Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

Swashbuckling Edition. Post some duelists, whether they are completely martial, or have some magic.

If you want build advice make sure to say what 3pp you can use, if any.

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Creation Handbook Playtest:
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Vampire Hunter D Setting Supplement: Hunter D Pathfinder Supplement.pdf?dl=0

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reminder that you should fear dragons

That guy down there doesn't look very scared!

well yes, he summoned it :3

Why is this pic not from the front Why draw it that way!

Fiendbound Marauder

Shizuka Saotome for RULES OF NATURE!
Yori Rilsane for A FUCKING LAWYER!
Tyran Cormac for CLEGANEBOWL!
Marshall Rhames for AVE MAJESTRIX!

Need to look through more if it's 5 or 6 people.

It was probably part of a concept sketch, and it would take weeks to find the full picture.

>Not including Lyra Ivytongue for FEMME FATALE

Sorry, that sounded super autismo. I was really excited. I had been looking for something like that for a while and it was almost perfect.

Yes. I have had multiple players quit over dragons being played competently.

Some examples include:
>dragon wore a good portion of his hoard, had kidnapped smiths and mages to make him magic armor/gear

>dragon used anti-magic field, laughed as he killed the PCs when they didn't have their items

>dragon teleported on top of the PCs after scrying them, killed a PC round 1 after full attacking them

>dragon plunged the PCs into deeper darkness and fought them using its blindsight

>dragon fought the PCs by doing flying runs over them and simply breathing cones of fire onto them and didn't stop to actually fight

I'm not even sorry. If players can't take a highly competent and sociopathic enemy not playing fair they don't deserve it. Any dragon who reached the Adult category made it there by fighting and killing not only adventurers, but other dragons. It's an arms race between them.

Weak dragons and dragons who fight fair don't make it to Adult.

I like the whole 'using your coat as a cape' thing.

seriously you have to out-think dragons if you want to beat them, they are not dumb monsters that will sit there and fight to the death

Most of them can go invisible too

I'd like to see Dierdre get in because I've RPed with her before and she's really good. She's worried about coming off too edgy and wants people to think Dierdre is cute

Or if they DO get to adult fighting fair, that just means you want to stay away from them even more.

i actually really like her char sheet, its nicely edgy.

Honestly I'm interested to see who all gets in, theres a lot of great applications

I've always loved capes, and I love the image you posted.

Half-capes are the god-tier of capes though!

Here's the source:


You might find more in the artist's gallery.


Exactly, probably has class levels in something besides Dragon.

Yeah, a dragon uses Greater Invisibility. Full attacks your flat footed wizard after using a quickened metamagic rod and a silenced dimension door behind him.

Literally "Teleports behind you, unsheathes dragon".

Now THAT is heckin' cool.



>YFW a Black Dragon has Edgelord Harbinger Class levels.

fuckin swag

>Unsheathes self

Man now I think about it that sounds like going incorporeal.

That guy really knows how to draw a nice ass!

I dont have more of that, but I do have some monster hunter dual sword / longsword stuff... unfortunately it's in a giant unsorted folder.

It's okay, user! I think she seems really cute, behind her edgelord personality lay a deeply troubled young woman with a chip on her shoulder against the forces of good!


Wouldn't a dragon unsheathing itself be lewd

don't they have internal genitalia



In that case, how do we KNOW that maxima's a girl in rotjr if dragons and their ilk have internal genitalia?

My god, I bet she's a he all along.


You need the dimensional agility feats to act after a DD, even quickened.

Which a dragon is fully capable of taking

Which a dragon can have.




>not having your dragons' primary flaw be Pride
>they constantly underestimate their opponents, assuming their innate strengths will protect them from any puny mortal
>they never bother preparing for a serious battle and like to play with their food

Don't knock the classics.

Doesn't Maxima have a great stonkin' pair of boobs?

You know what appeals to a dragon's pride?

Casting Anti-magic field and then killing his opponents. It's literally a show of how much better a dragon is than a mortal, that mortals require to be soaked in magic to even contend a dragon.

