Can we have a funny/comics/memes/reaction image thread?
Anything Veeky Forums related, tabletop jokes, whatever. Greentexts would be good. Trying to fill up my folder, my collection is outdated and tiny.
Can we have a funny/comics/memes/reaction image thread?
Anything Veeky Forums related, tabletop jokes, whatever. Greentexts would be good. Trying to fill up my folder, my collection is outdated and tiny.
Other urls found in this thread:
Fucking hell.
That last frame completely ruins the joke.
Why the fuck do webcomics always do that?
gurps is literally "3d6 roll under the system"
ya idk, it was like the only Veeky Forums themed funny image I could find at the time.
I like this one, it's kind of funny.
I'm really lacking any good stuff tho idk, we're just not a 'meme' sort of community so I guess I haven't saved anything good.
Not pictured
>the 3rd die
I have some, but they're in french.
Feel free to post em.
Honestly, this one's fine and funny.
>frogs playing tabletop
>frogs partaking in any recreational activity
X - Doubt
Tbh there is nothing wrong with either GURPS or human sacrifices.
GURPS is also shit.
I don't even like GURPS but I know the "LAWL CALCULUS" meme is unfunny lying bullshit.
Remind me of the flying man. What would really happen if a Superman-like being were to exist nowadays.
I wish I knew the context or if there was more, because I already made this guy a recurring NPC
Whoops, wrong one
There's a ton more motherfucker.
If I'm remembering right it's made by one of the Dethklok artists.
Alternately if he was communicative with authorities and mostly focused his efforts on apprehending existing criminals then he'd probably have a much easier time.
Which is probably why they made superman like that.
>or if there was more
There's tits.
But they also most likely want to do tests on him and also most likely won't be public knowledge pass that point as he would be under a lab 24/7.
Well if he's like Superman, then the scientists can fuck right off if he doesn't want to cooperate.
>implying we don't drink wine and eat baguette and cheese right before the sessions.
I think most governements would try to abduct him as a national ressource and run tests on him. And possibly enroll him.
Because most goverments don't like individuals that they can't control.
How in the fuck would they abduct him?
Depends on if they know about the kryptonite thing or not.
>"Routine Questioning"
>Under arrest for "x"
I have no idea what that is
Top kek, fucking polskas.
That's assuming that a superman-like individual has a kryptonite at all. Even if they do, it's going to be a royal bitch to figure out.
And again, how would anyone possibly arrest them? They would not have to comply if they did not want to, and it would be impossible to physically detain them.
>If I'm remembering right it's made by one of the Dethklok artists.
On yellow: how to rotate text in Paint?
goofy: ...and I'd like to GM Warhammer, like in the good old days, you know, Enemy Within, classics like that, Ruins...
Mickey: I don't want to fucking roll up characters or learn how to sneak in a village
Goob: come on, it'll be fun, I've thrown out half the rulebook, no crits..
MiG: Yo, eat a dick
Goober: maybe [polish meme fanfic system]? Earthdawn? neuroshima? [brety good polish post-apo]
$angry shitposting
I want to punch someone, the hobby is dead
why the fuck did I just translate that, holy shit it's five past midnight, fuck off
Comic is called elf, and the guy appears a few times. You can read it online
Well, if it's a truly invulnerable being, we can all welcome our new alien overlord.
Or send the secret services on his trail, and strap a bomb with a dead's man switch to Pa and Ma Kent.
As usual, it depends on a ton of factors.
If he's not the only one,you' probably find some supers that accept to be on your payroll. If he's not completely invincible, you can APFSDS of AShM him. You can run a media campaign until everyone thinks he's worse than Hitler.... Give us a canvas to work with and we'll discuss how to bring him down.
>/u/ emps as a recurring npc.
Well, it's not an awful choice.
Thank you!
Awesome, perfect, thank you
>[brety good polish post-apo]
Is it translated?
