Are Hearthstone threads allowed here? If so then let's have a hearthstone thread, pirate warrior players not allowed.
Are Hearthstone threads allowed here? If so then let's have a hearthstone thread, pirate warrior players not allowed
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I would rather not. Hearthstone is terrible.
Why do you say that? I play mtg and hearth, they both have their strengths and weaknesses
So what are HS strengths in your opinion? Popularity, slick interface, accessibility?
I like Reno decks to be 100% honest. It's fun to have a high variance deck that can actually succeed. And they don't ban splinter twin who didn't deserve it
Also yes, all those things are huge bonuses
This doesn't answer my question though
Yes it does though, my lgs is literally straight dredge and affinity right now, you can't even play anything else. I like the fact that I can go online, not spend thousands of dollars on virtual cards and still have a competitive deck that has a lot of interesting interactions, also no mana screw
If everyone is playing dredge then what's the issue. It's the easiest thing to sideboard hate for.
>lot of interesting interactions
Are you sure you are talking about Hearthstone here? It's pretty bland and straight forward with it. Meet a condition or gimmick and you get lots of stats or deal damage or heal or get a card and that's all you will ever see in HS. Well, you play Reno deck so I expect your expectations floor to be rather low.
Things Hearthstone does right:
>Smoother online client
>Simple, quick deckbuilding
>Excellent search function
>Consistency of playability (Mana crystal system)
>the Discover mechanic (adding controlled variance to games)
Things Hearthstone does very, very wrong:
>Inspiring a wide variety of gameplay strategies
>Random Effects
>Consistency of card text
Hearthstone is a fun game when it's played fair. Unfortunately, even with the raised health compared to MtG, the power level of zoo and rushdown decks relative to controller, slower decks is wildly off. Taunt minions tend not to be strong enough to protect your hero, and there are enough single-target-destruction effects to mitigate decks that don't go all-in on board clears and protection.
I like Discover, since it offers players a chance to surprise opponents with off-meta picks, as well as adapt to the situation they're in.
The problem is, the whole game suffers from rampant abuse of RNG. Games can be decided at Turn 2: Did my Flame Juggler kill his minion? Can they remove this Mana Wyrm/Tunnel Trogg/whatever? Because removal is fairly strong (damage remains between turns!), they have a tendency to make high priority, high scaling 1 drops that demand removal. If you roll poorly on a random effect while trying to clear, you're just screwed. Magic has almost no RNG (partially because it's hard to implement), which makes it better mechanically in the long run.
Magic has another advantage in its rigid language of cards. When a card says it does something, it does exactly that. There's no room for error, and everything it can do is self evident, or consistent across all cards of its type, as in planeswalkers.
The literal language Magic has versus Hearthstone's rampant inconsistencies and sometimes flat-out incorrect text, as well as bizarre corner cases and improperly defined layering system makes for an overall frustrating experience for those of us who appreciate it.
Kinda this. I like Discover mechanics and weapons and that's it. Developers introduce rng deliberately to let bad players win against good players and stated it in the interviews.
I mean, I guess. It is kind of a card game. But /v/ might have more players.
Problem is, Veeky Forums hates it. It doesn't matter if you, personally don't, dear reader. Veeky Forums itself has already chosen MTG as its card trophy-waifu.
But people can like mtg and hearthstone
The hearthstone general is on Veeky Forums, if you want to talk about the meta of the game in depth I would suggest going there.
A Reno deck has more variance than magic, the 11 play sets and 16 lands, the aggroing
>if you want to talk about the meta of the game in depth
In depth meta talk on /hsg/? It didn't happen in months.
Is it just memes?
Tell me how the deck that must skillfully draw Reno by turn 6 is better than anything
I hate the fact that they've jumped on the "kill off combo" bandwagon.
Not on Veeky Forums they can't.
/hsg/ or Hearthstone meta? They are both just memes. We've just gotten a new expansion. The meta before that was terrible flood of shamans where the best deck was one of its three worst match-ups.
But you don't need to draw reno turn six senpai, that's only against aggro matchups and even then you can't just expect reno and win, he's nice, but seriously, having other cards like board clears and shit that stall until you can stabilize is the name of the game. Not just reno
I honestly think meme range shaman will see a downtime as of now
>draw no lands
>draw only lands
You lose, without ever playing
>draw meaningful cards that you put in a deck for a reason
Seems pretty obvious
Adding to this user, the devs also never balance or adjust cards except when absolutely needed (I.e Undertaker), to the point that a 7 mana 9/9 that could do up to 8 damage on death was allowed to exist for two years before Standard was halfassedly rushed out. They also blatantly push certain archetypes with fucking broken cards (Dragonfire Potion, Cloaked Huntress) while ignoring support for ones that were independently introduced or naturally formed in a way that was healthy for the game (C'thun, Miracle, Zoobot decks)
Might and Magic Duel of Champions
Released in 2012, now it's kill
No lands and mana screw, you get 1 more resource each turn, no upper cap
No terrible RNG
Tutoring, graveyards and semi-interactive combos
Blocking and creature combat that doesn't take 5 minutes
Tech cards that actually do their job
Card cycling to draw needed cards more often or utilize useless cards in bad match-ups
Seems pretty obvious it was superior to Hearthstone
Adding to this user, the devs killed handlock one of the few decks unique to Hearthstone that was created without pushed built-around cards. Hell, handlock is the only deck in Hearthstone with unique name and not [insert tribe/key built-around card/archetype] [insert class name] formula. After that they introduced Arcane Giant, better version of key handlock card but now for combo decks and without heavy drawback of Molten Giant.
