
So I found this pokeumans.deviantart.com/ and it's the most un-HFY thing I've ever read. It claims humanity learned how to use tech from the infinitely superior pokemon, and it just gets dumber from there, especially the godmode sue hero. I normally like pokemon, but this is unbearable. It makes Superior Elf shit look tolerable. What do?

Kill it with fire.

Ignore it like everything else that is not porn of devianart

But user, someone is wrong on the Internet

Well there is your problem

Wait. The group's rules say you're allowed to join as a pokeuman (Human that becomes a Pokemon) or Pokextinctionist (The bad guys, led by a Mewtwo. Can be a "Brainwashed" human or Pokemon. They want to break through the dimensional barrier separating the human world from the pokemon world, then rule over both worlds. Why? They're pissed because pokemon and humans once lived together, then a war happened, then pokemonkind took their ball and went home, and they're living it up in the Pokemon World while leftover kids turning into pokemon have to fight pokextinction themselves.)

HFY opportunity found.

What the fuck are you doing OP?
This is unsalvageable.

No. Nothing is unsalvageable. I can and will generate lulz from this, I just need to come up with a plan that's good enough.

The group's boss really loves the "Deep lore" of his own series, but he hasn't gone full Otherkin or whatever. As for the average viewer and writer, they're just doing it because it seems fun. If we make stories where Pokextinction is humanized, made deep and relatable, and wins battles against the pokeumans, you can guess how the boss will react.

So you went to Deviantart, already low hanging fruit, and found something somewhat worse than HFY.

Nice blog faggot.

one small wrinkle in your plan. At least one of these guys, if not the creator himself, will be dropping those terms into google search to see if it is being discussed elsewhere. They will want to see if anyone else finds them neat and interesting and/or if anyone is stealing their ideas so they can start up some drama.

you will likely be discovered in such a case.

You can ignore it and move on. It's not like your friends hang out on DeviantArt or push this thing on you, right?

Your next line will be "Like hell I will!"

The person who made this is probably, like, 12. Assuming that you're old enough to be on this site it would be pretty pathetic for you to go after a bunch of 12 year olds, no matter how autistic this is.

Okay, but what does this have to do with traditional games?

This wouldn't be the first time someone on Veeky Forums tried to incite a raid against 12 year olds because they made something someone didn't like.

Ture, but we should still try to maintain some kind of standard. We aren't /b/.

>HFY is a measure of quality

>tfw used to be a member of this shithole

Never again. Fuck.

Hey fuck you, this isn't a raid. You ever seen 1d4chan's "Drowtales" thing? Let's do something like that, but funnier.

>We aren't /b/.
We aren't?


>used to be a member of this shithole

But user, you are posting on Veeky Forums right now, you are already doing it again.

Besides, where else am I supposed to go for anything good on this site?

Not since the olden times of Warhammer Wednesdays.


Essentially, it looks like that deviant is treating Pokemon as a sort precursor race. Precursor races can be a thing in HFY stories, or they can be a thing in "humanity sucks" stories.

Know your memes; it's a textbook example of a precursor race.

Honestly? I think it has potential setting-wise. Nothing good has been done with it whatsoever (and probably never will be) but given revisions and maybe a decent author and it has promise.