I think mostly what this says is that the Iraq and Afghanistan wars really traumatised America
Don't think the writer is American bro
You don't have to be American to read the writing on the wall. You know how many super pessimistic movies Hollywood has pushed out because of this shit we're in? It's easy for people living in other nations to tell that these wars really fucked up the American psyche and confidence.
because nerds aren't funny. they think they are by being obtuse/wordy but it's literally the opposite of actual humor
This comic is amazing.
Considering how Dante slings it around like a paperweight on a string, I would imagine its balance is all but pointless
Unfortunately no.
But i do suggest neuroshima hex. its a fun game
afaik the rpg has a retarded rolling system of 3d20/3
>not 3d20, pick middle
I think even if you're super-strong it's still better to have a well-balanced weapon. Of course, it should be a well-balanced double-size zweihander or some shit, but still.
>implying a nuke would finish Sauron
He already survived what was basically a nuke, when Numenor got the divine smite button.
Gate: Thus the JSDF Fought There, as written by an anti-American leftist.
Glad to know its become anti-American to point out that military adventurism and neo-colonialism are bad.
What's so bad about them? The only bad thing I can see was half-assing the job
Eh, I suspect some /pol/lack out there thinks Genghis Khan was a bleeding heart liberal cuck.
It's not really GATE-like, as where JSDF focuses on "Japan fuck yeah", this one focuses on "humans are assholes and will destroy everything magical about fantasy as soon as they find out about it".
Fuck fantasy asholes, where's my magitech virtual reality built using reverse engineered magic items seized from the fantasy world?
Too real for me.
Normally it's because they think of a two or three panel joke that has to work in four panels, and are too inflexible to change their format. But this is clearly a bunch of irregular panels so I'm going to go with no understanding of comedy.
Axes are purposefully designed to be "off-balance." Balance is simply for ease of use, and not a consideration for ultimate effect.
Try chopping wood with a sword and with an axe, and report back with what you learn.
Don't compare GATE to this.
This is a pretty on target examination of imperialism and colonialism and the clash between banality and wonder.
GATE is, depending on the incarnation, delusional nationalism, or diluted delusional nationalism and waifushit,
Now now, GATE is pretty tame as far as tennoheika banzai nippon stronk wank goes, hell it doesn't even spend most of its time by whining how nukes were warcrimes and how Hirohito did nuffin wrong.
>Kryształy Czasu
>meme fanfic system
Polaczku pls
You've meant Zły Cień: Kruki Urojenia
Does anyone have good gm advice screen caps? I'm looking for the one where the user talks about making plot nodes.
>Whats so bad about them?
1. They are massively expensive and have resulted in the government gaining an absurd amount of power while the citizen loses rights under the guise of "National Security"
2. Most of the time the problems we're fighting are ones that we originally caused. Sadam was put in place by America after we overthrew their original leaders. Our meddling has done nothing but cause massive backlash almost every single time.
3. This is of course not even talking about the suffering and death of locals, because I assume you don't care if brown people die.
>mentioning national security power grab
Congrats, now you have managed to piss off both Republicans and Democrats.
It's fucking true though and it's something everyone seems to just brush over when we talk about the nebulous war actions that have made up this entire fucking decade and beyond. It's all "BRING FREEDOM!" or "OH NO MUH INNOCENT BROWN PEOPLE" and never "Oh wait, the president can order the death of whoever he wants whenever he wants with complete secrecy and no oversight. Huh."
>Iraq and Afghanistan wars really traumatised America
>someone smaller kicked the playground bully in the nuts, boohoohoo how unfair
>rescue kidnapped godamned children from literal slavery
>accept immigrants from fantasy land
>they summon a dragon and burn london right the fuck down
>respond by dismantling the fantasy govenment then distributing food aid and organizing reconstrunction
How is earth the bad guys here? Because the comic seems to imply that they are.
It's not about "good guy vs. bad guy" so much as it's about "idyllic fantasy vs. ugly reality".
>starts off as the fairytale everyone knows has a happy ending
>human reality kicks in the door, interferes
>what could've been nice and good if left alone is aggressively disrupted, invasive implementation of alien (ours) belief and morality system occurs
>invaded reality retaliates, leads to escalation of tension and conflict
Then again I'm dumb feel free to call me a retard
>Sadam was put in place by America after we overthrew their original leaders.
