.

Thank you for the response, that interpretation does make a lot of sense, i was surprised there wasn't anything in the faq about this.

more than capable of hiring more employees*

I'm considering the $350 pledge for the 1.5 base game and the Gambler's chest. Is it worth it?


I paid that for the 1.0 base game and dont regret it at all , although i mostly play in tts now. It really depends on what kind of disposable income you have and what kind of use you expect to get out of the game

Depends on how much discretionary income you have to spend on your hobby, really. Lots of people have found the normal $400 price tag worth it, while others don't like the random elements. There are a few cases of save or die dice throws, and the game is supposed to be to board games what Dark Souls is to video games, basically.

Is-it-worth-it-user here, thanks for the (You)s.

I enjoy ARPGs, pen and paper RPGs and TCGs so I'm hoping this is as fun to play as it looks.

Is it expected that you paint the models? Seems like a lot of work outside of playing a 25-session persistent board game every week with a playgroup. Plus, the models are expensive so I'd be worried about botching a paint job and ruining my investment.

>expected that you paint the models
That depends on your group. Is it? Because the models needs to be assembled if you want to use them. If you and your guys just don't give a flying fuck about the models you can always sell them. There are always people who are looking to snag some extra copies of those, so you could recoup expenses that way.

They're hard plastic so you can strip them if you fuck something up.

You can't strip the paint. Don't use paint stripper though it will ruin the models. Do some research into what the material the models are made out of (I'm assuming either a resin or a plastic I haven't looked into it) and use something safe for that material. Simple Green is popular for plastic models, look up some info on using that.

can strip the paint*

Once again, thank you.

I'm worried my DnD group would get bored with this game if all the models are monochromatic, but it looks like I have options.

Assembling and painting the minis looks intimidating at first, but with few exceptions its really easy. The fact that the minis are so detailed really means that you can get good results by just choosing reasonable colors and painting inside the lines. The mini itself conveys the detail well, you just want to add some color to it.

Kingdom Death is the first mini game I have ever owned, and the first stuff I have assembled and painted. It took some time to figure out what ranges of colors I needed, but after that it was pretty easy and even fun.

The one thing you don't need to worry about is ruining a model with a bad paint job. There is a common cleaning solution called Simple Green that softens the paint but leaves the mini itself undamaged. My first attempt at the White Lion turned out badly because I didn't know how and when to Wash yet, but all I had to do was soak it in a cup of simple green for a day and brushed it with a tooth brush, and it was right back to like I had never painted it at all. Second try went much better.

If you are worried about the models looking like crap, you can always just paint everything grey and then go over it with a black Wash to give everything a sort of stylized stone piece look. I almost did that myself before my group encouraged me to try giving painting them for areal a try, and I never looked back.

That's wrong in like 8 different ways.

It's not a war game, it's a cooperative dungeon crawler, with the trash mobs removed and just fighting the final boss of each dungeon. Use resources from the monster to craft new gear, or improve your settlement ala Monster Hunter.

The WORLD is definitely filled with fetish fuel, because there is a good chance it is literally hell. The survivors are not allowed to be happy. The game itself doesn't have quite as much of that. There is some, but not a massive amount. Which honestly just makes the times it DOES show up that much more obvious *cough* anal vore bird *cough*

But the only ACTUAL SEX in the game, is consensual sex in the missionary position solely for the purpose of procreation.

>I don't know how kickstarter works and ALSO think that 100% of an items price tag is profit for the company
Man. Sometimes I wish schools didn't have weekends off so we could keep retarded gremlins like you busy.

He might have, but then he gave everyone a free Satan and now he is gonna fall back into the red like a god damn idiot. I REALLY hope he changes his mind and actually charges us for that.

Free stuff is nice, but I'd rather have continued support instead of a dead product from a bankrupt company.

>>I don't know how kickstarter works and ALSO think that 100% of an items price tag is profit for the company
I never said either of those things. Nice straw man.

>I wish schools didn't have weekends off so we could keep retarded gremlins like you busy.
I wish your school had taught you how to read.

Alright guys, I'll spoon feed him and hope he goes away.