Science Fact:
Lagomorphs, such as rabbits, hares, and pikas, also possess cloacas

puts an entire new meaning to pika chu

i never asked for this


Dug around for the sheet; here's her description. "Short--not even five feet tall--and well built, Maxima has a pretty face and bright red skin, marked by the occasional white patch of scales. Wings hang off of her shoulders--too small to allow proper flight. Her tail is spade-tipped but dexterous; she often uses it hold items when her hands are otherwise full or occupied. Her fingernails are dark black, long and sharp; her teeth are likewise, and her jaw juts forward just slightly, vaguely reminiscent of a dragon's maw."

'Well Built' doesn't always mean great stonkin' tits, though even if it did, look at where we're at. You think tits would stop her from having a dick too? Hemipenes, even, like a reptile. A dirty scaley whore.

You asked for it the moment that finger of yours clicked "Pathfinder General" rather than something sensible, like /aco/

please, i'd never go somewhere like /aco/

Its /d/ for me

This is why the elves created the Dracorage Mythal.

>Maxima might have two fully functional dongs


>I was thinking of doing a "dude who wants to be a dragon" character for RotJR
>had a build in mind and everything, just had to sit down and doublecheck it and hash out a backstory
>then maxima happened and killed my desire to go through with it, because then I'd just get shit-talked for "copying the dragonwhore" or something
>but now the dragongirl is getting memed to high heaven

I guess I dodged the bullet this time. Sorry, Maxima.

>Not /trash/.


if i wanted to go to /trash/ there's better websites entirely

Thats not what my reference pictures say!

She's already a shortstack. 4'7" and 110 pounds is overweight, garuntee you that's in her tits and ass; she's got sharp teeth for that danger factor, claws, a cloaca (only hemipenes? maybe she's got both, who knows, both would be better for being a stupid slut), wings to wrap around whoever she's fucking, adn enough strength to pin them to the ground and ride them bloody.

I don't know how sluttier and more whorish we can get,.

I'm going to be in a Hell's Vengeance game next week, and my party is an Unchained Summoner with a Devil Eidolon, a Tyrant Antipaladin, an Incanter focused on Necromancy, and someone who plans on going into Hellknight. What roles need to be filled? Honestly can't think of a character that would step on other people's toes here. Only requirements being that we need to be evil. We're using 25 point buy and most third party allowed, particularly Spheres of Power, Psionics, and Path of War.

Who the fuck is Maxima?

Play an evil bard.

Incite riots!

Heckle other bards!


Dude, make an exotic Lizardfolk warrior that communicates through sign language and vigorous hissing, say he's a curiosity picked up by Sandru.

Now all the women will be wanting your freaky hulking figure with double penetrating action.

One with Bookish Wallflower?

A vaguely sexual dragon-based Tiefling that has been accused of being everything from a hermaphrodite to the Whore of Babylon.

>tfw you will never waifu a stuttering, awkward Wizard with a heart-melting smile and huge tits

Yup. Also, opossums, as with most other marsupials, posses bifurcated penises, and the females have matching bifurcated vagina/uterus.

Anteaters and Sloths belong to the same Order of mammals

Armadillos can enact delayed implantation of eggs and give birth to quadruplets

A Pangolins tongue is anchored to their sternum

Tenrecs also possess a cloaca.

Seals have some of the richest milk of all the mammals

Whales have retractable nipples that shoot and squirt gallons of milk right into their offspring's mouths

Chipmunks and Prairie dogs are actually in the same family as squirrels

And the closest relatives to the Hippo are pigs.

I see nothing there that disproves what I said. Viera could have cloaca for all you know.


Any suggestions for this item?

Magic Stabilization Staff
A product of alchemical extraction techniques and technological prowess, this staff allows Wizards and other arcane casters to function even within zones of null magic and suppresses the effects of wild magic within a small area. While within an area of null magic (though not an Antimagic Field or similar spell) the wielder may expend a number of charges equal to half the level of the spell he wishes to cast in order to successfully cast despite being in a null magic zone (minimum 1). Alternatively, they may expend any number of charges to create an area with a radius of 30 feet in which spells with a level equal to or less than the staff's level may be freely cast. This zone remains for a number of rounds equal to the number of charges expended. While in a zone of wild magic, the wielder may instead expend any number of charges to create a region of stable magic with a 30-foot radius, which remains for a number of rounds equal to twice the number of charges expended.

