Villainous monologues.
How do you do them, Veeky Forums? What does your BBEG say when he gets the chance to tell the party about his master plan?
Villainous monologues.
How do you do them, Veeky Forums? What does your BBEG say when he gets the chance to tell the party about his master plan?
only if it fits within the 6 seconds alloted, otherwise the party gets a chance to act
the speech itself is usually evil gloating, about how the party is going to be history, followed by disbelief as the party tears him a new one
Mid-combat. Talking is free action
Crashing this plane...
> What does your BBEG say when he gets the chance to tell the party about his master plan?
"Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Engarde, fuckboys,
So long and fuck you."
"I don't need to explain my motives to you. We both know you are an insufferable cunt with a JUSTICE boner, who refuses to accept that there is more to the world than just black and white.
You want to stop me? Then come at me, bro."
>try to monologue as villains
>weave explanatory exposition into speech
>players always interrupt me to say stupid shit
It's like, damn, I understand that what's logical to do doesn't necessarily apply to story telling tropes, but you fucks could at least give me the decency of giving you the vital information that you fucking came here for
I don't. I try to have antagonists that are decently plausible.
However, if there's some delicious Social Combat involved, he or she will be like a greased adder clad in white and gold.
Enticing, gives off an aura of virtue. No players, you are the bad guys, and EVERYONE will know about it.
Cast silence on their area and rule that they cannot make a sound while you finish your speech.
Have a deity which solely and only favors villainous monologues, which it keeps a vast record of.
Casts silence on any interruptions automatically.
>implying the interruption isn't shooting him in the face
You'll miss while he's monologuing.
As long as he's just standing there talking only to hear himself speak, you're completely powerless.
I guess it depend of your group.
If the DM want to have fun having his BBEG doing a monologue, he can well have that. I honestly don't understand why the fuck so many peoples in theses threads are like DM STOP HAVING FUN I WANT TO KILL REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
If this keeps happening, you could have your villains wise up and start doing their monologues to the player characters over the intercom in their base or in collective dreaming visions on the road there or something.
I'd love to, but my players are entirely fucking genre blind.
They don't even see it as a good way to gather fucking intel.
They think they're so fucking clever and tactically wise.
Even when they're just shooting the speaker systems.
I mean, holy shit.
Villains LOVE to explain their shit to you.
Meaning you can more easily defeat them.
Only if they're the type to do so.
BBEG is gadgeteer. His whole base has radio system. He begins monologue from the moment players alert the first guard all the way to his main chamber. When the characters finally enter, he just laughs. Over the radio. Because he's not even there. And the whole place is about to blow up.
I've never seen the need fr this.
Why would the characters be fighting a BBEG if they didn't already know their plan?
Often they have to stop a plot and it's irrelevant who he perpetrator is. Other times they learn about the motives and methods via their own investigations and events that happen on the way.
By the time they get to a final fight, if there even is one for that campaign, there's no need for the villain to monologue at them in a smug and annoying way.
They may talk before or during, but there's never just cliched exposition like in an anime.
Does anyone else here jive with this? I feel like I'll be in the minority.
If you have even one tacticool realism fag in your group it doesn't work.
I tried having a minor boss monologue about the corruption of the ruling governing body...
One of the players took the chance to fire a flashbang from a underbarrel grenade launcher at him.
He nat 20'd him in the face
Monologues are really best done outside of a direct confrontation, or when it's obvious that the BBEG has a massive initial advantage and the DM wants to add a sense of tone or atmosphere to the fight.
>Monologue while party is chained up
>Over intercom or through magic resonance device
>During a victory or decisive blow, such as killing a PC or destroying a settlement
>BBEG explains tragic past to try and talk the party down from a fight or attempts to convince a PC to join him
>BBEG engages the party in a nonviolent struggle or game such as chess or riddles as part of a trap
>Implying he isn't running his mouth to distract them from his real plan
I love how players always assume that villains don't lie.
This. If the guy is gloating, you've done something terribly wrong.
Meant to link this one
My villians usually don't monologue.