>now it's kill
It probably would have been more alive if they hadn't started fucking over free players.
What would you expect from greedy Ubisoft?
Wtf is RNG?
Random Number Gesus
People say RNG to describe random effects in games.
Retard nigger gays
this is rng
Random number generator.
Effects that are random in some way, like "deals 3 damage distributed randomly among enemies"
I like hearthstone because people who play magic don't play it.
>>Not Pavel
It's like he doesn't want to be the biggest player...
If I remove that creature, will you die?
>7 mana 9/9 that could do up to 8 damage on death was allowed to exist for two years before Standard was halfassedly rushed out
To be fair, GvG was a giant step for power creep as a whole, regardless of Dr. Boom; it basically eclipsed the next expansion, to the point where, other than a few choice cards, there was no point buying any boosters.
Veeky Forums also liked Force of Will and Yu-Gi-Oh to some extent. And I think there's another TCG or two that has a general.
This is the internet, you're only allowed to like one thing at a time.
It would be extremely slow.
Does that anything?
I've never even seen this game.
It's just a straight 5/7 which is a solid statline.
It's a pretty new game, and much bigger in Japan than the west. The biggest unique mechanic of the game is evolution, which you can do several times a game to give your minion +X/+Y and sometimes have an effect.
protip: if you want people to actually play whatever game you're shilling you have to show off actually interesting cards, not this fucking vanilla shit
Fuck you Island Whale is super cool.
It's a fucking 6 mana 7/9
No it's a fucking 5/7 I'm not spending an evolution on that
>The biggest unique mechanic of the game is evolution, which you can do several times a game to give your minion +X/+Y and sometimes have an effect.
>biggest unique
>give your minion +X/+Y
Just fuck. THIS is the game that the weebs are constantly comparing to Hearthstone? The most basic-fucking-ofcourse-ability to any card game is the main selling point?!
IF you can't stand mtg or WoWStone. At least try netrunner. But don't post this shit again.
Handlock was bar none the highest skillcap deck in the game and them killing that was what put me on the path to giving up hearthstone.
Well the difference in weebstone is that it's not a seperate card for buffing
If you go second you get three evolution points
If you go first you get two
Once per turn when you hit turn 4 you can burn a point to buff any minion and give it charge (against creatures only). Buffs are usually +2/+2 or +1/+1 and an effect (for example pic related gets +1/+1 and can exile any minion with 3 health or less remaining which is legit retarded)
He's doing a bad job at describing what makes evolution the central mechanic of the game.
You have 2-3 uses of evolution in a game, depending on whether you go first or second.
Aside from giving +stat, it gives the creature Rush (not sure about the keyword) which is basically Haste but cannot hit face.
What this means in evolution is a tempo mechanic, and the midgame (for most decks) is all about fighting over the board through creature combat.
There is less emphasis in curving out because lower-costed minions can usually clear higher costed ones when evolved, and can do so with Haste.
And as mentioned, many cards have effects that trigger on evolution.
It's an interesting mechanic due to the tempo play, it's more interesting than curvestone in my opinion.
>try netrunner
Agreed, though it's an absolute pain in the arse trying to get people to try it in the 1st place. I don't know what it is about it, whether it's the setting or the concept or what, but getting people to try Netrunner is like pulling teeth, which is bizarre because once people actually play it they tend to really like it. The only game I've had more trouble trying to get people to play is Tragedy Looper, and I'm pretty sure that's at least partly because it involves time travel (the best way I can describe it succinctly is to call it Temporal Cluedo).
>Once per turn (but only two or three times per game) when you hit turn 4 you can activate an ability of a creature which has various effects and also gives it a buff
This is considered original? Creatures having activated abilities and being able to buff themselves happens in almost every magic set. Restricting when and how many times this can be done is... well, it's a mechanic. I'm sure there's a lot of strategy in knowing which creature to activate and when. But this sounds more like a variant format for an existing game than the foundation for an entire game itself.
Good online client, no mana screw.
>kill off combo
I think it was mainly "kill off warrior combo". I mean, they made counterfeit coin for God's sake
There's also Shadowstep Leeroy and Beast Hunter (seriously why did they kill off that but let Dragon Priest through, when they both basically do the same thing?).
I like Hearthstone, its comfy as easy to wear. I decide I want to play it, and two minutes later I'm in a game.
The balance is kind of fucked, though. Aggro remains too powerful, and Blizzard seems to have real problems balancing RNG effects.
