What are some coins actually about to put out a working product in the next few months or that actually have game changing tech. Fuck your reqs and links etc
Help me biz
Other urls found in this thread:
Hst, and it hasnt mooned yet
$5 by 2018
Bitcoin 2009
Ethereum 2015
Those are literally the only ones to do what you describe.
Also you're a fucking retard if you think you can make some sort of "safe 5x" on crypto
Buy LINK, its about a month from mooning like nobodies business.
5m market cap,
charlie shrem advisor (also advised GVT to hit an 8x)
roberto carlos and ronaldinho as endorsers
platform launching in 2018 Q1
Link has game changing tech fucking moron
Fast Cheap Scalable tokens for ETH
Solid project which is going to help a lot of issues
2018 to the MOON
Who the fuck said a safe 5x fag? I'm just looking into things that might be worth investing in.
I started 6 months ago
No fucking clue what I was doing
My investment = 5.3x
STRAT (barely edging profit now)
and DGB bags at a loss verifying 6 month timeline
But hey at the end of the day....
>things that might be worth investing in.
It's only going to be worth """investing""" in if you're not late. Random people on Veeky Forums will not give you realiable early info.
5x =/= safe 5x retard
If,its a good product you,don't have to be early. That's why I asked for,coins with shit actually coming out.,for steady gains instead of moon missions
Plenty of pajeets here now but don’t over generalize the entire bizraeli nation my man
>If,its a good product you,don't have to be early.
>literally being this clueless about markets
If it's already known that it's a good product, then people will already have pumped the price.
>steady gains instead of moon missions
Then trade stocks with leverage. No crypto has ever had steady gains
>I started 6 months ago
Not claiming ownership or expertise here guy, just a little objective perspective
I already claimed the DGB bags damn it
I know my place
>objective perspective
>I started 6 months ago but let me tell you about all the oracles i know for a fact hang out on Veeky Forums
>zero results
>tfw gonna be rich
Time to troll another thread cunt
OMG, why has this not been said
Wouldn’t really consider my list of bags oracles
>I literally believe people know something's great and will provide good gains but still don't buy it
>I'm literally believe "this one simple trick for easy gains"
exactly. see bottom again
ARK. Duh.
You’ve been very insightful
Ty for your services
you might check out Pascalcoin. ive made a post about it an hour ago.
You're funny man. You act like you know exactly what someone else is thinking and that you're so much better than everyone they should value every thing you say as you talk down to them. Wonder what kind of salty fag you are in real life. I've already turned 500 into 4500 not paying mind to fags like you yet you still get off on trolling threads, to what end is all I wonder