Horus Heresy General /hhg/

We Were Right All Along Edition
Faulty quiz Sub-Edition
Last time on Horus Heresy G we received official confirmation on a theory about ADB and explained the differences between 40k and 30k, the thread got derailed slightly on how grimdark Pokemon is, a WBfag gave us his battle report, Anons took a quiz and some got odd results, we got hijacked by Diomedes and a WEfag posted his list plus much more in the last thread >HHG
Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016)
What to include in a HH list, how to format it, what makes each legion special (crunch), tactics, Tutorials for Heresy-era minis and more
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>Moved to the LoW slot
Nah, LoW is for characters that in a league of their own, and giant vehicles.
Scoria is an Archmagos, hugely important - yes, very powerful - true. But Archimandrite are the rulers of entire Forgeworlds too, an they're HQs.
Meanwhile, the Primarchs are so hugely above the Marines they command and unlike anything else in the legions.

No-one cared who i was until i put on the mask..

Remember to post your shit and not to be cunts.

Nearly done with my very first squad of Bitter Boys. Only one dude left and I'll do the Sergeant.

How strong do you think Primarchs should be, /hhg/?
I play Admech, and I am just putting together my first Lord of War unit, a Baneblade.
Seeing as I don't have a Primarch short of Scoria, and I play Reductor half the time, I'm fine with them as is, since they are powerful, expensive but not invincible.

Quite a few of the Legion players at my store want them buffed, since, and I quote:"Demigods shouldn't die to some toasterfucker with no arms"
after Guilliman died to Grav-myrmidons.

The WE player has a point, 3+ armour is outrageous on a 400pt man, but I feel that most are fairly balanced.

That's not really a mask to me. If you're going to Banepost at least know that GW has taken care of it a long time ago wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Bane's_Landing

So who is more bitter?
the Irn Warriors or the Iron Hands after Ferrus's death

The IW are bitter, ie have brooding resentment, and pull shits like "Have faith Word Bearer".
The IH are cold RAEG. They'll be fucking furious but still shoot you cleanly right between the eyes while keeping formation.

Not the same thing imo.

>How strong do you think Primarchs should be, /hhg/?
Seeing as they are amongst the most powerful beings in the galaxy, pretty fuckin strong.
That said, I don't know how much they really need to be buffed, and even how one would go about doing that properly without going overboard.
Maybe give them FnP base? It's always bothered me that they're lacking that, seeing as they're fucking primarchs

>after Guilliman died to Grav-myrmidons.

Good! Fuck that guy! But your friends are right, they shouldnt die to random mooks WHICH IS WHY YOU GIVE THEM A RETINUE!

Primarchs are fine, they kill anything they touch, even some gargantuan creatures and knights but can also die if you plan well.

Why thank you sir. I see your point. Was mostly thinking I tend to run out of HQ slots for support Magi, so him as a LoW would mean I can do the Legion thing of Primarch and lots of consuls.

Also, he feels like a Lord of War. He costs loads, destroys anything he fights and is intended to be a game changer.
Would also like Decima to get a buff or for Scoria to be OR HQ as well, since they don't get anything equal to a Primarch.

>Good! Fuck that guy!
Why? What did he do to you?

>3+ armour is outrageous on a 400pt man
FW seems to have a problem with giving power armour to people who obviously deserve better.
>Garviel Loken
>Whatever the Saviour of Calth is called.

>since they don't get anything equal to a Primarch.
No, but you do get T6 4W 2+/3++ generics.

>Captcha: draw around this sign
>It's blurred out
Fuck you NuMoot

>"Have faith Word Bearer"

Best burn of whole Dropsite Massacre

>"Demigods shouldn't die to some toasterfucker with no arms"

>Would also like Decima to get a buff
Give him Magos Reductor stats! Give Decima Invictus Archmagos Reductor stats!

Threadly reminder that an AL Saboteur with a combat Aug array is both a fluffy and balanced choice.

>taking primtards

>he doesn't field his primarch
What a fag.

He did have a retinue, I just shot it. Also, how does his rerollable invuln save work. Is it used up on the first save that requires a reroll, or on the first that causes an unsaved Wound?

