Previews thread So in the last thread there was a lot of talk about BB3D and how to get more people into it, I still think that just with the people on the last thread we could organize something
Friendly virtual gaming general/BattleBox3D
Other urls found in this thread:
Umm...keep up the work? I saw y'all got shatted on by the 40kfags; but that was inevitable - they shit on everything (because, as a hobby, it is insular and promotes isolating yourself from other people, instead of, you know, being sociable...99% of a 40kfags time is spent alone in his hole painting the little toys his mom bought for him....)
Ignore the haters - you are doing something that has the potential to be cool and useful. Keep going.
That is nice, wanna play something online?
I don't really have any experience with online play - i just come to Veeky Forums to yell at people...what happened to all the folks from previous threads?
I should had made this thread with a different OP, maybe thoy would had shown up.
Are you the one who started this new general? Like, are you the mr. rogers thread guy? or just another lurker like meself?
I was a lurker on the previews thread and Op of this one
Shit! So, two unaffiliated lurkers are keeping this thing going - well good for you! You are doing good work! I know nothing about this battlebox thing - do you know how that works?
I have not tried it yet but on the previews thread there is a lot of info, it seems to be simpler and more elaborated than Tabletop Simulator
Hmmmm, I wonder where all the other folks ran off to...At least two of us are clearly keen for this to be a thing! Keep postin', and I assume they shall return to continue their work - or someone else will pick it up. I wish I could contribute, but I'm just a player, not a programmer...
I don't get what you're trying to do here man. I play vassal wargames with a tg guy every sunday if this is what you're getting at. It's always possible to roll20 in a board game function as well
So how does this shit work
Not sure, my friend: it seems the folks who started this general rolling are not lurking the chans today....OP was good enuf to start the thread, but none of the movers'n shakers have showed up yet. If you have any suggestions or ideas, let us hear them!
And, I guess, keep your eyes open for more threads like this one in the future.
We don't need programmers just dedicated players to help this grow.
The objective of the previews thread was to give a space to people who mostly play online and share stuff, bb3d just took over because how promising it looks
by playing something.
From the way it looked I thought there was another way of playing 40k other than TTS and Vassal. Just wondering.
To be honest that's what got me interested - but it seems the 40k regulars here got all buttblasted and indignant at the suggestion of any slight non-canonical alteration to their precious game (like being able to play it online for free - BAAAD, BOOOOO, HISSSSS! ARE YOU MAD?? YOU CAN'T PLAY 40K WITHOUT BUYING THE STOOPID FIGS!!!!)
I think such a thing would work, though.
I play 40k with a buddy using TTS but its a hassle so all we play is Kill Team, and Vassal's module is so outdated at this points its not worth it. I'd just like something that is easy to move units around in.
40k is a fucking awful game for people who don't know how to save their money. I wish they'd go away
pls name a better miniature war game friend
miniatures are a shit genre go play Steel panthers
I just enjoy painting the models and reading the lore friendo
and that's exactly why the gameplay is shit friend
This seems to be a common problem - past 1000 points you start losing players. Past 2000 and the hassle gets ludicrous. Something simple, that you can just sit down and play, would seem to be ideal. Especially if you can simulate apocalypse battles - and, let's be honest, that would be fucking cool as shit. How would you like to play a 20,000 point game for free on a whim? Sounds pretty good to me...
"Mr. Rogers Thread" guy here. Whatcha need? I was planning on getting a pdf ready for this thread... ah well, maybe Wednesday.
I talked with the people of the /awg/, and Frostgrave was suggested to me as a good possible option. It works on generic fantasy minis, like Reaper stuff, so most 3d models we can find for free will work. Now we need someone willing to host a Mega and gather a bunch of 3d models that fit the aesthetic, convert them to .dae, and someone to do a quick paintjob so that ang newb could drag and drop them into the program and get playing.
Also, I'd like to announce that I am temporarily putting the projects I was in charge of(Night Shift RPG) in favor of a new project.
I am personally a big supporter of the Winter Ball. It's fun, and kind of why I started this thread. As part of that, and keeping in line with getting more people on Veeky Forums playing Veeky Forums stuff, I'm currently working on a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon RPG. Funny enough, I'm using Blade of the Iron Throne as the base for the system, which actually converts rather well so far.
I would encourage everyone to support the Winter Ball in any way they feel appropriate, as they're our kind of people, and having them here would be absolutely great.
Also I am working with a volunteer from /edh/ to get a dedicated xmage server up and running.
Eh, I enjoy Kill Team, it takes a lot of the cheese and autistic shits out of the equation. Plus being able to play a game of 40k for $80 is pretty good.
I don't really know a lot about how it works, but couldn't you borrow assets from what people are making for TTS? There's already a shit load of minis on there.
Quite easily in fact. The issue is getting them in a format BB3D likes, and making sure scale is right. Fortunately I've already found a free tool that works for just that purpose:
The main purpose of this program was to make 3d printing custom minis easy, I swear. The tools are all geared towards combining imported models and making them seamless quickly and easily(Read: attach the awesome sword to the awesome mini for me to print out)
Painting is just as easy. I found the free tool most relatable to painting minis, and it seems to work rather well:
All that's left is for someone to really get the legwork done.
We're open to any and all suggestions at this point in time. The Bay actually has a torrent containing a vast majority of 40k models albeit in .stl format, but converting one to .dae in Meshmixer takes 5 minutes tops if you know what you're doing.
I actually have that torrent, unfortunately there's not much there. You should try contacting the guy who makes all the 3d models for TTS. He'd probably be cool enough to convert some stuff for you guys.
Or... or... we take it one. Step. Further.
We go to reddit. Hear me out on this, but we go there and contact the guy who caused the whole 3d printing C&D in the first place and we ask him for the models.
>I don't get what you're trying to do here man.
>So how does this shit work
See below
>I don't really have any experience with online play - i just come to Veeky Forums to yell at people...
Too many anons on Veeky Forums are in the same boat.
Many not by their choosing.
This thread seeks to change that by findings solutions and if they can't be found, make solutions.
The OOP and others are seeking to provide resources and support for online play of whatever traditional game you're into.
We want to get anons playing.
The OOP was working on consoldating the info we had I think: I myself have little to provide, but I am fully committed to this agenda and will help wherever I can. with this bump.
This thread has my curiosity
Here's a PDF with mos of the info
>Current Projects
-Pokemon Mystery Dungeon RPG
-Setting up a dedicated Xmage Server for the enjoyment of Veeky Forums
-Dark Souls RPG
-BattleBox3D resources.
-Various amounts of Art and Writing.
This Thread aims to be the FLGS of Veeky Forums, finding resources to make it easy for Veeky Forums users to jump right into gaming, and forming a small community around that, getting various amounts of shit done, whether it's writing, homebrew, art, or whatever else deemed worthy of Veeky Forums. Have a project? Come and pitch it to us. Don't have one? Come and shoot the shit with us anyway.
This went nowhere
I still think we can do something just with the people in these threads
Let's let this thread die. I'll create a new one after it dies, this time with a more organized OP, and some immediate questions of the thread.
Good idea.
sup mates; what's with IF being mentioned here? Is somebody writing one of those?
CYOA's are fun; I just don't know how it's associated to this "general"
Those are two very different things.
Well, it was a good idea.
Also not sure what IF is.
But we can discuss it next thread.
Pic related
Damn you captcha.
Bumped the damn thread anyway.
IF = Interactive Fiction, aka text adventures in their Sunday best. It was brought up in the last thread because there was a guy who wanted "a single player MUD", and that's about the closest thing there is.