However, for the ones that do, I make sure to either shamelessly rip off an iron maiden song, or write my own poem for them to say.
Do not monologue unless you have the party completely unable to act against you because they will take any opportunity to kill the villain right there.
Whoever tries to interrupt the villain usually gets Worf'd, then they continue the speech.
If he keeps monologing for more than 6 seconds, they party can get a surprise round by deciding to attack.
I try my best to make my BBEG's motive apparent throughout a campaign. When it comes time to deliver some preamble before the final fight, I look to the five stages of loss for inspiration.
"You cannot be the chosen ones!"
"Those who oppose me will die!"
"I cannot allow you to destroy all I have worked for!"
"By now you know my story. Would you not have done the same thing?"
"I understand that you must stop me. Do not think I will make it easy for you."
The villain is recording himself ?
No monologues. My logic is natural selection, there are no monologuing villains because all of them were murdered while monologuing.
Weave bantz and exposition into the battle to keep the emphasis on the story even in the middle of the crunchy combat shit.
Party's busy fighting his minions, as he spends his turns talking for the time we've allocated per turn (everyone gets max 2 minutes to make their turn)
Pretty fun to just be monologuing/gloating/talking shit towards the players as they're trying not to get murdered by the shield golems/undead/orcs
>What does your BBEG say when he gets the chance to tell the party about his master plan?
That it's already happened.
but a monologuing villians fears nothing, it doesnt matter what clever technique you know, what weapon or skill you have, it will not harm him, and he knows it
My villain has a magical voice that captivates anyone who hears him speak.
THe purpose of a monologue is to present the character as though they are so confidant they don't mind losing time.
Smooth with the churned cream of evil.
>I love how players always assume that villains don't lie.
>If the guy is gloating, you've done something terribly wrong.
This so much, with the addendum that if the Villain knows that they're nigh-unbeatable, they'll toy with the PCs like a cat with a mouse.
Case in point, yes I know, anime, Hisoka Morow.
But for user's first two points, I'd have to go with Handsome Jack for excellent villain speeches.
My villains don't monologue. Monologuing is boring and non-interactive. My villains use their free actions to speak a reasonable amount during each of their combat turns, and let the players respond during theirs.
Because most people who say that have actually not played with other human beings
>Party slowly makes there way through BBEGS massive floating death fortress.
>a twisting, shifting maze of suffering
>curiously few enemies though
>BBEG taunts them over loudspeaker every once and awhile
>they finally reach the last room, expecting a climactic encounter
>room is empty
>all the doors shut of their own accord
>BBEG's voice comes in over the loudspeaker
>Do you have any idea how inefficient a design a massive floating fortress is? Mounted death lazer or otherwise
>"If I wish to bring ruin upon those below and within, all I need do is drop it on them"
>the distant, omnipresent sound of engines shut off, and the heros begin to fall from the sky in a tomb of steel.
Not sure how or even if they would be able to escape unscathed, but I want to make the PC's really hate this guy.
I used to do it at first, but it lead the party to both trying to attack mid-speech and/or frustrated sighs when they couldn't attack because free actions or whatever.
Now I either don't do them at all, or if the villain does them, it's when he can't be attacked at all. Like speaking through MAGICAL SOUND SYSTEM while they're crashing through his evil lair, or while the party is drowned in fighting his minions and lieutenants and he's escaping.
BL2 had a lot of flaws, but Jack certainly wasn't one of them. He was so easy to hate on every conceivable level. Great villain.
My bbeg is currently an evil Honor Harrington expy, complete with all her Mary Sue characteristics. So she pretty much just launches fucktons of missiles without any warning whatsoever. Which pretty much precludes any monologues, although she occasionally gives lectures about why neo-feudal monarchies are better than democracy
>Find BBEG just when we're escaping the city on a boat
>Starts monologuing
>After he finishes
>DM: "What do you do?"
>Say bye bye from the boat which is probably at 200 meters from the shore by now
He then introduced a rule that froze us everytime badies were talking
>the villain
Did we play the same game? Jack did nothing wrong