With no EW for about 250pts. I keep my Magos cheap and make him buff and repair in a squad of Enginseers.

True, although I'd like it as an upgrade for Thallax so they don't lose me 65pts on one Kheres attack.

Best part is he was completely serious and angry about it while me and the WE guys at the next table were laughing our heads off.

That. Just that and he'd be awesome.

But it is though. If anything, Sabotuers should be able to inflict explode results by default, without taking relics.

Gentlemen, the appropriate response is to own your Primarch's model, paint it, put it in a shrine, and take it in your army once a year for your birthday.

And watch as he jobs to admech shooting.
This still needs to be added to the FAQ
>Q. Do you think comboing a Combat Augment Array with an AL Sabot-

>He did have a retinue, I just shot it.
Classic Mechanicum
>That's what Empyrite should be! 3+ Hardened armour teleport. Maybe rerollable teleportation, at the cost of, what very bulky? They can't Sweep anyways.
>Best part is he was completely serious and angry about it while me and the WE guys at the next table were laughing our heads off.
Double laugh.
Or EW as an upgrade. Or a loyalist Mechanicum character! Three consecutive traitor melee powerhouses, one better than the last? Come on!

Why are you so buttmad? It makes plenty of lore sense; a crewman sleeper agent is hit with his hypnosis trigger, and subsequently sends his vehicles reactor into meltdown. It doesn't even work on super heavies, so it's impact is minimal.

>Or EW as an upgrade.
Invictus has EW.

I can never look at that pic without reminding myself of page related

For regular Archmagi.
Neat. Holy shit I won't think about the Ctaan the same way. Homer C'taan

I'm thinking about starting Alpha Legion, but the lack of an official Alpharius figure is bothering me.

Are claws on Cataphractii any good?

Now there's a good yellow. 10/10 work, user.

What do you mean? He's totally got a model.

just put a bit of chewed up viscera on a 40mm base...

They look cool and thats all that matters.

Nah, he's the fifth Tac Squad member on the right. Duh!

I think he got disemboweled and his head basically cleaved in two, not off his shoulders.

Here in the trench we call that a Meat-ball special.

Sneaky marines get blown the fuck out.

The Ultrasmurfs never got him, it was just a body double. He's still out there, I know he is!

And fittingly for the Iron Warriors, it was against their own side.

>The Ultrasmurfs never got him

That's right, Dorn did.

And his hands chopped off.
Dude, why does John french get a boner by brutalizing all the Primarchs that oppose his husbando?

One Word Bearer out of ten, who cares? Summon them back again, Tormageddon.

/HHG/, now that ADB's child traumas were confirmed, what do you think happened to John French?

He fell in love with a wall?

Nah, Dorn just got that scrub Alpharius, not his super cool replacement twin Omegon.

Alan Bligh's Iron Warriors told French's Word Bearers to have faith as he was getting Ironfired to death.

>F-Fun joke Alan, funny..

I like to think of Angron's armour as a kind of artificer Carapace armour. Like, he's intentionally handicapping himself by just slapping on the armour he's familiar with.

in what lore does it say he was killed by the ultramarines?

in the old 2nd/3rd ed ultramarines codex

Dorn definitely got Alpharius, but the Ultrasmurfs possibly failed to kill Omegon who had taken over the identity of Alpharius. I think that's where the lore officially stands on their status.

If the Emperor was the Primarchs' father, who was their mother?

Eskrador, Alpharius Omegon is surprised by Guilliman using unorthodox tactics and killed by him, Alpha Legion then proceeds to not break and fuck up the Ultramarines.

Same blurb of fluff also says that Eskrador might have never happened and its most likely an Alpha Legion lie.


In vitro.
I mean clones are made by deleting the genetic material of the ovum and replacing it with the complete one from one of your own cells, so the baby inherits nothing from the mother.

But I'm going to say Malcador :3

Wouldn't it actually be Chaos though?

>'Brother–’ Alpharius began.

>And Dorn hacked Storm’s Teeth through Alpharius’ arms above the wrists. Blood and sparks fell in the flash of gunfire. The world became a slow-sliding tableau of movement. Dorn’s face, cold stone, marked with blood and strobing shadows as he pulled the spear from his shoulder.