You're thinking of Iran, not Iraq. Also, you are fucking up the timeline.
It's just incapacity, or if you prefer, that writing is actually really difficult and takes tons of practice.
For instance, in this case, the artist was clearly worried that if he stopped with the penultimate panel, people (or, well. GURPS sperglords; I'm not sure they count as people) would misunderstand the joke to be a simple zinger on 3E, rather than the intended one that the genie's a useless piece of shit. That's a very justified concern with the way the comic's written up to that point, the only real problem is the artist fumbled the punchline reaction.
Try it yourself; it's not that easy. You have to write something that's telling enough to convey the point clearly (so you can't just have the guy saying "...", because then the ambiguity would remain), but not so verbose that (as happened in practice) it dissolves the joke.
I would probably have changed the lamp to a bottle with a stopper, like in The Fisherman and the Genie, and then had the last panel just showing the guy recorking the bottle.
>starts off as the fairytale everyone knows has a happy ending
Really? Because *I* sure don't know that. Maybe that kid is a protagonist and gets a happy ending. Maybe she's destined to be one of the 30 skeletons the protagonist sees in the dungeon so they know the big bad means buisness.
>human reality kicks in the door, interferes
>what could've been nice and good if left alone is aggressively disrupted, invasive implementation of alien (ours) belief and morality system occurs
Tough shit. The started imposing when they DRUGGED AND KIDNAPED A CHILD. Oh, and roasted London after bring invited in. (said invitation extended after the child kidnapping, mind.)
Hey, I'm not trying to justify what's happening, I'm just trying to follow author's reasoning.
It might have worked if they'd asked the Genie to do something where "just play GURPS" isn't a valid answer.
Look, I'm not saying there aren't worse systems than KC, but none come close to its meme status.
It's basically polish FATAL. Not as much gore in the rules, but it does have the -4 STR.
And then there's the lore, which i basically just Szyndler sperging the fuck out. Even if I omit the "Saga of Catan"(the world is literally a Catan playmap, the main plot device is someone named Natac and no one can figure out his relation to the lore for the most of the two brick-sized tomes. Also, a succesful attack made with elf's nipples, which were described, along with the naked elf over a whole page.)
even if you do that, the setting is a shitshow.
fair enough.
>because then the ambiguity would remain), but not so verbose that (as happened in practice) it dissolves the joke.
I would juse leave it ambuguous. That way both gurpsfags and antigurpsfags can both laugh at the comic. Then, gurps spergs and antigurps can get into shit fights about the comic's true meaning on the internet and nonspergs can in turn laugh at them.
Removed one panel and trippled my audience.
Your president can't actually do that though, right?
Dude, I meant it about the Zły Cień. It IS the meme system.
KC are bassically Gygaxian AD&D that kinda went the Rolemaster way, with an asspulled d100 mechanics.
Zły Cień, on the other hand, is "The ants have 1/4000th point of STR in a 5 point scale, also now roll on your daily superstition table" :The system.
Riddle thyself with these being a sort of weapon rather than armour.
A weapon that was not described, nor had any image in the book. only stats.
>Your president can't actually do that though, right?
Yes, they can. In fact, for a while the Obama administration was having biweekly PowerPoint meetings where he just picked people to assassinate, including American citizens.
The right wing libertarain types tried to raise a stink about it, but the liberals who normally provide the bulk of the antiwar/anti-imperialism muscle in our politics helped shut the libertarians down instead of helping because Obama was /their guy/ and I guess they expected to never loose an election again or something.
So now Donald Trump has the power to have people killed completely legally. Boy that was a strance sentence to type.
I'm glad that stupid fucking westerners always somehow manage to make things about them.
you think Americans were traumatized? how do you think Afghani's and Iraqi's feel you stupid fucking cow.
Hey guys, op here, back to collect my funny images oh Jesus
Easy there bro, you don't want to get fired from Starbucks for shitposting in Veeky Forums after all those years invested getting your tittle in Gender Studies