I bet you don't even remember to celebrate your favorite character's birthday!
I bet you don't even remember to celebrate your favorite character's birthday!
it's my birthday to, but no one cares or said anything.
My favorite character ended up getting killed and becoming the reanimated servant of the BBEG.
I don't think she'd celebrate her birthday anymore, and celebrating her undeath day just seems in poor taste.
I tried to, PCs killed him. Twice. I slowly realized that this NPC was disliked simply because one player (not character, player) out of the four of them wasn't particularly fond of him, so I made him a villain and never spoke of that campaign again.
I don't have favorite characters.
I have favorite campaigns, favorite settings and favorite events. Not characters.
Nice trips, Moot.
Go away, Moot
Come back, moot.
But I always celebrate the birthday of the rightful Archon, Katrina Steiner-Davion
I've never even picked a birthday for one of my characters. Nor do I have a favorite.
I cracked open some beer for da asooka today. What, didn't you?
Stolichnaya with Tang.
We call it LCL.
I give all my characters a randomly rolled birthday, but the campaign usually wraps up in less than an in-game year.
I guess I should start making sure my PC's birthday is only a few weeks after the start of the game.
That's pretty good.
But everyone agrees she is best grill.
Fuck. I want to go to there.
I've been unfortunate enough that my GM's never really pay much attention to the passage of time in-campaign. Even if I was sure my campaign would last an in-game year, the GM doesn't care, and I don't quite care enough to keep track of my own character's birthdays. What would I do, ask the other players for presents or something?
All Eva girls are pretty shit as a waifu. Asuka is no exception.
My favorite character died saving his teammates
True. That doesn't mean we can't love them for recognizing our own addictions and personality disorders in them.
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday!
I love the characters, I just can't understand waifuing them.
Honestly I'm in the same boat.
I had no idea what I was getting into back when I ventured into /a/ to discuss Eva for the first time, still needing to lurk moar.
Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his waifu?
Depends on setting.
Happy birthday, nigga. I hope you had a good day.
welcome back, and nice trips moot
Happy birthday user