Kingdom Death is a niche product, and as such it is harder to find manufacturers willing to sink the time investment on. As far as this kickstarter is concerned, it's also a low profit item. Despite the large price tag of the game, that is mostly to pay for the massive amount of cardboard in the game (the printing is actually the major component cost, the minis are far cheaper at larger scales, but that isn't the case for ink). The $250 is mostly to cover production.

Kickstarter isn't for preordering games. It's a platform to fund developers. In this case, this kickstarter is being used to fund more long term machinery/molds/printers so that the game can be produced in larger quantities in the future. It's to pay for the overhead costs of development, not just the per item cost. This is also why the game is FAR cheaper than the retail version, because that is planned to be closer to the new price of the game, once quantities can become less limited. You have to eat a MASSIVE amount of debt to fund the production of a board game, something small businesses can't do at this scale, hence the need for kickstarter, to be able to pay the overhead fees.

The items aren't actually taking 4 years. This is explained in the kickstarter FAQ, and is the reason most people think you are either an idiot, or trolling. Because it's already answered.

The 1.5 core game and upgrade pack is already being manufactured and packaged. It was funded using the company's sales of limited edition resin figures, with the kickstarter being used to recoup the costs sink into it. It will be delivering in 6 months.

Expansions are (mostly) done with development, and just need fund to manufacture them. This will take a bit of extra time, and will take a year and a half, maybe 2.

The 4 year delivery is for things that have not even started development yet, and are clearly labeled as such in the kickstarter.

>4 years until we can see the Satan Twins doing a Fusion Dance to access their True Final Form that we can then die to

Specifically, the 4 year date is for anything unplanned that gets added due to excess funding. Poots learned his mistake from the last KS, and so anything unplanned is going in its OWN wave, so as not to disrupt the manufacture and development of other items. Currently, the only thing that includes is the Satan Expansion, which was added as a 6.66M stretch goal due to high demand, and Poots has clearly stated that no work has gone into it yet, it still needs far more fleshing out before he can even add it to the KS, and will have a long development time because it hasn't been started yet. THAT is the reason 2020 delivery date. That is the date that absolutely every single thing from the kickstarter has shipped. The game itself is only 6 months out, and optional addons are a year or two. Both of those are entirely reasonable time frames for a kickstarter to deliver in. That is why people are just insulting you. This is pretty clearly laid out in the KS if you read through it.

I think you mixed up the date for expansions with the date for gamblers chest.
>Summer 2017
Core game / Upgrade pack
>Spring 2018
Gamblers Chest and non-game content
>Spring 2019
>Winter 2020
Unexpected developments. Satan Expansion, possibly a Gambler Expansion if we hit $7.77M and it isn't already part of the Gamblers Chest. Maybe KD:Titans and/or KD:Labyrinth depending on how far those are in production?

>Kingdom Death is a niche product, and as such it is harder to find manufacturers willing to sink the time investment on.
This isn't true. The manufacturers will make it as long as they get paid.

>As far as this kickstarter is concerned, it's also a low profit item.
They have already launched successful products. They have more than enough money to hire more than 4 employees.

>Kickstarter isn't for preordering games
Never said it was.

>It's a platform to fund developers.
Never said it wasn't.

>this kickstarter is being used to fund more long term machinery/molds/printers so that the game can be produced in larger quantities in the future.
They aren't manufacturing it themselves. They have to have the molds CNCed. They aren't purchasing the machinery themselves. Not even the CNC machinery to make the molds.

>The items aren't actually taking 4 years
Never said they were.

> and is the reason most people think you are either an idiot, or trolling. Because it's already answered.
Words you put into my mouth are already addressed? What a shock.

>The 1.5 core game and upgrade pack is already being manufactured and packaged. It was funded using the company's sales of limited edition resin figures, with the kickstarter being used to recoup the costs sink into it. It will be delivering in 6 months.

Again, not addressing a single point I made. I never once said that the core game isn't coming out in 6 months. I also said that this is reasonable.

>Expansions are (mostly) done with development, and just need fund to manufacture them. This will take a bit of extra time, and will take a year and a half, maybe 2.
Which is an excessive lead time.