I'm having fun with my Jade N'Zoth Rogue, though.
Is RoboRosewater making Hearthstone cards now?
Fuck I hate how poorly worded a lot of HS cards are.
Read that. Just read it! If you didn't know what it did (which I don't) reading it wouldn't help one iota.
Target a minion, Dark Cill Mage becomes a copy of that minion?
Does the player become a minion?
What the fuck does a random one in my hand have to do with it?
It's not a real card.
That's not to say that HS cards have anything approaching consistency between them.
These cards have the same text, do the same thing, and the one on the right is a direct homage to the left.
But the formatting is different.
It's just another of example of how apparently, nearly everything in the game is hard-coded. The greatest ally of any card game is the ability to generate repeating and concise definitions for an action, so that players can quickly understand what needs to be done.
Why in god's name would you not do the same thing for a machine?
>click hero power
>click end turn
>9/10 times works perfectly
>1/10 times it doesn't use the hero power
>was playing hunter
>this happened to me
>he kills me from 2 health
It's a video game, so you should probably know where it belongs. Not too hard to figure out.
Best thing about hearthstone is I can play it when i'm dead tired after work and its four days till FNM
Most Hearthstone cards aren't wordly *badly* so much as they're worded inconsistently.
>Veeky Forums also liked Force of Will and Yu-Gi-Oh to some extent
The only posts I've ever seen about YuGiOh on Veeky Forums is that it's objectively shit, played by autistic sperglords who will cheat and steal shit at every opportunity, and nothing I've seen in real life has changed my mind about that theory.
Force of Will is actually a decent game, ruined by shit art and font for ants.
Hearthstone's only strength is they can do unique things like 'on death, summon lol random card from all cards every made' because it's a video game and not Veeky Forums . otherwise it's shitty babby's first magic. There's next to no skill involved.
My bro plays it, it's pretty great.
I'd also recommend Alteil. It's quite similar, but weeaboo.
Really, there's a lot of superior online cardgames to HS, they just don't have the Blizzard machine behind them.
Where are the guys redirecting YGO players to Veeky Forums ? Hearthstone has even more reason to go and stay there
>My bro plays it, it's pretty great.
How? Does he live in China or something? Western servers were shut down in October.
>Force of Will is actually a decent game, ruined by shit art
People who play Force of Will play it for the art because cute girls and all.
>Hearthstone has even more reason to go and stay there
/hsg/ is in a feud with /svg/, he probably want another general without shitposting.
It's way too random. Your skill nearly doesn't matter, just the cards you have in your deck and the cards you have in your hand.
>Make a Shadowverse thread a week ago telling Veeky Forums that it's HS but not shit can we please talk about it?
>no this is definitely video games fuck you commander keen
>74 posts and 36 IPs
The by far the most important part of this that you did not mention is that if you evolve a creature, they can attack immediatelly (not face, but that's not the point). The reason why Priest of the Cudgel is (acceptably) retarded, for example, is that you evolve him, exile something, and then smash something else. with him Since you play him on turn 4 and can evolve him on turn 4 too if you're going second, and nothing is going to have more than 4 toughness yet, it effectively guarantees a 2-for-1.
This does wonders for the game's tempo, because if you don't have removal or an optimal play, you can often play something suboptimal, and burn an evolution point on it to remove your opponent's threat and establish your own - but is it worth it?
By far the most important part of this that he did not mention is that if you evolve a creature, they can attack immediately (not face, but that's not the point). The reason why Priest of the Cudgel is (acceptably) retarded, for example, is that you evolve him, exile something, and then smash something else with him. Since you play him on turn 4 and can evolve him on turn 4 too if you're going second, and nothing is going to have more than 4 toughness yet, it effectively guarantees a 2-for-1, or a 3-for-1 if whatever they use to remove him does not stay on the table either.
This does wonders for the game's tempo, because if you don't have removal or an optimal play, you can often play something suboptimal, and burn an evolution point on it to remove your opponent's threat as well as establish your own - but is it worth it? If they don't have burn or something that can hit it right away, you're going to hit them hard with it next turn. They are now on the other side of the problem: if they don't have a direct answer to your now a fatty on the table, they will have to throw in their own and trade.
Why do none of these cards explain what they do anywhere on the card or next to it?
Did shadowverse molest your family or something dude?
Extra turn card done right.
Isn't this /v/?
Wait, we've got murloc shamans now? I haven't been keeping track with the heroes.
why is a video game thread on Veeky Forums?
Have you checked the catalog recently? There are tons of threads that don't belong here.
No, blizzard hates combo decks in general that don't use malygos. The only reason they probably allow miracle/maygos rogue to exist is because rogue doesn't have the tools to do anything else reliably (at least not in a worse form then other classes can do)
Random Number God.
Praise Yogg.
More on topic, I like Hearthstone, but as casual, for fun game, nothing more serious because in that its frustrating and boring but game still work funny gimicks and memes and card collecting (as long its for free).