This staff cannot be recharged

Level 1 (60 charges): 1000 gp
Level 3 (60 charges): 2000 gp
Level 6 (60 charges): 3000 gp

The original pitch was going to just be a half-elf with draconic blood, who made absolutely no effort to control it. Would have been like, a Shifter||Brutal Slayer or a Barbarian||Brutal Slayer, mainly going for the Transformation line of feats. It would have been all about using a fuckhuge high-crit sword until the Brutal Slayer half did a critical hit, then he'd use Improved Transformation, swift-action change into dragon form, and proceed to fuck shit up.

Go ahead, call for help
They can't unrape your mind

>Seals have some of the richest milk of all the mammals
>Whales have retractable nipples that shoot and squirt gallons of milk right into their offspring's mouths

sealgirls and whalegirls are now officially my fetishes

I made an NPC swordfighter to act as the Johnson for the PCs.

I wanted a shadow based thief, so I made a Vigilante (Stalker) / Umbral Disciple with Thrashing Dragon since I didn't want to convert the Telflammar Shadowlord stuff to PF.

Feel free to use him in your games.

If you did not know his abilities ahead of time, do you think you could take him in a duel?

>Telflammar Shadowlord

I miss that pounce build

>Seals have some of the richest milk of all the mammals
We need some chubby seal girls.


Its called a Selkie.
Dolphins are in the same order, Order Cetacea, and in the Amazon numerous tribes have stories of river dolphins shapeshifitng and coming on to land to seduce humans and pull them into rivers

You are welcome

>A Pangolins tongue is anchored to their sternum

Okay, so we have a shortstack, big-titted, wide-assed demonic dragongirl hermaphrodite who whored her way from Andoran to Sandpoint (including spending a year and a day as the personal cocksleeve for a devil binder in cheliax); she's got two dicks and two vaginas and is strong enough to pin the average person to the ground easily.

But would she be a good mother/father?



They're called Selkie, user!

And Dryads likely lactate nectar.


But I just ended a campaign where I played an evil bard!

every day we drift further from god's light

Well you've got a lot of room to be a divine caster then, why not a oracle and take an evil sounding mystery

I thought /pfg/ was tired of THICC?

>Maxima is a kind, artistic girl; quick to smile and laugh and offer aid, she has internalized the code of a Shelynite paladin even if she never finished her training. Knowing now that she is not cursed for anything she has done, she's embraced herself; she believes herself beautiful again and it shows in how she walks and how she carries herself.
>devoutly Shelynite
The answer would be yes

But God is the one who made the planet and the animals that inhabit therein.
He just wants us to have a good laugh is all

I think the better question to ask now is who would make a good father. All the female applicants are either explicitly motherly or shameless sluts or just gosh darn cute and innocent imoutos!

I'm pretty sure -Maxima- would, user!

At this point I'm unsure if I've just got backstories so solidly defined that they can't be memed about, or if the characters are just so boring that people don't care to make shitposts about them.

Wasn't one of the newer characters literally a dad

I think the better question would be to ask what Hell's Vengeance characters would be the least shitty as parents. Also, what are the best pairings?

It's usually the latter, a solid backstory tends to be a boring backstory unless you properly tend to the memes as they grow in the General garden.

>tfw your female applicant is none of these.

or futas

but that doesn't mean they can't also be good mothers

>least shitty as parents

I mean Marshall for least shitty dad but... I can't imagine any of the women being good mothers. They're all too crazy.

I didn't expressly design mine to be cute, but I guess that's what I get for using the picture I did.

It's not my fault the only good spiderface I could find was cute!


Chub is different.

Vapor Thrust!

>shizuka's obsession with perfection makes her one of those Asian 'tiger mothers'

>Also, what are the best pairings

Are you asking which would make the best couple, or which would create the hottest pastebin of their side channel antics?

Why not both?