>The 4 year delivery is for things that have not even started development yet,
You finally managed to address a point of mine but only by simply restating it.

You did nothing but put words into my mouth. You haven't refuted any arguments I made because you just made up arguments and put them into my mouth.

they are not getting money. they will barely break even.

The game is worth it. The two aspects I enjoy least are random settlement events, and, the forced time table. Just remember that your goal is to guide the settlement, and do not attach sentiment to individual survivors.

why would he get money?

for every backer he might make 1-3 dollar. do you have any idea how cheap the stuff is right now? he is selling everything at 50% off. and satan pledges way more.

This thread is worse than the KS comments at primetime.

They have already successfully launched products that they made more than enough money from to hire a 4 man tester team. This is not some brand new company.

Having just read the Conviction arc of Berserk... god damn. Really shows the influence.

>nuh uh
The post.

I haven't read berserk, but, I remember Adam referencing it in the first KS. Should I pick it up?

Nice straw man. You put arguments into my mouth and then addressed them. I didn't make the claims you claimed I did.

Try addressing my actual argument next time rather than just making one up that's easy for you.


>do not attach sentiment to individual survivors
I read that a lot but it is always a hard hit to the whole settlement if your super strong dude just simply slipped and broke his neck on a stone face.

Yes, it is excellent.

But skip the 2016 anime. It's bad.

>why wouldn't this person let me put words in their mouth
the post

What is your argument?

You had no real points to make and his comment pretty much covered everything.

Or your primary/best fighter suffers murder event.
It fucking sucks, especially in the same phase as showdown/nemesis

They have already nearly gone bankrupt from costs related to kickstarter fulfillment.

This isn't a company with assets to spare.

Here is what I was referencing.

Man, when poots spammed and samefagged his original three models every day on Veeky Forums for a year and a half, I thought he was just wasting his time.

That they should hire 4 more testers.

>I decided to ignore your point and put words in your mouth
Great argument.

Compare to The King.

>>The items aren't actually taking 4 years
>Never said they were.
You literally did. ()

Which is also why you have to be very careful about putting all your eggs in one basket, so to speak. Your gear is more or less permanent, as are all your technologies and buildings, so while having a super badass fighter is nice, you very much have to keep the bigger picture in mind if you want to make it.

That said, they do have a rule variation where the 4 starting survivors can't be killed off if you want it to be more of a personal story.

Your argument with no points, you mean?

Or two of the fighters you were planning to use in your upcoming watcher fight get swallowed by a crack in the ground taking most of a white lion armour set with them.

Fuck Settlement Events, can't wait to see how they're changed in 1.5.

I said they aren't getting delivered for 4 years. You're just continuing to put words in my mouth.

>Your argument with no points, you mean?
I made them in multiple posts. It was your choice to ignore them and then make up arguments that would be easy for you.

I think I never seriously fought a Nemesis, I always just sacrificed some nobodies.
They actually managed to survive the Level 2 Hand and Level 2 Butcher, too.
The Butcher was risky though since we also sent our Twilight Sword dude into battle since he needed another point in that so he was absolute "safe" from the Hooded Stranger next year.

They have multiple testing groups.

Don't read it. Every other manga will feel lackluster in comparison.

No, I just pointed out that you've made no points. It's not my fault you think there's only one other person laughing at you.




And my statement regarding the hiring more employees was in response to the claim of the person I was arguing with that they only had 4 employees.

>No, I just pointed out that you've made no points.
Again untrue. Your inability to read is not my issue.

> It's not my fault you think there's only one other person
where did I accuse you of samefagging? You are addressing your imaginary arguments again?

>caps lock
>inability to read
You seem triggered.

>where did I accuse you of samefagging?
Your last 3 posts.

>Again untrue
He actually believes this.

You are literally the only one having an issue understanding how this works. Pro tip: If you ever think everyone else is stupid, it's just you being to stupid to understand.

>Your last 3 posts.
Not once have I accused you of samefagging. You seem to be having some serious issues here.

Having trouble understanding how what works? You need to make a coherent insult if you want it to me insulting.