>Alpharius staggering, lashing out with a kick. Another cut, scything from left to right. Storm’s Teeth ripping armour like parchment. Red gloss sheen on indigo-blue, and a demigod falling, his torso an open cave of meat and bone. The only sound the growl of Storm’s Teeth and the clang as Alpharius struck the deck, and began to rise, strength defying the red ruin of his body. Dorn still had the spear in one hand.

>'But... victory...’ Alpharius gasped.

>Dorn rammed the spear through his brother’s chest. The tip punched through the power plant on the back of Alpharius’ armour. Alpharius’ mouth opened, his eyes wide. A great wash of blood poured from between his teeth. Dorn held him on the spear, the two so close that it seemed almost an embrace. The air around them was blurring like a heat haze as the blood struck the floor.

>A high wail was rising with a coil of wind, which circled the pair. Alpharius’ mouth moved, forming words. Dorn was still for a second, his eyes blank and black in the carved stone of his face. Then he pushed Alpharius away. Snakes of light writhed through the air. The primarch of the Alpha Legion staggered, mouth still moving.

>Rogal Dorn brought Storm’s Teeth around. The blade cut down through Alpharius’ skull, and then tore free in a spray of blood and a detonation of light.

Alpharius? More like Deadfagius.

Nope, Alpha Legion IA.
Noted as probably being a lie because the Ultramarines have no record of such a thing.

The child would still inherit the mitochondrial DNA from the mother, in rare cases that can be noteworthy because mitochondria are the center of energy processing and a clone could theoretically inherit a metabolic problem that way.

>tfw FW heads don't fit plastic MK3
>tfw no neck

That's because that's a MkII head. FW MkII heads don't fit FW MkIII either.

So, what can I use to proxy as Alpharius while I wait for FW to come out with the official model?

Kitbash your own like a real man.

That's what I figured. Alright, well this might get interesting then.

>So, what can I use to proxy as Alpharius

The delicious irony in that being a dead Ultrasmurf though. I love it.

IIRC there's a third party company that makes knock off primarch models, they have an Alpharius (he's got some generic name like Serpent Lord or whatever).

>tfw I've made a terrible mistake

So he and Trump got reincarnated and became Dorn?

I've never seen someone suck so much JFrench cock, congrats.

Honestly, Dorn seems like a Trump to me.

>still inherit the mitochondrial DNA from the mother
Not if we get rid of that shit and slap in some Mitochrafted Mastercondria they won't. Srsly get rid of those freeloaders. Their cells are going to get a new powerhouse

>shows how cool the space wolves really are

>hurr durr we're not actually stupid barbarians we just think and act like stupid barbarians all the time and if you think that we're stupid barbarians just because we are stupid barbarians then you just got tricked *wet leopard growl* my name is NOT Bear XD

>he needs his gene-pappy to hold his hand
my dudes > your dudes


Dorn was kinda a valuable resource to be used For the Emprah!

Turns out Russ hates Wolves, his legion and even his own fucking spear, which is why he developed a drinking problem
>*wet leopard growl* my name is NOT Bear XD

And a helpful and admirable person.

Hence why Perturabo is >our guy.


He founded Forge World while on campaign and released a successful miniature wargaming setting.

Delete this

I wonder if he'll have half a detachable head like Ferrus

I think FW will probably make Alpharius and Omegon a pair of models similar to Abaddon and Loken. Could be wrong, but here's to hoping.

Can't wait for the future novel where it turns out that wasn't Alpharius all along!

Ok playing around with a post-Isstvan shattered legion list for fun.

2500 points, Decapitation Strike

Shadrak Meduson

Sallies Chaplain, AA, Axe, Refactor Field, Meltabombs

IH Tac squad x15
Extra ccw, AA, Power fist

Sallies Tac squad x15
Extra ccw, AA, MC Power fist

RG Tac Support x5
Plasma guns, Infravisor, Drop pod

IH Quad Launcher Rapier x2
Shatter Shells

IH Vet Tacs x10
AA, Combi melta, x2 Missiles w/ web
Rhino, dozer, MM
Machine killers

RG Tartaros Terminators
Chain fist, x4 Raven Talons

Sallies Contemptor
Chainfist/Heavy flamer, MM, extra armor

RG Land's speeder squadron x2
MM, 2 HKM each

IH Leviathan
AC, Blessed Auto, Grav Bombard, x2 Calivers, chainfist, dread drop pod

HQs go with respective legion tac squads. Bring in leviathan and termies turn 1 most likely, plasma to clean up later.

Looking for general critique and ideas. Not about being super competitive, just really like the fluff behind Meduson and also wanna collect a little RG and Sallies

The mkiii heads barely/don't fit mkiii.

In a 2500pts game just how many Thallax per squad do you think is a decent number. 6? As-many-as-budget-allows or bare minimum?
For the record it takes about 7 Thallax Ferrox to kill a Land'd Raider, 9 for a Spartan. Not that it's a good idea in the first place, especially since Vorax and Ursarax are also a thing, but it sort of serves as a meter.
And Thallax can't Sweep Advance so Ferrox isn't that worth it, Destroyer meltabombs are a no go (and if Mechanicum has plenty of anything is anti-tank), Icarian Thallax aren't even Troops and Empyrite is pretty much Void Hardened...4+ save.

Srsly, Thallax, are they even trying?

Good night, /hhg/.

Our local WAAC AdMech player who has yet to lose a game of 30k always runs thallax in squads of six. Might mean something I guess.

Max Ferrox Thallax with Heavy Chainblades. This ensures them being able to either tarpit or serve as a slightly effective can-opener.

36 attacks on the charge by a unit of 9 is no joke.

What do you guys think its best loadout for a boxnought? Dual power fists? Power Fist plus Volkite/Plasma cannon? Max missiles? Im planning on running a list with 5 rhinos being escorted by 5 boxnoughts, so far got two with Power Fist+Multi-Melta and Im wondering how to equip the rest.

And what's their loadout/enhancement?
Hmm, 8 dead marines a turn just in melee does sound good

BL has said over and over that Alpharius is definitively dead and permanently dead.

Omegon is now Alpharius permanently instead of just sometimes/anytime you thought otherwise

They even united as a group in BL Weekender event to scream Alpharius is DEEEEEEAD.

So Wrath of Magnus had:

>Take on most of the named characters of the M41 space wolves and Dark Angels plus a load of Grey Knights.
>Magnus turn a GK Grand Master into a pile of fools gold and laugh
>Survive a direct orbital bombardment easily
>Detonate the reactors of a whole Imperial fleet in orbit
>Only gets beaten because Khorne decides to fuck with Tzeentch
>Have a JUST AS PLANNED moment after and teleport the Planet of the Sorcerers out of the Eye of Terror over Prospero

Daemon Prince or not I think we can confirm he's the strongest of the Emperor's true sons

What a bunch of assholes. I'm no Alpha myself but Alpharius was my 3rd favourite, actually tied with Dorn. And they also made Perturabo hate Mortarion.

Why must my favourites hate each other so much!!!?!

In all fairness Omegon is literally the same thing as Alpharius so he's basically still around

Not even his own legion cared. An AL Harrowmaster Silonius basically goes "meh, we are legion" when he hears of the death

This is just French soft retconning Alpharius Omegon back into being one person.

Alpharius Omegon is dead, long live Alpharius Omegon.

>Detonate the reactors of a whole Imperial fleet in orbit
Really GW? Do you not think before you right more DBZ-esque bullshit?

Also does that include the DA fleet? By which I really only mean did GW remember that The Rock was in that Imperial fleet?

>>Take on most of the named characters of the M41 space wolves and Dark Angels plus a load of Grey Knights.
Duh, he's a Primarch. It's not like they die to a bunch of Black Legion goons or something :^)
Also, did it not occur to any Grey Knight to shout Magnus' true name to weaken him? Now everyone knows that info: it's "Fifteen"
>>Magnus turn a GK Grand Master into a pile of fools gold and laugh
How many of those have we seen die? Didn't one of them got killed by Angron on Armageddon (or by the wolves in the aftermath), then another one by Mortarion because he didn't wear a helmet.
>>Survive a direct orbital bombardment easily
Maybe he phased away into the warp, like Pain or something.